• Member Since 20th Sep, 2018
  • offline last seen 16 hours ago

The Blue EM2

Glad to be here at last.


A young girl is lying in her bed one night, when a train arrives outside her door. What happens next will take her on an incredible journey of self-discovery, and how important simply believing is...

Based on Chris van Allsburg's classic book, and the 2004 film of the same name. My 25th story, fittingly enough.

Currently in the Popular Stories box.

Chapters (9)
Comments ( 63 )

The polar express is one of my favorite Christmas movies and it's starting beautifully

I am 16, but still Believe in that Jolly man

Peters’ Avenue

Heh, nice shout out to Scootaloo's Voice Actress's last name :yay:

And Merry Christmas

The engineering would be stupendous, not to mention extremely expensive to maintain.

Got that right

“Ah’ve wanted to do that mah whole life!” I cried.

“It’s fun, isn’t it?” she said.

Heh, you know.... if I ever blow an actual steam locomotive whistle IRL, I will say those exact words :D :yay:

“What in the name of Chris Kringle were you doing?”

Noice use of Chris Kringle X3

“Ah think we’re safe!” I said.

But then somebody threw the switch, and we were sent down the wrong line.

“Spoke too soon! Me and mah big mouth!”

Oh don't you just wish when moments like that happen sometimes? XD :rainbowlaugh:

“There’s one thing about trains. It doesn’t matter where you’re going, what matters is deciding to get on.”

So True :3

You know you've seen too much Thomas The Tank Engine when you immediately know what a tender and cowcatcher are.

I don't know why, but I love that scene of the train on the ice.

Newborn Jesus Christ I love this movie.

No problem man. I like these jokes.

Yes. In my long career, I used to mark exam papers, and one answer I came across referred to the 1869 completetion of 'the Trans-Atlantic railroad'. :rainbowlaugh:

I have. 35006 Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company, 1st July 2017, Alresford Cattle Dock.

I never understood why the Conductor said 'what in the name of mike?'

Though having a vague idea of where you are going can help. It's been a very long time since I jumped on a random train.

Well, by the time you read this, he'll probably have visited you.

Thanks. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy new Year.

Then again.... he could of said that as the shorter version of Mikado

While on that subject, there has been a YouTuber I have been watching that has been jumping on random Freight Trains. :)

Comment posted by JimmyHook19 deleted Dec 25th, 2018

It still comes across as odd, though...



Santa judges all, lets just hope he isn’t a liberal. Lol

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