• Published 7th Jul 2020
  • 2,965 Views, 92 Comments


A driver doesn't pick the car. The car picks the driver. It's a mystical bond between man and machine.

  • ...

And you're bringing me back to life

Meanwhile, in another part of the same desert, the renowned Autobot engineer Wheeljack, along with his human friends Rarity and Rainbow Dash, was driving as fast as he could to get away from the Decepticon communications officer Soundwave, who was relentlessly pursuing the trio in his drone alternate mode for the damage they had caused to his long time partner Laserbeak.

In spite of Wheeljack's best efforts to avoid the incoming laser blasts, Soundwave had already caught up with him and was rapidly firing at every single spot near his adversary, causing the said adversary to violently sverwe in quick succession, and his human passengers to be continuously thrown from one side to another in the process.

"This brute needs some serious help in anger management," Rarity commented. "Can't you go any faster, Wheeljack?"

"Much as I hate to say it, Rare, he can't," revealed Rainbow. "This model can only go about two hundred miles per hour at most and the drone that's chasing us can reach speeds up to three hundred miles per hour. In other words, there's no way we can outrun this thing."

Upon hearing that information, Rarity looked at her friend with utter bewilderment and asked, "How do you know all this?"

Rainbow responded by giving her a simple shrug and saying, "What? I look up info on sports cars and military aircraft sometimes. No big deal."

"Well, it sure looks like the info you just mentioned isn't wrong at all, kid," Wheeljack interjected. "This blasted vehicle mode of Sounwave's is clearly faster than mine and if we don't do something soon, he'll most definitely blows us all to bits."

"Then, what can we do?" nervously asked Rainbow. "Don't you have any weapons that you can use while driving?"

Her Autobot guardian thought very hard on these questions for a few moments before coming up with a plan and announcing, "No, I don't, but one of you does."

While both she and Rainbow initially became confused by this answer, Rarity eventually realized what he had meant by it and exclaimed with widened eyes, "ME?! B-but how?! You know how tough Soundwave is. It's going to take a whole lot of diamonds just to pierce his armor and creating all those diamonds will no doubt give him plenty of time to finish us off."

"That's why we'll have to take only shot to bring him down," explained Wheeljack. "On my mark, I'll slow down and get behind Soundwave, where we'll have a clear view of his rear engine. A well-aimed lob of one of your diamonds should cause enough damage to make him crash, but you'll have to hit it the second we see the target. Otherwise, he'll come back to dish out some more blaster fire and take measures to protect his only weak spot. Do you understand?"

In response, Rarity looked down in self-doubt and nervously considered Wheeljack's words before finally managing to say, "I... I'm not sure I can do it. I-I-I know our lives depend on this shot, but I've never thrown a diamond this high in the air before. What if I miss? Do we even have a back-up plan for this possibility? I've been under pressure plenty of times in the past, but this is a whole new kind of pressure and I have absolutely no idea if I-"

Before she could finish that sentence, she felt a hand on her shoulder and looked to her left to see Rainbow giving her a smile full of determination. She then heard her friend say, "Don't worry. I've got your back. We're all in this together, right?"

Shortly after hearing these words, Rarity's originally confused facially expression turned into a determined smile, as well, and she declared, "Right. Let's do this!"

She proceeded to create two diamonds with her magic and after giving one to Rainbow, they both took took positions by poking their bodies up to their waists out of the nearby windows. Immediately afterwards, their Autobot guardian began slowing down and and as soon as the rear engine of the drone became visible, he shouted, "NOW!!!"

The moment they heard that command, the girls threw their respective diamonds at the target, both managing to hit it and causing Soundwave to lose control of his flight systems before crashing down several dozen feet in front of his opponents. The said opponents then stopped moving upon seeing the crash and the girls got out of the car while the Autobot transformed back into his robot mode.

"You think he's finished?" Rainbow curiously inquired.

In response, Wheeljack shook his head in denial and said, "Unlikely. He's always been one of the toughest Cons there is and I've seen him survive a lot worse than this. So, we better stick together and stay vigilant from now on. Got it?"

As he turned his hands into blasters, both girls nodded in approval, and followed him towards the large crater that was formed as a result of of the crash and surrounded by a large cloud of dust, with Rarity conjuring up a few more diamonds and Rainbow holding up her fists to get ready for an attack.

Then, just as they had all taken their tenth step dowards the crater, a tentacle suddenly emerged from the dust cloud and grabbed Wheeljack by the throat before pulling him closer to the crater. Despite the Autobot engineer shooting at random directions in order to free herself from getting strangled, the tentacle around his neck was so strong that it began to repeatedly smash his body against the ground, damaging it further and further in the process.

Meanwhile, the girls were initally shocked by this sudden turn of events, they quickly snapped out of it upon seeing their friend in grave danger and quickly started taking action to get him out of this predicament. Rainbow ran so fast around the dust cloud that it soon dissipated and exposed Soundwave for all to see. Realizing that he had lost the element of surprise, the Decepticon communications officer stopped attacking Wheeljack, tossed him aside, and deflected several diamonds thrown by Rarity with both of his tentacles before engaging all three of his opponents with a sonic attack.

While the said attack did cause some serious damage to the girls' ears and make them scream in agony like before, Wheeljack managed to resist the effects long enough to stand back up with some difficulty and shoot at Soundwave's chest several times, causing the faceless Decepticon to stagger backwards and cease emitting high frequency waves. The Autobot engineer then retrieved dual swords from his back and charged straight at his adversary with a battle cry, but as soon as he finally reached and attacked Soundwave, the silent but deadly Decepticon swiftly dodged several of these strikes and even blocked the rest with his arms in quick succession before delivering a powerful kick to Wheeljack's torso, making him fall several feet backwards and drop the swords in his hands.

Then, just as Wheeljack began to get back up, Soundwave extended both tentacles towards him and once they were attached to his chassis, they started sending and electric shock with immensely high voltage to his entire body, causing the Autobot to scream in agony, as well. In the meantime, the supposedly mute Decepticon finally spoke in a both gravely and modulated tone of voice, "Soundwave, superior. Autobots, inferior."

However, a few seconds after he uttered these words, he was suddenly struck in the face by a diamond, which created a small crack on his visor and made Soundwave himself to retract his claws from Wheeljack's body before turning towards the direction the diamond had come from in the first place. Upon doing so, he saw Rarity with a few more diamonds floating near each of her hands and heard her say with utter determination, "You won't touch him again."

In response, he began extending the tentacles towards her this time, but he was once again interrupted when another diamond struck his face, resulting in his visor getting damaged further and his head to turn towards the direction the second diamond had come from, only to see Rainbow getting ready to run with a cocky smirk on her face and hear her declare, "We've got a score to settle here, rust-for-brains! So, I hope you've become a lot faster than the last time you chased after me! Ready... Set... GO!!"

Immediately after that, she started running all around Soundwave and the now partially blind Decepticon responded by extending his tentacles in both the direction she was running and the opposite direction an effort to corner her from each side. Unfortunately, he soon came to the stunning realization that this was actually a trap meant for himself, as the girl had used the tentacles chasing after her as a means to wrap him up like a mummy.

Even though he tried his hardest to free himself from this contraption of his own making, he then realized that during all this time fighting the humans, he had failed to notice that their wounded but still functional Autobot guardian was already back on his servos and charging directly towards him once again. Thus, he was utterly helpless to stop Wheeljack from jumping into the air and delivering a flying kick to his face that was so powerful, it completely shattered his visor and knocked him out cold.

As for Wheeljack himself, he immediately fell down on one knee after performing such an exhausting stunt due to the severity of his injuries, but still smiled with satisfaction after seeing Soundwave's unconscious body laying on the ground. When his human friends rushed to his side with concerned looks on their faces, he gave that smile to them, as well, and said, "That was some fine teamwork right there, kids. Never doubted you for a moment. Thanks so much for not gving up on me either."

They responded by smiling back and sharing a group hug with him before helping him get back up once again. The trio then walked towards the body of their defeated enemy and once they were standing right beside him, Rarity inquired, "So, now what? What exactly are we supposed to do with him?"

"Hmmm... Well, considering all the atrocities he committed under Megatron's orders during the war on Cybertron and the fact that he caused the termination of countless brothers-in-arms of mine in the process, my first instinct would be to pay him back in full," Wheeljack explained as he turned his hands into blasters, aimed right at Soundwave's chassis, and began charging the said blasters.

While both Rarity and Rainbow were visibly shocked by this revelation, they quickly came to understand the reasons behind Wheeljack's new course of action and silently waited for him to finish off the Decepticon who had caused him so much pain in the past. However, much to their further shock, Wheeljack soon stopped charging his blasters, turned them back into his hands, and admitted "Nah, he's not worth the Energon. Besides, taking his life won't bring back the ones he's taken from us. Guess we all gotta move on and keep marching forward at some point, right?"

The girls took a moment to understand the meaning behind those words before giving Wheeljack both warm smiles and another hug. Then, Rainbow declared, "Well, let's go help the friends who still need us, then!"

Wheeljack nodded in approval and right after his transformation, the trio drove off to do just that.