• Member Since 5th Sep, 2018
  • offline last seen April 28th

Lord Zarcon


After hearing about how Neighsay imprisoned the young 6. The leaders of all the other kingdoms are very displeased. So they go to the EEA directly to voice thier displeasure. Things go wrong fast.

Spoilers for School raze.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 39 )

Something I noticed: whenever you write the word "their", you misspell it as "thier".

Seems interesting, tracking.

Why is Neighsay addressing Twilight to talk to the people he wronged

to be frank, as of now if celestia doesn't fire the lot of them neighsey included it would be a major faux pas.

Cuz he hasn't lowered his stupidity levels.


Mostly Emotions, as has been proven they all can't be in the same room as it would just lead to a fight. In all honesty he did the right thing to reach out to Twilight, not only does she have the Respect of those effected BUT she can also act as a go between or Mediator to keep things in check should a new face to face meeting be needed.


Unless the Offended party can provide sufficient evidence to prove what he did was Lawfully wrong, then the most she can do is slap them with temporary suspensions and a monetary Fine.

I have to be honest, I'm not a fan of this story's premise. Neighsay has already admitted he was wrong, and made peace with Twilight and the students. This just seems like punishing him for stuff he's already made amends for.

Think the dungeon part was when the student six were trapped in that magic bubble.


I calmly ask if you have seen or read any of my stories. Also, you had a typo. You had written "thier" when you meant to say "their".

Because he feels like she would have a better chance at reasoning with them.

I don’t understand the EEA, don’t they know know that they’re talking to leaders and representatives of other countries?

I legit do not understand Gruff's presence here or in the show. Griffonstone has no government and its been shown that griffons won't even save your life if you can't pay them. WTH is he gonna do; he's effectively an old man shaking his fist, all bluster and nothing to show for it.

Gruff in a nutshell.

Jingoism plus government jobs tend to cause weird delusions of grandeur in regards to dealings with other countries.

Honestly, it feels like his apology left a lot to be desired, like Swirl Star's.

It's the thought that counts. An apology doesn't have to be some big, grand thing, as long as it's sincere.

True, but sometimes an apology doesn't make up for everything jusr like that.

In fairness, there wasn't much time left after Cozy's defeat for Neighsay to do anything other than admit he was wrong. For all we know, he might do something in season 9 to that effect (like give the school his official EEA accreditation).

Or allow an investigation considering he accredited a school ran by con artists.
And unfortunately, that's been happening a lot lately. It doesn't matter how royally one messes up, one can always compensate with an apology, cheesiness levels may vary.

That's because forgiveness is a big part of the show.

And apparently, the best form of compensation

How long will that last when there’s open warfare on five fronts.

Depends if they make any headway. If they are repelled with next to no effort they would likely feel justified.

Why does their speech need to be coloured? It looks awful and not easily readable.

It didn't seam to help, as the rage filled arguments only seamed to grow.

The fighting continued, and it only seamed to escalate as things started being thrown across the room. Neighsay finally had last his patience.

This is the wrong word. 'Seem' and 'seemed' is what you want here.

It was YOU'RE leader who nearly bought us to the brink of WAR!

'Your' is the correct spelling for this use.

The EEA does not have a dungeon built inside it's HQ,

"It's" is a contraction for 'it is'. 'Its' is the possessive use that you are looking for with it.

.....I'm interested.

Comment posted by Maroon567 deleted Jan 13th, 2019

Twilight closed the scroll and facehooved. "Oh Celestia..... Why can't I have a normal school week for once...?"

..........pffftttttttt hahhahhahahhahahahaha that hilarious twilight 😂😂😂😂😂

Cool idea for having each character’s dialogue be a different color!
Great story too!

"We can't wait to go." Thorax snared.

Geez....Thorax, chill out! I mean, I get you’re kinda frustrated and all but...GEEZ!!!

she's running a school that has creatures from all over the world, and she DOESN'T expect shenanigans on a weekly basis? she should at least expect accidents.

Why is this complete now?

I forgot to mark it as such when I published it.

Ah I thought it would be a Multichapter story.

I think people just lumped him being there as Gallus' guardian to mean Gruff is also a leader like the others. I don't think Hasbro ever made it so he is though. Could be wrong 🤔.

Old comment that this is.

I think it's a symptom of making the griffons absolute anarachists and not committing to it.

Hello! Have a review. I'm sorry I couldn't rate it higher, but that doesn't mean I thought the fic was terrible. It's not, the setup is a good one and it's interesting to see Neighsay now he has a more nuanced view of non-ponies. It could really do with more space to breathe, though, and big blocks of coloured text just look horribly ugly.

"Don't you be making threats towards us! It was YOUR leader who nearly bought us to the brink of WAR! And for what? Your outdated ideologies!? Give me a break!"

It was NOT Celestia's fault that they went to war with Equestria!

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