• Published 5th Apr 2019
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Erase myself

Author's Note:

Megatron is voiced by the one and only Frank Welker. If you have a different choice, then it's totally fine. You can imagine that actor delivering Megatron's lines, instead.

Also, feel free to listen to this song during the fight scene.

"Well, no wonder he's their leader!", cried Sweetie Belle. "He's so huge!"

"And so scary!", added Scootaloo while quivering with fear.

"And so dreadfully colored!", Apple Bloom commented, which caused the other CMCs to give her incredulous looks.

"What? He is", she countered and they only continued to stare at her incredulously.

"Oh, come on, girls! Can y'all really look at color scheme and tell me with a straight face it's- Whoa!"

Before she could finish her sentence, Bumblebee grabbed her, the other girls, and the AllSpark before bringing them all to Spike, who had just managed to get back on his feet.

"Spike, listen to me carefully", he began. "Take the Cube and the girls, and run to Ponyville as fast as you can. DO NOT stop at anything. Once you get there, hide the Cube somewhere safe and send a letter to Twilight. Tell her and Optimus EVERYTHING that's happened. Do you understand?"

"Got it, Bee, but what about you?", asked Spike.

Bumblebee replied, "I'm gonna hold off Megatron and buy you guys some time. Then, hopefully, I'll meet you back in town. If I don't show up at all... then you should know that I really am glad to have met you four. You've been truly great friends."

"Wait, what that supposed to mean?", a confused and concerned Spike inquired.

"No time to explain", Bumblebee replied. "Just go! NOW!"

Upon hearing that, Spike and the CMC looked at each other with great worry, but nevertheless, did as Bumblebee ordered and began to run through the forest as fast they could. Once they had disappeared, Bumblebee turned to face Megatron, who was rather amused by the recent turn of events. He retrieved a battle mace with purple spikes from his back, and took up a gladiator-style fighting stance. In response, Bumblebee charged up his plasma cannon and tried to shoot Megatron six times before recharging. Unfortunately, Megatron used his mace to deflect all those blasts and even sent the sixth one right back to his opponent, which resulted in the blast hitting the very weapon it was fired from, disabling it.

Realizing that he needed to change tactics, Bumblebee retrieved his sword from his back, ran towards Megatron, and began to attack him with the sword. However, the Decepticon leader proceeded to dodge the first half of the strikes and parry the second half with his mace. Then, just before the seventh strike could reach him, he grabbed the sword with his right hand, promptly broke it in two, and used his mace to deliver a massive blow to Bumblebee, creating a huge dent on the Autobot scout's chassis and sending him flying at least thirty feet away.

Seeing that his little adversary is down and vulnerable, Megatron activated his feet boosters and began hovering in the air. He then flew towards Bumblebee (who as struggling to get up and yelling in agony in the process) and as soon as he was directly above him, he came down to deliver the finishing blow with his mace. Once it was done, however, he became surprised to see that the Autobot had vanished. While he briefly looked around to find where he went, Bumblebee came up behind him, drop kicked him in the face, slashed one of his knees with one of the sword pieces, and delivered another kick to the wound, which forced Megatron to bend on only one knee.

Right after that, Bumblebee began to rapidly punch him in the face in order to finally bring down the tyrant he had feared and hated since the beginning of their war. He was finally in a vulnerable state, and Bumblebee was pouring out eons of resentment on the one responsible for torturing and murdering so many of his friends. By the time he finished delivering the eighth punch, Megatron had become extremely dazed by all the previous blows and would have been taken down with only one last hit. So, Bumblebee gathered all of his remaining strength and attempted to deliver the finishing blow in the form of a heavy punch.

Unfortunately, at that moment, Megatron shook off his dizziness and headbutted the punch, which nearly broke Bumblebee's left hand and caused him to back away in pain. Right after that, the enraged warmonger aimed his fusion cannon directly at Bumblebee's right thigh and obliterated it with a single shot. As a result, the poor scout fell down with even bigger pain. Then, Megatron stood up, returned his mace to his back, grabbed Bumblebee by his remaining leg, and started pounding the ground with him. With each vicious hit, the severity of the helpless Autobot's injuries increased exponentially and by the time he hit the ground the fourth time, he had large cracks and dents covering his entire body, and he was also leaking a sizable amount of tiny white crystals (a.k.a "Energon Shards") from his cracks.

As he continued to be mercilessly slammed into to the ground, he was certain that there was no way he could survive this ordeal. In fact, he was concerned not for himself, but for Spike and the girls. He was wondering if they had managed to reach Ponyville without running into trouble. He could never forgive himself if they got hurt or killed while following his instructions. However, he was confident that their skills and resourcefulness would help them overcome any challenge in their way. He never believed for a second that they could let him down.

Three minutes ago

Spike was running through the Everfree Forest as fast as his feet could carry him while tightly holding the AllSpark close to his chest and the CMC were struggling to keep up with him. While he felt terrible about leaving Bumblebee to face Megatron all alone, he was nonetheless determined to accomplish the task Bumblebee had given him. Also, he had no intention of saving Bumblebee's life by giving the AllSpark to Megatron. He had read enough comic-books to know that these kinds of deals always end in villains refusing to fulfill their end of the bargain and escaping with the desired object. Therefore, he refused to take this kind of risk and decided to just focus on the mission at hand.

However, just when Zecora's hut was in sight, Scootaloo shouted from behind, "Spike, stop for a second!"

He obliged and the rest of the CMC did the same. He then asked, "What happened? Please, say it quick, because we can't stay put for too long. We have to hide the AllSpark in Ponyville and contact Twilight, as Bumblebee. Plus, the creatures of this forest usually come out of their dens at this time of the day."

Scootaloo replied, "I think we should go back and help Bee. Maybe... Maybe we should give the Cube to that big scary Decepticon so that he leaves Bee alone."

"WHAT?! Are you crazy?!", exclaimed Spike. "If we do that, he'll just take the Cube and blast Bee into oblivion before leaving. Then, he'll invade the entire Equestria with his army and eventually, he'll conquer the entire universe. This is exactly what happens in nearly every comic-book I've ever read."

"But, it's not right to just leave him there with that monster, either!", Scootaloo angrily replied while shedding a few tears. "Rainbow Dash would never abandon his friends and... and neither can I!"

A concerned Sweetie Belle placed her hoof on Scootaloo's shoulder and said, "He's my friend too, but I think Spike is right about this. That cube is the only thing those evil robots want and they don't care about anything or anyone else. Don't you think it's very unlikely their LEADER will keep his word if we try to trade it for Bumblebee's life? He's a villain and villains always break their promises to get what they want."

"But, what about Tirek?", asked Scootaloo. "He's a villain too and yet, he promised to release Rainbow Dash and the others in exchange for Twilight's magic. He kept that promise, remember? What's the difference between him and Megatron?"

Just before Spike could counter that argument with recounting Tirek's actions after the bargain, all four of them heard a loud pained scream coming from the direction they were running from. None of them had any doubt that it was Bumblebee who was screaming and that, he was in serious trouble. Before anyone could even react, a pair of small yellow hooves quickly snatched the AllSpark from Spike's claws and the owner of those hooves started running towards Bumblebee. Spike noticed this too late and was shocked beyond belief when he saw the culprit in question.


When she continued to run, Spike turned to Sweetie Belle and said, "Try lifting the AllSpark with your magic!"

She tried to do so, but just after she could lift it a single inch, a series of electric sparks began forming around her horn and she was forced to discontinue casting the spell due to a sudden severe headache. Realizing that this was not going to work, Spike motioned the remaining girls to follow his lead and together, they started chasing after Apple Bloom, hoping to stop her before she could made a terrible mistake.

Present time

Finally, after slamming Bumblebee to the ground for the ninth time, Megatron threw his utterly miserable-looking enemy right towards the Everfree Forest, causing the scout to hit and knock down nearly half a dozen trees before reaching the forest floor with a heavy landing. Satisfied with the outcome of the battle, Megatron let out a slight menacing chuckle as he began walking towards his defeated and nearly offline opponent.

"I must admit, Autobot, your fighting skills are quite impressive", he stated. "On top of that, you seem to possess the will and determination of a true warrior. No wonder Prime decided to send you on this particularly important mission."

He then picked up Bumblebee by the head and continued, "How unfortunate that you have, nevertheless, made the fatal mistake of believing that you could actually take on the lord of Kaon all by yourself. Do not despair, though. I promise to give you the end you deserve. I sincerely hope that your comrades remember your unrelenting loyalty to their doomed cause."

Just then, he began to squeeze Bumblebee's head extremely hard and a few seconds later, he started crushing it. Even though Bumblebee tried to free himself from Megatron's grip as much as he could, the fight had completely drained his strength. Therefore, all he could do was scream in utmost agony as the Decepticon leader continued to finish him off in this brutal fashion. As for Megatron himself, he was enjoying every single second of it as he was currently performing his absolute favorite method of executing his enemies.

"Just a little bit more pain", he whispered to his victim. "Then, I am off to-"


The second he heard that combination of shouts, Megatron stopped crushing Bumblebee's head and turned his head towards the direction those voices came from. To his surprise, he saw that little yellow filly from earlier walking towards him while carrying the AllSpark with her hooves.

"We'll make you a deal", she began while speaking in a truly desperate tone. "Spare Bee's life and I'll give you the Cube."

Megatron briefly pondered this proposal before promptly dropping Bumblebee to the ground. The critically injured Autobot rubbed his head for a little while and looked at his friend with absolute shock.

"AB... What are you doing?", he asked while coughing heavily. "He'll destroy us all either w- AAARGH!"

Megatron prevented him from finishing his sentence by slightly stepping on him and proceeded to move closer to Apple Bloom before bending his knee only a couple feet away from her.

"I accept your terms", he declared. "Now, hand it over."

He extended his hand to Apple Bloom, opened his palm, and Apple Bloom, with a little hesitation, placed the AllSpark on it. Right after that, Megatron grabbed his prize and took a deep breath as the artifact's energy began coursing through his entire body. Just then, Spike and the rest of the CMC arrived and stared at what was going on in absolute horror, while realizing that they were already too late.

As Megatron stood up, he noticed that all the wounds he had sustained from the battles he fought in were healing very rapidly. In only a handful of seconds, his chassis was completely devoid of any cracks, dents, burns, or scars, whatsoever. Amazed by the Cube's capabilities and realizing that the legends surrounding it were really true, he let out a loud maniacal laughter.

"Yes! YES!", he exclaimed. "Cybertron's most powerful treasure and the key to building the greatest empire in existence are now MINE! The universe shall hear my name and TREMBLE!"

Once he was done, he turned to face the now-frightened Apple Bloom and said, "You have made a most wise decision, dear child. In return, you have my gratitude and your world will have my mercy."

"Really?", asked a surprised Sweetie Belle. "You'll actually show us mercy?"

Megatron replied, "Of course! My original plan was to conquer this planet and enslave its inhabitants. However, your friend's actions have convinced me that none of you deserve such cruelty. Therefore, I have decided to spare your world of further misery and instead, obliterate it with one swift strike."

"WHAT??!!", all four of them shouted.

"You said you'll give us mercy", Apple Bloom argued. "Where in horse apples is the mercy in this new plan?"

"I will be providing your people with a quick and painless demise", explained Megatron. "If you do not see this as mercy, compared to what I had initially planned, then I feel sorry for you."

He then looked down at Bumblebee, who was struggling really hard to stay online, and said, "I suppose I should thank you as well, Autobot. Because of your friendship with these creatures, I am now one step closer to achieving ultimate victory."

Right after saying that, he placed the AllSpark on Bumblebee's chest and its energy started doing exactly what it previously did to Megatron. It took only a few seconds for the young scout's severe injuries to completely heal and its missing limb to fully regrow. His friends were both astounded and relieved by this sight, and even Bumblebee himself could not believe that he was no longer damaged at all. Moreover, his weapons were also restored. His He was just about to get up and leap into the sky with joy when-


Megatron brought his gigantic foot on to his chest and made a huge crack with one devastating stomp. His friends screamed with horror and immediately rushed to his side. Once they saw that he was once again heavily wounded, they all looked at Megatron with both contempt and despair.

"You monster!", exclaimed a nearly tearful Scootaloo. "How could you? You said you were gonna thank him."

"Trust me, this is an improvement over his previous condition", Megatron countered. "Besides, did you honestly believe that I would leave him fully functional, knowing that he is skilled enough to defeat two of my best lieutenants and even come close to besting me in physical combat? If so, then you are even more naïve than I originally thought. Then again, you are still very young to understand this. So, let this be a lesson for you to remember in the future."

Then, he pressed a button on the right side of his head to activate his commlink and said, "Attention, all Cloakers. The AllSpark is finally in my possession. If you are still in the Vanhoover area, then immediately terminate both the Autobots and their equine allies. Report back to me once you have finished the job."

Upon hearing that, Bumblebee screamed, "No! NO! You are not getting away with this!"

However, Megatron turned his attention towards the castle and replied without looking, "I would save my energy if I were you. After all, you have merely a couple of megacycles remaining, at best. Even if your friends could survive the ambush, they cannot hope to achieve victory against the Decepticon army I am about to bring here soon. If you ever see Prime again, tell him that I shall be marching towards the capital by sunrise tomorrow. Oh, and just in case you are still doubtful about my chances of success, then let me show you a glimpse of the power I command."

He put the AllSpark to his back, opened both of his palms, and at least a dozen purple lightning streaks instantly started appeared on them. Then, he extended his arms towards the castle and suddenly, a large beam of purple energy was emitted from his hands. As soon as it struck its target, it began generating a series of sharp purple crystals all over the castle. In just a handful of seconds, the entire structure containing the library and the throne room collapsed, and was replaced by a humongous mass of those crystals, much to the shock everyone besides Megatron.

He turned his head back towards Bumblebee and his friends, and stated, "I assume it is now clear to you that my victory is inevitable. Resistance will only hasten the end and those who refuse to submit to my will are all destined to become one with oblivion. Now, if you have no more doubts about my superiority, then I must take my leave. I have an assault to plan, after all. Enjoy this world while you still can. Tomorrow, it will be no more."

With that, he transformed into his vehicle mode and drove away towards north. Once he completely disappeared, an enraged Sweetie Belle walked up towards Apple Bloom and smacked him in the back of her head before shouting, "What in the name of Celestia were you thinking?! You just gave the all-powerful artifact to the ultimate evil!"

"I... I just wanted to save Bee...", countered Apple Bloom while trying to hold back tears.

Spike then shouted, "Just look at what happened! Not only your short-sighted plan didn't work, but you've doomed pretty much the entire universe! Now, what do you have to say for yourself, huh?"

Apple Bloom was just about to cry when everyone heard Bumblebee letting out a painful groan for failing to get up. Right after they turned their attention towards him, Scootaloo announced to the group, "We should talk about this later."

Her friends nodded in agreement and they all rushed to Bumblebee's side. Bumblebee then tried two more times to get up, but to no avail. Seeing that everyone was looking at him in sadness and worry, he attempted to ease their concerns with a small smile. Apple Bloom then stepped forward while hanging her head in shame and said, "I'm so sorry, Bee. I... I thought I could save your life by giving up the AllSpark. Instead, I made things even worse. Can ya ever forgive me?"

"Hey, it's okay, AB. Really", he assured her. "None of this is your fault. It's mine, actually. I never should've tried taking on Megatron all by myself. Heck, we never should've come here in the first place. I made a bad call, but you didn't. You did exactly what anyone would've done in a situation like this. So, you got nothing to apologize for. The only one to blame here is me. Guess heroes don't always make the right decisions, after all, huh?"

They both let out small chuckles before Bumblebee began coughing heavily and even vomited one more Energon Shard. In response, Apple Bloom held his left index finger tightly with her hooves and the rest of her friend began holding his remaining left fingers. However, as soon as he was done coughing, he thought of a plan.

"Hey, Spike, you can send messages to Twilight with your breath, right?", he asked.

"Of course", Spike replied. "Why?"

"Great! I want you to send her a really important message", declared Bumblebee with great determination. "It's something she and Optimus really needs to hear before it's too late."

Meanwhile, in the northern parts of Equestria, Megatron was driving at top speed towards the now-ruined Crystal Empire. He had not only significant news for his soldiers, Barricade and Brawl, but also an assault plan he needed to discuss with them. Despite the fact that both of them had miserably failed to retrieve the AllSpark's location and eliminate the Autobots earlier, he still required them to carry out his orders in order to secure ultimate victory. Besides, their failures had proven to be inconsequential in the long run, as he was now the wielder of the artifact that could make him the emperor of all he saw.

With these thoughts in his head, he entered the empire. As he drove through the desolate streets, he could not help but admire the devastation that Brawl had left behind, even though his interrogation was unsuccessful. Soon enough, he spotted him and Barricade standing right in front of the royal palace. He stopped only a couple feet away from them and transformed back to his robot mode. His minions, meanwhile, promptly knelt before him.

"Greetings and salutations, Lord Megatron", said Barricade. "I imagine your mission was a success?"

Megatron silently retrieved the AllSpark from his back and showed it to his soldiers, who gazed at the artifact in great admiration.

"Amazing!". Brawl exclaimed. "It looks even more magnificent than the legends said it would be. Is it true, my lord? Does it really contain a power beyond our comprehension?"

"Does my new appearance not count as proof to this theory, Brawl?", asked Megatron. "Remember that I was covered in countless battle injuries when we last saw each other. Look at me now. By simply touching this cube, I look as if I came fresh out of an assembly line! Do you realize what this means, Decepticons? It means our dreams of restoring Cybertron, crushing what's left of those pathetic Autobots, and conquering the entirety of the known universe will finally become reality!"

Barricade instantly stood up and excitedly declared, "Excellent strategy, my lord! Finally, the war will end in our victory and no bot or organic will be able to stand up to us!"

Then, Brawl also stood up and exclaimed, "Just tell us what needs to be done, master! We would be honored to help you carry out this brilliant plan of yours!"

"Your devotion pleases me greatly", replied Megatron. "Although you did fail in your attempts to find the location of this treasure, your attack on Ponyville helped forge a bond between an Autobot and a few organics that allowed me to retrieve the treasure itself. For that, I shall grant each of you with a reward."

He pointed the AllSpark towards them and the energy it released quickly healed the injuries they had received from not just the war on Cybertron, but also their battle with Bumblebee. As they began to admire their repaired and improved armor, Megatron swiftly placed the AllSpark to his back.

"Ah, thank you so much, Lord Megatron", Barricade stated. "How can we ever repay such generosity?"

Megatron replied, "Assisting me until the war is won will do just fine. Brawl, what is the status of our troops?"

"Five battalions are ready to be deployed as soon as you give the order, my liege", declared Brawl. "As for your other lieutenants... well... they are currently unavailable. Starscream is still continuing the attack on the Autobot outpost on Velocitron, Soundwave is still assisting the Stunticons on Caminus in capturing the Autobot Ironhide, and, as I'm sure you're aware, Shockwave hasn't left Cybertron ever since the planet went dark."

Upon hearing that, Megatron roared in rage and blasted the palace balcony with his fusion cannon, completely destroying it. He then took several deep breaths in order to calm himself and during all that, both Barricade and Brawl took a few steps back in fear. Finally, nearly a dozen deep breaths later, their leader managed to calm down.

"It appears you two will command my army after all", he declared. "Contact the Nemesis and request a shuttle to take us there. I shall oversee the assault preparations myself and by tomorrow morning, the capital city of those parasitic equines will share the same fate as this place."

"At once, master", replied Brawl. "What would you have us do until the shuttle arrives?"

"I CARE NOT! Just do not bother me until then!"