• Published 20th Mar 2019
  • 533 Views, 31 Comments

Geeks of the Round Table: The Dark Invasion - Gem Productions

Lord Tirek gives a prophecy about an entity that could destroy all fandoms, so the heroes of those fandoms unite to stop it.

  • ...

Peeping Ton

“Later” HEY! THAT’S MY LINE! “Oh cry me a river, Announcer.”

The Rainbooms had been reunited with their friend Twilight Sparkle, and had gone to get milkshakes and catch up.

“What's new here? I mean, besides your school becoming the target of dangerous magical creatures from Equestria?” Twilight said.

“Yeah, so, that isn't exactly the only strange thing that's happened since you left,” RainbowDash showed Twilight a recording of her changing forms during practice.

“Pretty sweet, huh? It happens to all of us when we play,” she said, a bit excited. “Hmm,” Twilight said.

“My crown was returned to Equestria, but some of its magic must have remained here at Canterlot High. Now that we're all back together, we can use that magic on the sirens. Just like when we were able to use it on Sunset Shimmer when she turned into that horrifyingly awful winged monster! No offense,” Twilight said, apologetic to Sunset

“None taken. Heh. I'm used to it,” Sunset said, shrugging it off.

“They'll never even know what hit 'em!” RainbowDash said, afterwards miming a karate fight.

“We've got nothin' to worry about now that Twilight's back,” AppleJack said, grabbing RainbowDash’s hand before it hit her in the face. “Oh, I'm pretty sure I could find something to worry about. But it won't be the sirens,” FlutterShy remarked.

“The sooner we do this, the better. Any idea where the Dazzlings might be?” Twilight said. Nobody knew, except PinkiePie, who drank her entire milkshake in one gulp.

“There's a big party tonight for all the bands who signed up to be in the showcase! That would include the Dazzlings,” She said.

“Looks like we've got a party to crash,” Twilight said. PinkiePie squeed.

“jUsT a MuSiCaL sHoWcAsE! ThErE aRe No SiReNs HeRe! Well, in proving me right, you’ve wasted your time to prepare. Have fun in the spectators stands! I’ll reserve the back row, just for you,” Mettaton said as he rolled in.

“OH YOU WANT TO GO PUNK?! BRING IT ON!!!” RainbowDash said, grabbing onto a steel pipe.

“My metal body renders me invulnerable,” Mettaton said.

“ENOUGH! BOTH OF YOU! I don’t care who you are, but you are egotistical. These Sirens are too dangerous for you, now leave,” Sunset Shimmer said.

“Oh please, you’re just jealous of a star! I get that a lot. Now run along, dears, this table’s now taken,” Mettaton said.

“Uhhh, Mettaton, I searched and searched, but it just wasn’t anywhere,” Napstablook said.

“Oh that will never do! Oh well, it’s not like I was going to that party anyway. So many amateurs, I might get a headache,” Mettaton said.

“Oh will you shut up? Now where’s yer off switch?” AppleJack said, looking around him. Mettaton was facing forward.

“You don’t want to find it, trust me. Because it doesn’t do off. It- well, I wouldn’t want my finale being spoiled, don’t worry, you’ll see it when I challenge the Sirens in the final. But for now I have better things to do than waste my time on you. Tootles!” Mettaton said, driving off backwards so as not to show his switch.

“Jerk. Seriously, he’s automatically on my blow up list,” RainbowDash said, before tossing the pipe directly at the switch. But it missed, instead hitting something bony and invisible that was between it and Mettaton. From the invisible something, an object fell. It was some kind of bone. Sunset kept it.

The Rainbooms had gone to PinkiePie’s house for a sleepover. Sunset Shimmer was examining a strange bone she had found outside the restaurant, FlutterShy was petting Spike, PinkiePie was using her laptop, Twilight was reading, and AppleJack and RainbowDash were playing Super Smash Each Other In The Face Bros.

“Status update: "Okie-dokie-lokie," PinkiePie said as she typed in something. Rarity took a selfie with Sunset and Fluttershy that Spike tried to bomb but was poked in the eye by the bone, moving around on its own trying to escape.

“Oh no you don’t!” Sunset said, grabbing it and putting it in a small jar. Meanwhile the match between AppleJack and RainbowDash was heating up until RainbowDash slammed the console.

“Hey! I was about to beat you!” AppleJack said as the game lost connection.

“I doubt it,” RainbowDash said.

“So, Twilight, how is that counter-spell comin'?” Applejack asked.

“Huh? Oh, uh, good. Great. Thanks for letting me use your notebook, Fluttershy. I really like the song you wrote for the Rainbooms,” Twilight said.

“Thanks.” FlutterShy sighed. “Hopefully one day, we'll get a chance to play it.”

Meanwhile, RainbowDash was holding AppleJack’s controller away from her. “Hey!” Applejack said, trying to grab it.

Twilight was troubled when Rarity scooted next to her. “Twilight, I think I speak for all of us when I say I don't know what we would have done if you hadn't come back to help us.” she said. The others agreed.

“Darn tootin’” AppleJack said. Then the doorbell rang.

“Pizza’s here!” PinkiePie said, running to the door. But at the door was not the pizza guy- it was Mettaton.

“Hello there.” he said, then shined a green light on everyone but Sunset and Twilight. Immediately Pinkie slammed the Door shut, patting her hands and walking away from the door. FlutterShy looked out and saw the pizza guy tied to a lampost, with Napstablook and Shyren standing guard.

“Clearly This ‘Mettaton’ guy is either really stupid or doesn’t know privacy,” RainbowDash said. But when the police came, Shyren, Napstablook, and Mettaton were already gone.

Twilight was in the kitchen, looking over her counterspell. “No. That's not gonna work,” She said, after spitting out her pen.

“Hey, Twilight. You're up late,” Sunset Shimmer said, walking into the kitchen.

“Just looking over the counter-spell. We only get one shot at this. It has to be perfect,” Twilight said.

“We really are lucky you're here,” Sunset Shimmer said, reaching into the fridge.

“That's what everyone keeps telling me,” Twilight said.

“Who could possibly need this much whipped cream?" Sunset said, looking in the fridge.

"Must be nice to have everyone always looking to you for answers to their problems” she continued, spraying whipped cream on her thumb. “Instead of waiting for you to cause a problem.”

“Just because everyone expects something from you doesn't mean it's guaranteed to happen,” Twilight said.

“Well, that doesn't stop them from expecting it,” Sunset Shimmer said.

“Which only makes things harder, Because the last thing you want to do is…” Twilight said.

“...let everybody down.” Twilight and Sunset said in unison. Immediately she looked directly in another direction.

“Waaah!” Sunset said as MaudPie appeared in front of them

“Boulder was hungry,” Maud said. “And who is that?”

“Huh?” Twilight said as a green light shone through the window on her and Sunset. Then Sunset saw a square duck behind the window.

“UGHHH… I’m about done with him!” Sunset said. Immediately Maud shut the Blinds, quickly.

“Okay, Serif, we’ve got to intervene somewhere, one way or another, you know that right?” Daphnes said, pacing back & forth in the TARDIS, thinking of a plan.

“I want my finger back,” Serif said.

Author's Note:

D30’s comment: Mettaton is a weirdo comment if you agree, and if you don’t. Point is, comment. Please. We’re lonely.:raritydespair:
Sword’s comment: If you’re confused about that green Light, it’s a Sonic Screwdriver