• Member Since 31st Oct, 2016
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago


I've always been a lover and writer of fanfiction, but it wasn't until I got into MLP that I really found something I loved writing about. Hope you all enjoy.


This story is a sequel to Pokémon: Harmony and Chaos

Every one hundred years, a portal opens up to reveal a certain egg. Inside is a Pokémon with great power, which is now being targeted by a great evil. Now, its up to our heroes and their new friend to save it before the evil can use it to gain unlimited power.

Takes place between the Evolutionary Block and Ghastly Gorge

Pre-read by KingJoltik

On TvTropes

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 58 )

Total Eclipse of the Heart!

Turn around, bright eyes... I regret nothing:rainbowwild:

This was the opening Riptide needed, allowing him to slam a Rock Smash attack into Mienshao's stomach, sending it flying. The trainer watched as his Pokémon hit the ground, spirals in its eyes from the blow, which made the trainer start to pull at his hair.

WAY TO GO RIPTIDE!:rainbowkiss:

The trainer returned his Hawlucha and turned back to Flash before pulling out his last three Pokeballs, which he tossed into the air, soon revealing a Dusclops, Mothim and Houndoom. Flash frowned at this, only for Springer to leap out of the tree and run up to the trio.


Everyone gasped as the smoke cleared, revealing the three Pokémon to be now knocked over, spirals in their eyes. "What!?" The trainer screamed, "HOW!?"


Meanwhile, across the river and hidden within the foliage of the trees, three figures stood watching the group.

The legendaries...:pinkiegasp:

I wonder how all this will play out.

Good opening chapter. That battle with the stranger was like the battle from the first Pokémon movie, which itself was epic. I hope Sunset will be okay, but I also wonder who the three that attacked her and had the fully evolved starter trio were?

"Alright, I've run out of patience. Stagrowth."

Haha! You got that from Captain America: Civil War, right?

9283730 Damn, can't get away with any references these days.

Hey, references are fun. Part of the point is recognizing them and figuring out where they come from.

So no comment about me shamelessly using lyrics from the song that is in the title...:fluttershysad:

9283782 What, you think I didn't expect to be seeing comments like that? Also, I didn't get the name from the song. I got it from the comic.

:rainbowhuh: There's a comic by that name?

9283808 Total Eclipso the Heart.

So this is going to be a big Vampirella reference... okay

Cue epic Pokémon music.

Best line in the chapter. I get all nostalgic just reading it. :rainbowlaugh:

Riptide jumped for joy as he went up to his trainer, who quickly hugged him and tossed him up into the air several times in congratulations.

And Poke-dad once again makes an appearance.

Oh, this is getting good.

When I saw the "cue epic Pokemon music", I immediately found one of my favorite songs used in the Pokemon movies. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yStEOodPgYk

You know, releasing the movie fic out now after the origin chapter of how Flash and Springer met makes sense. Like it's changing seasons or something in the show. After the events of this "film", it can go into a new part of the main story where it would have a new opening.

9283989 I actually wrote the scene to the first movies theme. That track is gonna be used to right the opening of the next movie.

Cool. Plus it makes sense given the battle in that movie's opening as well. Flash would have a full team by that point, so a friendly opponent going against him with it playing would be fun!

9283995 Exactly. Plus, Flash's opponent will be a character everyone knows and loves.

That'll be cool! But first, let's check out the rest of the fic first!

Okay, I just had to read this again because I was just that excited even though I'm supposed to be studying at the moment :twilightsheepish:, and I found this:

Next to the stag was a teen boy with brown skin and green hair, wearing a green vest and brown pants.

:pinkiegasp: Is that who I think it is? :pinkiegasp: (talking to myself) No, no, no, no, no, stop trying to read Banshee's mind. It's probably not who you think it is. (contemplative pause) Or is it? :applejackunsure:

Twilight smirked before speaking at a low tone, "He thinks he's so smart, but he's forgetting tomorrow was gonna be my turn to give all the Pokémon a wash."

You know, I wouldn't be surprised if Flash's grandmother taught him some kind of a trick that will get the Pokemon to let him wash them, but it's your story, and I don't know what you already have planned for this part, and I am SO DONE with trying to read your mind.

Oh you noticed that too. When I first read that I thought it was you-know-who too, but for some reason something just feels off about his description to me. I was also kinda expecting him to show up in the main series, but I thought that for Sunset too and look where we are now. Guess all we can do is wait and see.

9284265 9284202 I know who you're talking about and it's not him. Don't worry, his time will come. (Laughs maniacally as thunder and lights flashes in the distance.)

Well this keeps getting interesting. Flash and the others seemed to do just fine against Forest, Pyron, and Cecelia, though will that be the case next time too? Interesting to see Doctor Mechano again.

Sunset sighed one more time. "Because like those three, I used to work for that man. His name is...Doctor Mechano."

Not the baddie I was expecting... So Sombra will be a slow burn villain. Wonder how Viper, Prongs, and Riptide will fair against their final forms.

This is getting good! The chase/fight scene was great.

Sunset sighed one more time. "Because like those three, I used to work for that man. His name is...Doctor Mechano."

WHAT?! I mean, WHAT?! :pinkiegasp: :rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh: I know that was supposed to be a really suspenseful moment, but I couldn't help but laugh at the meta implications of that character's appearance. Aw, man, I can hardly wait until next week. Also, I'm loving how Doc is taking the whole "we possibly helped a criminal" thing in stride.

"Enough of the pleasantries," the lead figure growled as it stepped forward. "You said you had a breakthrough?"

:rainbowderp: Sombra

Well this is interesting, I get why Mechano is the villain of this story, but I get the feeling that in the end the series big bad will be the one to ... take care of him

Scene: Mechano arrives in his labs, battered and beaten, but then the lights go out then on showing the firgure in a chair, "You've done well, Mechano. Even in your failure, you have served me well. However, you're now a liabity."
"Wait.. how.."
"And you had such promise." (gun shot) "It's nothing personal. But there can only be one."

In other news, I get the feeling that before the end of this Sunset here will claim Flash's first kiss and while I am FlashLight shipper, I get the feeling that Sunset will be Flash's first crush/love in this series... which will make Twilight peanut butter and jealous.


Sorry ladies, I'll see myself out.

Eclixie seems cute so far. If the eclipse is in 5 days then I have a feeling we might need a traveling montage soon. Though, things are never as easy as people hope, so they will probably have trouble once they get to the temple.

As a Flashlight shipper myself, even I admit that would be funny. Twilight seems annoyed with Flash most of the time already, so being jealous of another girl would make her attitude even worse.

I actually just want to see Twilight get all huffy and katty but doesn't know why only for Spike spell out to her that what ticks her off is that she's jealous that Flash has his... eyes... on Sunset

Oh, how cute! :rainbowkiss: Congratulations, Sunset. You're a Poke-mama. :ajsmug:

Yes, I totally called the montage! This doesn’t look good for the heroes, but they aren’t done yet. The bad guys don’t win until the eclipse is over, so they have a small window of time to save Eclixie.

Sunset frowned. "Come on, I'm not kidding around. Get in the bag Eclixie!"

I saw that coming. :rainbowlaugh:

Cue montage song .


"You could keep travelling with us. We'd love to have you."

Yeah, as far as I can remember, the movies don't really change the show's status quo, so that doesn't seem likely, but I guess we'll see.

This was one action packed chapter! Going back and forth between all the different battles was intense, and seeing the heroes defeat Mechano‘s goons was great. Also, Sunset going berserk and destroying the room to free Eclixie totally showed her motherly instinct. Interesting that Forest was the only one that managed to escape though. Maybe he’ll be back some time?

That's Pokémon is no battery! She's a Pokémon with a heart and feelings! Let her go Mechano! Let her-


Plenty of action in this chapter! I loved all the fights!

Well... this was intense...

This is getting real good. I'm on the edge here.

Thats weird its not even raining. (ha see what i did there)

Like may was in pokemon ranger and the temple of the sea.

This was an epic story, or should I say movie instead? Either way, well done. That ending was funny. I wouldn’t mind if Sunset appeared in the main series. It would give a chance to expand her opportunities, maybe give her a small rivalry with Twilight and make a love triangle between the two of them and Flash, though we all already know who he would end up with. Can’t wait for the second half of the first “season” of the main series.

A second whistle signaled the train was about to leave. "Well, I'd better get going." She grabbed her bag and moved up to the train carriage, only to come to a halt. "Oh right, forgot about that." she turned back around and went up to Flash. As they all blinked at this, she got on her tip toes and pulled Flash towards her, pushing her lips into Flash's. It only lasted a second before she pulled away, laughing as she saw the shocked looks on everyone's faces. "See ya!" She back onto the train, jumping into the carriage seconds before the locomotive pulled away.

That was actually cute, even if I prefer Flashlight. Sunset steals Flash’s first kiss yet again, this time in a good way.

Once the train was out of sight, everyone turned to Flash and saw he still had a huge blush on his face. "Oh, get over yourself romeo," Twilight grumbled as she slapped the side of his head, knocking him back into reality.

Twilight is jealous, adorable. Though she is probably just going to hide it with more attitude towards Flash.


I wouldn’t mind if Sunset appeared in the main series. It would give a chance to expand her opportunities, maybe give her a small rivalry with Twilight and make a love triangle between the two of them and Flash, though we all already know who he would end up with.

Amen, brother! Count me to vote.

That was actually cute, even if I prefer Flashlight. Sunset steals Flash’s first kiss yet again, this time in a good way.

couldn't have said it better myself

Twilight is jealous, adorable. Though she is probably just going to hide it with more attitude towards Flash.

I think she won't hide it, I think she'll have no idea that what she feels is jealous and it will eat at her

That was nice. The voice ideas for the villains seem pretty cool. And I can totally see Sunset in the main series as a new assistant to Celestia.

Woo! What a ride! You know, I definitely would love to see more of Sunset. Dang! Twi can be such a killjoy sometimes. I'm saying this despite the fact that she's my favorite character.

I would love for sunset to appear in the series also do you think in the next movie we could get an ocean theme like pokemon ranger and the temple of the sea or do you already have a plan?

9352803 Already have a plan, but it does involve the ocean since the main legendaries gonna water type.

SunSentry is equal to FlashLight.

What a fun, um, movie! Looking forward to when you return to the main series, keep up the good work! 👍

I thought you usually preferred Flashlight and TwiSet?

I do, but I also like the other pairing.

Wait? Who exactly is it a character from the Pokémon anime?

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