• Published 3rd Aug 2012
  • 1,601 Views, 163 Comments

Ballistics of Romance - Cytotoxin

There should be a rational and logical way around romance, right.... RIGHT!?

  • ...

Wednesday - Corrective Aerodynamics

Today, Twilight was again up and at it bright and early. The show was scheduled for two past midday, which meant she had a morning to settle some affairs. Well, after one frantic Rainbow Dash would be calmed, that is. "Come on, Twi, we`re gonna be late! Your balloon`s too slow, we won`t make it to the show in time." - she insisted, tugging Twilight`s foreleg insistently. Theoretically, thought unicorn, Dash was right. Balloon was quite a slow method of movement, and depending on air currents, it might be indeed necessary to leave soon, if she were to reach Cloudsdale on the balloon. But she wasn`t planning on that.

"Calm down, Dash. I`m not taking balloon." - she responded firmly, shaking pegasus` grip from her foreleg. Dash didn`t think much of that, that could be seen on her face. "What do you mean, not taking balloon? How are you going to get to Cloudsdale? I may be the best flier, but even I won`t be able to carry you all the way there, Twi." - she retorted. Twilight let out a little snort - "Oh come on, Dash. Did you forget what we were testing, already? Trust me, we`ll be arriving to Cloudsdale in style."

"Oh... OH! Your new teleport thing! Yeah, yeah that sounds awesome... um, wait, are you sure? I mean, are you sure you can teleport me as well?" - it was obvious that pegasus needed additional reassurance. Twilight shook her head, chuckling - "Why not? I teleported with Pinkie without any troubles the day before yesterday, remember? Don`t be so nervous, Rainbow. I promise you, we will not be late for that show. Why don`t you read a book or something? I need to pick something up from Rarity."

"Nah. Next Daring Do book isn`t out yet, and I`ve already read the rest." - replied Rainbow Dash, her face looking pensive - "I wish they`d come out more often. It`s always such a bother to wait till the next one." Twilight paused at the doors - "Well, Dash, you know... Daring Do isn`t the only adventure series I have. Why don`t you try something else?" Dash`s face fell slightly. "I tried, Twi." - she offered with a sigh - "I tried reading "On Beyond Zebra", but it`s just plain weird. I thought it would be something about zebrican lands, and it`s about alphabet instead. Bleh."

Twilight facehoofed. "I knew I should`ve put that silly book in the vault." - she groused, rubbing the bridge of her nose with hoof - "I`m sorry, Dash. It`s a book I`ve pulled from the reality fissure, it`s likely written in another world and, frankly, is outright weird. I`m surprised it`s written in equestrian, actually." She turned around, and skimmed through the adventure section of the library. "Aha!" - exclaimed unicorn triumphantly as she pulled rather thick book from the shelf - "Adventures of Captain Blood. You`ll like this one, Dash. It`s about pirates." Pegasus made a face - "What, like "arr, landlubber" kind of pirates? Thanks, Twi, but I`m not a foal." Twilight snorted - "Yeah, you`re also not an egghead, Dash. Don`t worry, pirates in this book are not the playground variety."

"Oh, yeah? So what`s the backstory on this captain Blood then?" - retorted Rainbow Dash dubiously, as she stared at the hardcover book with distrust. Sighing, Twilight hoisted up her saddlebags and plopped them on her back, offering - "Why don`t you read to find out, Dash? I really need to get to Carousel Boutique before midday, you know." She trotted out, leaving the perplexed pegasus hovering over the book.


"Hello... Rarity? Rarity?" - Twilight poked around the boutique curiously. It was very strange - the door was open, the things were laid out, but no proprietor. The mystery was solved quickly, though, as she peeked into the kitchen. There, with a mouth full of cake and a deer-in-the-headlights expression was the Rarity herself. Twilight chuckled. "I`m sorry, Rarity. I`ll wait in the studio while you handle things here." - she offered, walking out again. A few seconds later, Rarity joined her, cheeks red from abundant blush. "I`m very sorry you had to see that, darling." - she offered, looking to the side.

"I saw nothing wrong, Rarity." - interjected Twilight, shaking her head, - "We all have our little guilty pleasures." Heaving a little sigh, Rarity nodded - "Well, thank you for discretion, darling. Why, if it were Rainbow Dash in your place, I simply would not be able to live it down ever." Lavender mare let out a quiet laugh - "You needn`t worry - she`s at the library reading. Speaking of Rainbow Dash - I must really hurry, Rarity. Is my dress ready yet?" Nodding, white mare pulled the chest open - "I think it is, darling, but we need to fit you one last time to make sure everything is fine and all the parts are in proper place."

As it turned out, everything was just fine. Normally, Twilight wouldn`t opt for a dress made after pegasi fashion, but for this particular outing, she needed an accommodation for wings. "If I may be so bold, darling, what`s the occasion?" - quipped Rarity as she considered the last-minute adjustments. Shrugging, Twilight offered - "I`ve promised Rainbow Dash I`ll go see Wonderbolts show with her later today."

"Oh, I gathered that much, dear, but why the dress? Sadly, Rainbow Dash`s one of those ponies who pay little attention to the fineries of life, so to say." - responded white unicorn as she stepped back to admire her work - "Speaking of whom, you and Dash, darling? So it is true that opposites attract?" Twilight shook her head - "Ah, sorry to disappoint you, Rarity, but I`m not dating Dash. It`s just a repayment, of sorts, for her help with all my experiments." Rarity`s face fell - "Oh. Oh dear. And here I was, assuming a torrid love affair between two of my best friends. How uncouth of me."

Purple mare giggled, as she turned around in front of mirror, checking out her new dress - "Well, me and Rainbow Dash? It`s certainly just about as plausible as me and you." That offhoof remark caught Rarity off the balance. "Come again, dear? Me and you? Why, how did that idea even came to be?" - she quipped, unsure of her feelings at the moment. Twilight shrugged, as she turned around to look at Rarity instead of mirror - "Oh, you know me. Always overanalysing everything."

Unsure, Rarity chewed on her lower lip - "Well, that is not to say that I`m not... I mean, it`s not like it`s anything out of..." She facehoofed - "Oh dear. Look at me, all confused and bothered by a simple joke. Hahah." Twilight raised her brow. "You know, maybe in your case I underanalysed." - she offered quietly - "You certainly seem to be perturbed by the notion." Rarity`s face took on a peculiar expression as she defended herself - "Oh, nonsense, darling. I`ve just been caught off-guard by that, hrm, notion. Nothing more to it."

Carefully, Twilight levitated her dress off and folded it into the saddlebag neatly, offering in the same time - "You don`t seem to be convinced of that yourself." She raised her hoof before Rarity could mount another objection - "I have an idea, Rarity. How about we have a date, just you and me? A little outing to Canterlot, perhaps?" She could tell her remark hit the spot, if the perplexed mix of emotions on Rarity`s face was of any indication. Very cautiously, fashionista offered - "Well... What do you have in mind?"

Twilight tapped her temple with hoof as she considered the options - "How about Friday? I was thinking Royal Arts Academy, then we can dine on the city and attend the Grand Opera in the evening? Ought to be fairly low-key this week, if I remember the schedules right." Rarity blinked, unsure - "Friday? Wouldn`t that mean we`ll have to leave on Thursday evening and spend at least one night there?" Magician chuckled - "Oh, no, nothing of a sort, Rarity. You know what was Dash helping me with? Long-range teleportation. At this moment, I can confidently claim I can teleport both of us to Canterlot and back within single day."

"Twilight, darling... I`m not sure..." - Rarity sighed and rubbed the base of her horn with hoof - "I mean, are you sure it`s a good idea?" Twilight merely shrugged, as she hoisted the bags on her back and opened the door. "I`m positive that it will be a learning experience for us both, if nothing else." - she offered confidently, shooting a smile at Rarity - "Other then that? Let`s say it`s a friends date, unless something changes during the course of it." Rarity nodded slowly. She wasn`t sure. Wasn`t sure at all.


"Dash? Rainbow Dash? Equestria to Dash, over!" - gradually, pegasus realised somepony`s yelling at her. She looked up from the book languidly, unable and unwilling to shake off the alternate reality of swashbuckling just yet, muttering irritably - "Yes?" Twilight chuckled. "Well, if you`d rather read then go see Wonderbolts..." Dash glanced on the book. Then out of the window. Then on the book again. That - that made Twilight blink in surprise. To think that Dash was seriously considering abandoning the show just to finish the book? Unreal.

"Uh, Dash? You can always finish the book tomorrow... unlike the show." - she reminded, trotting closer. That snapped pegasus out of her daze. "Oh! Oh, yeah, right." - Rainbow Dash was certainly taken by the book. Taken so much that it took her a couple minutes to start registering the surroundings. But once she did, she was treated to a sight of Twilight in a dress - and with a set of lavender moth wings fluttering over her back. "Twilight?..." - ultimately, Dash knew what it was about, but she needed verbal confirmation to let it sink in.

Unicorn shrugged - "I decided to dress up a bit. Want to do the same? You have five minutes to dash to your house and grab your dress, if you`re up to it. Oh, and I`ve already checked this book out for you, so you can take it home." Pegasus blinked. Now it was her turn to be surprised - "I... you what?... Twi, you`re scaring me, sometimes." Still, upon thinking about it a little, blue mare deduced the overall idea to be good - "I... yeah, alright." She grabbed the book and dashed out of the window, absentmindedly noting the midday sun.

Six and half minutes later, Rainbow Dash flew back in, sporting a short dress and looking vaguely uneasy. "How do I look, Twilight?" - she questioned in a rare show of self-consciousness. Unicorn looked over her, smirking - "I think handsome would be the right adjective to use." Initially, she planned so say pretty, but passed that adjective over in favor of more masculine-sounding to appeal to Dash`s tomboy persona. Apparently, that was the right call. "Ready to go, Dash?" - she offered, as she fluttered upstairs, testing her new wings.

"Twi?... Why are we going... upstairs... OH!" - Rainbow cut her question short as she realised they`ve walked out on the balcony. Spike was already there, looking into telescope of all things. "Hey, Rainbow Dash." - he offered jovially, - "Looking good today." Pegasus blushed faintly. Getting an offhand compliment from Spike cinched the situation - she was dressed up. Twilight tapped Spike on the shoulder - "Everything`s ready?" Dragon nodded, as he tapped the piece of parchment - "Here`s the numbers. I doublechecked and I can`t find anything wrong." Nodding, unicorn began her routine of aligning the teleport device. "Rainbow Dash? Come on closer." - she offered, peering through the ocular, - "Grab to the handle on my right side."

Indeed, she had updated her teleport cannon, now featuring a handy handle on the side for a passenger to grab on. Rainbow Dash did that much, putting her hoof on the curved brass securely, calling out - "Ready!" Unicorn tapped her hoof... And suddenly... Pegasus let go of the handle and looked around. They were suddenly on the outskirts of Cloudsdale, the area where the clouds tapered off into the blue nothingness. "...So that`s how the teleport feels." - she offered softly, taking in the sights. It`s been a while since she was in Cloudsdale. Soft giggle cut though her reverie, though.

"Now I can see why Rarity was so weird back then." - Twilight opined, as she fluttered over the cloud cautiously - "Having wings is something... else." She tapped the cloudfluff testingly with her hoof. It held, and she landed cautiously, folding the gossamer wings out of the way. "Lead on, Rainbow." - she offered, smiling at the pegasus - "We have an hour before the show. Any good places to eat nearby?"


Rainbow Dash didn`t know what went wrong. Or, more precisely, she could pinpoint every individual thing that went wrong, but she had no idea what possessed her to follow through with this course of mental destruction. So there she was, sharing a plate of escargot with Twilight Sparkle and laughing at mathematical jokes of all things. Pegasus wasn`t exactly as ignorant of the fine sciences as she`d like everyone to think - handling the weather required certain understanding of mathematical, physical and even chemical aspects, an understanding that came naturally for pegasi. Still, even though they were naturally apt with practical implementation, Rainbow Dash didn`t like to admit she was no slouch with theory either. Too many unpleasant memories from schooldays. So why were she so carefree with Twilight?

Maybe because Twilight could sympathise on the level none of the other friends could. Fluttershy, Celestia bless her, was never particularly apt with calculative part of being a pegasus. She tried to be, she really did, but her fancy lied in the poetry and romance and sappy books. Rainbow craved adventure and precision - something sorely lacking in her friends until Twilight came along. "...You know, Twilight, I never thought you of all ponies would go for griffon food." - she opined, nibbling on the stick of brined cheese. Unicorn shrugged, making her moth wings wave around goofily - "Oh, Canterlot Castle kitchen is rather eclectic. I actually had gone through the phase of "tasting everything" back when I was studying in the castle. Well, I meant everything in the sense of "every dish that castle kitchen can prepare readily". Escargot were among the few carnivorous dishes I actually liked. Speaking of escargot, how did you figure out you like them?"

"Gilda." - offered pegasus simply, as she finished her cheese stick - "We were pretty competitive back in school days, and sometimes, it was about food. I still don`t know what she saw in lobsters, but escargot... I guess it`s my guilty pleasure. Fluttershy would keel over if she`d ever found out." Twilight nodded thoughtfully as she took a sip of dandelion wine - "Oh, yes. Poor dear does take every living being so seriously - even the ones that exist for the express purpose of being eaten."

Feeling a little uneasy with that particular bit, Rainbow sought to change the topic of conversation. Thankfully, the opportunities were wide. "I just realised it`s been ages since I just watched Wonderbolts show." - she ventured, reaching for another cheese stick - "It seems like every time I watched them ever since I left school, I`m either taking part unwittingly or saving them from flailing unicorn or something else. Makes you wonder, doesn`t it?" Purple mare laughed softly - "Oh Dash, you have no idea. If anypony told me the two years ago I`m going to be a librarian in a rural burg, I`d laugh in their face. Life`s thrown us big old curveball with the Elements. Still... I wouldn`t trade it for anything."

"I hear ya, Twi." - offered pegasus, as she leaned on the table, - "I`d never imagine how things turned out... But I wouldn`t change a single one." That struck an odd note - not even the words itself, but the maudlin mood with which Rainbow Dash uttered them. "Not a single one?" - quipped unicorn, suddenly feeling a need to investigate - "Come on, Dash. Surely, there are some things you regret. I certainly do. That whole debacle with the Mr. Smartypants, for example. Or turning Scootaloo into chicken. I`d take back those things if I could."

Pegasus shook her head rather fiercely, as she pondered the response. "I don`t think I would, Twi." - she finally responded, unusually seriously for her usual brash attitude - "I mean sure, some of things I did sucked, and I felt awful for doing them afterwards, but... Y`know, nothing ventured, nothing gained. Every time I think about taking back something that sucked, I just have to ask myself - if I didn`t do that, if I didn`t learn that lesson back there and then, just how much worse I could`ve cocked up later?"

Twilight leaned around the table and patted Rainbow`s foreleg - "It`s about Gilda again, isn`t it?" She took a shot in the dark with this guess - an educated shot and educated guess, granted, but... Pegasus let out a soft sigh. "Yeah. I think. Too many old memories around here." - she offered, somewhat bitterly, but without malice - "The streets, the food, the show..." Unicorn quirked her brow - "You miss her, don`t you?"

Rainbow Dash let out a tired chuckle - "I`d say yes, but that would be a lie. No, I don`t miss Gilda. If anything, I resent her for being whom I thought I wanted to be. And in the same time, I feel sorry for making her think I`m something I wasn`t. Ain`t self-reflection grand, Twilight?" Unicorn shook her head - 'That`s just salt talking, not you." She levitated a glass of mineral water to pegasus - "Here, drink up. That`ll clear off your funk." Pegasus downed the glass without looking, her face pensive and determined in the same time.

"You know, Twilight? I used to be an egghead." - she offered suddenly, glancing around, - "And because of that, school sucked. Well, not the school itself, but everypony else who went to school with me. Except for Fluttershy, that is. But Fluttershy just wasn`t into the same kind of thing I was." Purple mare nodded, her face pensive as well when she continued - "And then Gilda came along, and she was into the stuff you liked... but she was cooler then you. So you tried to act like she does. Right?"

Blue mare sighed again - "Bingo. The scary thing? It worked." She shook her head and cracked a smile - "But you see, I learned something from it. I learned I can be arrogant without being a jerk." Twilight could tell the joke was just a tiny bit forced, but she run with it. "That`s the spirit, Dash." - she offered, smiling back - "Everything`s a learning experience, if nothing else. Though some experiences are better then other, I`m guessing." Now the smile was much more genuine. "Oh, yeah, I`d say. Finding out you like escargot is one heck of a learning experience." - opined Dash with a chuckle.

Twilight made a bit of face, as she considered the empty plate - "I`d love to learn more about that one, but too much of exotic treat is never a good thing." Rainbow let out a short barking laugh - "You know, that`s exactly the kind of thing I`m thinking about Gilda right now. Too much of her wasn`t a good thing for me." Sipping her wine daintily, Twilight ventured - "I wonder why nopony realised you were dating before. In retrospect, it`s blindingly obvious."

Dash`s face scrunched momentarily, and Twilight realised she hit the nerve. Hard. "We weren`t." - Rainbow Dash said fiercely, - "I was never interested in her in that way." Unicorn nibbled on her lower lip thoughtfully. That.. was interesting, to say the least. "Well... From what I do remember of her, she acted like you two used to date and then broke up." - she offered at last, - "I`m sorry if I`ve jumped to conclusions, but it`s really rather obvious she was jealous about you."

"Really? I never catch on to that stuff." - responded pegasus, looking aside - "Makes sense, though. I wondered why she suddenly cranked up bitching to eleven." Very... interesting. Twilight picked up her glass and took another sip, mulling over her options. That being Rainbow Dash, probably the best course of action would be just to ask things straight... and be ready to grab in case she bolts. "You mean you never realised? Come on, Dash, surely the topic had came up during your school days." - she ventured, smiling at pegasus.

"Sure did. About Gilda, Fluttershy and just about any other mare I`ve ever walked past. So I kind of stopped listening to that years ago." - proffered pegasus, as she pushed away from the table slightly, - "Twi, I`m full. Can we take a walk or something? I need some fresh air." She waved to the waiter, but he merely flashed a smile back. "Ugh. What`s wrong with him? Can`t he see I`m ready to pay the bill?" - she groused. Twilight chuckled - "Actually, I already paid when you were at the powder room." She tipped the glass, draining the rest of dandelion wine and stood up - "So, ready when you are, Dash."

Trotting out after unicorn, Dash couldn`t hold back the indignant - "Now why`d you do that?" Twilight just shrugged, looking up and down the street - "Which way..? Oh, and you paid for the meal before the show, remember? So it`s only fair." Pegasus didn`t have the good objection to that, so she resorted to incoherent grunt instead.


"Ah, so much better! This, Twi, is what life really is. No hastle, no bustle, no emo stuff... Just clouds, wind and you." - Rainbow Dash proclaimed as she flopped languidly on the small cloud. Twilight settled next to her gingerly, still not quite trusting in the supportive capacities of the fluff barely big enough to hold two of them. They were lazily floating away from Cloudsdale, in the general direction of Ponyville. "I can certainly see the appeal." - offered Twilight cautiously, - "Had fun, Rainbow? I sure did."

Pegasus looked up lazily. "Yes. I had lots of fun." - she offered, - "But right now... Can you finally tell me what are you buttering me up for?" Twilight smirked - "Caught me, huh? So what gave me out?" Rainbow shrugged - "Paying for the dinner, mostly. Not even you would treat me to Aile De L`or on the lark. Too.. what`s the word?... formal, I guess." Unicorn nodded, rolling to her side a little as she let her wings splay on the cool cloudfluff. "I suppose. Well, to be honest, I wanted the skinny on you and Gilda. I mean, it`s rather obvious she had some romantic aspirations... And just as obviously, you didn`t reciprocate that much." - she offered after a moment of silence.

For a while, Dash just lounged silently. Then she sighed - "Ask something easier, Twi. I really have no idea what`s the deal with featherbrain. I know there`s been rumors about us dating, but as I said, there are rumors about me and just about every mare in the town. So I never paid much attention to it. Gilda never brought that up with me, though. So even if she wanted to date, she sure kept mum about it." Twilight nodded thoughtfully - "I take it you didn`t want to date Gilda, did you?"

Rainbow shook her head slightly. "No, not really." - she responded after another short silence - "To be honest, I don`t even know where all the rumors come from. It`s not like there`s a writing on my forehead saying "fillyfooler", now is there?" Twilight frowned - "Something`s wrong with being fillyfooler?" That certainly alerted pegasus a little - "Gah, no. I mean, if somepony figures out they are, well power to them and all that jazz. What I don`t get is why everypony thinks I`m one."

"Well... you are a shoe-in for a butch stereotype, Dash." - responded Twilight thoughtfully, - "Tomboyish, brash and loyal. Pretty much the staple archetype. Are you telling me that you, in fact, like stallions?" Judging by Rainbow`s grimace, that wasn`t it either - "That`s the thing. I have no bloody idea." How very curious. And peculiar. Her interest peaked, making Twilight roll over again so she could face Rainbow Dash directly - "Aha, so that`s how things are, Dash? You honestly never had interest in anypony?"

Pegasus groaned - "Yeah, pretty much. I just don`t get it, Twilight. Why is everypony so crazy about this dating stuff?" Twilight looked on the mare before her. Clueless Rainbow Dash was adorkable. Acting on an impulse, she pulled forward, her face next to Dash`s. "Let`s see if I can demonstrate." - she breathed into blue ear, leaning closer and letting her lips brush against Rainbow`s. She felt the rush of intimacy pass through her body, exciting her. But... something was amiss.

"Twi? Why did you do that?" - asked pegasus quietly, as she pulled back from her friend. Twilight`s eyebrow quirked - "Well, that is the most demonstrable part of dating. The idea of intimacy is exciting." She couldn`t figure out the peculiar expression on Rainbow`s face, though. "Exciting, huh?" - she repeated, throwing her head back - "I`m sorry, Twilight, but I don`t feel anything. Exciting, I mean." Unicorn pulled back, nibbling on her lip as she mulled over the response.

"I guess that proves in black and white you`re not interested in mares, Rainbow." - she offered finally, - "If you were, you`d have some kind of reaction." Pegasus responded with a groan. "That`s the bloody thing. I don`t feel anything about stallions either." - she responded, sitting up, - "I tried. What is this excitement everyone`s talking about?" "Well... your heartbeat goes a bit faster, you feel warm, you get that feeling of anticipation..." - offered lavender mare as she pondered the situation - "Maybe you`re just asexual, Dash?"

"Asexual?... What do you mean, asexual? As in, neither a mare nor a stallion or what?" - Rainbow Dash inquired warily, - "I`m pretty certain I am a mare, Twi." Unicorn laughed a little - "Oh, no, not that. Asexual ponies are the kind of ponies who don`t date because they don`t feel attracted to anypony. Come to think of it, asexual ponies usually have some kind of overarching life goal, too. Kind of like you and your love of flying. Do you get excited when you`re flying your tricks, Dash? Do you feel the heartbeat, the warmth, the anticipation?"

For a few seconds, Rainbow`s face was perfectly still as she mulled things over. "...Huh. You know, Twi, now that you mention it... Yes, I do get excited about flying. So what does that mean?" - she offered slowly, - "It`s not like I need to see doctor about it or something, now is it?" Twilight rolled her eyes a bit and giggled - "No, no, it`s perfectly normal to be asexual, Dash. A lot of ponies are like that, actually. I have a couple of books about it in back in the library, you can check them out later."

"Huh. So you don`t think something is wrong with me, then? It`s OK if I just... don`t want to?" - pegasus drawled as she struggled to wrap her mind around the concept. She felt surprised about how well it fit her situation. "Wait a second. Twi, why did you want to know in the first place?" - she demanded suddenly, fixing unicorn with intense stare. "...Well... To be honest, I considered asking you out." - replied unicorn sheepishly, - "But it`s alright, we`ve already figured out you`re not interested." Rainbow`s hoof connected to her forehead with a loud clap. "Twilight..." - she groaned in disappointment.

"Dash. It`s OK, really. To be honest, I`m also quite clueless about dating." - implored Twilight - "Please don`t be mad." Rainbow slammed her hoof into the cloud - "Why me, Twilight? Because I oh so "obviously" dig mares, is that it?" Unicorn shook her head slowly. "Actually, you`re not the first." - she replied, - "I`ve been asking Applejack out yesterday. She said no, by the way." And with that, Rainbow`s irritation was immediately replaced with utter astonishment.

"You... and AJ? Bwahah!... Oh, dear, I wish she`d say yes. You two, dating? Would be hilarious." - she offered at last. Twilight took the response as a sign of mollification. "I`m just trying to figure out dating." - she offered to bemused pegasus, - "Unlike you, I do get excited about it... but I haven`t figured out whom I can date just yet. That`s what I`ve been trying to do." "Sooo... you`re a fillyfooler then?" - inquired pegasus cheekily.

"...Maybe. Or bisexual, at the very least." - answered Twilight after a few moments of thinking, - "I can certainly get excited about a mare." Rainbow nudged her playfully with the hoof - "I`m cool with that... so long as it`s not me you`re excited about. Because that would get weird." Lavender mare shook her head - "After today? I`m pretty certain I want to be just friends, Dash. Pretty certain indeed."