• Published 15th Oct 2018
  • 1,649 Views, 43 Comments

Kitchen Nightmares - Acoustic Pulse

Coriander and Saffron need help, so they asked the best in the business.

  • ...

Ramsay's Arrival

Saffron Masala unlocked the doors to The Tasty Treat and switched the closed sign to open. Her father was in the kitchen beginning prep.

Saffron took a rag and wetted it. Once it was damp, she began wiping down the tables. The sound of the door opening froze her in her tracks.

The first customer they'd had in days. She instinctively blurted out, "Welcome to the Tasty Treat. Take a seat, we'll get you something to eat!"

"I appreciate the warm welcome, Ms. Saffron," the customer replied.

His voice sounded familiar to her. She looked up and realized who he was, "Oh, Chef Ramsay. You're here. Good timing, my father is finishing prep now. I still have to clean the lobby."

Gordon smiled, "Take your time, my darling. I'll go and meet your father."

"Yes, chef," she chuckled, remembering the outlandish scene from the previous evening.

Coriander Cumin put the last lid on the holding dishes. He looked around to see what needed to be cleaned. Before he could start, he was stopped in his tracks by who entered the kitchen, "Gordon Ramsay, as I live and breathe. I didn't think I'd see you again after the fiasco that went down last time."

Ramsay cringed, remembering it, "That service was dreadful. I am going to hope that you won't pull another stunt like that one."

"Oh, no, you have my word," Coriander threw his hoof up in the air, causing his belly to jiggle.

Gordon nodded, "I'll eat before we get started. It's something I always do."

Coriander smiled, "Of course! Find a seat and we'll fix you something."

Gordon went back into the dining room. He sat in a booth near the window. He looked down the street at his own restaurant. He hoped that he could turn The Tasty Treat into a restaurant with the same popularity as his own. Most chefs fear competition, but Gordon relished in it.

He sat staring at the menu. He laughed when he saw Hay Curry, "That's a new one, I'll try that."

Saffron approached his table, ready to take his order. Gordon looked at the menu some more, "Okay, I'll try the Hay Fries on the appetizer menu, the Curry on the entreƩ menu, and the apple pie off the dessert menu. You can't go wrong with Apple Pie."

Saffron smiled, "We'll get your order as soon as possible."

Gordon sat, patiently waiting. He looked at the tabletop. It was spotless, which gave him a little hope for this place.

He got down looking under the table, the sight immediately set him off, "CHEWING GUM UNDER THE TABLES?! YOU'VE GOT TO BE SHITTING ME!"

Saffron stopped dead in her tracks. She smacked herself upside the head, "How did I forget that?"

Coriander looked up from the kitchen, "Saffron, I've told you so many times to clean the tops and the bottoms of the tables."

Saffron was too embarrassed to respond. She looked over at Gordon, who had relaxed. She took this time to respond, "Father, I don't mean any disrespect to you, but you spend all your time in the kitchen. We were deserted yesterday, you could have taken care of it while I was gone trying to get Chef Ramsay's help. Now he's here and you're wanting to pin the blame on me and use me as a scapegoat. Do remember that this is your restaurant as much as it is mine."

Coriander nodded, "That's true, but you still could have done it before you left."

Saffron shook her head in frustration, "This is exactly what I mean. It's miserable to work here now. It used to be fun spending time with you. Cooking together was how we bonded. We don't do it anymore. We bicker and argue over the most ridiculous things. This is why nopony wants to eat here. This is why the critics talk trash about us, this is why we never make any progress. Things like this, it has to stop, Father. I've poured my entire life into helping you keep this ship afloat. It's to the point where I'm pulling all the weight and you're just coasting at the top of the wave, taking all the credit for what I contribute as well. It's unfair. I'm sick and tired of it."


"Well, if you're so good on your own, perhaps you don't need my help," Saffron went to the back and came back with an ice scraper.

She stormed out of the kitchen and angrily flipped a table. She began vigorously scraping the gum off the bottom of it, knowing she would rather do that than attack her father with it.

Gordon had seen enough, he entered the kitchen, "Are you seriously going to stand here looking stupid instead of getting out there and helping your daughter? TAKE INITIATIVE, YOU BLUBBERY BASTARD. IF SHE CAN DO IT, SO CAN YOU."

Coriander sighed, "Luna damn it, I'm in charge here.


Gordon took a breath and lowered his tone, "Just look at her. I was expecting her to leave the restaurant. Instead, she's going to work cleaning this gum. You realize how disgusting that is, right? That gum looks like it has been there so long, it could have been chewed by Starswirl The Bearded."

Coriander nodded, "You're both right. But if we're cleaning the lobby, who's gonna do prep? Who's gonna set tables? Who's gonna wash dishes? It's just been the two of us here. We can't afford to hire any help. It kills me because Saffron speaks truth, she has poured her entire life into helping me and she has nothing to show for it. She has every right to be angry. I'm just as angry with myself."

"Show it then. Use that anger to light a fire under your fat elephant ass and DO SOMETHING BESIDES STANDING HERE!" Gordon's stomach growled.

Coriander looked up, "Do you still want what you ordered or would you rather not?"

Gordon sighed, "Alright, I'll try your food again, I'll tell you how it is, then we really need to get back down to business here."

"Right. Sounds good," Coriander seemed a little more confident.

"I knew I'd get through to you eventually," Gordon smiled. The smile faded when he saw Saffron still cleaning the lobby alone.

"I'll be back in a few minutes," he said and left the restaurant.

Gordon entered Tirek's Kitchen. The waiters had just gotten done cleaning the lobby.

"Double Time, Speedy Service, come here a moment," he called.

The two waiters stopped what they were doing and cantered up to the chef.

"Yes, chef?" they replied in unison.

"That restaurant down the street is short on help, they need their lobby cleaned. It's dreadful. Gum under the tables, gunk from spilled drinks all over the chairs, and there's only one mare cleaning it all by herself," Gordon explained the situation.

"Do we have to clock out?" Double Time asked.

Gordon laughed, "No, don't clock out. You're still working."

Speedy Service shook his head, smiling at his coworker.

"That was a stupid question," Double Time admitted.

"Let's just go," Gordon exited, his waiters following closely behind.

His host leaned out the door, "CHEF! WHO'S GOING TO SERVE THE FOOD?"


"Okay!" the door closed.

Gordon entered the Tasty Treat, his help following closely behind.

"Saffron, I brought you some help," he pointed at his waiters.

"Chef Ramsay, you didn't have to do that," she was only on the second table.

"You're struggling. You sought me out and asked for my help. I'm doing my part," Gordon replied.

The two waiters went to work, helping her clean the tables. One got the booths on the left and the other started on the right. Saffron kept her focus on the table and chairs in the middle.

Coriander served the dishes to Gordon, "Hay Fries, Hay Curry, and Apple Pie."

Gordon tasted the Hay Fries, "That's bland. No seasoning whatsoever. Just tastes like dirt."

Coriander nodded, taking away the Hay Fries and setting the Curry down. Gordon tasted it. It took everything in his power not to spit take, "The Curry would have been fine if the bowl wasn't full of soap. You didn't even rinse it out, you just dumped this shit in here. Are you trying to poison somepony? I could've swore we had a similar conversation last time I was here. Have you learned nothing?"

Coriander took the Hay Curry and served him the Apple Pie. Gordon tasted it, "That's odd. It's piping hot at the top, but ice cold at the bottom. Cold pie is good, warm pie is good. Together, it's just weird. Did you bake this? This tastes like frozen section supermarket pie."

Coriander confessed, "It was store-bought. I just threw it in the oven."

"That lack of effort and half-assery is why your restaurant is always empty. The citizens of Canterlot already know what they're up against. They're spoiled and rich, but they're not stupid," Gordon sighed.

"What do you think we should do?" Coriander was finally opening up to Gordon's help.

"Glad you see things my way, uh, what's your name again?" Gordon asked.

"Coriander Cumin."

"Ah, Coriander. Okay. I'll leave my trusty sidekicks to help you lot clean up. I'll be back tomorrow and we can start sorting things out. Sound good?" Gordon asked.

"Yes, chef," Saffron answered. Coriander nodded in agreement.

"Good. There's progress to be made here. There is still hope for The Tasty Treat, I know it. You both need to help me help you though. If I do everything myself, you won't learn anything and you'll just go back to making the same mistakes and experiencing even more trouble," Gordon left after that warning.

End of Chapter 2!