• Published 11th Jul 2020
  • 770 Views, 29 Comments

Pokémon Eclipse II - Light of Harmony - moviemaster8510

Set roughly one year after the events of Pokémon Eclipse, two teenaged trainers are enlisted in Twilight's School of Friendship, where Sam Brier serves as a Pokémon-training teacher. Meanwhile, new foes emerge to wreak havoc on both worlds...

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Chapter 6 - Love Again

Mikael, wearing dark blue sweatpants and a light-blue t-shirt, sat at the edge of his bed, holding a cellphone against his head and speaking softly into it. “Hey, Aunt Ingrid… …You know what? Things are… actually great… …Tons of ‘em! I’ll definitely have to let you meet them sometime, but maybe when it’s not so late for you. What time is it back in Snowpoint?… …Wow, that’s late. Yeah, my dorms are in the new campus, which is apparently just west of Lumiose City in the Kalos region, so yeah, you’re a few hours ahead of us.”

Smolder approached Mikael and Jacqui’s bunk beds, the only bed of the one beside it already occupied by Yona on the bottom, who was already snoring loudly. “Who are you talking to?”

Mikael turned with a jolt to see the young dragon standing there. “Oh, Smolder!” He then turned back away to speak into the phone. “Actually, one of them’s still up! You wanna’ talk to her while I have you?” Mikael nodded vigorously upon hearing the answer. “Okay, okay, I’ll put her on!” He then turned back to Smolder, nearly shoving his phone into her face. “It’s my aunt. She just wants to say a few words before she goes back to bed.”

Smolder nervously took the phone from Mikael’s fingers, holding it up to the side of her face as similarly as Mikael had done. “Hey, Mrs…. I mean… Mikael’s– …Ingrid? Okay, Ingrid. Yeah, hi. My name’s Smolder. I’m a dragon… …Yeah, we’re getting along great, he’s pretty cool… …I mean, you should have seen him! His Pokémon took out all my friend’s Pokémon by himself! What are you feeding them up there?… …Borgin… …Okay. I bet Sam would probably know what borgin yawn is; maybe if he made it for my Pokémon, they’d be unstop–”

Smolder was interrupted by the quick buzzing of the phone against her head, causing her to look at the screen to see what caused that.

“Smolder?” Ingrid’s voice called faintly from the other line. “Are you still there? Hello?”

“Sorry,” she responded, still reading the banner on the lock screen, “something just…” Once she fully realized what it said, she seized up and put her hand to her mouth. “What? No!”

“What is it?” Mikael sprung from his mattress and swung around to Smolder.

Picking his phone back up, he read the headline to the article notification that appeared: ALICE BRIER KNOCKED OUT OF GALAR CHAMPION CUP SEMI-FINALS BY ROOKIE UNDERDOG

“Wha…?” Mikael was more confused over the news than horrified.

“What’s going on?” Ingrid’s voice piped up. “Is something wrong?”

Mikael looked to Smolder, who sadly flew up to her top bunk and sat on the edge, looking dejected.

He then put the phone back to his head. “It’s… everything’s okay. I’ll call you again tomorrow, earlier this time… …Sorry, it’s okay. I love you. Bye.”

Mikael ended the call and walked up to Smolder, who picked her head up. “I’m guessing you’re a fan of her?”

Smolder picked her legs up and hugged them close before swinging around to put her feet back on the mattress. “I don’t know… I mean, how could Alice Bri– THE Alice Brier, get beaten by a newbie?”

“Is it that…” Mikael picked his phone back up and opened the article, one of the first images being that of a teenaged boy with blonde hair tied in a long ponytail celebrating as the judge declared his win. “Yeah, John Tanner; been making waves over there. He apparently managed to survive some nasty bug when he was younger, and when he finally got fit and became a trainer, Leon Kingsley of all people sponsored him for the Gym Challenge. I mean, he also sponsored Victor before he became Champion. I guess it’s some kind of Midas touch he has…”

“Okay, what,” Smolder sneered, “is you sucking up to him supposed to make me feel better?”

“What? No, I wasn’t…”

Jacqui, her hair damp from her recent shower, walked into the dorm room, stepping soundlessly on bare feet while wearing a pair of nylon short shorts and a tank top that concealed her navel. “What’s going on here?”

“Sam’s sister got beaten out of the Champion Cup tournament,” Mikael answered, “and Smolder’s pretty upset about it.”

“Oh, shi–” Jacqui caught herself, making her eyes appear even wider. “Really? Against that John Tanner kid?”

“Yeah,” Smolder grumbled, crossing her arms tightly, “against that ‘John Tanner kid.’ What a lame-o.”

Jacqui bobbed her head sympathetically. “Listen, I get that that sucks, but look at it this way. I’m sure you’ve been hearing about that trainer who’s been tearing ass through the Island Trials on Alola?”

Smolder picked herself up, this new information giving her a greater sense of urgency. “What?”

“Oh, yeah. There’s this guy who started his Island Trials a few days ago, and he’s been just crushing them. At the rate he’s going, he could reach the Pokémon League tomorrow.”

“Hold on, what?”

“Calm down,” Jacqui hissed, glancing over at the other Equestrians in their beds. “What I’m trying to get at is that she’s got her own title on Alola to defend without having to win some other one. She probably doesn’t need to get herself all worked up before she has to face this new guy, and that way, she can get ready for him when she eventually does face him.”

“So what, are you saying she threw the match?”

“Of course not! I’ve been following John Tanner’s Gym Challenge myself, and the dude’s legit. She probably fought her hardest against him and he got the better of her.”

“So she lost! That’s all that matters at this point!”

Smolder fell back onto her bed with a whine, the noise and rumbling of the bed stirring Yona awake.

“Ugh,” she groaned, rubbing her eyes. “Are human always this loud at night?”

“Sorry, Yona,” Mikael whispered before going back to Smolder. “And no, that’s not what matters now. What matters now is that she gets back home and keeps the title she already has.”

Jacqui nodded in agreement. “And I’m sure Alice’s just thankful that she did lose on Galar, because now she’s going to make damn sure that she doesn’t lose on Alola.”

“As long as she has that throne and loyal fans like you cheering her on, I’m certain she’s not going to go anywhere.”

After several moments, Smolder rolled back up to sit with a raspy sigh, swinging around to sit on the edge of the bed once again. “Yeah, I suppose you’re right. Still stinks that she lost, though.”

“And we totally get it,” Jacqui replied, “but even the best of us lose from time to time. It’s when we stop fighting to win again that we’re really defeated.”

Smolder chuckled, a sudden reaction that sparked confusion in Mikael and Jacqui. “Thanks for the fortune-cookie wisdom, Jacqui. I appreciate it.”

“Yeah, no problem. Hey, what time is it?”

Mikael looked back at his phone. “Oh yeah, look at the time. It’s well past ‘What Are You All Doing Up So Late On A School Night, Get to Bed Right Now O’clock.’”

Smolder pulled the covers off her bed, somersaulting around until she was on the sheets and she could pull the covers over her body. “Yeah, that sounds about right. Good night, you two, and thanks for your help too, Mikael.”

“Of course. Anytime.” Mikael, elated to hear that the ordeal of the night was finally settled, sat down onto his bunk and laid on his back, snuggling the back of his head against his pillow.

As Jacqui began climbing the ladder up to her bunk, Yona rolled over to Mikael, who saw her motions and glanced over to her. “Hold on. Alice lost match?”

Mikael yawned. “Can we talk about it tomorrow, Yona?”

Mikael sat between Yona and Sandbar while Jacqui sat between Gallus and Smolder during Pokémon II as Sam delivered his lecture.

“My hope is for each of you to be the best trainers you can be whenever you step out into the world,” he spoke out. “And even as I stand before you as a teacher, know that even my journey as a trainer is never truly over. Even after I narrowly lost to my sister for the Alolan championship, I knew there was still much more growth I had to make. And I refused to take on the Kalosian Pokémon League after defeating all of its gyms because I knew my journey would not end by defeating a Champion. And that is why I went to the Galar region…”

Sam detached two Poké Balls from his belt and tossed them out into the field. Opening up, the energy streams pouring out transformed into two Pokémon. The first was a white duck with a brilliant golden bill and feet with a large, firm shield made of leaves in its left hand and an even larger sword fashioned from a leek in the other. The second Pokémon was an amphibious, yet upright purple creature with a blue underside. On either side of the horn at the center of its forehead were two mohawk-like bands of blue electricity running over its head. Along with an organic belt of spikes along its waist and wrists, it also had four shorter, broader, fleshier horns over its chest.

As the class audibly reacted to Sam’s newest Pokémon, Sam came behind the purple creature and put his hand on its shoulder with platonic affection. “Not only did I evolve my team through my Sirfetch’d and my Toxtricity, I also learned a new form of evolution.”

Sam then held up his right wrist which was adorned with a gold cloth armband with purple outer borders, matching his shirt and jacket. Turning his arm to show off the bottom of his wrist, there appeared to be a hard black screen that curved around the contours of his arm.

“I came to the Galar region to learn of and gain the exclusive ability known as Dynamax so that I could utilize it much like I have been able to utilize Mega Evolutions and Z-Power.” He then held up his left wrist with his Z-Ring attached, his Key Stone embedded inside. “I did all this because I when I accepted the position to be your teacher, I knew that I would one day be able to share this knowledge with you too, right here.

“For those of you not aware, Rosanna Sixsmith, the woman who helped construct Poniose Town, has been working on a project that will allow trainers to be able to Dynamax outside of the Galar region, and what I can tell you is… it’s going to be happening soon.”

The class began to murmur, making Sam smile with the news he was about to deliver. “And when that happens, I’d be honored to have you be the first class that I get to teach how.” The uproar became even louder now. “Upon Worldwide Max’s successful execution, not only will I be teaching all of you how to Mega Evolve and perform your own Z-Moves this year, but I will be teaching you how to Dynamax as well.”

Silverstream began to cheer, which then resulted in an explosion of applause from the others. Jacqui and Mikael clapped more calmly and more out of respect, but Mikael cocked his head and nodded, comfortably surprised by this.

“And speaking of Galar,” Sam continued, “I am very well aware of my sister Alice’s loss yesterday during her Champion Cup match against John Tanner. And upon learning that he managed to also dethrone the champion, and my good friend, Victor, shortly after, I can at least take some comfort to know that he must be exceptionally strong to be able to defeat them both.” Smolder sunk subtly in her seat, still sore about it. “That being said, Alice appears to have another big match coming up shortly which I’m sure she’s preparing even harder for at the moment; the defending of her title as Alolan Champion.

“It hasn’t been confirmed yet when exactly it will take place, but it’s sounding like it will be a televised event regardless. I’ve made an arrangement with the Timburr Tavern and Grill right here in Poniose to host a viewing party there for whenever the match is set to take place. I am inviting any student of mine to come and watch if you’re available. Food and drink will be provided, so if nothing else, free food, am I right?”

“Ow-OW!” Jacqui pumped her fist into the air.

“I’ll be sure to provide details in tomorrow’s class should any updates occur, but if you need directions, consult the maps you received yesterday. Now, we still have a lot of groundwork to cover this year before I can teach you about Mega Evolution, Z-Power, and Dynamaxing, so let’s get learning, shall we?”

Mikael and Divvy walked out from the Poniose campus and toward downtown Poniose, Jacqui and the others following him. Sandbar picked his pace up to be ahead, allowing him to turn his head to the right where the Chaser Battle arena, once again invisibly shrouded would be located. Approaching the street he’d need to cross to get to the plaza, he crashed into Divvy’s behind, hitting the side of his head in the process.

Both Mikael and Divvy were alerted to the noise, watching as Sandbar rubbed his head. “Whoa, Sandbar, you alright?”

“Yeah, sorry,” he answered with a tinge of embarrassment. “I still can’t get my mind off that arena that Ms. Sixsmith showed us yesterday.”

“Looking forward to getting to be able to use it, huh?” Jacqui egged.

“I mean, we kind of all are?” Gallus answered. “I mean, we did have a pretty big group hug over it last night, you know.”

“Yeah, good times. As a matter of fact, I may want to get some practice in before it opens up. Anyone want to join me at the rink?”

“Uh, yeah,” Smolder groaned, “as much as I’d like to hang out, you heard what Rosanna said. You and Mikael are the only ones who really need skates, so there’s really no point.”

“Maybe Yona want to learn to skate too!” Yona said with an indignant pout.

“Hey, I’m not telling you that you don’t have to skate. It’s just I don’t think I really need to.”

“Actually,” Ocellus mentioned to Mikael and Jacqui, “if you’re still going, I’d like to come with just to see how good you two are. Plus, skating sounds like fun!”

“I agree!” Silverstream squawked. “We should totally go!”

Smolder breathed out a sigh. “Looks like I’m getting roped in this time, aren’t I?”

“I mean,” Sandbar replied, “there’s far worse things to get roped into.”

“Sweet!” Jacqui hopped up with a clap and ran back toward the campus. “I’m gonna’ go get my skates!”

Mikael began to back away, slower. “I’m going to get mine too. We can meet you there if you want.”

Mikael spun and ran after Jacqui to follow, Divvy tailing him. The six Equestrians just stood there.

“Anyone know how to get to the skating rink?” Gallus deadpanned.

“No clue!” Silverstream jovially cheered.

Sandbar and his friends stood outside the entryway to the ice rink. Each one of their feet or hooves, each adorned with different sizes of ice skates, were in a perpetual, unbalanced wobble. Smolder, Gallus, Ocellus, and Silverstream kept their wings out, occasionally flapping them to stay upright without tipping over.

“I don’t know how you humans manage to stay up in these things,” Gallus loudly grumbled, “and we’re not even on the ice yet!”

“Oh, come on!” Jacqui slowly skated backwards towards the gate on her own rentals as if it were second nature. “You were all so excited to come out!”

“Hey, I was just happy to tag along! Yona and Ocellus were more excited to go than I was!”

“Guys,” Mikael sighed, “it’s no big deal. I’m sure if you ask Dave, he’ll let you get your skates off and refund your rental.”

“Really? Great, that’s what I was worried about.” Gallus flew off the carpet and fluttered back to the rental counter where Dave was.

“Oh, come on Gallus!” Silverstream called, awkwardly pivoting back around. “You could at least try!”

“Try for what? We have wings! If you need me, I’ll be at the snack bar.”

“It’s okay, guys.” Mikael stepped onto the ice, swinging around so that he stayed close by the gate. “Whenever you’re ready, we’ll help you on.”

Jacqui responded by standing on the other side, arms out to escort the first Equestrian on.

Yona huffed. “Yona live in ice and snow! Yona know how to skate!”

“That’s the spirit!” Jacqui reached out to her with Mikael as she stepped her way on. “Just stay straight and balanced…”

“This…” Smolder widened her stance so that she could safely and comfortably rub her arm. “…ain’t turning out well.”

Mikael and Jacqui held Yona up as she got all four of her skates onto the ice. As her blades carried her forward, Yona clenched her teeth as she found herself continuing to ride out with no way to stop.

“Yona!” Mikael called, already sensing the danger. “Tip your fee- hooves forward! That’s where the brakes…”

Mikael, Jacqui, and their friends then watched as Yona’s legs began to part, the skates attached to them veering slightly outward. With her stance too wide to support her, Yona slid onto her stomach and came to a sudden stop. Yona’s embarrassment radiated out to her friends at the weight, the pathetic sight allowing them all to stand straight without consequence.

Mikael pushed off and came to Yona’s side, Divvy flying into the rink on the other side. “That’s okay, you’re okay. And up!”

Divvy lifted the yak up, the sudden airborne feeling making her mildly thrash her legs out as she let out a terrified whoop.

“Yona, calm down, I’m right here! Just keep your legs straight. There we go…” As Mikael put his hands on her, the feel of his touch calmed her down enough for her to follow his instructions. “And, down we go.”

Yona’s skates were set upon the ice, Mikael keeping his hands on her while Divvy supported her against itself.

“That’s good,” Mikael cooed, the tenderness and compassion he gave to Yona receiving very pleasant looks from Jacqui and the others. “Alright, we’re going to skate the other way now.”

Mikael and Divvy began to pull Yona along, and the yak tensed up immediately.

“No, no, you’ve got it.” Mikael, on her left, nudged her right. “Just lean that way a little and tilt your skates…”

The others watched on as slowly, but surely, Yona began to turn herself around, about to merge with the counter-clockwise flow of the few other skaters present, amazing her Equestrian friends on the sidelines. Yona looked down and about her to see that she was moving in exactly the way she needed to without another tumbling. Soon, her anxious, toothy frown morphed into a happy, open-mouthed beam.

“That’s it, you’re getting it!” Mikael softly praised, as they began to round the first turn. “Just lean and tilt– Yes, you’re really getting it!”

Even with Mikael and Divvy both sufficiently helping her, Sandbar stepped onto the ice himself. After the initial pang of fear as he slid away from the safety of the coarse carpet, he gently swung around and began to skate off to follow Yona. Jacqui, realizing who was on the ice, reached out and opened her mouth to call him, but stopped when she noticed that he was also getting the hang of it.

Soon, Silverstream, followed by Ocellus and then Smolder, all came onto the ice and trailed to follow Sandbar. Jacqui, seeing the effects Mikael was having on the young Equestrians, smirked and pushed off the ice, weaving around a couple other skaters to get ahead to where Mikael and Yona were.

Upon reaching the straightaway, Mikael and Divvy glanced to each other before slowly and carefully drifting away from Yona. The yak, blissfully unaware of her teacher’s absence, suddenly felt her fear shoot right back through her upon seeing Mikael swing ahead of her, spinning to face her as he went backwards.

Sandbar and his other friends all shared a gasp, frightened of the situation Mikael suddenly created. “Mikael!” Sandbar cried. “Go back, she’ gonna–”

“You got this, Yona!” Mikael called with beckoning arms. “Just skate to me.”

With another turn coming up, Yona fought back her fright and put on a serious scowl. Pushing off with her right legs, she began to pick up speed. To continue accelerating, she put her right skates down and pushed off with the left ones, going faster with a visible confidence that made Mikael giggle with glee.

“No way…” Smolder, in astonishment, stood straight as her skates glided her forward, only to pick up speed again. “Yona! Keep going!”

Mikael glanced back at the turn coming up and then back to Yona, forcing himself to maintain his smile as he leaned right, turning with the curve and keeping his eyes on the yak who would now have to make it by herself. As Jacqui and the others got closer, they too watched as Yona’s legs wobbled as she leaned and tilted her skates.

Despite moving slowly, Mikael felt a weight of pre-emptive guilt lift from his shoulders as Yona mostly kept her weight on her left skates while pushing and propelling herself with her right. Halfway through the turn, the shaking of Yona’s legs disappeared, and with her success fueling her resolve, she managed to reach the straightaway, yelling loudly in sheer happiness as she skated as fast as she could to Mikael.

“Yes!” Mikael and Divvy threw their arms up into the air before reaching out to Yona, who came in hot. “Yona, you’re amazing!”

Yona crashed her head into Mikal’s gut, Mikael hugging her tight as he slowly ground them to a stop before the next turn. Jacqui and the Equestrians then all piled on behind Yona and showered her with praise and affection, their laughter overpowering the music playing from the speakers hanging around the walls.

“Thank you, Mikael!” Yona blubbered, pressing her face into Mikael’s chest to dry her eyes. “You are best skate teacher ever!”

Through her laughing, Smolder commented, “Wait until Gallus finds out he’s not as good as skater as Yona is!”

From the side, Gallus looked over as his friends all laughed even louder than before. With a frown, he turned back and headed to the rental counter where Dave was just finishing putting the skates Gallus rented back on the shelf. Turning around, Dave was greeted by the face of griffon once again, causing him to sport a mildly-exhausted frown.

“Yeah, sorry,” Gallus said half-heartedly, “I’m gonna’ need those skates back.”

Gallus kept his wings out as he skated, his trembling legs pushing himself fast enough for his wings to carry him up. Smolder and Sandbar both stayed behind him closely, laughing as he struggled to keep his fractured pride intact. Silverstream, Ocellus, and Jacqui now skating confidently themselves, were spread out along the ice, joining the other Equestrian students. Mikael, Divvy, and Yona stuck by close, the yak’s speeds now much faster and her posture and balance far more disciplined.

Yona glanced her eyes to Mikael’s direction. “How do you skate so good?”

Mikael nodded. “My mother used to be a professional skater. She taught me everything.”

“Wow. Mikael mom must be really good teacher then!”

“Yeah… she was.”

“Was?” Yona stopped pushing and just ran along the ice as she contemplated Mikael’s words. “Uh… Yona don’t mean to be rude, but what happened to mom?”

“She… she died. Avalanche.”

“What? No! Yona so sorry! Yona didn’t mean–”

“It’s okay. I’m sure I would have told you sooner or later.”

“Still…” Yona began to actively skate again, and Mikael kept right beside her. “You don’t think… you can show Yona what mom taught you?”

“Yeah, Mikael!” Jacqui suddenly appeared to Mikael’s right, skating ahead to be more within his sights. “Show Jacqui and Yona what mom taught you!”

“I… it’s…” Mikael glanced away, a little disconcerted. “I kind of have to be in a mood. Not sure I’m feeling it quite right now.”

Jacqui left with a humph, skating ahead to the open gate and exiting with a running stop. Mikael and Yona watched as she walked over toward a jukebox near the roller skating rink as they took the next turn.

“Where you think she going?” Yona asked.

“I don’t know,” Mikael answered. “Her own skates are in her locker, and she’s obviously not headed there.”

“You think Jacqui putting song on jukebox?”

He shrugged. “Maybe.”

“Well, anyway, Yona sorry she made you feel upset.”

“Please, don’t. It was a while ago, and I always kind of carry it with me. It’s not your fault.”

Yona decided to keep quiet, not wanting to press it further. Together, she, Mikael, and Divvy rounded the next turn. Heading near the gate again, they watched as Jacqui walked up to it and waited, clearly timing her entry so that she could rejoin Mikael and Yona. Once they got near, she stepped on the ice and swung around to take Mikael’s other side.

“Back so soon?” Mikael asked sardonically.

“I mean,” she answered coyly, “you said you weren’t in the mood, so now I’m going to get you in the mood.”

The current song began to fade out.

“What are you talking…” Mikael was slowly interrupted by the next song bleeding in.

It began as a slow, somewhat ethereal strings intro, one that Mikael recognized very clearly. Suddenly, he knew for certain that Jacqui did in fact go to the jukebox.

He then shot a glance to Jacqui. “Did you–”

“You know,” she interrupted, “if you didn’t play your music at night so loud that I can hear them from your headphones, I wouldn’t have to know what music you like. Now come on, big boy, show me and Yona your stuff.”

The strings became fuller and louder, and Mikael knew the song would begin soon. With the expectant, excited smiles of Jacqui and Yona egging him on, he diverted away from them and took to the unoccupied center of the ice, reading his space in proximity to the other skaters. After a swell, the music gave way to a lo-fi riff that sounded like a single horn being fed out through an old record player. Nodding his head to the beat that this new melody created, he prepared his routine in his head. With another burst of strings and the drums coming in, Mikael leapt into a fankick before going low into a shoot-the-duck spin.

Yona and Jacqui both came to a gradual stop along the wall, content to watch Mikael perform to Jacqui’s song of choice as the other skaters glanced over to try and watch him too. Mikael soared along the ice, his skates moving in ways that Yona could not perceive how it would make him go they way they did.

As Sandbar and their other friends got close to Jacqui and Yona, they all came to their own stops, now able to marvel as Mikael went into an impressive double axel. Yona sniffled and sweetly smiled. Despite the sheer catchiness of the music echoing throughout the rink and the excitement being felt by her other friends, the inspiration of Mikael’s tricks and jumps were all but palpable to her.

“Holy cow!” Silverstream blurted. “That’s Mikael?”

“Who else could it be?” Jacqui clapped back.

“I dunno’,” Gallus answered, “some pro skater who just wandered into town to borrow the rink?”

“I had no idea he was so good,” Ocellus commented. “Where’d he learn to skate like that?”

Yona sniffled again. “Mom.”

The others looked to her and then back to him, looking at their friend in a completely different light. Mikael stood up from a hydroblade before performing a butterfly leap and transitioning into a camel spin as the chorus and the horn riff returned. Grabbing the back of his skate, he spent several rotations in a donut spin before going into another layback. He then picked up some more momentum toward the end of the rink and leapt high with a triple axel, landing on the final beat of the chorus.

Soon, all of the other skaters had vacated to the walls to watch Mikael’s impressive routine, who were all lead into applause by Jacqui and her friends. Mikael glanced about the rink; all eyes were on him. For the first time in what felt like forever, he had an adoring audience again. With a smile, he rounded the curve in the rink, showing himself off to the applause of the other skaters gathered there with a cantilever. Jacqui and her friends continued to clap, happy to spend more of their time watching Mikael show off.

On the roller rink, Jacqui, now in her own skates, swung her legs about as she swayed and danced to another song playing over the sound system. Mikael, in rentals of his own, led his Equestrian friends as Jacqui took the opportunity to show off her skills on her floor of choice. Yona also felt compelled to move like her friends, swinging her legs out and attempting to cross them over each other. Unable to control her unfamiliar, awkward stance, she tumbled forward and hit the ground, her sudden stop causing her friends behind her to crash into her and fall over too.

Hearing the commotion, Mikael and Divvy rushed to them as Jacqui cut across the rink to also ensure they were okay. “Yona!” Mikael gasped. “You okay.”

Yona managed to pick herself up so she was back on all fours. “Yona fine, but… Yona will never skate as good as Mikael or Jacqui.”

“Not with that attitude, you certainly won’t!” Jacqui skated backward, returning to the flow of the other skaters. “Come on, I love this song!”

“And take it from me,” Mikael said, “you’re doing pretty damn fine on your first day. Come on, let’s try and catch back up.”

As Silverstream and Smolder got back onto their feet, hooves, and claws, Mikael skated forward, allowing Yona and her friends to resume their fun times. After making the next turn and getting to the straightaway, Yona began to weave along the inner and outer portions of the track, trying to stay in rhythm to the music. Upon reaching the next turn, she cut her turn to tight and wiped out once again. Before Mikael and the others could stop to try and help her back up, Yona sprung back onto her hooves, keeping the momentum of her group going.

“No worry,” she assured them. “Yona got this.”

Mikael smiled and nodded. “Damn straight, girl.”

Jacqui slowed herself to let Mikael and the others get closer. Once close enough, Jacqui resumed her dancing, the eight of them staying close for the rest of the song.

The sun was almost finished setting by the time, Mikael, Divvy, Jacqui, and the Equestrians exited the skating rink, their faces and coats damp with sweat. Despite how tired and clammy they each felt, it didn’t keep them from laughing merrily over the day they were able to share.

“I sure hope there’s still time to do homework,” Ocellus muttered.

“I’m not doing anything until I take a shower,” Smolder loudly groaned.

“You said it,” Sandbar huffed. “I kinda’ already feel like I just took one.”

“Ew, gross,” Jacqui chuckled.

“Well,” Mikael said, “once we’re finished bathing and getting our… well, once Jacqui and I get our PJs on, we should meet up someplace and get our homework done.”

“Sounds alright with me.”

“Yeah,” Gallus agreed, “I’m down.”

Mikael felt a vibration in his pocket. Picking up his phone, he looked at the notification banner and read the headline written on it, making him come to a stop. The others, noticing this, also stopped and looked back.

“Hey, Mikael?” Jacqui and the others approached. “What’s up?”

“Nothing bad, but…” Mikael held his phone up to everyone, the banner reading: “ALOLAN CHALLENGER COMPLETES ISLAND TRIALS; SOON TO FACE POKÉMON LEAGUE AND CHAMPION. “…expect Sam to make an announcement in class tomorrow.”

Smolder and the others looked amongst each other, unsure what to feel in that moment.