• Published 15th Sep 2012
  • 11,662 Views, 698 Comments

The Rise of Iron Mare - Alexstrazsa

  • ...

Chapter 9

A light hiss echoed throughout Twilight’s lab as a hatch on the ceiling slid open, allowing Twilight to land. The landing ended up being more of a fall, as she hit the ground forcefully and stumbled a bit. She shook her head, regaining her composure, then let out an exhaustive sigh.

“That did not go as planned,” she mumbled, stepping over to the platform that acted as her test area. Once again, the floor slid open as she lined herself up with the grid and the mechanical process of removing the suit began.

The visor to her helmet slid upwards, allowing the cool air to wash over her face. She took a deep breath, now noticing the sweat that had formed on her brow and dampened her mane. “But at the very least, we stopped the shipment.”

“And caused approximately three hundred and—”

Twilight was quick to shake her head and quickly blurt out “No! No. I don’t want to know the financial damage we just caused. Just let me enjoy this victory.” She attempted to hang her head in a mix of fatigue and shame, but was jerked back up by mechanical arms that began working around her.

“As you wish, Twilight,” Dusk said.

The plating around her ears and head was unbolted and pulled off, several times provoking a yelp of pain as the metal pulled at her hair. Her tail was a far less painful ordeal, and she gave it a few flicks as it was released from its armor casing. Slowly but surely, the spidery arms weaved around her and removed bolts and plates, until eventually she was down to just the boots. With a click, all four of them unlocked, allowing her to step out.

As her hooves touched the floor, she realized just how sweaty she really was. While walking towards the lab door, she said, “Dusk, remind me to work on the internal cooling, will you? Also, get the shower going. I want to at least look presentable for when Dash storms in here.”

“Right away.”

Twilight stepped through the lab door and made her way upstairs, where she could faintly hear the water running from her bathroom. Once she reached the living room, she continued up the spiral stairs until she was on the balcony overlooking the lower floor. From there, it was just a quick walk to the bathroom, which was located right next to her bedroom.

She slid the glass door to the shower open and stepped inside, not even bothering to check the temperature. Dusk usually got it right, and this time was no exception. As the water splashed over her face and ran down her body, she felt her tiredness wash away, only to be replaced with anxiousness. How would she explain things to Dash? How would the pegasus respond? These questions and more ran through her head as she stood under the stream of hot water, getting no closer to an answer by the time she turned the shower off.

As she stepped into the main area of the bathroom, small slits opened on the ceiling above her and the floor beneath her, then began to blow hot air out. She levitated a comb over and brushed her hair as she gradually dried off, and after several minutes the air ceased and the vents closed off, leaving the unicorn looking as good as ever.

Twilight glanced at the clock while making her way back to the lab, and found it was already five minutes to the hour. Knowing the urgency of the situation, Twilight figured Dash was already on her way, if not outside the gates at that very moment. She took the smallest glance outside as she entered the living room, but didn’t find any hints of sky blue feathers.

Once she was in the lab, Twilight began to use her brief free time to tidy things up. She swept many of the discarded prototypes and parts off of the various workbenches and into junk boxes, then pushed around some of the furniture with magic. Once things had been arranged to her liking, she set up a small area with two chairs and a short table. “Well, now we wait...” she said, looking over the renewed work area. Another look at the clock said it was now two past the hour.

Not three seconds after she had taken her eyes off the clock did the doorbell go off.

“Rainbow Dash is at the gate, Twilight,” Dusk Shine said, bringing up the gate’s security camera. Dash stood there, tapping her hoof and looking none too happy.

Twilight frowned. “Let her in.” She then quickly trotted through the lab entrance and up the stairs, hoping to meet Dash at the door. A few seconds passed before a furious pounding came from the front of the house. With a gulp, Twilight approached the door and lifted a hoof tentatively towards the handle. A second passed before she opened it and was met with a very angry Wonderbolt captain.

“Hi, Dash. Did you want some coff—”

“Cut the small talk, Twi. I want answers,” Dash interrupted, barging into the entry hall and past Twilight. The unicorn let out a sigh and closed the door, then turned to face Dash. She was met with a hoof to the face, which sent her stumbling backwards.

“Hey!” Twilight yelled, bringing a hoof to her cheek and rubbing it. “What was that for?!”

“One, for endangering me and my crew, and two, for putting all of Canterlot’s defenses in a panic. What the hay is wrong with you, Twilight?!” Dash snorted in fury, staring daggers at Twilight.

“Look, I can explain everythin—”

“You better,” Dash interrupted, turning around and flicking her tail in Twilight’s face before entering the living room.

Twilight un-scrunched her snout before following Dash. The pegasus looked around the room for a moment before walking to the nearest couch and flopping down on it. While more comfortable, she was no less irritated. “Go on,” she said, glaring at Twilight.

“Alright... what do you want explained first? The suit or the airship?” Twilight asked, sitting in the couch perpendicular to Rainbow.

“The airship,” Dash flatly replied.

The unicorn took a breath. “Okay. The airship contained a shipment of supplies heading for the Griffon Kingdoms. That in itself seems normal, but the catch is that the supplies were sent from my corporation, Sparkle Industries.”

Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow, but her frown did not falter. “So you destroyed your own shipment. Consider me interested.”

Twilight continued. “However, the shipment was unauthorized, and it contained the parts necessary to construct my mage reactor.” She punctuated the end of her sentence with a tap to her chest, which gave off a hollow tick.

“Okay, besides the whole ‘unauthorized’ thing, I don’t see much of a problem there...” Dash said, shifting in place. For a moment, Twilight thought she seemed a little less upset.

“The problem is the Gryphons know how to put together my mage reactor, but they don’t have the parts. This shipment would have allowed them to build it.”

Dash cocked her head to the side, quizically.

“That’s bad,” Twilight added.

“Oh,” Dash replied, with a slight nod. She looked towards her hooves in a moment of contemplation before glancing back to Twilight. “Was destroying the cargo the only thing you could do?”

Twilight closed her eyes and nodded. “By that point, the shipment and transaction was already finalized. Short of hijacking the ship myself, there was nothing I could do to stop it.”

“Hmm...” Dash hummed, looking away from Twilight. “For any other pony, I’d call them crazy, then haul them off to the slammer.” She then glanced back to the unicorn. “But for you, Twilight... I’ll take it. Just this once.”

Twilight let out a sigh of relief. “Thank you, Dash, I knew you-”

“You aren’t done yet, though. The suit. Explain it,” Dash commanded, crossing her forelegs together.

“The suit is... an advanced version of the suit I used to escape the gryphons,” Twilight said, standing up. “Come to my lab. I’ll show you more.”

Dash gave her a curious glance before getting up and following her. The two made their way down the stairs, where Twilight tapped in the code to her lab and allowed Dash to enter. Upon going inside, Dash let out a whistle.

“Snazzy setup you got here, Twi. This is more high-tech than most of the stuff we got at HQ.” She flapped her wings a few times, lifting her across the floor and over to Twilight’s drawing board. She looked around the room before spotting the Wonderbolts poster hanging on the far wall. “And you still have my poster. Nice.”

“Yeah, yeah I do,” Twilight said, with a giggle. “But here we go.” She waved a hoof over the drawing board, prompting the interface to materialized over it. She flipped through various folders and files before accessing one that required a password. After typing it in on the small virtual keyboard that popped up, it opened to reveal a slew of files depicting 3D models. Twilight waved her hoof over all of them, then pushed forward. One by one, the models compiled themselves to make a virtual version of her suit. “This is Generation II,” she said, looking at the models with pride.

Dash could only look on with awe and mutter a “Whoa.”

“The armor can resist magic and powerful blows, whilst enhancing magic and allowing flight. It also comes equipped with a variety of magical weapons. It’s all a pony needs when it comes to self defense and preservation.” Twilight spun the model around, then pulled a few parts off and observed them.

“Somehow, I’m not surprised you put this together, egghead,” Dash said, elbowing Twilight in the side. “But isn’t it a bit, uh...” She scratched her head, looking for the right word, then motioned to the loadout of weapons. “Excessive?”

“You can never be too prepared,” Twilight said, swiping the weapons away. “Besides, most of the focus is on the defensive side.”

“Huh.” Dash silently looked over the still rotating model. The two of them said nothing, merely listening to the hum of technology that permeated the room. It remained like that for many seconds, before Dash coughed and spoke up. “So... where does this leave us?”

Twilight put the model back in its virtual folder, then powered the whole system down. “What do you mean?” She asked, glancing to Dash.

“Well, I mean, what are you doing with this? We can’t have you flying around and blowing stuff up because you can, Twi,” Dash said, leaning against the table. “What’s your game plan?”

“My first order of business is to find out who ordered that shipment and deal with them.” Twilight turned away from the drawing board and glanced to her personal computer. “After that... I don’t know. I can promise you nothing like today will happen again, though,” she added, looking back to Dash.

“Hmph. It better not, and I mean that. I won’t be able to bail you out next time.” Dash pushed herself away from the table and paced around, unsure of what to do next.

Twilight nodded in understanding. “I know, I know.” More silent moments passed between the two. “Are you satisfied with the answers you got?”

“I guess I am.” Dash looked at the clock, then snorted. “Since this is as... handled... as I can probably get it, I need to head back to HQ. I’ll need to make up a good lie for the people of Canterlot, I hope you know that.”

“How about I owe you one?” Twilight said, walking to Dash and putting a foreleg around her neck.

Dash growled, but smiled as she did so. “You know that always gets me, Twi. So, fine, yeah, you owe me one. Don’t forget it.” She shrugged Twilight’s hoof off herself and began walking towards the lab door.

“I won’t!” Twilight exclaimed, trotting alongside the pegasus. “Here, let me walk you out.” Twilight opened the lab door and let Dash pass by before following her up the stairs and to the front door. Dash opened it and looked outside, but didn’t step outside just yet. She turned her head to look at Twilight. This time, her expression was much more stern.

“I’m serious, Twi. Nothing else like what happened today, got it? It was tough enough getting you out of this one.” Her stare was unwavering.

Twilight’s face became solemn. “I understand. Thank you, Rainbow Dash.”

Dash nodded before turning and stepping outside. She spread her wings out and turned her head back slightly. “Seeya, Twi.” With a powerful flap, the Wonderbolt captain rocketed off the ground and into the sky, leaving the signature rainbow trail in her wake. Still slightly frowning, Twilight closed the door. As it clicked shut, her pensive gaze was replaced with that of determination.

“Time to get to the bottom of this.”

- - -

If there was one thing that set him on edge, it was when something went wrong and he’d have to answer for it. It happened as a colt, it happened as a young stallion, and it was happening now. Filthy Rich paced in the center of his office, a frown on his face that threatened to be there permanently.

On his desk laid the days newspaper, with the big, bold headline: AIRSHIP DESTROYED OUTSIDE CANTERLOT. Other article clippings were strewn about, and even his computer displayed an online recount of the event.

Filthy had been out of town on other business when it happened, so the news came as a shock. It wasn’t the best way to start his morning, and as soon as he had read it, he knew what was coming for him. Every few seconds he glanced towards the phone, as if it was going to change into a poisonous viper at any moment and strike. He’d rather have that, for the poison would at least put him out of his misery.

Around his hundreth trip to the opposite side of the room, his fears finally manifested. With a shrill ring that sent him jumping back, the phone went off. Gulping, he walked around his desk and sat down, staring at the earpiece with wide eyes. He reached a hoof forward, but pulled it back a bit as it touched the device. After a moment of quiet contemplation, he took a deep breath and picked it up, putting it into his ear. Then, he tapped a button on the keypad.

“Filthy Rich speaking,” he answered, trying to keep his voice steady.

“Tell me what went wrong with your shipment, Mr. Rich.”

The voice sent a chill down the stallion’s spine. He’d never heard it laced with such malice before, and the fact that it was meant for him in particular made it that much worse. Mustering up his courage, Filthy answered as best he could. “I... can’t say for sure what happened, Garrett. I just know that something attacked the airship being used.”

“Well, Mr. Rich, I would suggest using whatever necessary to find out what that something is. As it stands now, we are on bad terms.”

“I-I apologize, Garrett,” Filthy stammered, feeling the hairs on the back of his neck prick up. “I’ll get you the parts, I swear. Tomorrow, no, today, I’ll call for another shipment, okay? How does that sound?” Nervously, his hoof tapped against the desk.

“It sounds like a poor apology, and an even poorer attempt at appeasing me. Alas, I don’t suppose I have much of a choice, for I’ve already held up my end of the deal.”

The old stallion glanced to the bottom drawer of his desk, where the blueprints he had gotten were safely tucked away. They were more valuable than any stockpile of bits or precious gems, and both he and the gryphon knew that. “Again, I apologize.”

“Hmph. You’ll get one more chance to make up for this loss, Mr. Rich. And I don’t just want the parts, I want whoever was responsible for the destruction of that shipment as well. In fact, I have a feeling I may already be acquainted.”

Filthy didn’t quite understand, but he dared not interrupt.

“Get me the parts and get me the culprit, and we’ll be right as rain. You have a week. If not, well...” he paused, as if thinking of a proper punishment, “It would certainly be a shame if something were to happen to that daughter of yours, no?”

The stallion’s blood ran cold. What had originally been an underhooved business proposal turned into threats against his family, and there was nothing he could do about it. The fear froze him up, barely allowing him to respond. “I’ll... get it right...” he croaked, his eyes staring off.

“Good. Two of my best gryphons will assist you, and keep me up to speed with your progress. Make them comfortable, will you?” A dull click sounded, followed by silence.

Filthy sat there, blankly looking at the opposite side of the room. The only sounds filling the room were that of his breathing and his thumping heart. He sank back into his chair, listening to how it creaked. Seconds and minutes passed in near silence, only being interrupted by his soft rocking. It was all he could do to stop himself from breaking down right then and there.

Finally, and with a great effort, he pulled his mind out of its mental shock. The gryphon’s demands burned all too brightly at the front of his mind, prompting him to start doing some research. With slow but purposeful typing, he searched for more information about the airship attack.

Several articles came and went, all reiterating the same general ideas. One, however, caught his attention, because it had a video attached at the end of it. Opening it, it looked to be a video from a random passerby that had caught a decent portion of the attack. After waiting a few seconds for the video to load, Filthy clicked the play button.

The video was shaky at first, as the filmer had haphazardly took it out of their bags and began recording. Several seconds in it stabilized, showing the airship in the distance with the bottom of it glowing a bright orange. The Wonderbolts then rocketed overhead, towards the ship, and the camera followed them. That was when Filthy saw his first look at what had caused all of the panic. Near the airship was what looked like a metallic pony, floating without wings. As the pegasi drew near, it avoided several attacks before its hooves lit up and propelled it towards the camerapony. With a thunderous roar, the metal pony shot overhead and the footage shook and tumbled as it tried to follow its path. The Wonderbolts flew overhead again before chasing the pony into a part of the city that the filmer couldn’t hope to reach on foot. After a few words of amazement, the footage ended.

As it finished, Filthy couldn’t shake the feeling that there was something familiar about the metal pony. Rewinding the video, he went back to the part where it flew towards the camera. He then slowed the video down and played it.

The figure came towards the screen, adorned with gleaming purple and gold accents. It was certainly metal, and very robotic. Looking closer, though, Filthy spotted a hint of blue. Leaning towards the monitor, he slowed the footage even more as the figure got even closer to the camera. Just as it was about to pass overhead, he paused the tape.

His eyes slowly widened as he recognized the unmistakable shape of the mage reactor, embedded within the pony’s chest.

Gritting his teeth, he growled out, “Twilight Sparkle.

- - -

Quick hoofsteps echoed throughout the main hallway of Sparkle Industries as Ms. Sparkle herself trotted through. Her pace was quick and determined, while her expression was cold. She only focused on what was ahead of her, and at the moment it was an overhead sign directing her towards the R&D Department.

Twilight approached an elevator, with an ‘EMPLOYEES ONLY’ banner printed across the doors. Pushing her hoof to the button, a small panel opened on the side to reveal a small light emitter. Standing in front of it, the emitter shot out a web of light that scanned over her body. Once it had made its second pass, the light faded and a bell chimed, then the doors opened. Wordlessly, she stepped into the elevator and all but punched the descend button.

It was short and smooth ride to the bottom floor, and Twilight could feel the temperature drop as she descended. The lower levels of the facility were home to the data servers and the R&D Department, which required the coolness for their technology to run at its peak. By the time Twilight reached the bottom, it was as if she had walked into a refrigerator.

Ignoring the chill, she stepped out of the elevator and immediately turned right down the hallway, heading towards the primary lab. It was by far the largest room the facility had, filled with a plethora of equipment for testing and designing new magitech, while several smaller labs had specialized devices for specific applications. If Trixie wasn’t in the primary lab, she would most certainly be in one of the secondary ones.

After several minutes of walking, Twilight had reached the large door merely labeled ‘Primary’. This one quickly scanned her body as she approached, and opened in time for her to step through unhindered. She was now on a railing that followed the entire perimeter of the room and had several sets of stairs to move down to the working area. Putting her forehooves on the railing, Twilight peered down.

The lab was as busy as ever, with ponies of all colors and races working with various technologies. The majority of them were unicorns, but the odd pegasus and earth pony stepped here and there, manipulating the devices in their own ways.

Scanning over the numerous workers, it wasn’t long before Twilight found who she was looking for. The blue unicorn stood at the far end of the room, next to a large table that wasn’t so different from the Drawing Board in Twilight’s personal lab. Levitating a clipboard to her left and manipulating 3D models to her right, she was as absorbed in her task as Twilight ever was with a project, thus she didn’t hear the distinct pop of a teleportation spell mere yards behind her.

For a moment, everypony in the room save for Trixie stopped what they were doing and looked towards Twilight. Some looked confused, while others stared in awe. Twilight gave a quick nod, prompting them to all return to what they were doing, albeit slowly. It wasn’t often she visited the R&D labs personally, so her presence naturally piqued their curiosity.

The purple unicorn approached Trixie, stopping a foot or so behind her. Then, loudly, she cleared her throat. The models on the table ceased movement and the clipboard fell to the ground with a loud clatter, but Trixie herself did not move. After several moments, she let a barely audible gulp and slowly turned her head, looking back towards Twilight.

“Um, Twilight,” she started, her voice shaky, “What a surprise to see you!” The smile she put on almost caused Twilight to cringe due to how forced it was.

“Somehow, I don’t think that surprise is very sincere,” Twilight answered, her hard gaze never faltering. “Why don’t we go somewhere a little more private, Trixie.”

The opposing unicorn gave a trembling nod before collapsing the 3D model and levitating the clipboard back onto the table. She walked near Twilight, expecting them to walk off, but instead the unicorn’s horn glowed its deep magenta, and in a flash, the two of them had disappeared from the lab floor.

Trixie barely had time to adjust to the sudden change of environment before the yelling started.

“Just what the hay were you thinking?!” Twilight roared, slamming her hoof on the ground.

Out of fear, Trixie stepped back and tripped, landing on her behind. Stumbling back on her hooves, a quick glance around the room told her she was in her own office. It would have been more comfortable if her employer wasn’t tearing her apart in the middle of it.

“Who said you could order that shipment, and why didn’t it go through me?!” Twilight added hitting her hoof against her chest for emphasis. “Do you even realize what you almost did?!”

“I-I’m sorry, I just thought—” she stuttered, but was quickly cut off.

“Thought what?” the unicorn growled, through clenched teeth. Her breathing was harsh and heavy, and her body was beginning to feel abnormally warm. Twilight’s eyes suddenly widened as she realized what was happening, so she took a step back from Trixie and took a breath, extending her hoof in a versed motion of calming, which she had known since she had a foalsitter. Once Twilight calmed herself, she looked back to Trixie. “Thought what?”

Trixie let out a sigh of relief, having had the unfortunace of seeing Twilight truly angry once before. It wasn’t a pretty sight, and a fair bit of scorching had been done to everything present. “I... thought it would be a good business decision,” she admitted, glancing down as she finished the sentence.

Twilight brought her hoof to her face and let out a sigh. “And you did it without my approval... why?” she asked, eyes closed and hoof still firmly in place.

“To be honest, Twilight, I was told to make the order without you. He said that you wouldn’t approve it, but it would be a good move for the company.” Trixie tugged at her collar and shifted her tie, doing what she could to avoid direct eye contact with the unicorn.

One word stuck out from the rest. “He... He... who is ‘He,’ Trixie?” Twilight asked, putting her hoof back down. “Who told you to do this without telling, or even asking me?”

“I... I don’t know if I’m at liberty to say.”

Twilight stepped forward and put her hoof on Trixie’s shoulder, forcing the unicorn to look up at her. “Trixie. If there’s one thing you need to tell me, it’s this, right now. Who told you to make the order?”

Trixie gulped again and glanced away. “It was... it was Filthy Rich.”

“What?” Twilight whispered, mainly to herself. She glanced down in thought and stepped back, putting together pieces of the puzzle in her head. “But that means... Is he in contact with...” she mumbled under her breath. Finally, seemed to come to a realization. “I-I need to go.”

“What’s wrong?” Trixie asked, noticing the urgency in Twilight’s voice.

Instead of answering immediately, Twilight headed to the door, pausing as it slid open to her. “I need to have a talk with Mr. Rich.”

“Do you want me to come w—”

Before she finished her sentence, Twilight was gone.

Author's Note:

Things are happening.

Comments ( 94 )

Author's Note:
Things are happening.

Well gee, that explains everything </sarcasm>
jk that was a very articulate and well-worded note.
On the new chapter, I am very happy with the new chapter. However, I can't help but feel that things are starting to move a bit too fast. I dunno how, but it's like a lingering feeling.

.... S*** just got real.... and it makes sense. Twi is acting much better than Stark would have... which explains why things are moving faster given the villains are around the same level of stupid (just kidding, Garrett is pretty ruthlessly scary)

Has she told the Princesses about her new bling yet, or did I miss that? :rainbowderp:

Aiya. Diamond Tiara being threatened... normally I'm fine with this, but not in this context.

Can't wait for the righteous griffon-thrashing to come.

Author's Note:
Things are happening.

you don't say.jpg

Are we nearing the climax, because it seems like it.

It would have been more comfortable if her employer wasn’t tearing her apart in the middle of it.

I need to go to sleep.

Good progression, but I think you may be pushing it a bit with Filthy realizing it was Twilight so quickly. To spot the core on the suit at a distance would be a remarkable feat, and even more so to know exactly what it is with very little discernible detail except the fact that it glows.

After several minutes of walking, Twilight had reached the large door merely
labeled ‘Primary’.

This sentence has been split. Please fix it.

And :yay:! It updated!

Your story has been added to The Renditioner's Guild.

Can't wait for the next update. :3

<3 DarqFox

To be fair, he's seen it up close and in pers- pony, and maybe it was an HD recording!


Please dont make trixie the main villain, maybe make her do something stupid, but dont make her evil, i've grown fond of her...

-Kiryu :moustache:

Oh boy Filthy is gonna cop it big time. :twilightangry2:

2603455 I totally argree wtih said statement, it would be too expected/ cliched/ boring/ etc. and other sayings. love the story btw.:raritywink:


That does bring some vivid imagery, doesn't it?


In before Diamond Tiara turns out to be the one leading the gryphons instead of a hostage as her father is being led to believe.

At last, this has updated.:pinkiehappy:
It appears the entire Equestria is in political turmoil...

Can she keep up the peace?:twilightsmile:
Awaiting further releases.:fluttershysad:

So, Garett has Filthy Rich's daughter.
It would be weird to have an Iron Gryphon but the awesomeness of that would be mind blowing.
Hurray that Equestrians aren't the bad guys!

my interest is piqued

Gritting his teeth, he growled out, “Twilight Sparkle.”

Classic villain growl. This guy knows what he's all about.

I have the feeling things will get worse very soon... I think it is proved now that Trixie isn't a bad pony in this. And Filthy Rich not much either, since the bad gryphons have him and his daughter in their claws.

Well, Trixie, I hope you've got your résumé all typed up because, as of now, you are the Disgraced and Unemployed Trixie.

As for Filthy Rich? He's made a deal with the devil and now there's hell to pay. I have no sympathy with him but I'm sorry that DT might be caught in the blast-wave. Will she become the equivalent of Madame Masque, I wonder?

At first I was feeling kinda sympathetic to Trixie, due to the way you portrayed her. Then I felt sad because I realised she was Obadiah Stane, who's a prick and a villain, but now I see that's not the case, so good job! Brownie points and moustaches! :moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache:

shit is going to hit the fan

Iron Mare's NOT happy.... :twilightoops:

Hey, that's nice. I've been writting an Iron Man 3 crossover myself. You can check it out, if you want to. It surely needs some votes. You can check at my other stories, if you want to too. Anyway, :pinkiehappy:

Things are happening indeed...


well played sir well played, you get a moustache


I love how instead of making a specific parallel to Obediah you used multiple characters to get the same effect.

Iron Mare, eh? I've read a story like this, though with Rarity.

I'll give this one a shot. It was featured, so it must be good.

Sooo... will war machine be rainbow dash or trixie in the inevitable sequel for this awesome story

i didn't read it (don't have the time for now), but i still have to say that i LOVE your idea, and can't wait to read it. :pinkiehappy:

I'm still confused is Spike in this story Pepper Potts or happy or both? and same with Trixie.

"How about I owe you one?... You know that always gets me Twi."

Dem innudendoes...nice chapter, update a bit faster now please.

Author's Note:
Things are happening.

No s:yay:t...

Good story.
Imma following this now.

...I always forget how amazing this story is. Every time it updates, I'm like, "Oh yeah, that was that Ironman story." But then I read it, and the writing just pops, the characters are... I don't even know. They're loyal to the movie, and loyal to canon, and at the same time not boring replicas of either. Bravo, good sir. Bravo.

Yeees. Goooood. We likes the updates. We likes them very much :twilightsmile:

Things are happening.

Terrible things, things that are great and have an affect to this fine story. Things with such power, that they will leave marks on both reader and the writer.
Truly, there are things happening...

Wow, dude. A really original story here, I love it! Can't wait for the rest.

Things are definitely happening

I actually feel a little sorry for Trixie in this she seems to be caught in the middle.

Imagery both gory and sensual. It's the two paths any "Mature" fic would take.

I don't know what it is, but after reading other fics I can really appreciate the pacing and dialog in this story. In other stories, I feel like I am forcing my way through, just trying to ignore that something is wrong but I can't put my hoof on it. Maybe it is the pacing, the characterization, or the dialog is all wrong. But here, I do not feel any of that, my eyes skim along, trying to take in as much as my brain can comprehend and picture. And instead of feelings of relief that the torture is over; in your story, the torture is only just beginning. I am left craving more and wishing that other authors had just a smidgin of your skill.

TL;DR: I like this a lot, and I need more of it (and a steady supply of fresh needles). Yes that was a drug joke, sue me.

Things are happening.

And we are loving every moments of it~!

Man, things are getting intense. We got a bit more info, so did Twilight. And, we now found out that there might be an additional reason for Filthy Rich's reason, beyond the typical greed.

This is getting better and better! :pinkiehappy: You pacing is great, the characters are internally consistent and your divergence from the movie is quickly becoming its own story. :pinkiehappy:

That was awesome, I really loved the conversation between Twi and Dash.

Twilight Sparkle as Iron Man. Well as fans of both, definitely interesting and want to see more. Waiting for a little more cockiness and is Spike Pepper? Will she try to get with him?

Comment posted by Nightshade Dawn deleted May 21st, 2013

Author's Note:
Things are happening.

yeah no shit :ajbemused:

Comment posted by SpyketheRAWRCat deleted May 22nd, 2013
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