• Published 1st Feb 2019
  • 13,360 Views, 1,522 Comments

Harry Potter and the Crystal Empire - Damaged

The door of the Chamber of Secrets is just ahead, and Harry Potter has no clue what kind of changes will unfold once he passes it. Monsters will become friends, friends will become monsters, and Hogwarts itself will change completely.

  • ...

What It Means To Be A Wizard 2: Magic Boogaloo

Yawning, I lifted one of my forelegs up, curled a little tighter and stuck my head under it. The advantages to being a kirin, I'll admit, were many. Being able to curl up into a tiny ball and ignore the world was—at this exact moment—the best of them.

Though, now I was partly awake, my brain decided to run through the events of the previous day, highlighting all the places things could have gone a lot worse. The end of the worst recap ever wound up with me passing out in the Gryffindor common room, then waking up a little later as Addera carried me to my bed.

As it turns out, the worst recap ever can still have a happy ending.

I was in that soft place, where reality wasn't taking hold yet, but my dreams weren't completely in control of me. The concept of wizard seemed good to think about here. What did wizardry mean?

Doing wizard stuff, obviously, but there was more to it. Being a wizard meant doing wizardry and living. So the very old wizards—like Dumbledore—were undoubtedly good wizards, but there was the second element here: doing wizardry. Any wizard or witch can become old by hiding in the middle of nowhere and using purely common sense, it was only those in the thick of things—performing acts of wizardry every day—that should be considered true wizards.

—Why are you giggling, Harry Potter?—

Addera's sibilant parseltongue voice made me prick one ear up. Lifting my head, her face (thankfully wearing her glasses) was right before me—our snouts were almost touching. I yawned. —I was thinking about what it means to be a wizard.—

Her tongue lashed out to flick through the air just above my nose. —Weighty thoughts, Harry Potter. What conclusion did you reach?—

—That I might be the best wizard that ever lived.—

The coils that formed the cozy nest I was in tightened around me, squeezing me in a welcome hug. —Harry Potter, how on Earth did you figure that out?— Addera's tone was playful, matching my mood.

—Well, on account of all the wizarding I've done. I'll have to talk to Dumbledore, but I'm pretty sure I'm the youngest student in Hogwarts' history to have set themselves on fire several times in one week. If that's not the supreme example of wizardry, I don't know what is.— It was silliness, but by the rules of wizardry it made sense.

—You are a very silly wizard, Harry Potter.— Normally Addera would be trying to get me up. Even the prefects should be trying to get people up. But, even with warm light coming into the room from somewhere (I assumed a window), she remained coiled around me and extra cozy. —A silly little hissling.—

The last word startled me because I didn't have any meaning for it. —Hissling?— I asked. —What's that?—

Addera had shown me many strange things about snakes, but seeing one blush was definitely new. She didn't say a word, however.

—What does it mean?—

—Harry Potter, you are not to mention this to another living soul, nor even an unliving one.— Coiling a little tighter, Addera hissed at the blankets when one fell off her outermost coil. —It's what a mother snake calls their young.—

The knowledge hit me like a brick. Probably harder, truth be told. All the little ways she'd treated me over the last week started to add up, and I realized why it felt so nice to have her carry me and protect me.

—I didn't know my mother.— The words started to tumble out of me. Everything I'd pieced together and learned over the past two years, everything about my time living with the Dursleys, and I started talking about what my first year of Hogwarts had been like when a hoof gently booped me on the nose.

Addera was looking down at me with an unreadable expression that melted into a smile. —You've had quite the life, Harry Potter.—

—You see why I kinda like all this, right? Being stuck here means I don't have to go back to the Dursleys' house.—

The coils around me tightened just a hair beyond comfort. It was a forceful reminder that Addera had been a predator that hunted beasts and men in the past, and she could again. When she relaxed her grip, I let out a little gasp. —Sorry, Harry Potter, but hearing about these Dursleys makes me angry.—

My giggles, thanks to be focused on parseltongue, came out as little hissing sounds that made me both hiccup in surprise and cover my mouth. I looked up at Addera, and could see by her smile that she'd heard me. —When I want to get angry, I've been thinking of them too.—

Addera's hissing giggle broke the silence that fell after my words, and I couldn't stop myself from joining her. It was more from relief than just the gag that I was laughing—I hadn't even told Ron and Hermione the full extent of what had happened. She reached out to me with one hoof and booped my nose again. —Would you like some more rest, Harry Potter?—

—The sun's up. The whole castle will be going crazy again soon.—

—Harry Potter, you underestimate the effect of an annoyed basilisk's glare, even through these glasses.—

—Addera! That's meant to be a secret.—

Her coils squeezed again. —Your friends and enemies are not as stupid as you think, Harry Potter. Perhaps especially your enemies. One big snake disappears, another appears. There is not much maths involved, Harry Potter.—

—But no one's freaking out about it. Why wouldn't they be scared of you if they knew you were the basilisk?— I'd woken up far too much now to sleep further. Talking to Addera was nice, though. I felt better just having shared all my problems from back home.

—How many deadly creatures do students have already, Harry Potter?— Addera started to shift, uncoiling herself from around me and soon leaving me feeling the chill of morning. —Several Slytherin students have pet snakes, I know of three poisonous toads, and George has a pet salamander. A basilisk that looks as pretty as I do, approved by the teachers, becomes far less remarkable.—

Yawning, I shook out my fur and arched my back into a stretch. Since I'm making a list of things that are better about being a kirin than a human, I might as well add cozy sleeping with a basilisk and stretching properly. The pain of broken bones was just a memory now, but I'm sure the day would throw something new at me.

Dropping from the bed, I landed comfortably on all four hooves and started my walk for the showers. —I guess wizards get used to the fantastic quickly.—

There was no more pretense. I went into the showers and used a fire spell to burn away everything that wasn't me. It wasn't as intense as when I got angry, I found, but the flames still caused a scorch mark that I had to clean off. The difference now was—like having a thirty foot long basilisk living with you—it was my idea of normal, because I'm a wizard.

To wherever-ponies-send-bad-people with not living up to this. Wizarding was a way of life, and balanced with common sense I was sure it could be my way of life. I'd been infected nearly two years ago, and it seemed terminal.

When I reached the dorm room, I could see Ron, Dean, Neville, and Seamus were all still asleep. With my coat crackling and my mane a swooshy pile of hair that never seemed to take well to me threatening it with a comb, I grabbed (with some Locomotion charms) my glasses, Ginny's diary, and one of Hermione's ballpoint pens, and headed down to the common room.

Addera was waiting for me, her scales looking shinier than ever. It wasn't just my glasses, her scales really had a sheen to them that caught the light coming in through the window. She had my schoolbag on her shoulders and looked excited to see me. "Are you ready to have breakfast? I can already smell the sausages."

"I thought snakes only ate once a week or something? I'm sure I learned that in muggle school." Despite how nice it was to be carried by Addera, I liked walking too. In fact, I think I'll make having four legs be my number four thing that's awesome about being a kirin. Or was I up to fifth?

To show off how much I liked my legs, I bounced on my legs stiffly, then used my muscles to send me into the air and sideways. Bouncing off the wall with another kick, I landed back on my hooves again.

"I guess that's the pony part of me, Harry Potter. Are you having fun?"

"There's a list I've been putting together. It has all the things that's better about being here than back in England."

"Does a certain basilisk rate in that list, Harry Potter?" Her question struck me as interesting. When I looked, she was gazing down through her glasses. "I'm asking for a friend."

"If you must know, being able to curl up into a little ball in the midst of warm basilisk coils is right at the top. Where'd you learn that joke?" Reaching the painting, I walked up to it and pushed it open from the inside.

Addera followed me out, pulling her huge tail from the gap before swinging the painting closed again. "If you must know, Harry Potter, I heard Lee Jordan asking Oliver Wood if he had a replacement seeker chosen already. This was yesterday—in the morning."

"Hello, Harry, Addera." Gemma Farley's voice had both our attention. Her yellow fur and green hair really stood out in the drab hallway. "I was just walking past. Heading to breakfast?"

I rolled my eyes. "Gemma, this isn't Slytherin house. You didn't happen to be just walking past, and you know we're heading to breakfast. Give the mind games a rest." I had the pleasure of seeing Gemma's eyes widen a little at my words before she grinned. "So what's up?"

"Something odd's coming. I heard Trelawney telling Dumbledore that two juggernauts were approaching Hogwarts, and that the stars were aligned in a way that spoke of chaos and confusion. Now, you don't know her—and she's a bit of a loonie—but when she comes to Dumbledore with something, she actually saw something real." Gemma kept pace with us. "Which is why I'm bringing this to you."

"Why me? Dumbledore knows it now, he can deal with it." What was annoying was how much taller than me Gemma was now—I had to crane my neck to look her in the eye.

Gemma snorted a lot like I expected horses do. "You're Harry Potter, that's why. Look, there's only one thing I ask for in trade for this little piece of information, and that—"

"Trading favors and secrets?" Addera didn't sound impressed. "Very well, make your demands, but know that I will weigh them against your information, Gemma Farley."

Kirin ears. Definitely number five (I think? I lost count somewhere. Let's just call it five). Being able to hear Gemma's nervous gulp made me want to bounce and giggle some more.

"Just go easy on Draco. She's been through a lot, and some of her friends are not her friends anymore. She's been hiding it most of the week, you know? Just—" Gemma let out a sigh. "I don't want you to be best friends or anything, but just don't go out of your way to laugh at her."

This Gemma Farley was yet another different version. Asking? I almost scoffed and thought she was doing some more silly Slytherin stuff, but for the life of me I couldn't work out what her game was. "So knowing something big is coming in trade for not ragging on Malfoy? If he—she doesn't start anything, I won't." Ironically all I'd ever wanted with Malfoy, really.

I'd be lying if I said there wasn't an urge to poke fun at Malfoy anyway, but I knew how it felt not to fit in, particularly after everyone thought I was the Heir Of Slytherin. So much for desires to get revenge on him—her. Why did life have to get so weird? Perhaps it had something to do with being a wizard?

"That's fine. What started this mess between you two, anyway?"

"No clue. Just seemed like the right thing to do." I didn't want to tell her my actual reasons for disliking him—her. After all, Gemma was where she was because she traded information, or so it seemed. Giving it to her for nothing would be—I almost threw up a little. This was exactly how a Slytherin would think! "Well, it was probably something to do with me being kinda famous, what with the Voldemort thing." Saying his name always earned a little jolt to those I was talking to. It wasn't like Voldemort could hurt me, I'd beat him down how many times now?

Gemma nodded her head to that, as if I were confirming something she already knew. "That sounds like Draco. Poor kid has been living under her father so much I don't know if she'll ever leave his shadow. Maybe this situation will help with that, but I don't know."

Well that was hardly fair. For two years I'd managed to consider Malfoy nothing but an annoyance. I mean, at least she had parents, but to find out they were the reason she was always so—so Malfoy?

"I believe we have an understanding, Gemma Farley. Please excuse us." Addera slithered and put her coils between Gemma and me. It was as good an end to the conversation as I was likely to get.

"Bye, Gemma!" Trotting along at Addera's side, I tried to put this new information into context. Trelawney saw something that might mean bad stuff is coming? Well, I'll deal with it as it comes. What could be worse than Voldemort or the Dursleys?

We were almost first arriving for breakfast. Unlike the normal "orderly" breakfasts of the school year, these eat whenever you want days were not just becoming the norm, but were far more relaxed. There was only one other Gryffindor there already (a half-blood style pony with light brown fur and a darker brown mane), and there was no teachers at all yet.

With only a few other students in the great hall, the house-elves were already delivering just the right amount of breakfast to each diner. "Hello," I said as I sat down on a waiting coil of Addera's tail. "I'm not sure who you—"

"It's me, Harry. Oliver."

I blinked in surprise. "How'd you pull up after the game?"

"I got knocked out with a bunch of others. Tried to help Ron protecting the younger students, but there was just so many of the damn—" Oliver signed and used his hoof to push a fork around on the plate. "Sorry, just a bit down about all of this." He waved his hoof out in front of him.

I cast a few Locomotion charms quickly to get my fork and knife going, and started directing them to load my plate. "Well, you'll need more tape, but I don't think it's going to stop us winning the tournament. Who's playing today?"

"Harry! You can't be serious! How can we be expected to play like—" Oliver stopped talking and looked at me. "Alright. I get it. You played like this and managed. But I'm meant to be—"

"Oliver Wood, you are an excellent sportsman and a good friend of Harry Potter's. I find it highly unusual that you would find anything impossible. You're a wizard, Oliver Wood." That said, Addera slipped a sausage in her mouth and sighed with every indication of delight.

"I need to be able to hold a ball, and I can barely manage with a spoon." Oliver pushed said spoon around in his porridge. "I just don't even know where to start! What kind of rules even covers this?"

"Why don't you talk to Eliza about it?" I asked. "The other captains as well. I mean, the rules are going to have to change a little. Also, talk to Hooch. If you don't sort something out, no one except muggle-born could play. And that'd suck."

Sitting up straight, Oliver stared at me with wide eyes. "You—you're right! We need rules on—Some of the fouls will need to be relaxed, but—This could work." Drawing out his wand from within his mane, Oliver made a quick arc with it and muttered a spell under his breath. A scroll, quill, ink pot, and blotter appeared from thin air. He cast another spell on the quill and set it to writing while he continued eating.

The summoning item spell was curious, but what really interested me was the one he used to write with. "What spell was that?"

"The Summoning charm or the cribbing spell?"

I almost forgot to swallow the mouthful of porridge I'd taken before speaking. "The—That's a cribbing spell? I thought those are banned?"

"Only if you're using them in class. They're handy for taking notes. My hand always gets a cramp when—Well, it used to get a cramp. The spell is for writing without making a noise and doesn't trigger the usual alarms that a Locomotion charm would. There's a downside, though. If you're careful with Locomotion charms, you can work a few at a time—like you are now—but no matter how many of these you cast, they'll all write the same stuff."

Oliver seemed to get distracted by his writing, and it was obvious he was too distracted by the prospect of more quidditch to be able to hold up a conversation. I gulped down a bowl of porridge and two pork sausages, then was just reaching for some candied bacon when I felt movement. Something was coming, and I knew it would change my morning forever.

Hedwig swooped into the hall and did a quick circle before landing beside me on the table. The odd bit was that I didn't just feel her being close, but I could feel the air under her wings and (when she landed) the wood under her talons. She turned her head to bark at me before grabbing up a piece of bacon.

Before, when she'd bark or whistle at me, I had only guesses as to what she meant. I always knew she was smarter than other birds, but this time I felt hunger/happiness from her—carried in that single bark. "You should try a sausage, Hedwig. They're really tasty." I speared said sausage with my fork and held it out to her.

Excitement bubbled out through the whistle Hedwig made. She reached out a claw for the sausage but grabbed the fork instead and held it up while she ripped a hunk off the end of the sausage.

I relaxed my grip on the fork with the Locomotion charm, and let her take control of it until she was done. "I think I need to talk to the ponies, Addera. Find out if there's other kirin I can talk to. Surely there has to be some somewhere."

"Shall we go and speak to them after breakfast, Harry Potter?" Addera asked.

"Yeah. I'll have to ask—"

Addera hissed a little. "No. We'll go together, Harry Potter. This is not something that needs to involve your school." She held up a sausage and bit sharply into it, enough that I could see green venom leaking from her fangs that pierced the casing. "Besides, school ended with your classes."

Surprise was an understatement. I looked up at Addera and opened my mouth, but couldn't think what to say. Fortunately, Hedwig picked then to whistle most contentedly, and all of a sudden I felt twice as full—though that didn't stop her from grabbing another piece of bacon.

Without an ounce of hesitation I speared another piece of bacon with my liberated fork and started eating it too.

"Harry!" Hermione's voice cut through the quiet of the morning. "Hedwig was just eating a sausage off that!"

I turned my head to look at Hermione, then glanced back to Hedwig, then back to Hermione again. "Well, she saved my life. I figure a sausage is the least I can do to pay her back." The sarcasm was impossible to resist under the circumstances.

Hermione seemed to puff up like she was ready to give me a lecture. "But she's a bird, Harry. She has germs and—and it's not sanitary. There's all manner of things you could catch, and that's not counting what she had on her beak from her last meal. You could——"

Tuning out someone would be a great kirin skill. I wonder if I could somehow develop that? Even tucking my ears down didn't stop the noise from reaching my brain. But despite how much I disliked lectures from Hermione, she was my friend—she'd given up her humanity to protect me. "Hermione, it's okay."

"It's not okay, Harry. She may be your owl, and maybe even your familiar, but you—" Narrowing her eyes, Hermione glared at me through from a cute pony face. "Why is it okay?"

"Well, I'm not feeling the least bit hoarse. Quite stable, in fact." I had to duck to the side to avoid her weakly thrown punch. This gave me the impetus to call breakfast complete. "Come on, Hedwig, let's hoof it!"

"Harry Potter!" Hermione's shout chased me from the great hall.

Panting mostly from laughing, I felt Hedwig land on my back as we got outside. Addera was right behind me, still nibbling on a sausage. "We should probably go visit the ponies now, before—"

"That, Harry Potter, was cruel—and wonderful. I can only assume the ponies are in the downstairs portion of the castle."

I nodded, and together we headed down the stairs and into the new part of the castle. The first and most obvious thing was the guards at the front door. They looked huge and imposing, but I remembered they were on our side. "Excuse me?"

Spark Splash might have been a mission specialist with the Royal Guard, but he was still a member of the force, and that meant standing guard duty. When the little colt and his snake pony friend approached and tried to get his attention, he snapped a hoof down smartly. "What can I help you with?"

"Well," Harry Potter said, "I was hoping I could speak to someone who might know where more kirin are. If it's not too much trouble, that is." Big as the guard was, Harry felt twice as big with Addera at his side. His voice was steady despite being slightly in awe of the big stallions.

"Firmament, hold the post. I'll escort these two to the princess and send somepony to take my place." Spark waited for his fellow guard to nod before turning his full attention to Harry and Addera. "Princess Cadance will best know who to talk to about this. Please follow me."

Harry's horn tingled at the presence of the Royal Guard pony, but until he fell in beside the stallion it didn't become too bad. Stepping a little to the side, he looked at the pony and tried to work out what was making his horn itch so much. The unicorn wasn't using his horn, and Harry hadn't seen him do magic without such. "E-Excuse me, but I keep getting the feeling like you're doing any magic."

"Magic? Spells? Not at all. I've had training in them, though. Why do you ask?" Curiosity hit Spark Splash like a hammer. The young colt seemed interested in magic—and why not since he was attending a magic school. "Wait, you mean you can feel magic? Maybe it's my armor and spear."

Stepping closer, Harry reached his snout up to almost touch the butt of the spear that seemed to cling to the side of Spark's armor. His horn almost exploded in myriad of sensations. He could feel a thunderstorm of magic bound within the spear, and yet more just inches away in the armor Spark wore. "Wow!"

"Princess Celestia enchants them herself. There's never been a single Royal Guard who's been injured through his armor, nor has anything ever stopped our spears. Not that we like to rely on either." Marching along—trying not to prance at being able to show off his gear—Spark saluted the two guards on duty at the door that led to the new throne room. "Escorting…" He looked to the side and raised an eyebrow.

"Harry Potter and Addera," Harry said.

Spark started again. "Escorting Harry Potter and Addera to meet Princess Cadance."

"Head inside. The prince and princess are having breakfast."

The throne room of the castle of the Crystal Empire was massive. Compared to the great hall of Hogwarts it was almost double the dimensions in every direction. At one end stood a pair of crystalline thrones that refracted light like huge prisms, and on each was a duplicate of Shining Armor and Princess Cadance's cutie marks. There was opulent purple carpet leading up to the dais upon which the two thrones sat, and just the sight of the two weighty, literal seats of power made Harry stare in awe—not that they were occupied. Off to one side, on the floor level, Shining and Cadance sat at a small wooden table eating a sandwich each.

"Your Highness! Captain Armor! Harry Potter and Addera are here to see you!" Spark's voice resounded through the hall just like he intended. Training, both his own and of others, had resulted in the stallion having more than enough presence of voice to fill a single throne room.

Shining Armor recognized Harry first as the strange foal he'd seen practically all over the place in Hogwarts, and was the same that Twilight had spent the evening convincing him was the real savior of the Crystal Empire. "Harry! Please, come over. You don't mind us finishing breakfast while we chat?"

"N-Not at all, sir!" Harry was a little confused at being asked if he didn't mind them eating. He was also confused at how to address actual royalty.

"What did you wish to see us about?" Cadance asked.

Seeing Harry a little lost for words, Addera spoke up. "While most of the humans have turned into crystal ponies of some sort or another, Harry Potter has turned into a kirin. There are some unique problems with this state, and we are both curious as to finding others of his kind to ask about them."

"Yeah, that," Harry said with relief. "I'm a bit sick of burning my glasses up whenever I get upset. Snape has been replacing them for me, but he won't tell me how he's doing it, and wants me to work it out."

"Burning—?" Shining cut himself short and stood up. "Well, if there's anypony who knows about (kirin, was it?) it'll be Twily. C'mon, I bet I know where she is."

Her look becoming stormy for a fraction of a second, Cadance glared at her husband. "Shiny!"

"C-Cady! You knew there'd be more to do to get the Crystal Empire back on its hooves." Pausing for a second, Shining sat back down and looked to Spark. "Sergeant! Escort our two guests to where my sister and her friends are."

"Good choice, Shiny," Cadance said.

"Sir!" Spark gestured to the doors at the rear of the throne room. "The royal apartments are this way, Harry, Addera. Twilight Sparkle is there."

Harry could remember Twilight quite clearly, though his fondest memory of her was for something she did without him present. Twilight had made his almost-sacrifice count for something. "They're kinda a big deal, aren't they?" he asked.

"Who, the bearers of the Elements of Harmony? I should think so. When Nightmare Moon returned, it was them who helped her become Princess Luna again, when Discord got free, they were the only ponies who could stand against him, and—well, they might not have been up for fighting Queen Chrysalis and her army of changelings, but Twilight Sparkle did have the right of it." Equestria's heroes were one of Spark's favorite topics. "Princess Cadance saved the day that time. It's why I knew that no matter what, things would turn out right here."

The knock at the door surprised Twilight Sparkle. Using her magic, she reached out and opened the door even while walking to it. One of the ever-present Royal Guards was standing beside the strange pony and the stranger snake she'd seen the previous day. "Uh, hi!"

"Twilight Sparkle, I present Harry Potter and Addera." Clicking his hooves on the crystalline floor, Spark Splash waited for Twilight to nod before he turned and marched off. When the door closed behind him, he grinned wide. "I met Twilight Sparkle!"

Stepping into what appeared to be a vast library, Harry took one look around before focusing on Twilight. "I'm really glad you got the Heart out."

"I couldn't have done it without you," Twilight Sparkle said, trying to not let her attention wander back to the book she'd been reading. "Did you come here for the books, too?"

"We are here to find kirin, Twilight Sparkle." Addera found herself curious of the not-formerly-a-human pony, though with the news about the suspected origins of wizards, she had to wonder if the wizards themselves were ponies-stuck-as-humans-no-longer-stuck-as-humans. "Harry Potter needs to learn from them."

The cause sparked interest in Twilight. "You know, I believe I have a book back home that has something about them. If I remember correctly, the only known kirin village is at the Peaks of Peril, but it's not safe there.

"You see, the kirin aren't the only creatures that live there. The nirik, beasts of pure fire, also roam the area. It's definitely not safe for—" Twilight stopped her lecture at the sound of giggles, "—foals. What's so funny?"

Harry curtailed his laughter long enough to reply. "Well, if the other kirin are anything like me, then these nirik were probably them."


"Follow me. We need somewhere outside where there's nothing that can catch fire." Leading the way out of the library, Harry was absolutely sure he didn't want to nirik out in there. As he walked, he thought on the word. "Isn't nirik just kirin spelled backwards?"

Twilight had managed to avoid stepping on Addera's tail, but the revelation that the word nirik was kirin backwards startled her to immobility. She opened her mouth to say something, but closed it again. Finally, she trotted to catch up with Harry and Addera. "It is! How did I not realize that? How did nopony realize that?"

None of the guards tried to stop Twilight, Harry, or Addera as they headed outside. All around them, crystalline formations were pushing their way from the ground—though too slowly to actually see them moving.

Walking off from the castle a little ways, Harry used a locomotion spell to float his glasses over to Addera. "Alright. Stand back."

"Oh!" Twilight couldn't think what else to say when confronted with a foal catching on fire and looking angry enough to go on a good rampage, but she quickly recovered from that state. "Well that certainly explains nirik, but why do you want to find the native kirin?"

Rounding on Twilight with a snarl, Harry tried to get past the anger he'd inspired within himself. "So I can work out how to not do this and turn back!"

Author's Note:

Are remnant shards of Sombra's power, or are they simply similar enough for him to consume?

Sombra smiled, "Yes!"

Headmistress Mcgonagoll: "Are there any plans being made for the chance that returning to let's say "Earth" is impossible? And even if return IS possible what if a student or teacher did not WANT to return?

"Students are bound to return to their parents or guardians. The school has never and will never be in the business of kidnapping."

Sombra, you seem remarkably, calm, about being stuck as a mare. Saving the angst for a more appropriate time, or do you simply not care? And did you just steal that poor dementor's cloak?

"The makeup of a body matters not to me save it is a proper pony form. Ginevra's latest choice is less to my liking, but I have little say in the matter at this point in time."

Twilight, has there been research on magic-deprived ponies? I'm curious how a half-enslaved-by-evil-hats pile of rock ponies with few unicorns ended up originating a worldwide magic blood diaspora, and more importantly how there's no stories of them.

"Well, we're not sure exactly what happened, but the current hypothesis that the wizard humans are descended in some way from those crystal ponies has yet to be disproven, so stands as a theory. As to how such things happened, I can only speculate that there were enough unicorns among them that they could transform the others into humans," Twilight Sparkle said.

So I do this "Ask X" thing. X can be any pony within the story. You can ask them anything and they will definitely, hopefully reply. Keep the questions appropriate to the age-rating of the stories, and they will answer the best question in the author notes of the next chapter. The more votes a comment has the more likely I will get it to the right pony to answer. Try to keep it to one question per post! They will pick one question per chapter.

Support me on Patreon or fuel my writing on Ko-Fi!

Join me on Discord. Warning, said chat may contain NSFW material and should be considered adult in nature.

Awesome ponies who are already helping to keep me in keyboards and rum:
Canary in the Coal Mine
KFS Crimson
Vi Watch
Wind of the Skies

And special thanks to the following, for careful eyes and friendly words: