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The Blue EM2

Glad to be here at last.



This story is a sequel to A Thanksgiving to Remember

NOTE: This is not Dainn's story of the same title. If you were looking for Dainn's version of Anon-a-Miss, please click the link here: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/272101/anon-a-miss

Christmas is approaching at CHS, but the mood has been soured by a mysterious MyStable user spreading secrets. Can the students of CHS figure out who the culprit is before the school descends into pandemonium? It may not be who they think...

Fairly obviously based on the EQG Holiday special that kicked up such a fuss 4 years ago. Takes place during the events of Railway Adventure so you may want to read that first. Click the link above.

Gore tag included for descriptions of injuries.

Chapters (10)
Comments ( 123 )

“Two words,” Applejack answered. “Slumber Parties!”

Two words your doomed.

Probably because this sort of story will always get a lot of down votes. No matter what the author tries to do different with the source material.

Then it will interest you to see the direction in which I go.

My first story with more downvotes than upvotes. This doesn't bode well...

Comment posted by The Blue EM2 deleted Dec 1st, 2018

If you keep going like this, that would mean the next one is going to be Scoots.

Dear God, pls dont kill her Dash...

I don’t think it was Sweetie and Button either. This mystery escalates. I’m also interested in the premise that the CMC are not involved. Keep up the good work.

I intend to keep you guessing until the last minute.

Really?! I thought Rarity Just slapped Sweetie, but she straight up punched her?! What the hell Rarity, in what world do you think it’s ok to punch your little sister?

Anyway, I can’t wait for the next chapter to figure out what’s going on with Scootaloo.

calling it now to no one's surprise but Scootaloo's innocent

At least someone knows who it is. Something red doesn’t really ring any bells to me. Oh well, I guess we’ll find out soon enough.

Also, Scootaloo is my second favorite character in the entire MLP universe. So, needless to say, I really wish Misty got an even worse punishment.

You may well see that happen.

Scoots is my overall favourite, so this scene was written as a reaction to the overload of Scootabuse which permeates this genre.

Her rep is thrashed and once her parents learn what she did, they going to be beyond furious, add what she did was exposed ina very bad light.

Any future is sports is gone now.

That's right! Dainn did something similar with his story.

3 people. Complaining about something red. Sirens are my guess.

Will you get backt o misty or mention her again?

Love to see how she doing with all she brought on herself.

called it

guys in hoods?, strange

don't you mean trashed?

You can read the next chapter now, and find out!

I may do. I'll have to see.

Alright, this story was...interesting to say the least. But overall I think I liked it. Especially since it wasn’t the CMC that did all the bad things. Almost every Anon-a-Miss story I find are usually darker and more realistic versions of the original. It’s why I find serious enjoyment out of few that go a little differently.

This story and another story that acted as a sequel/prequel to the original, are both prime examples and the only two I have found so far that act this way.

So, yes this was a story I enjoyed!

Woo! A great end to a great story.

Misty Fly had the idiocy to attack Scootaloo . She got suspended for 6 months, removed from the Wonderbolts , and was grounded by her parents. Good riddance, I say.


Anyway, I know Christmas is still a few months away, but for the sake of this story this seems fitting, “A merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!”

Uh... Did I miss something? If not, how does the police department have JDAMs, warplanes and Abrams tanks? :rainbowderp:

That was maybe a bit unclear. Swift Order anticipated trouble based on the archive surveillance recordings of Canterlot Stadium.

The above film was captured on numerous security cameras. It was clear that this threat was capable of extreme danger, so he called in some favours via 1st Marine Armored Battation (Warpig), and an A-10-A Warthog from 47th Fighter Squadron at Davis-Monthan.
Police units do actually have access to IFVs such as the Stryker as a result of laws allowing for the sale of military hardware to police units. Seeing as Canterlot is within a few hours of LA, it would make sense that the Police be well equipped.

You sir, made my day.

Alright, curiosity got the best of me and its 3:30 in the morning. I'll give the first chapter of this a shot and see what happens.

And we have an embedded video already. Oh dear.

Cheerilee didn’t pay too much attention, as a familiar face suddenly appeared, that of Scootaloo, already wrapped up in a warm coat. “Hi mom!” she called.

...I'm confused, but okay.

Cheerilee hugged Scootaloo tightly, and picked her up. “Well done! I really am proud of you.” Scootaloo struggled with maths due to her autism, but worked hard nonetheless. However, she did find the circumstances a little embarrassing.

I'm more confused, but okay.

Suddenly, music flared up from somewhere: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-P2-Nmk1uFQ

I'm not sure if I should comment more on the fact that there's a second video linked already or the inconsistency in how they're linked.

Not sure if the odd spacing issues are on you or on the sites lovely importing, but I digress. Overall the chapter's pretty average for this genre's but to be fair they basically all are. Its certainly above some of the dreck that tends to lurk around, especially with the crossovers, but its certainly early to judge either way. Some of the choices with Scootaloo are...strange, to phrase it simply, though appear to be harmless at the moment. Even so, I have an odd feeling that they're going to be used in a specific way once the account proper goes up. I'll see by the time I get there though.

There's a video in every chapter, isn't there?

Suddenly a voice floated up the stairs. “Are ya there, me hearties?” shouted a voice. And suddenly, there appeared a pirate, with a bird, and a very familiar outfit.
“Rottenbeard?” chorused the girls.
The boy removed his eye patch. “No, it is Captain Mash, here to sail the seven seas in search of gold!”
Another person appeared. “Treasure sounds good,” she said.
Applejack rolled her eyes. “Cozy Glow,” she groaned.

...w-what is going on?

Uria, thank you for your commentary. To answer your question about formatting, I wrote this in Microsoft Word, which is probably causing the spacing issues.

The bit about Scootaloo having disabilities is a callback to an earlier story of mine (Railway Adventure). Given that to a certain degree pony Scoots is a metaphor for disibility, I thought it would be apt (I'm on the spectrum myself).

Is video linking particularly frowned upon on Fimfiction? You're the first person to flag it up.

I wanted to write a story that was different to other Anon-a-Miss ones, so this may not go the way you expect. Nontheless, I am happy to hear that you think it is well written. You are actually one of my inspirations writing-wise, so to hear you say that is truly humbling.

Your's sincerely,
The Blue EM2.

Two slumber parties scheduled for the same day. Embarrasing, isn't it?

Yeah, word can be odd. It knocked my teeth in back in the FF.net days so I switched to GDocs. Still has issues, but I digress.

Your point with Scootaloo does make sense to a point, but if anything I feel as though she works as a stand in for mostly physical disabilities, and limited ones at that. She's limited in her flight, something that 2/3 of the Equine population can't do already, so how that translates to her human counterpart is dubious in my mind. Granted, I don't believe myself in anyway capable of tackling that subject. I myself am not on the spectrum and just have a varying case of depression, so not my place to comment on a disorder I don;t fully understand.

As for video linking, well it varies. There's no rule against it and the site has the option for it at least, but it was established by several writers pretty early on (2012 or so iirc) that it tended to be a sign of low quality/effort as it was a sign that the author had trouble conveying the mood and was using music that they found or listened to while writing the scene to help get said mood across. Nothing wrong with sharing what helped inspire an idea for a chapter if there was one, but linking it in the story is generally a silent no-no, embellished upon myself by the works of WandererD, though it doesn't seem to bother everyone.

I certainly know the feeling to want to write something different. I wanted to write a siren story and simply figured Anon-a-Miss, Dainn's especially, would work as a great framing device. Success is dubious imo, but it seems well-liked enough. Happy to inspire, and I hope to see this stand out given this is a broad as hell genre and there's a lot of slop all mixed in. As for being a bit of inspiration and based on seeing Misty mentioned a certain way in the comments, I look forwards to laughing at her. That said, I hope I don't offend in whatever I say later. I mean no ill will to you yourself, but I tend to be critical over anything big enough to strike a chord. Apologies of that does wind up happening. Typing up a few thoughts on chapter 3 right now before I head to bed. Its late enough as of the moment.

Well yes, but the characters involved were more what confused me. Though given that this is a sequel I'm just going to assume they were established already and Cozy Glow isn't the, ahem, trainwreck she was in canon.

Okay, another song an-

“It weren’t me,” she whimpered.

Okay...a beta reader might be advisable, because that resulted in me having to get up for a few minutes and just laugh. It might be due to it being 4:13 AM right now, but holy shit that had me in tears. Serious moment crashed by grammatically incorrect sentence. Clearly accidental, but still hilarious. Either way-

“It weren't me!” Apple Bloom protested.

This is going to kill me. I'm going to hack up a lung!

Oh lord....in other news Sunset jumps between being initially scared senseless, shouting in AB's defense, and laughing all incredibly fast during that encounter. The dialogue would benefit from being split between multiple cast members or extended to allow a more natural transition between emotions.

Cozy Glow singing in Welsh

I...honestly have no idea how to respond to that, like, at all...granted I'm definitely going to be referencing it for at least a week to my friends so that's something.

And we end with Rarity preemptively smacking Sweetie Belle to make her purposefully look worse off. I think I can predict the scene that follows in the next chapter based off the ending, but I'll save that for tomorrow.

This was back in my early days mind. I subsequently got a proofreader. I'll correct the broken grammer later.

The abrupt changes in tone are delibarate, as is that typo. It's a satirical comment on how these stories suffer from TERRIBLE characterisation.

I intended for there to be humour, but not in that way. Cozy singing in Welsh is a funny idea though.

Rarity has been known to abruptly jump to conclusions.

Still, if you mentioning the idea of Cozy singing in Welsh gets me readers, that's good by me!

I introduced them back in Railway Adventure. Cozy is different to her onscreen counterpart; after all, pony Cozy and human Cozy are different entities.

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