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Coyote de La Mancha

YouTuber, with a tip jar and a Patreon!


This story is a sequel to Back To School. It draws most upon the events of Twilight Sparkle Was Shot, When All Your Wishes Are Granted, and Reunions and Laments.

A few months ago, at the beginning of summer, Twilight Sparkle was shot in a mall. She survived. Now, the authorities have captured the perpetrator. Twilight is quite surprised to hear this. But then, so is the young lady who shot her.

The only way to prevent an innocent girl from being punished in her stead is for Sunrise Shimmer to return to the human world and confess. But she has made friends and family since that fateful day. Princesses, teenage musicians, ponies, and even Twilight Sparkle herself.

Both of them.

And they’re not letting her go without a fight.

Content note: suicide / self harm is briefly discussed but is not shown in this tale, nor does it occur within this story.

Chronology note: this story takes place towards the beginning of Season Six. In this timeline, Starlight is not Twilight’s apprentice.

This continuity continues in If You Would Friend a Tiger.

And, of course, the seminal story that starts it all begins here.

Part of the Sunset Rising Continuity.

Special thanks to Dave Bryant for the creation of Lectern’s New and Used Books, and of Mr. Lectern himself.

Chapters (17)
Comments ( 66 )

Then, a large swath of time had been scheduled for unscheduled activities (at Sunset’s insistence)

Quintessential Sunlight moment there, for either Twilight. Love it.

All her childhood dreams, somehow come true at last.
Whether she really deserved it or not.

Gosh, I wonder what might be holding her back in her magical studies...

And yeah, that investigation never stopped being a thing. Though part of the question is why this girl confessed to a crime she didn't commit. We'll see what happens from here.

Oof, this story sure is a downer entry to the saga, taking Sunrise's story back to its tragic origins. Hopefully nobody ends up in prison in the end. On the other hand, even Sunset might, if her identity theft/illegal immigration come to light.


Though part of the question is why this girl confessed to a crime she didn't commit.

Odds are that Steel or whoever else used brutal coercive interrogation techniques to stress the poor woman to the breaking point. It's sadly common in the US.

I thought it was going to be Sunset. I thought the authorities had caught the wrong fiery-haired girl.

I'm making my way through the Sunset timeline so that I can read this :pinkiehappy:

Coming up with outfits for Equestrians on the other side of the portal is a big part of the fun of getting them through it. Especially the princesses. Though poor Luna, having to put up with stiletto heels in her first moment as a biped.

“Sure, no problem,” she said with a sheepish smile. “It’s called Lectern’s New and Used Books.”

Well, this is a fun and unexpected crossover (he said, before double-checking the long description. :derpytongue2:)

We'll see how this develops. All fun aside, it'll be rough going forward.

I love how RD specifically avoids thinking about how Pinkie would behave in her what-if. That girl's inner workings are an enigma, lmao.


That girl's inner workings are an enigma...

Yeah, seriously. You never know where she's going until she gets there. :pinkiehappy::rainbowlaugh:

Rainbow Dash as a defense attorney? Neat. She should study under Matt Murdock. They'd also make a good team after hours.

As for how to actually get Sunrise back out after her conviction, I have a simple idea. We've already established that the law enforcement and political landscape here closely resembles that of the US, so why not just bribe the governor into a pardon? They have Equestrian gold and jewels from the royal coffers to bring over.

I have to feel bad for the Sunset of the timeline where the mirror didn't lead to this world. She literally doesn't know what (and who) she's missing.

In any case, lovely Lectern cameo, though it hasn't done much in the way of providing a concrete path forward. This will be tricky. We'll see what help the princessipals' old friend can offer.

(Also, I'd have liked to see the Lunas interact a bit, but that can wait for when the freedom of an innocent life isn't on the line.)


I have to feel bad for the Sunset of the timeline where the mirror didn't lead to this world. She literally doesn't know what (and who) she's missing.

Yeah, me too. Loneliness is the common thread that seems to run through the lives of every Sunny, at least at first. I think one of the most profound condemnations of Celestia in the entire series is in the first movie, when Sunset said she didn't know there was another way. And the Elsequestria Sunset is still very much alone. :fluttershysad:

Dash & Murdock, Attorneys at Law. Daredevil and a Speedster. You know, there are possibilities there...

And as for the bribe, well, it's always risky offering bribes to a politician (unless you're a major corporation, of course). Even if they accept, they can always get caught. But have no fear, the treasures of Equestria will have their effect. In fact, in a sense they already have. :raritywink:

*lets out breath I'd been holding*

Glad you like. Lectern's place is a great setting, and I was looking forward to introducing both character and store into my universe here. :twilightsmile:

Comment posted by Coyote de La Mancha deleted Dec 24th, 2021

Thanks to Twilight's influence, Spike is a literate fellow. Unknown to her, he has read about different breeds of dogs and their comparatively short live expectancies. This really isn't something that the various humans in his life have connected the dots on until now.

Ah, I was worried it was something worse. Still not a pleasant realisation for them though :ajsleepy:
But hey, Spike is what, 7? 9? He'll have a good few more years in him no doubt. He seems like a healthy fellow at least.
And, maybe, the magic that lets him speak did something more? Who knows.
Worst case scenario, he could go to Equestria and be a dragon.


Worst case scenario, he could go to Equestria and be a dragon.

There's actually a story about that. It doesn't end well.

What do you mean? I read that one a while ago and it ends great.

FOME is correct the chapter is something of an interlude, but I am flattered and delighted! It was part of the inspiration for my recent series of plan views, including a recently posted version of Lectern’s.

Gave it a reread, guess I was remembering it wrong.

Wallflower X Fluttershy is certainly a pairing lmao.

Well, this version of the D man is certainly creepy. If only Twilight could pull a Rick and scientifically remove the curses.

Well, she was able to create a device that tracked and captured magical energy while she was in high school (for all that the second function wasn't intentional)... so, not outside the bounds of possibility... :scootangel:

Dissonance is going full Labyrinth for the princessipals. I can only imagine all they did to earn such a performance. And I hope no one ends up in a figurative Bog of Eternal Stench by the end of this...

Also some fascinating vignettes, both with and without Vignette. The world doesn't revolve around the Rainbooms, after all, even if it feels like it sometimes.

Good heavens. Discord as a mad fey merchant is one of the best -- and most unsettling -- iterations of the character I've seen on this side of the mirror portal. And the parallels between the old mall and Everfree Castle are quite impressive as well. Not a connection I ever would have thought to make, but now that you've written it I can hardly think of it any other way. Bravo!


The world doesn't revolve around the Rainbooms, after all, even if it feels like it sometimes.

(nods) When I first started writing this, I thought that, if it had a theme, it would be on duality. But as the story continues to develop, I see it being more about the interconnectivity between many people's stories.

Outstanding work with the two Lunas. The idea of the four sisters interacting in their respective youths is a fascinating one, and the human offering comfort and wisdom to the pony is a great reversal of the norm when working with the princessipals.

But in the end, every delaying action ends eventually. Time to face the music. Let’s see what they play.

Ah, the old mortal-immortal relationship ennui. You tackled the subject well.

It's that personal touch that matters. Make them feel like they have your whole and complete attention, that they are the most important thing in your universe. It leaves a memorable impact like nothing else.

Also, glad to se Aurora and Sunrise bond, even if these aren't the happiest circumstances. We'll see where they go from here.

Among other qualities, yes. Discord was not always a good guy, and Dissonance is... well, not quite Discord.

Let us just be glad that he is still honouring the compact between himself and the Two Sisters of this world.

Of course, the DA is also just as ruthless. And he is bound by no such compact, only the law as written.

Not a lot of good guys in that room...


It's that personal touch that matters. Make them feel like they have your whole and complete attention, that they are the most important thing in your universe. It leaves a memorable impact like nothing else.

:rainbowlaugh: :rainbowlaugh: :rainbowlaugh: :rainbowlaugh:

One last dose of funny and wholesome before shit gets real again.

So, no names. Names were for people and for pets. So far as he was concerned, she was neither.

This is fascinating. Spike the actual dog presents the opportunity for a unique perspective; how does a magically uplifted dog see the world?

I get the feeling we'll be very grateful for this emotional breather further down the line. Let's see what happens.

I am looking forward to when this story is complete so I can read it with less fingernail-biting. :twilightsmile:

Sunset just paid him in gold, haha. Perfect. The real trial comes next.

Hmm. Not sure how I feel about this one. What's Trixie up to?

Oh, that was a bit anticlimactic. They just paid bail in the foreshadowed gold and walked out of the universe.

Well, I had figured that the court scene was the climax, although a gentle one. After all, after the judge's deliberations, there really isn't much court left to be held.

Sunrise's hearing was merely a matter of confirming that she was still entering a guilty plea and throwing herself on the mercy of the court. Not a trial. Maybe five minutes, not counting red tape and ritual. Then Dissonance would haggle for her to be released on bail, pending her sentencing hearing.

That's it. Even if she had stayed in town, there wouldn't have been another trial. Just arguments, sentencing, and then carting her off.

Lovely stuff... even if I haven't exactly been on top of the updates. :twilightblush: Brilliant way to bring back Twilight's contributions to law enforcement, and some very intriguing teases of the princessipals visiting Equestria one day.

But there's still the question of just what Trixie is up to. And whether even the esteemed Mr. Chord expects what she has planned.

Theorizing and snuggles, two of my favorite things.

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