• Member Since 18th Jan, 2014
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Minds Eye

Are you not entertained?


A chance encounter in Professor Fluttershy's class makes Sandbar ponder Ocellus in a new light. Namely, what makes a changeling... a changeling? And not a spider or an insect? Thankfully, he has his friends to talk to, and together they arrive at an articulate and scientific conclusion.

Stuff is weird.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 23 )

I feel like there's something missing from this story. It didn't so much end as just stop abruptly.


Well, we probably wouldn't get along as well with other species as Ponies. Heck, we demonstrably don't - seen any Neanderthals around lately? Denisovans? Flores Hobbits?

That's fair. I tinkered with this thing a lot, and I never really had an idea that satisfied me completely. I liked Yona's line though, so I figured I'd post and see how it goes.

Friends can talk about some crazy things when there are six people in the room. Anyone could lead the conversation anywhere. I remember one time my friends and I were talking about girls in our class and ended up on Kennedy assassination conspiracy theories.


That got pretty meta. :rainbowlaugh:

Seriously, though, it's an interesting thought, and I think one worth considering, so kudos for bringing it up. Writing-wise, the dialogue was great in this. Everybody felt in character. :twilightsmile:

This is great. The dialogue is so wonderfully organic and all the characters are on point -- I especially like the way you write Yona and Silverstream. Good stuff.

It's a rare piece of fanfic that is able to do sound like something from the show's own writers and yet still be the product of the fanfic writer alone. This is great. Commentary, comedy, character, the three C's of great fanfic writing all rolled into a nice package.

Thank you all for the praise. I knew the dialogue would have to carry this, so I'm glad to hear I nailed it.

Mmmmm, this was a challenge for even me to understand but I get the gist. I mean, I’m not taking English Literature at school but I still have a good understanding of how to structure a good story.

From what I see, very good message brought in a very creative and interesting way. Perhaps it may appeal to more people if it was a little easier to understand.

Other than the complexity of the plot, this was well done.:pinkiesmile:

This is absolutely incredible!

Now we need a sequel where Twilight desperately tries to fix everything.

Does anyone realize that they pulled a That 70s show circle moment?

Silverstream said "Yona and me will get everything," but if she were to use correct grammar, it would be "Yona and I will get everything." You wouldn't say "Me will get everything," would you? I'll let you decide if you want to keep this as a character error or not.

"find gems for out tribe" should be "find gems for our tribe".
"jokes like that about changeling" should be "jokes like that about changelings".

A fantastic and very authentic feeling conversation among friends, with all the digressions and affectionate insults one should expect from such. Smolder, Judge of Burns was an especially nice running gag. Thank you for some of the richest characterization I've seen for the Student Six.

“W-well why not?” Ocellus asked, fighting to keep her grin under control. “A species has the whole world to itself, climbs the mountains, crosses the seas, swims the rivers, explores the caves, and they’re the only ones they can find to talk to? That can’t be right! Can you imagine how lonely that would be?”

...Thank the Lord we have dolphins to keep us company! (At least, you know, until we kill them all while overfishing tuna and throwing plastic garbage into the oceans...)

I mean, the Diamond Dogs were in Equestria before the ponies showed up, but I guess that's ignoring the real thrust of the discussion.

Ummmm. You realize the reason there are no Neanderthals or Denisovans around is because they and our other ancestors got along VERY well right? Basically they liked our ancestors, and each other for that matter, so much that they began boinking... And kept boinking until their were no genetically pure Neanderthals or Denisovans left and just kept mixing until they were completely genetically integrated into the local human ancestor population.

I wonder how Twilight on one hoof, and Starlight Glimmer on the other, will react to this newfound insight? :trollestia:

i can't help the ending of it about us humans... how we are the only ones here, how we are the only one that can make the world what we want.

I kinda want them to see our world how one kind can live with each other and how much we still hate each other

that would be fun to see

I got a nice chuckle out of Yona breaking Silverstream’s hand. You did a great job of characterizing the student six!

I just wish it had come to more of a conclusion instead of an abrupt stop

Are changelings like spiders, or what?

he was trying to compare Ocellus, a friend, to a vermin like a spider.

Spiders ar not vermin in the slightest, they are animals that do nothing wrong, but die for their appearance, I really can’t forgive you for that description.


I think this story needed the random tag.
Especially with that end there.

“Ask Gallus,” Yona said. She slammed the table with a thunderous whoop, and thrust her forelegs overhead. “Yak best at burn!”

Yes. Yes they are.

“There’s only so much of everything to go around, of course.” Gallus smirked at Sandbar. “Sorry pal, but only ponies with stars on their butts are allowed to swim at this beach. You have to go to the other beach down the road.”

Sneeches. Heh.

Yona raised her glass. “Yak spit on ground you all walk on!”

Yaks best at prejudice! Wait...

Anyway yeah as someone said above it does seem to peter out, and they never get back to the original topic. That is, are the animals sapient? They don't put it that way, but that really is the question. It was made especially relevant after "She Talks to Angel", where Angel Bunny was revealed to definitely be sapient. It's possible he's somewhat unique, but it seems unlikely.

Anyway, this was amusing and entertaining.

There are competing theories. While modern humans are less than 4% neanderthal on average, Ootzi the ice man from roughly 3000 BCE was a good 4-5%. This certainly indicates breeding out over time, but relative percentages means homo sapiens were outpacing neanderthalis. Now the hypothesis of violent conflict doesn't seem to bear out: tools found are more suited for hunting than war, and at the time resources were plentiful compared to the population (most of the time anyway). It's likely a combination of interbreeding, competitive replacement (Sapiens may have been just slightly better hunters, so while everyone got some food, Sapiens got more), and climate change (end of the ice age) that did it.

For that matter it's not clear if Neanderthalis and Denisova should be classified as distinct species or not. They and sapiens could interbreed with each other, after all. Some areas of the world have people with DNA from all 3. Plus they all walked upright (initially it was thought Neanderthalis didn't, but later discoveries suggest they did), could use and probably make fire, and Neanderthalis at least could play music.

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