• Published 10th Sep 2018
  • 1,987 Views, 73 Comments

End of hatred, Beginning of Hope - Legendbringer

Mutants, Titans, and Ponies unite in this crossover for the ages. Three teams journey to hell and back to save the universe

  • ...

to a better Understanding

With what I have said in mind, one must realize that the way of being a hero can be a lonely one. There are moments when one can feel that they are alone in standing for their ideals, and that the weight of the world is on your shoulders. This is why, it helps to find others who will stand by you, help you, and shoulder your burden. We call these...friends.

As the music played loudly from the nearby stereo, Twilight found herself unable to contain her smile. Shaking her head to get back into gear, she took a deep breath and said, “Ok, here we go!” turning her head to look at Rainbow Dash, “Rainbow, let’s start with you.”

“Yeah, still don’t get why I got the weather powers,” Rainbow Dash said, floating in the air. At least I can still fly.

“Well, that’s part of what this training is all about. I kind of want to study more about our powers and why they are matched to us. Me, Rarity, and Applejack make sense, but then we get to you,” Twilight said, “And furthermore, why can you fly?”

“Dunno,” Dash said with a shrug. Then she smiled and said, “Hey, maybe the hot air around me is giving me lift to keep me flying!”

“That is just ridiculous, there is no way that is the reason,” Twilight said dismissively. “You would need a lot more hot air than that to lift you up, and we all would be feeling it.”

“Then it’s unexplained, and I should be happy with just the ability to fly awesomely!” Rainbow Dash said, laying back.

“Sure, why not. Explanations later...”

Let’s just focus on your powers for right now. Now, I am guessing that your weather powers are linked back to your pegasus understanding of weather. Somehow, you are able to manipulate the air currents and bend them like you could normally.

In a small town in Pennsylvania, a fire broke out in a building. Try as the firefighters might, they were unable to quell the flames or get to the people trapped inside. That was when a batch of clouds flew overhead, sending forth a downpour that helped to quench the flames. Before anyone could see what was happening next, a small breeze began to blow away the debris and freeing the trapped people.

Rainbow Dash smirked from her vantage point as she blew on her knuckles and listened to the cheering crowds. A part of her wanted to jump in and take in the glory, but the rest of her reminded her to stay and focus on getting back. Turning away, she began to walk away, letting out a sigh, “I miss my speed.”

“Next up is Pink-” Twilight began, before a gust of wind interrupted her and Pinkie Pie stood next to her. “-ie Pie.”

Pinkie had a big smile on her face as she said, “Present!”

“Right,” Twilight said, looking at her friend as she took in the hyperactivity in stride. “Pinkie, I want you to do some runs so I can guess your top speed.”

“Whoa, whoa, Twilight,” Rainbow Dash said, stepping up next to Pinkie and taking her by the arm, “I’ll train Pinkie. I’m the former speed queen here, you can do some eggheady things over there.”

“But, I...I just wanted to,” Twilight let out an annoyed grunt before stomping towards Rarity, “FINE!”

While she walked away, Pinkie bounced happily next to Dash as her friend led her to a clearing in the woods, “Oh this is going to be so exciting! Are you excited Dashie? I know I am! I always been fast, but now I am super duper fast. Can you imagine-”

“Whoa, whoa, Pinks, I know you’re excited, but cool it down a bit,” Rainbow Dash said, holding up her hands and pushing them down. “Remember what I said about your metabolism?”

“Oh yeah, sorry,” giggled Pinkie as she stopped her bouncing. “It’s just so exciting to be this fast you know? I always wanted to run as fast you could and now I can. That is just so cool!”

“Yeah,” Rainbow dash, looking down and away, frowning, “I know.”

Pinkie looked worriedly at her friend, “Dashie, what’s wrong?”

Rainbow Dash wanted to brush her off, but one look into the blue eyes of her friend told her it was no use. Taking a deep breath, Rainbow said, “It’s just that...other than you guys and flying, speed’s always been my thing. It’s my passion, the reason for my cutie mark. We wouldn’t even all be together if I wasn’t the fastest pegasus alive. Now we’re in this place, and I’m... not the fastest anymore. It’s like someone took out the biggest part of me and cut it out. What am I now?”

“A cool weather gal, duh,” Pinkie said. Rainbow gave her a quick glare in response and Pinkie sighed, hugging her, “Rainbow, I mean it. You are still one of the best ponies I know, even without your speed. You just now got to rely on all of your crazy pegasus weather knowledge to help out.”

“Yeah, and what if we need a speedster?” Rainbow asked.

“Then I can do it! I know you’ll be the best teacher out there,” Pinkie said, racing ahead, “And you will be so proud of me!”

“Well, of course I’ll be the best teacher, it's what I do,” Rainbow said, and then thought “still would love to have my speed. Why did this place give her my gift?”

The people of Branson Missouri could only watch in shock and amazement as the pink blur past by their city. Everywhere the pink blur went, a crime or a problem would be fixed. And everywhere the blur completed it’s duty, a cupcake would be left behind.

Pinkie, I think your body’s energy is creating two things. One is the doorway to the speed force that Dash told me about, and second is that it’s creating a shield around your body that protects against friction. However...

Pinkie Pie quickly ran back to the van as the girls finished refueling, smiling as she held a large box of pizza. Her outfit was on fire as she held the pizza for her friends.

I think it only works on skin tight clothing.

Twilight checked off the box next to Pinkie before looking up from her list, “Next up, Rarity. Now I am quite interested,” she paused as she looked up from her list and to Rarity. Curious, she raised an eyebrow as she saw Rarity sitting down in the open van and sewing together a shirt, “Rarity, what are you doing?”

“Hmmm? Oh,” Rarity said, putting down the shirt and smiling at Twilight, “I am just desiging us some costumes for our hero identities.”

“Hero identities?” asked Applejack.

Rarity nodded, “I figured that, being that in this world we have super powers and are essentially super heroes, we might as well dress the part when we use them. While I was waiting for the deal to finalize on buying this little car of ours, I was doing research on the various superheroes and their costumes.”

There was a smile on her face as she said, “While I admit that I find some of them to be quite gaudy, there was a certain flair and beauty to those colorful outfits. So, while you are training the others, on my downtime I will be making us outfits to go with our superpowers.”

“That, and you are trying to replace the outfits we came in with,” Applejack said with a smirk.

“Well, you can’t really expect me to walk around in the same outfit all the time, really!” Rarity scoffed.

Twilight sighed and said, “Moving on, it's your turn. I am really curious about testing some of your powers.”

“Have you now?” Rarity asked, stepping off and walking in front of her, an aura glowing around her hands.

Twilight nodded enthusiastically, “Yeah! You can manipulate energy, and create constructs from your will. That is so fascinating! Can you imagine the things that you can try and create? Or even how long you can manage to hold it? What about the forms, and the powers that-”

“Twilight!” Rainbow Dash shouted, looking down at her, “You’re rambling again.”

A blush came across her cheeks as she giggled, “Um, yeah, sorry about that. Got a little excited. The thing is, I might have a theory about your powers.”

“A theory?” Rarity asked.

“Yes,” Twilight said, putting away her chart and asking, “Can you make a gun?”

“A what?” asked Rarity.

“A gun, it’s like a crossbow, but with a shorter barrel and a thicker handle,” Twilight said, trying her best to explain the device. “Sunset showed me one when I was in the human world once.”

Rarity nodded and held out her hand, allowing her purple energy to flow out from her fingertips and into the air in front of her. After a few moments of waiting, she created a crude and disfigured imitation of a gun, “Like this?”

“Perfect! This confirms it,” Twilight said, picking up her clipboard and writing down. “Your creation powers are based on your knowledge of the object and will. You never seen a gun, so you can’t make it. But, if I were to ask you to make a sword-” she added, watching with a smile as Rarity crafted an effigy of a rapier, “You can make it because you know what it is and how it’s constructed. That’s why you made a pair of scissors before, you have been near those all you life.”

“I see,” Rarity said, looking at the sword in front of her.

I also believe that this power, much like our magic back home, works on pure will. The more you focus, the more you concentrate, the stronger the item will hold.

In Chicago, a train began to derail at high speed. Seconds before it could fly off, a bright purple rail appeared to help put the train back on track. Rarity sat at a table in a bistro, smiling as she used her powers while working in her notebook.

I don’t think you’ll have much problems with concentration.

“Fluttershy, I think for you, we can,” Twilight began, but was interrupted by Fluttershy interrupting with a soft squeak,.

“No,” she shook her head.

“What?” Twilight asked.

Fluttershy looked up at Twilight and said, “I said, I’m not doing it. I’m training to use this power of mine. It turns me into this horrible monster!”

Rainbow Dash turned away from a friendly spar she had with Applejack and said, “Wait, what!? Oh come on, Fluttershy. That thing you do is pretty wicked.”

“Ah kind of have to agree with Rainbow Dash,” Applejack said, straightening up her hat as she walked towards Fluttershy, “If we end up facing something big again, we are gonna need that strength of yours.”

“No!” Fluttershy shouted, shaking her head, “Don’t you understand, that thing I become, that monster? It’s not me! It’s not who I am, and I don’t want to be that thing again. It hurts others and I don’t want to hurt anypony.” she gave out a soft shudder and turn away, “Why couldn’t I have had animal related powers?”

Rarity looked up and then put down her sewing material before walking to Fluttershy. Sitting down, she placed a hand onto Fluttershy’s shoulder, “Fluttershy, dear, no one here is going to force you into anything you don’t want. If you don’t want to become that monster, then you don’t have to be.”

“Yeah,” Pinkie said as she sped in, eating a sandwich, “You don’t have to be right there in the big fights with us, you could do something else.”

“Well,” Fluttershy said, lightly kicking her legs against the log, “I was thinking of helping when you girls get hurt. While we were driving I was looking at a book about these bodies and their health problems. I think I understand enough to do basic first aid when you need it.”

“Hey, you saying that we’re gonna get hurt out there?” Rainbow Dash said, frowning, “I think we’ll be fine.

I don’t know, Dash. We can get into some major battles.

“OWWWWWWW!!!” Rainbow Dash yelled as she felt the spray hit the cut on her arm.

“Now now, I know it hurts, but you can’t keep screaming every time I administer medicine on the cut,” Fluttershy said, wrapping her friend’s arm in a bandage. Behind them, two villians were tied up as firefighters helped to stop the flames. “Why can’t you be more like Applejack, she didn’t complain about this.”

“That’s because she’s a no good biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-GAH! Why does anti-whatever hurt!” Whined Dash.

Nearby, Applejack and Twilight were talking to the local hero of Minnesota, “Jump City? You girls are way off, this is Minnesota. Who was in charge of driving.”

Sighing, Applejack lowered her head, while Twilight pointed to Pinkie Pie, “That would be her. She wanted to try and drive, and Rainbow Dash let her.”

The man sighed and tipped his hat, “I get it. Look, if you want to get to San Francisco you are going to take the I 94 and then follow the road through there. It’s a little tricky, but you’ll manage.”

“Thanks Linkara,” Twilight said, walking away.

Applejack gave Linkara a confused look, “You seem rather calm for a guy dealing with a bunch of dimension hopping ponies.”

“Eh,” Linkara shrugged, “I’ve gotten used to it.”

Twilight walked towards Applejack as she checked off Fluttershy on her list, “And that just leaves you, Applejack.”

“To be honest, Ah don’t know what you might find with me,” Applejack said, pulling out the lasso as she looked at it, “Beyond this here lasso, Ah got nothing. Well, that and the little horseshoes that are in my belt. No super strength, speed, or anything.”

“Man, did you get gypped,” Rainbow Dash commented, earning a quick glare from Applejack in the process. Twilight chose to ignore the two’s little arguing and pulled the rope into her hands. Eyes gazing down at the rope, she began to mutter.

“Amazing, it seems to be as long as you need it to be, and judging from how you used t on mainiac, indestructible as well,” Twilight said, looking it over. Then putting her finger to her chin, she said, “Which actually helps me with my theory. Everypony? Gather round please!”

As she said this, she watched as each girl found a seat in the forest to take and sit around Twilight as she stood before them. Twilight, taking a small pencil from behind her ear, began to write down on her notebook as she looked at the five in front of her, “Ok, so now that I’ve finished helping you train, I can also tell you about my findings.”

“Findings?” Applejack asked, “What were you doing, studying us too?”

“Yes, I was,” Twilight said calmly, spinning her pencil in her fingers as she walked around. “I was actually quite interested as to why we got this particular set of powers and why they matched up to the Power Ponies. And, I think I figured it out,” she then tapped her little clipboard, “Your powers are all based on your inner essencance, like your cutie mark.”

“But, my mark’s all about speed, Twi,” Dash said, arching an eyebrow.

Twilight nodded and began to explain, “You are right, but deep down inside, you are graceful and fast like the wind. You know more about the weather than any of us here, and the wind is practically your element. Weather manipulation is the perfect power set for you.”

“I guess,” Dash sighed, looking down and frowning.

“Pinkie is hyper and energetic, so speed. Rarity’s energy manipulation is a perfect match for her creativity, and of course magic is my forte,”

Applejack looked down and said, “What about me? Ah practically aint got any powers.”

“Well, you are strong, dependable, and reliable. Your powers are based on having equipment that represents that,” Twilight said, looking down at her clipboard.

So, nothing really remarkable about me huh?” Applejack thought to herself.

“And Fluttershy-”

“Don’t bother, I know,” Fluttershy said with a sniffle, “Deep down inside, I’m just a monster waiting to be unleashed. I’m just a step away from losing my temper and hurting somepony close to me.” she said, turning away and getting up.

“Well, I wasn't going to say that,” Twilight said. “I was just going to say that you have a lot of inner strength and power behind all of your-” she paused as she watched Fluttershy walk away, “Fluttershy?”

“I’ll talk to her,” Rainbow Dash said, following Fluttershy as she walked to a stream and stat down. Sighing, Rainbow Dash sat next to her and wrapped her arm around her shoulder, “You know we don’t see you as a monster, right?”

“No, but the world does,” Fluttershy said, shaking her head. “Why didn’t it give me the ability to turn into animals, or use animal powers? Why can I turn into a big monster? Why? Is it because of some kind of ., some cruel joke? I know I like it when you girls see me for more than what I am, but this feels like it’s taking it too far.”

Rainbow Dash shrugged, “Maybe the world isn’t it looking at it like you’re a monster. Maybe it’s seeing you as you are. You know, a mare who, when the chips are down, will rise to any occasion no matter what. Is so cool, you can make chaos and a dragon your little pet if you wanted. A mare who is cute and innocent, but is probably the strongest gal I know.”

“You really think so?” Fluttershy said, looking up to Rainbow Dash from behind her long pink bangs.

“Yeah, of course I do,” Rainbow said, earning a hug from Fluttershy.

“Thank you,” Fluttershy said, getting up and looking down, “I still don’t want to be that...thing again.”

“Hey, that’s fine,” Rainbow Dash said, “You’ll just treat the injured.”

“Like you?” giggled Fluttershy.

“Hey! I told you I don’t need that kind of help,” Rainbow Dash said, walking with Fluttershy back to the campground.

As they returned, they could hear Rarity speaking as she read a news article, “Hmmm, Jump City experiencing a decrease in violent crimes. I wonder,” she said, looking up to the sky, “What kind of city is Jump City anyway?”

Jump City was no stranger to criminal activity, on the contrary it was as if it was attacked by a monster or criminal mastermind on a weekly basis. So when the quiet of the city was destroyed by the sound of a bank’s alarm going off and an explosion erupting from the front of said bank, the city began to panic and run away from the attack. However, some of the people simply hid, using the usual burst of criminal activity as an excuse to get their exercise in.

The leader of the criminal group, dressed in a burned leather jacket and jeans, stepped up to the top of a car and shouted, “Yeah, listen up all of you worthless pieces of crud, Intergang is in town! That’s right, we’re putting ourselves in here and takin over! MY name’s Hot Missile,” he chuckled and looked to his teammates, “and there is Rock Hard, Steel Ball, and Expendable Crook.” Holding up his hand, he unleashed a torrent of flame before bragging, “And we dare anyone to beat us!”

A bladed bird shaped boomerang flew out from the shadows of an alleyway, cutting the cable of Hot’s flamethrower. Gasping in shock, he looked around, trying to find the culprit and watching as the boomerang soared back to its owner. The owner of said boomerang sat crouched on a car, cape covering his body and flowing in the breeze, eyes covered in a domino mask. Surrounding him were three other people: one was mechanical as if his body was replaced by blue cybornetics, in the sky was an orange woman with flowing red hair, and a dark grey girl who’s features were covered in a dark purple cloak.
When he got a look at the four figures stepping out from the shadows, he trembled a bit and shook his head. The one who threw the boomerang was the first to speak as he stood to his full height, showing off the R that was emblazoned on his chest, “Will we do?”

Steel Ball shook his head, “No way, it’s the Titans!!!”

“Man, this is why I wanted us to move away from Metropolis! Less of these freaks!” Expendable said, shaking his head as he brought out a knife and growling. “But wait...”

Rock Hard looked confused as he finished, “Weren’t there five of them?”

Robin, choosing not to answer, shouted, “Titans, GO!” and in a flash, he leapt from the top of the car and onto the car that Hot stood on. As Hot desperately tried to fix his weapon, Robin brought out his staff, and spun it in a circle. With a twist of his hips, he slammed the staff into either side of his hips with a loud crack. Before Hot could even register the attack, Robin put away his staff, did a somersault kick and exposed the neck. Using the opportunity to attack, he struck out with his forearm into the expose neck, causing Hot to start to choke. Spinning around, Robin used a roundhouse to knock him off the car unconscious.

Steel Ball grinned as he looked at Cyborg and pressed a button on his arms, creating a steel shell covering his body. Cyborg quirked his eyebrow as he watched the metal man curl up into a steel ball and roll out at him. His reactions perfect, he held out one arm to catch the man sized ball. Smirking, he half turned his arm into a sonic cannon and sent out soundwaves into the metal ball, shaking the man inside. As the man recovered from his shake up, Cyborg picked the large metal ball up with one arm and threw him into a wall, smirking, “Good thing my football throwing arm still works.” he chuckled as he flexed his hand.

Rock Hard watched as Starfire flew straight at him and pressed a button on his gauntlets. All around him, the rubble from the exploded bank began to rise up around him. Thrusting his hand out, he launched the rocks right at the alien. Eyes glowing bright green, Starfire threw energy blast after energy blast to destroy the rubble and burning it into ash. When the last large piece flew at her, she slammed her fist into the rubble and destroyed it, leaving Rock wide open. In an orange and red rocket blur, she slammed both fists into his body with a loud crack. Moving rapidly, she pummeled him straight into a wall, leaving behind a large dent. Landing on the ground, Starfire sighed and wiped her hand through her hair, smiling a little, “I hope I didn’t beat you too badly.”

Raven floated in front of Expendable, rolling her eyes under her hood, “Seriously, you come at me with a knife?”

“Just watch!” he laughed as he slit his wrist, allowing blood to flow down his arms, “Bet you never met up with a mutant before, have yah? Watch this!” With a high pitched squeal, the blood that trickled down his arm flew off and became hard pointed blades. Grinning, he extended his palm and launched the blood blades at Raven.

Stepping back in shock, she quickly threw up her hands to create two black energy shields to take the shots. After the barrage was ended, she narrowed her eyes and shouted, “Azarath Metrion Zinthos!” and summoned up the various rocks and steel round Expendable. Using her magic with a wave of her hand, she slammed the debris around him, sealing him in a small tomb.

After a few minutes, the Titans gathered the fallen foes and placed them in a small circle, “And that is how it’s done.” smirked Cyborg as he dusted his hands off.

“Oh, I so do love it when we defeat foes quickly,” Starfire said, making a little loop in the air.

Hot looked up at the small group of heroes and asked, “Hey, where is that fifth guy who hangs around you? You know, Beast Boy?”

This question made the group stop in the middle of their eleatin and look down. After a few moments, Robin was the first to speak, “Come on Titans, let’s go.”

Unbeknownst to the group of heroes, a young blonde girl wearing her school uniform was watching the battle. She let out a sigh as she watched the team leave the scene, smiling as she did. As she straightened up her backpack, she heard, “Hey, Terra! What are you doing here?” shouted a young teen’s voice.

“Huh? Oh, Jackie, Jill!” Terra said, smiling at her two school friends walked up to her. “I was just-”

Jackie, a red head, looked to her friend concerned a she held Jillian’s hand tightly, “You know you aren’t supposed to be around a superhero battle. These things tend to get wild you know.”

“Well, yeah,” Terra said, looking down, “I just happen to like watching it when the Titans fight. It’s so cool to watch them.”

“Yeah, I hear ya,” Jill, a black girl said, nodding. Then she added, “But there is a time for that, and a time for studying. You got a history final to study for.”

“Yes, I got it. Study all about the history of Kasina and Genosha for world history, I got it,” Terra said, chuckling as she followed her friends away from the fight, “But, it might be easier if you helped out rather than smacking lips all of the time.”

Jill giggled and kissed her girlfriend on the cheek, “Don’t be jelly!.”

“Ah, single life is so hard,” swooned Jackie. Then she looked to Terra, “Speaking of relationship, where is that one guy you’ve been hanging out with? You know, Gar something?”

“Garfield...” Terra said, her mind flashing back

Two months ago.

Terra grumbled to herself as she walked out of her school, arms burdened with a ton of books. A part of her wanted to just use her powers to create a rock wagon and carry it all, but the rest told her not to. Groaning, she walked ahead and further away from her school and towards the apartment she called home, until she bumped into someone and dropped her books, “Ooof!”

"Sorry about that,” the young man said, chuckling while he ran his hand through his green hair.

Terra shook her head and sighed, “It’s ok. It’s my fault for not buying a backpack. But what can you do-” she paused as she looked up at the man she just bumped into. While his skin was flesh and he was wearing a red and white hoodie, there was no mistaking the smile of “Beast Boy?”

“Um, excuse me, the name’s Garfield Logan, a young teen about town,” Beast Boy said with a stuffy accent. Then he waggled his eyebrows before saying, “But whoever this Beast Boy is, sounds absolutely char-ack!” he was interrupted by Terra grabbing his neck and pulling him into a nearby alley.

After taking a minute to look around to make sure the coast was clear, she turned her blue eyes onto Beast Boy, “Ok, spill, what is all of this?”

“Like it?” asked Beast Boy happily, pressing a finger onto his watch and turning him back to his green self, “It’s an image inducer, like some of the X-men have. Victor said he could make me one and boom! Here it is. Of course, I wanted to look like a hunk but...”

“No,” Terra said, shaking her head, “I meant this! I thought I told you that I didn’t want any of this!”

Beast Boy held up his hands and nodded, “Yeah, yeah, I know. You want a normal life, away from being a superhero and just be the girl who’s biggest threat to conquer is tomorrow's test, I get it. Really. I’m not some stalker who will make you feel sorry for walking away from all of this,” he said, lightly kicking the ground.

“This life can be tough, and not for everyone,” he added, “Sometimes I think about Robin and how he gets through it without wanting to go evil. So, I can understand wanting to leave i all behind, but that doesn’t mean we can’t be friends, you know? Away from the powers, masks, and all of that? No Terra or Beast Boy, just Gar and Tara having fun.”

Terra sighed and leaned back against the wall and said, “You know, I have two friends in the school.Jackie and Jillian, they are a lot of fun but sweet gods on high can they be annoying with how lovely dovey they are on each other. And sometimes,” rubbing her arms a little, she looked down and away, “It can be a little hard, talking to someone who doesn’t know that you are a superhero or what you’ve done.”

“So, let me be that guy. We can just hang out, talk about who cares what and just have a blast doing it. You don’t think I need time off from my team once in a while? They are the greatest, but sometimes I need to talk someone out of the team,” Beast Boy said, looking down. Then he raised his head and smiled, “So, how about it? Want to start again? As friends?”

“Sure, let's start anew!” Terra said with a smile and stuck out her hand, “Tara Markov!”

Beast Boy chuckled and stuck out his hand “Garfield Logan.”

Present day.

“...yo! Terra! You spacing on us!” said Jillian, snapping her fingers.

Jackie giggled, “Maybe she’s just thinking about how hot Starfire is?”

“Perv,” Jillian said, rolling her eyes before looking back to Terra.

“No, I was just, thinking.” Terra said, looking down. “Hey, want to head to my apartment later? I kind of got something I need to tell you.”

“I don’t know,” JAckie said, smirking and tucking Terra’s chin, “two lovely girls, trapped alone in an apartment with another cute girl unsupervised? Could be trouble.”

“Are you in or out?” asked Terra.

Jillian rolled her eyes and said, “Yeah, we’re in.”

“Whoo Wee! What a day!” shouted Cyborg as he walked into living room of the tower. Stretching he said, “5 bank robberies, 4 muggings, 3 attempted murders, 2 Arsons, and a satanic cult dedicated to summoning Thog. I don’t think we’ve been this busy in ages.”

“Yes,” Starfire said, flying around in a circle and finding a spot to relax, “I too am bushed. I wish to relax after to such a tiring day. Garfield, maybe you could,” she then paused as she looked around the room and then sighed.

Raven looked down as she walked to a bookshelf, “I half expect him to come in right now, saying something snarky and stupid.”

“Yeah, or at least doing something to take our minds off of everything,” Cyborg said, looking up at the ceiling and started to count the tiles.

Starfire looked around the room for a few moments, and then held her hand to her chest, “Dick, he’s gone into his room again, hasn't he?”

Cyborg shook his head, “Yeah, you know how he gets when a mystery is at his fingertips. He won’t stop for anything.”

“I know, and it hurts me,” Starfire said, looking down, “He’s going to hurt himself is he keeps doing this.”

Raven calmly pulled out a book and began to read, “Then go help him.”

“Think he will listen to me?” asked Starfire.

“If not, you could alway drag him with your super strength,” said Raven.

Cyborg looked up from his tv, “Didn’t think you’ve started cracking jokes.”

“I’m being serious,” Raven said calmly.

Away from his small group of friends, Robin walked alone. Eyes narrowed, it was obvious to one and all that he was in full detective mode, his footsteps heavy with thought about the missing Titan. Speaking to himself, he began to think, “How did this happen? It was fine a few weeks ago.”

Two months ago, shortly after Beast Boy’s friendship with Terra began anew...

Beast Boy stretched his arms over his head, and let out a big cheer. There was a skip in his step as he walked into his home and to the top of the tower. For a few moments, he looked over his shoulder back at Jump City to look back and think of his day. Sighing a little, he turned back and stepped into the living room, only to be hit with an excited “Surprise” from the room.

Recovering from his shock, he looked at the birthday cake and the food on the table, “MY birthday? Y-Y-you guys remembered?”

Robin shrugged, “It wasn’t hard to figure out. I did some asking with the Doom Patrol. We figured with some of the changes you have been through lately, you needed some cheering up.”

Beast Boy looked at the cake, and the back up to his friends, “So, you guys asked about...my past and know about-”

“Everything,” Cyborg said, nodding, “Look, Gar, if you ever need to talk.”

Beast Boy held up his hand and shook his head, “Forget it. Look, guys, I’m not some sad sack who needs cheering up, or some self important jackass who needs you guys to lick my boots every five minutes. You guys have had it SO much worse than I did, some of the stuff I wouldn’t want to ever experience. Thinking that I would need you guys to focus on my needs, would be kind of selfish.”

“Look, I had some bad stuff happen to me. I have been through hell, but you know what? Forget it. I’ve come through it with an awesome power set, some great memories, and awesome friends. Yeah, we fight, and had some bad moments, but we have had way more good than bad, right?” Beast Boy smiled and looked down at the cake, “Bad things happen, and I know it, but what kind of hero would I be if I let it all get to me and ruin my day.”

“Not a very good one,” said Raven.

“Yeah. I mean, things change, but I’m ok with that. Sometimes, I can find something new to love, like that new shopping center,” Beast Boy said, smiling, “or me and Terra. It’s all about learning to accept it, and moving on with a smile on my face. And if I can help keeping you guys smile, in anyway, whether it be acting stupid or saying stupid plans that might not work? Then that’s fine by me. Besides, it’s fun.”

“So, no cake?” asked Starfire.

Beast Boy looked hurt, “You kidding? I want to live and love my birthday to the fullest! Let’s chow down!!!!”

It was after that, he had a talk with Raven about that book...

Beast Boy looked at Raven as she sat on the couch, looking at a book. His curiosity hitting him hard, he turned into a kitten, climbed up on the back of the couch and nuzzled Raven, “Whatcha reading?”

Raven pulled him away and said, “Nothing, go away.” after waiting for a few moments, she looked back from her book and into the light blue eyes of her friend, “You are not going away, are you?”

“Nope!” Beast Boy said.

“Not even if I blast you?” Raven growled.

“Nope!” Beast Boy said, turning back to his human form.

Raven sighed at this and looked back at her book, a white skull adorning the dark purple cover “Remember that museum heist we foiled, the Ancient Arabian exhibit?”

“Heist?” Beast Boy paused and then snapped his fingers, “Oh yeah! When we stopped one of Dick’s old baddies, King Tut.”

“That exhibit held artifacts discovered there, dedicated to an ancient hero who lived back in at least 800 B.C. They said that the hero fought against some power evils with ancient and untold of magic,” Raven said, looking at the book.

“Wow!” Beast Boy said, excited, “What did they find?”

“Some weird items: An old Gauntlet, a broken mechanical bug, a feather belonging to an old weather bird, a lamp, a broken suit of armor, and this,” she opened the book and gave it to Beast Boy.

Beast Boy looked down at the book, his eyes looking over the blank book. For a moment, his eyes flashed with a dark cloud that he blinked away, “It’s blank.”

“That’s why they gave me the book,” Raven said, looking back at it. “Why would an ancient civilization have a blank book in a tomb dedicated to its famous hero? And what’s more, there is a bit of latent magic within that I can just feel. A feeling of dark magic that his hiding the words from me..”

Beast Boy, who had by now had the open book on his face, looked towards Raven curious, “And you have no idea what’s causing the seal?”

“No,” Raven said, voice sullen as she levitated the book back into her hand, “I’ve had Dr. Strange, Dr. Fate, and Zatanna look into it, and they couldn’t even break one part of the seal.”

“So now, it’s all one you, huh Rae? Easy then,” Beast Boy said, smiling and nudging her, “If anyone can crack this, it's you.”

“If the three strongest mages I know can’t crack it, then what chance do I have?” Raven asked.

“Because, you have four things up on them: Dick, Vic, Kory, and me! And I bet we can help figure something out,” Beast Boy said, smiling.

Raven looked at him with a nonplussed look, “You?”

“Well, yeah,” Beast Boy said with a chuckle, stretching his arms out wide, “You should know how these things go. You work really hard at something, and nothing works, then I come up with the world’s stupidest plan out there. Then, you see something in what I just said that turns out to be the final piece! Then you call me smart and I act like an idiot for a bit.”

This began to make Raven break into a smile, though she quickly put back on a frown, “And you think your idiocy will work?”

“Well duh! Of course, it will, because if I ever thought it was smart? Then it wouldn’t work at all. It’s my job as an idiot comedic relief after all!” Beast Boy said with a hint of pride in his voice.

Raven let out a little laugh at this and got up, putting the book down, “And it's my good fortune to have one of the most idiotic comedy reliefs around.”

Beast Boy got off the couch and held her hand, “And would you have me any other way?”

“No, Garfield, I suppose not,” Raven said, running a hand through her light purple hair and smiling warmly to herself. For a brief moment, her eyes looked up into Garfield's, and she had a faint blush form on her cheeks.

“Hey, how about we go for some ice cream and you can rest your brain for a bit,” Beast Boy said. As Raven nodded a yes, Beast Boy smiled and turned to walk away, “OH, and what is up with the name of that book? The Dark Prognosticus? Sounds like a name for a nose.”

“It’s supposed to be a use of the word prognostic, as in omens and foreshadowing,” Raven said.

Beast Boy shrugged, “Still sounds like you are looking up dark noses. Hey! Maybe that’s the secret! You need to hunt down people who do nose surgery!!!!”

The present...

Robin could only sigh as he sat at the computer console, looking at the screens, “The book also disappeared. There has to be a connection,” Turning on the screen, he said, “Titans check in.”

Ateen dressed in a yellow suit stopped his run in front of the screen. Pausing, he pulled back his red cowl to show a young man with vibrant red hair, “Flash here, haven’t seen hide or hair of him. I ran back and forth across the country at least three times to look for him.”

“Thanks for your help Wally, just keep searching and let me know if you see any clues,” said Robin, rubbing his temples.

“Aqualad here,” Garth said, looking into his screen, “Checked with the undersea kingdoms, no one has ever seen so much as a green scale. I tried talking with Namor, bu he’s well...Namor, so no good on that front.”

“Troia, checking in, nothing here on Themescraya, “A young woman said, playing with her ponytail, “I even had my sister converse with the gods, and still nothing.”

A young man with red hair and a red domino mask appeared on the screen next, “Speedy checking in. I talked with Chesire about her connections in the underground, and she says she has no idea.”

“Thanks, Roy,” Robin said, massaging his temples while closing his eyes. Reaching an arm out to the console, he prepared to turn it off. Wally’s voice quickly interrupted him and gave him pause.

“Hey, Dick, maybe he just doesn’t want to be found? I mean, a green animal walking the earth? Kind of hard to miss,” Wally said, his voice concerning, “If he was as mad at you guys as you said, he probably doesn’t want to be-”

“You didn’t hear it, Wally,” growled Dick, clenching his fist as he spoke, “The way he spoke, the things he said...those weren’t something said by a guy who wasn’t put up to it. Someone made him say those things, and someone forced him to run away...”

One month ago...

Beast Boy grumbled as he stormed into the living room of the tower, anger and rage across his features. Sitting down on the couch, he watched as his friends talked amongst themselves. Narrowing his eyes, he ground his teeth as he listened to their talks until he finally belted out, “You are all horrible people!!!!”

“Beast Boy, wha-” Starfire was the first to ask.

Beast Boy interrupted Starfire with another rant, “You know what’s wrong! You should’ve known, but no, you treat me like the comedic relief!”

“Beast Boy, are you ok?” asked Cyborg, looking confused at his friend.

“No, I’m not ok!” shouted Beast boy. ““All I wanted to do was try and fit in, really feel special, even make you all laugh and cheer up. While I ’m not the smartest tool in the shed, I do have heart, and a soul and the least I have done is try to be there for you and do my best and THIS is how you repay me?”

Cyborg raised an eyebrow and said, “By giving you a home, friendship, and letting you be a hero?”

“You act like that’s the only thing that you have done,” he growled and stood up from his seat. “I’ll be in my room if you need me.”

The present.

Robin sat back in his chair, putting his fingers together, tapping them, “That wasn’t the only outburst he had. There were others, and all of them felt unnatural like he wanted us to feel like we were the bad guys. It was like he was reading from a script.”

“Hey, we’re not saying you’re wrong, Dick,” Roy said, “We’re just saying that whoever has him or is doing this, wants him out of sight and it’s going to be hard to find him.”

“But hey, if anyone is going to find him and bring him back home? It’s the son of the bat,” joked Wally as he turned off his screen along with the others.

Robin nodded and sighed, running his fingers along the keyboard before beginning to type. Images, maps, and news stories flashed across his pupilless eyes. The mask hiding his ever growing frustration as each lead he tried to look into would only turn up a dead end. His focus was so strong, he did not hear the soft footfalls of the person behind him, or feel the warm arms wrapping around his neck from behind, “Robin...Dick, please, come to bed. IT is late, and while I know you stay up late, you still need your rest.”

“Kory, I,” Dick paused, holding a hand to his face as he leaned back in his chair, “Can’t. Beast Boy is out there and I need to find him.”

“But you have not slept in three days,” Starfire said.

“And if I need to rest, I can meditate for an hour and recharge. Easy,” Dick said.

Kory shook her head and said, “No, I am putting the proverbial foot down on this. You are coming to bed, you are going to get a good night’s rest or I will be forced to pull you out of this chair and carry you!”

“Kory, I will-” Robin looked up at Star and into her green eyes. Laughing a little, he reached up to take off his mask and showing his blue irises, “never be able to resist or say no, can I?”

Starfire shook her head, leaned down and kissed his nose, “I would not be the good girlfriend if I didn’t. Now, please, come to bed.”

“Sure Kory,” Dick said, getting out of the chair and following her out of the room. Subtly, he pressed a button on his glove to allow the computer to scan the planet automatically.

In the highest tower of Count Logan’s tower, the man sat in a big chair alone, with only the light of the candles to illuminate his presence. As he sat, he tapped his gloved fingers together rhythmically, as if to alleviate his boredom. Sighing, his eyes began to close behind his mask as he let the gloom of the room take over. Letting out another breath, he leaned back in his chair and asked in a whisper, “Am I doing the right thing?”

“That answer, is for you decide, is it not?” a feminine voice spoke out, her words drifting through the empty room. “After all, everything that is happening next, is all your plan.”

Count Logan growled, looking over his shoulder at nothing, “What are you doing here?”

“Just checking in on my favorite subject,” the voice said, smiling as her green eyes looked down upon him from the darkness. “That, and I want to let you know that I found our other two generals for your little game and are both waiting in the foyer for your orders. I caught the first one right as he was about to die by his brother’s hands and the other was brought here when she was in between worlds so to speak.”

“So you are ruining more lives, right?” asked Count Logan.

The voice chuckled, her laugh malevolent and echoing, “Don’t think of it as ruining, think of it as me giving them a chance to be part of your little game.”

“Sir?” giggled Kamica as she opened the door, “Just wanted to let you know that we have two more friends back in the lobby! Wanna meet them?”

“In time,” Count Logan said, lowering his head. As the door began to close, he asked, “Kamica, wait...”

“Yes, Cappy?” asked Kamica as she smiled, looking back into the room.

“Are you, happy here? Is this ok?” he asked, frowning in his mask.

Kamica put a finger to her chin, thinking. Then after smiling, she nodded and said, “Yep! I mean, what did I have back in my homeworld? I was all alone in a group of sisters, my best friend betrayed me, and the new friends I made all hated me. So here, I found a brand new home! So, yep! Can’t be happier.”

“Thank you, I just wanted to make sure that you are not feeling conflicted about our mission,” said Count Logan as he waved her off. Taking a deep breath, he stood up from his chair and walked to the window. Peering into his reflection in the window, he took his mask into his hand and pulled it away, exposing his green face. Emerald eyes looking back at him, he ran his hand along his olden features, sighing at the face that stared back at him, “Please, let me be forgiven for what I am about to do.” he sighed and then turned away, looking back at a picture of the Titans, all around Beast Boy as he enjoyed his cake, “Please guys...”

Raven found herself in a ruined city, the fires licking the sky while the screams of the people surrounding her. Gasping, she looked around for the cause of the destruction of the city, and just as quickly, the searches stopped when she felt something warm dripping down from the sky and onto her exposed forehead. Looking up, she saw a sight that made her gasp in terror, holding back a scream, “No, please god,” she whispered, seeing Robin impaled on spears of black diamond. His face frozen in a picture of pain and torment.

Shaking her head in disbelief, she took off into the sky, desperate to search for the monster that killed her friend and destroyed the city. More screams and pained shouts hit her ears as she flew faster, only stopping when she saw another limp form, “Victor...?” she whispered to herself as she floated down, watching as the once lively titan laid in a broken heap, his circuitry sparking, burning the oil that mixed with his blood.

She stepped back, shaking her head and trying to comprehend the horror that graced her eyes. As she stepped back, she felt her feet hitting a small pool of blood, and as she felt it, she turned around and saw a thing that was barely even human. When she looked closely, she tried to hold back her sick and terror as she realized that what she saw, the mangled and torn body that looked used, was Starfire.

For a moment, she felt the urge to cry, hot tears welling up in her eyes as she looked at the mangled remains of her friend. Then she heard the laughter that caused the world to shake and looked back up. Standing in the middle of the burning city, was Trigon, his red body highlighted in the flames of the ruined city. Screaming in rage, she teleported to face him, “TRIGON!!! You bastard!!!”

Trigon frowned and held up a finger, stopping her in the air, “Language, my daughter. One doesn’t talk to their father like that.”

“You lost the right to call yourself my father a long time ago,” Raven said, growling as she tried to tap into her magic. “Especially since you killed my friends!”

Trigon pulled back, looking hurt and shocked, “I killed them? My dear, it wasn’t I who did this...it was you.”

Raven shook her head and screamed, “NO! It’s not me! I couldn’t,” she held up her hand and looked down in horror as she saw bloodstained gloves. Then she looked at a mirror and screamed, seeing the four red eyes glaring back at her.

“Drop her!” Beast Boy shouted, turning into a falcon to fly at her.

“Bea-Garfield stop! Don’t-” before another word could be spoken, her hands glowed red, unleashing a fire tornado right at Beast Boy, incinerating him. As his body turned to ash, she heard three words whispered in the wind.

“I love you Rae...”

Trigon chuckled as he watched, “This is your destiny, Raven. All it takes is just enough heartbreak and despair, and you will bring me back to claim my throne.”

As Trigon said this, Raven looked down at her body, watching in terror as she turned into her demonic form.

A scream that was mixed of a woman in fear and a dying raven echoed throughout the room as Raven shot up in the bed. Cold sweat beading down her face as she looked around , panting. Quickly looking at her mirror, she checked to see if her eyes were still only two and sighed as she saw her normal face. Shaking in fear, Raven whispered, “I won’t let this happen.”

Terra looked back at her two friends as they sat on the bed, “Ok, so what is the news?” asked Jackie.

Terra sighed and pleaded, “When I show you this, please promise me that you won’t run.” when she watched her friends nod, she held out her hand and levitated some stoned in front of her.

This elicited a gasp from the girls as they watched the stones levitate and move around her, “Oh, my, God!” Jackie said, eyes full with awe, “You’re a mutant?!”

As she nodded and dropped the pet rocks, Jillian was the first to say, “That is so cool! I always wanted to be friends with a mutant! I know a lot of people try and say they are like, total monsters and stuff, but who wouldn’t want to shoot beams out of their eyes and junk?”

“But why didn’t you tell us you had powers? You could’ve lied and told us you were a meta-human,” said Jillian.

Terra sighed and looked out a window, “Because, one of my best friends is missing. And, it’s been making me realize that I just need more people to talk to, y’know. People I can share my old life with and talk with about what’s been going on with me. It just feels, lonely sometimes, and I kind of wanted more people to talk to.”

Jillian smiled and glomped her friend, “and you trusted us? Oh, that is so sweet!!! We need to have a sleepover to celebrate!”

“But girls what about-”

“Tut tut, not another word.” Jackie said, “We are partying, now!”

And so it came to pass, that three teams were on a path of destiny: A team of harmony and friendship, of peace and hope, and of justice and heroism. Three teams on an adventure to save their multiverse and to protect the worlds they love. Who will win? Despair, or Hope.

I am Uatu, the watcher, my duty is to watch over the world under my guardianship. Though I am forbidden from becoming involved, I do take interest in the world under my stead. The adventure that you are about to see, will involve many trials and tribulations, angst and happiness, and grand battles.

I do hope you will continue to watch with me.

Prologue end...

Author's Note:

Thanks Tom and Zolt.

Ok, so now were are back for a month, and then we have a few Christmas fics tor work out. But for right now, let's talk about this. I got to admit, it was odd writing the Titans like this, mainly because I had never really written a whole fic of them before, so this was fun to try.

-The feelings of Fluttershy on her powers is not nessecarilly mine. See, I know why Fluttershy was the Hulk in the episode, it was meant to be silly. It was meant to be good for a quick gag and that was it. Kind of like how Fluttershy has a fang was to be a typicall "Or is it?" type of appearence and nothing more. However! How would Fluttershy feel about her powers basically amounting to her becoming a monster when she gets mad, or how would Dash feel that her powers aren't speed, but weather manipulation. Sometimes, a good writer needs to take the characters feelings into effect when they aren't trying to write a comedy.

-This was the first time I wrote a montage like this. Mixing in the saving with the training. I wanted to mix them both up so we can see it from all sides. Hope it worked, and hope everyone enjoyed the cameo from the comic reviewer.

-The villians of Intergang, I was going to name them "Hot Rod, Rock Solid, Wet Missile, and Penis metaphor" but I think the above was cooler.

-What's odd about the Titan's battle is that I have no big magical effect or super powers like my usual battles.

-Ok, so about Jackie and Jillian. Well, for one thing, I found out that the certian author only used two background characters for this. I mean, I know we are not unaccomstomed to it, but I thought they had names, had a body, and a personality! Let me put it this way. It would be like if I was a person new to the brony scene, wanting to do a commentary on a fic, and I encounter Derpy for the first time. I would be expecting that the show had a great character, only to find out that she only had her first appearence in the first episode, in the background. I would be pulling my hair out! Well, seeing that I had nothing to work from except that they are just sterotypical rich girls, I had to work on my own here.

-I'' admit, when I was writing Terra's last name...for a moment, I was about to write Terra Brandford instead of Markov. MY apologies, I am a FF fan.

- Beast Boy's little disguise was something I was thinknig of when I read End of Ends. How all of this could be solved with a little image inducer and Boom! Problem solved! I also looked at it as a normal couple breaking up amicabbly.

-There's some clues in the meusuem, lets see if you guys can find it

-If Beast Boy's anger at the Titans seems sudden, there is a reason for that. It is meant to come off unnatural.

-My goal with Count Logan...make him as tragic and likable as I can! I will make him a reasonable villian by the end of this!!!!

-Raven's Nightmare is one of those times I feel down that this is only PG-13, cause there is so much I could;vee written with Star's corpse.

-My apologies for Uatu's appearence, I felt I had to at least once.

-I would also like to dedicate this fic to the Memory of Stan Lee. Someone who taught us, if we wanted to create something...we make it.