• Member Since 26th Nov, 2017
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago


Even the smallest idea can become a great story

Comments ( 131 )

Your summary wasn't very encouraging.

This ... is .... AMAZING:pinkiehappy:

U did a great job making these few chaptures u made, hope u make more.

Thanks pal, I am happy that you liked it , and I hope you will like the future ones too :pinkiehappy:

hey buddy just a friendly tip you should add more to the description the more thrilling it sounds the readers you will get and this description is a bit short
good luck
(again this is just some friendly critique)

I am always open for constructive advice. :pinkiehappy:

my only issue is claiming that spreading order could create life, life is chaos bound by the smallest amount of order in harmony. pure order has no change and no life. pure chaos has no constants

I, or in this case Auriel never claimed that it was order which created life. Auriel just tried to explain it with what she liked and already knew in her vocabulary since Chaos was an unkown element for her. From what we read so far you could see that she often said blue, brown or purple Spell because of how little 'real order' she understood. But you have spotted an important detail, pure chaos and pure Order can't bring life, but already a slight amount of either of them, in ths case Order, is already enough to stop Auriel from creating sentient life.

and yet you didn't even give the chance to read it and instead your judging it just by the desc

not cool man

Tell me what the purpose of a summary is. I'll wait.



summaries (plural noun)

  1. a brief statement or account of the main points of something.
    "a summary of Chapter Three"
    synonyms: synopsis · precis · résumé · abstract · abridgment · digest · compendium · condensation · encapsulation · abbreviated version · outline · sketch · rundown · review · summing-up · survey · overview · run-through · notes · recapitulation · recap · tour d'horizon · wrap-up · epitome · conspectus · summa


  1. dispensing with needless details or formalities; brief.
    "summary financial statements"
    synonyms: abridged · abbreviated · shortened · condensed · concise · succinct · thumbnail · compact · terse · short · compressed · cursory · compendious · synoptic · brief · crisp · pithy · to the point
    antonyms: lengthy · in full
  2. law
    (of a judicial process) conducted without the customary legal formalities.
    "summary arrest"
    synonyms: immediate · instant · instantaneous · on-the-spot · direct · forthwith · prompt · speedy · swift · rapid · expeditious · without delay · without hesitation · sudden · hasty · abrupt · arbitrary · without formality · without notice · without warning · peremptory · without discussion
    antonyms: dilatory · slow

    • (of a conviction) made by a judge or magistrate without a jury.

So you copy and pasted the definition. Now that you (hopefully) know the purpose of the summary, do you see why your first comment sounds dumb?

Dear Damn Hamster, I initially didn't want to write this comment, but seeing how you are passively insulting my Readers, forced me to do this.

1. The big text under the title of the Story is no summary, nor is it in any Fanfiction on this site. What you are talking about is a description. A Description is something that is supposed to give you a small idea of what this Story will be about, what you can expect, and what things definitely won't happen, a summary is telling you what and when something will happen in a Story which is precisely the opposite of what a Story suppose to do. By accusing one of my readers of not knowing what a summary is, even though you apparently don't know it yourself, you embarrassed yourself.

2. You openly accused one of my readers, and his words, being stupid and even questioned his basic knowldge and his capability to learn by adding a '(hopefully),' but you, like mentioned in the previous point, made yourself look bad.

3. You told me that my 'summary' wasn't very encouraging, that was a normal and constructive comment... if you would have at least told me what was exactly was bad and how to improve, the comment in this state only means 'Your 'summary' is bad.'

4. I know a small bit about your behavior on this site and it's pretty obvious that you wouldn't just 'attack' something so little as a description while leaving the whole Story alone unless you didn't even read it.

5. I am going to be as blunt for this as I can be and I will give you the truth no matter how much it hurts, which probably won't even be bothering you considering I am just a random guy on the internet, like you. I despise you to the bottom of my being, and I hate Bullies of all kinds. You have already insulted so many new writers that it already disgusts me, even though I have never had received nor wrote anything to you. What do you expect from a new writer? I don't even want to hear your answer, so I am going to say it myself, all of them are bad in the beginning and you won't write a good Story on your first attempt, I know that as a guy who wrote the worst crap in the beginning and had to rewrite everything several times. So I am going to get right on the point, I don't want ever hear from you again, goodbye, Damn Hamster or as you were previously known, Hamster_Master.

Th is story is what authors should aspire to write in terms of quality and world building. Great job sir and may you continue to write your stories and tomes in piece.

I am thankful and flattered that you feel this way about this Story and I hope that many other Readers see this fanfiction the same way. Also, thanks for the nice comment, it made my day :pinkiehappy:

your thanks is noted and welcome good sir. i just can't wait for the next update in this work of literature. keep up the good work.

~ frost, the bat of shadows and crystal

Thanks :pinkiehappy: the next Chapter is already at 6k words.

I am intrigued. You seem to have good grammar and definitely skills with details. We shall see where this goes.

You miss/sir have earned my respect. Along with a good laugh.

That's awesome and I NEED MOAR CUTE. I DEMAND IT.

It's quiet funny how you changed from: "I shall read it :moustache:" to: "GIVE ME MOAR!!!! :flutterrage: "

Yeah talk about personality flip XD. Also sorry for the triple comment. They are all in different chapters.

I am always happy about comments, so do not hesitate. As long as it isn't an insult, but just something polite or constructive criticism, shout it out, I would be honored to have someone judge my work. Oh, and the next Chapter will come out tomorrow, maybe even today.

I was happy, and I would make sure that no one would take this happiness from me, no matter what.

*ahem* I think I speak for us all when I say

Great story so far can't wait for more!!!

We will see who will win.

The maker of Equus or whatever the planet is going to be called vs *a big applause* M-M-M-Murphy's Law!!!!!!!

Thanks, I try to make these Chapters as good as I can and seeing that I apparently succeed in it makes me happy.

I absolutely love this story and cant wait for more! I also love all the awkward moments keep it up!!!

I am glad that you like it, as for the awkward moments, many more will follow in this new and weird world for Auriel.


Wait, so discord is defeated forever ?

Great chapter

Thanks :twilightblush:

As for Discord, I am not sure yet. He is a character that made me rethink the progress of the story several times now. Not that A rewritten Past didn't went through many conceps and ideas before.

Pls don’t change it I like the flow

No worries. I just meant I had many many many many many prototypes of Auriel. The first version of her was almost the opposite of her now.

When you have time, go thru the chapter 1 more time and fix the errors (there are a lot of small misses). Other than that a nice chapter, good content driving the story forward. Lets hope Celestia and Luna are not ignorant children that make a possible bad situation worse.

Yey for new chapters! Also, if you need small fixes, I'd be more than willing to help you correct them!

Thanks, that would be nice. Could you maybe pm me and write which Chapter the error was, the the paragraphs with the error and just marker the error in red (or if you have time, maybe explain the error so I maybe won't do them again?)

Comment posted by Kek lel deleted Jan 27th, 2022

great chapter i hope to see more soon

Thanks and there will be plenty more Chapters in the future.

... Do you mean 'keep it up'? If that's the case, thanks :pinkiehappy:

Crysalis moaned silently while consuming the apple as if she hasn't anything in a thousand years.

Dont you men Auriel?

nope. The Chrysalis moaned as if she hadn't eaten something this good in a thousand years.

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