• Member Since 14th Oct, 2015
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago

Unwhole Hole

Digging it deeper. Always deeper.


A strange hole opens up outside of Ponyville.

Nopony is sure where it came from.

Or where it goes.

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 46 )

Already a bit tense.


The Hole by Unwhole Hole


it's The Hole BWaaaaam

I get the impression that it's... unwholesome.

Then she left, and Trixie was alone. By then, it was too late.

Now they're in the hole.

And then Trixie was all alone.

I was more worried about the space octopus.

"There was a hole here, but now it's gone"

Well, I suppose it makes sense that Princess Celestia would be the standard by which every mare-flank should be judged in Equestria. But what of poor Luna? Surely she must be the standard of some trait.

Makes you wonder about those unexplained mass disappearance throughout human history.

Was this in any way inspired by the Tom Ska skit? Just curious

Not that I am aware of. I do not know this thing.

Junji Ito meets H. P. Lovecraft with ponies. This fucking terrified me. I'd kind of like to know what happened to Trixie since she was immune to the hole . Would she end up wherever everypony else went after dropping into the hole ?

This was seriously poignantly disturbing.

Ponies don't have toes. How does Trixie even know about toe-socks? :trixieshiftleft:


I second this review. Good stuff.

And so Trixie was saved by her immense ego, which couldn't fit in the hole

Reminds me of Roanoke. Anyways, I enjoyed this fic but it relies on plot holes to work. For example, why didn't Trixie head to the train station for help? Why didn't Fluttershy fly to Cloudsdale? And the ending makes no sense, the princesses would've intervened, hell, where was Discord?

“Starlight, something’s wrong! All the ponies- -they’re sick! Or something! Or maybe really stupid!”

I love your characterization of Trixie, as the one mare least qualified to deal with this situation, who must save the world, and she's the only who can because she's totally unqualified to deal with the situation and therefore could resist the hole.

Or maybe Trixie doesn't save the world.
It has a rough start, but once it gets going it is an excellent Weird story. Somethings happened, everyone disappeared, the world moved on.

"The Color Out Of Space".

"The Tommyknockers" by Stephen King.

"Phantoms" by Dean Koontz has a similar plotline involving a town's population disappearing.

I have been getting Uzumaki vibes throughout this entire story so far. You are crazy good; the entire premise just sucked me right in and I haven't stopped thinking about it.

Or this mysterious hole.

Comment posted by Prometheushunter2 deleted May 4th, 2021
Comment posted by Prometheushunter2 deleted May 4th, 2021
Comment posted by Prometheushunter2 deleted May 1st, 2020

I think I know what the hole is. The hole wasn’t just some supernatural hole, it was a predator, it was like a Venus flytrap, unmoving but instead just waiting for prey to be lured in, Except instead of using enticing smells it used a powerful memetic agent that slowly took over the minds of the infected, until all that they could think about was the hole. It came, it fed, and it moved on, uncaring and probably not even aware of the horror and suffering it has wrought

This reads like an SCP tale. Incredible.

I really thought we were gonna lose Scootaloo that fast.

Where's the SCP foundation when you need them?

I was thinking the same thing!!

Wow, that was really good and heart breaking. My pulse is racing as I felt quite uneasy, even though you had already made it clear in the beginning it was too late.

Author Interviewer

I love how Starlight is just barely able to hold on to the last vestiges of her sanity here.

Author Interviewer

I think this is a spectacular take on a blend of several horror conventions. I can also appreciate any horror that results in everyone having absolutely no idea what happened.

I love the irreverent tone where there's humor and bluntness earlier on mixed in with the horror. it makes the story feel sincere

I think comedy should be a tag? I honestly can't tell if this is a parody or not. The characterization is so over the top and ridiculous and is basically the opposite tone of the narrative that I just am left feeling confused.

Eh, it was alright but I just couldn't get into it. Even now having finished it the whole thing still feels like a parody thanks to the characters and the way everyone acted.

Trixie normally lived roughly in Twilight’s front yard, or what was rapidly becoming a courtyard. Near this was a grove where she normally did her business, as her cart lacked any semblance of plumbing. It was purposely very near where Twilight grew a small garden. Although they were technically something similar to friends, Trixie was still mildly vindictive if only because Twilight had gotten wings while she had not yet figured out how to obtain a pair (short of wing-growth tonic obtained from a pair of peppermint-maned twins, which was at present not helping at all).

Wouldn't that be good for twilights garden? There's a reason farmers buy horse dung after all.

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