• Published 31st Jul 2018
  • 26,504 Views, 1,951 Comments

Papers, Ponies, and Attitude - Yellowtail

At the Equestrian Border Checkpoint, we have our “hero”, Anon, who suffers through the day to day life of stamping papers. He's an ass.

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A Special! (Author QnA)

Author's Note:

So, a few weeks ago, I made an announcement about a PERSONAL QnA because of... a reason. I guess to celebrate 1k likes? I dunno. I kinda randomly decided this since a friend of mine (Linkvsgaming) got recognized at his college, and the recognizer asked what I was like. Thus, I asked for questions in a blog posts. I kinda just grabbed the questions and answered them. I’m answering about thirty of them, hopefully ya’ll enjoy!

Yellowtail sighs as he sits at his desk, doing work for his personal life. He’s not the busiest of people, and he’s certainly not the most laid back. No, he’s simply a person who likes to do what he does, along with his hobbies. One such hobby, is writing stories. He’s not paid for it, no one’s pushing him to continue, no one was truly asking him to do it at first, but he does it anyway. He loves looking at the comment section, to see people expressing how they loved the characters, or how they become invested in the haphazardly thrown-together storyline. He loves to see people enjoying what he creates. Of course, he doesn’t always get that reaction, but he doesn’t mind. Right now, he simply works at his desk, after a long day of strict business. That is, until his phone buzzes. Yellowtail sighs and reaches into his pocket to pull out his phone and see his friend, Linkvsgaming, messaging him.

“Yo! Yellow! Guess what happened!” The message reads. Yellow sighs as he’s not sure how to take it. His friend is very peculiar in terms of surprises. Like once, his friend was banned from a Chic-fil-a because he yelled ‘FUCK’ in the middle of eating. That was because they had revealed the Splatoon characters being in Smash, after he was so excited for Banjo-Kazooie to be in Smash. At the time, he thought the day would never come. Anyway, Yellow sighs as he replies.

“What?” Yellow types back cautiously.

“So, I was in class the other day, and I told my professor ‘Waz gud!’” His friend sends. “One chick recognized me!”

“Is that a good or bad thing?” Yellow asks himself out loud.

“Then, she started to ask about you!” Link continues. Yellow scoffs.

“Did you tell her about my charming personality?” He asks.

“Nah, just told her you were a chill dude.” Yellow reads on, with a small smile forming. It’s rather strange to him, the feeling of a small sort of fame. He’d never dreamed of something like his story, ‘Papers Ponies and Attitude’ being a popular story, even if it was just a fan fiction. Suddenly, an idea pops into his head as he thinks. Do people really know what he’s like? He starts thinking back to the various replies he would send to people. Most of them were based on memes and internet jokes. He would try to keep a relaxed tone in his replies, even if he felt rather nervous about responding to someone. After a few minutes of thinking, Yellow nods to himself as he thinks about his idea.

Why not make a personal QnA? It would be a rather nice idea, to kind of try to showcase what he’s like to the people that read his stories. After all, Yellow would certainly be curious about the authors of some of the stories he’s read. However, Yellow grimaces as he thinks of something. What if it comes across as arrogant, or prideful? He doubts people would lunge at his throat for making that kind of chapter, but he doesn’t want to come across as a shallow person, even if it’s just one person thinking it. He looks over at the future chapter he was working on before sighing. He needs another break, which is something he’s disappointed with himself in. He thinks back to the October of 2018, where he had millions of ideas for his story! He could write five or six, five-thousand-word-chapters in a week if he had the time! Hell, he did have the time! However, it’s quite possibly one of the only reasons his story got noticed.

Yellow taps on the desk with a deep-thinking expression. Should he try the QnA? He looks at the calendar. “... You know what? Why not?” He asks, shrugging finally. He sets to work, making a schedule and replying to his friend with the news...

Weeks Later...

Yellow sits at his desk and stretches his arms. “God, what day is it?” He asks himself, turning on his phone. The phone reads 10:35 PM, September 10th. His eyes grow wide and he checks fimfiction. He has gotten at least thirty questions, which he thought was a good sum. He had to extend the due date for questions since the first date didn’t work out. He sighs and gets his keyboard. Time to answer questions. He scrolls to the first one on his list.

“1: What is, in your opinion, the greatest fanfiction you have ever read and why?” He smirks.

“Easy, Griffin the griffon, it’s main character was someone I could identify with, personality wise. He was cynical, smart, witty, and brave to a degree. I guess I just like to think of being someone like that.” He types it up and moves one.

“2: what is the genre that you want to use most but can't do because the lack of practice?” He grimaces.

“Horror. I’d like to try it, but like the question says, I don’t have a lot of practice in it. I especially would like to try it for a Halloween special coming up! *wink wink, winkity wiiiink*” Yellow smirks at his pitiful joke.

“3: How old are you and what's you favorite chapter from YOUR story” Yellow sighs at the age question.

“My age is 69.” He easily types up. He stops to ponder about the other question though. “I don’t have a particular favorite chapter, but there is a chapter I re-read recently. I re-read the New Year’s chapter, just to kind of remind myself what Anon went through. You see, while I think of Anon’s future, I always try to remember his past. However, now...” Yellow stops typing for a moment to think. “... I take it as a moment. A moment to realize that when I started this story, I had no idea who he was. All I knew, was that he had a jackass personality, he was careful, and he stuck to the rules when they’re reliable. However, now... It’s crazy to think of the background this character has. Hell, I was surprised I even made a background to begin with... But... I guess I decided to try. I made a personality, I tried to stick to it, and ultimately... I guess I kind of let him be a little bit of me? I mean, I’m obviously not like Anon. I’m not as confrontational for myself or as quick witted. I’d go on, but uh, I’d be wasting people’s time.” Yellow looks at the answer he wrote in nervousness. He doesn’t exactly like it, since it feels a little too... self-prideful. However, he’ll keep it. He can’t think of another way to answer it.

“4: This one is for Anon if we are allowed. What is the most funniest reason somecreature was denied?” Yellow smirks at the question. Of course he’d answer it! It’s a perfect opportunity to shed some actual background for Anon that Yellow has been meaning to bring up... Yellow chuckles to himself and types.

“For being Cthulhu.” With that simple answer, Yellow moves

“5: What’s the sauce of your life?” Yellow nods at the sage question.

“Anime,” He replies.

“6: WaLuIgI fOr SmAsH!?” Yellow smiles at the old meme. Well, ‘old’ is kinda exaggerating, but it’s what he can think of.

“Nah man, gimme some of dat P L A N T . “ Yellow types.

“7: Coke or Pepsi?” Yellow smirks, knowing how to one-up the dude.

“I’m more of a BuP fan.”

“8: Favorite anime?” Yellow quirks an eyebrow and looks at the YouTube tab on his computer. He shrugs and types his answer.

“ASDF movie 12”

“9: What’s your favorite color?” Yellow reads this text and looks up in a ‘the office’ expression. He doesn’t even type up the answer and moves on.

“10: Cherry chimichanga, or chimichanga cherry?” Yellow smiles at the Pinkie reference. He types his response.


“11: What do you do in real life?” He quirks an eyebrow at another personal question. He realizes that this is actually a rather reasonable question, however he would not like to answer it.

“N o t h I n g a t a l l .”

“12: What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?” Yellow smiles and types his answer.

“Well, assuming the... vacuum is spherical... ah, you know what... forget it.”

“13: Guy or girl?” Time for a veteran’s meme

“Wow, did you seriously ask me what I am? Isn’t it obvious? I’m a Boar Vessel 600-500 BC Etruscan Ceramic.

“14: Gay or straight?” Yellow takes a moment to appreciate the absence of human contact... he types his answer.

“I’m lonely.”

“15: Any tips for kiddies?”

“Don’t do Fortnite, stay in Minecraft, and try Rainbow Six.”

“16: Are you a pro-league gamer?” Yellow rolls his eyes and answers.

“Heheh, no, but Linkvsgaming is. He was invited to try out at an Overwatch Tournament and he kinda aced that shit. I find it funny because beforehand, he never would have dreamed of trying the game, but then he did and he loves it now.”

“17: What is in your brain-hole?”

“M e m e s a n d o n l y m e m e s .”

“18: Big brain?” Yellow shakes his head.

“Nah man, GrEy BrAiN tImE.”

“19: What’s your skill level in a game you play?” Yellow sighs.

“Despite the fact I’m level 51 in Siege, I am most obviously a level 20. I’ve never really played enough Ranked to actually be ranked yet.”

“20: Pokémon?”


“21: Creeper?”

“Aw guuuuurl” Yellow smiles as he ruins the fucking joke. Way to go asshole.

“22: Shawn!”

“Shaaaaawn!!” Yellow smiles at the age old joke.

“23: Any new stories you’re cooking?” Yellow takes a moment to answer this seriously.

“Yes actually, I’m planning a new story at the moment. It’s not out yet, but it will be soon.”

“24: Are you ready kids?!”


“25: Thoughts on politics?”

“I’m voting Bubble Buddy for President.”

“26: Thoughts on the season finale?” Yellow sniffles a little as he types.

“Don’t make me fucking cry again!”

“27: Who’s your favorite pony?” Yellow sighs.

“... Pinkie Pie.” Yellow looks at the clock and sighs. He’s been typing for some time. He saves the chapter and clicks publish. He secretly fears for the reader’s enjoyment, hoping the reader actually enjoyed it...

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