• Published 28th Jun 2018
  • 958 Views, 29 Comments

Pinkie Pie's Number One Fan - CapNTilfy

Pinkie Pie receives a visitor claiming to be her number one fan. Book Four of "Not Just Any Other Old Day".

  • ...

An Afternoon with Pinkie Pie

Pinkie panted, her heart beating a mile a minute from Star Tracker's sudden appearance right next to her. "I think I just had a mini-heart attack!" She said between pants. She would have thought this was funny, but she can't remember the last time she was so startled by something! Several moments later, she finally caught her breath. She sighed heavily. "That wasn't very fun..." She said, sounding upset.

"Oh, crap! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you!" Star Tracker said, flailing his arms and sweating nervously again.

"It's okay." Pinkie said, smiling as she put a reassuring hand on Star Tracker's shoulder, causing his face to turn beet red. "I know you didn't scare me on purpose."

Star Tracker took a deep breath and sighed. "That's a relief. Still, I feel like apologizing. I don't mean to cause you any discomfort." He said with a genuine smile rather than a nervous one.

Looks like he's getting more comfortable talking to me. That's good! Thought Pinkie. "I know. It's not like you're stalking me or anything." They shared a laugh. "See?" Pinkie said, grinning. "There's no need for you to feel nervous around me, it's all good!" Star Tracker looked visibly calmer than he had before, much to Pinkie's satisfaction. "Feel better?"

Star Tracker nodded with his eyes half-lidded. "Mm-hm." He said, as though he was in a daze.

Pinkie waved her hand in front of his face, but to no avail. She put her hands on her hips and rolled her eyes, slightly irritated. She leaned towards Star Tracker and cupped her hands to her mouth. "Twilight Sparkle!" She yelled, then blushed with embarrassment. Whoopsie! She thought. Wrong Script! "Star Tracker!" She said, correcting herself.

Star Tracker yelped, then tripped on the very same rock Pinkie tripped on.

Pinkie glared at the rock and shook her fist at it, hoping Maud was nowhere near her. Her older sister was quite protective of any and all rocks. "Curse you, foul rock! You will never again trip up another innocent! I hereby sentence you to Maudalina Daisy Pie's Rock Reformation Sessions!" She picked up the offending rock. "Being an inanimate object doesn't give you the right to cause others pain." She held the rock mere inches from her face. "You will learn the error of your ways!" Her expression softened. "You have a good, long life ahead of you. I have friends who've made some pretty big mistakes in their life, and they turned around to be some of the best people I know." She started tearing up. "I'm sorry, I always get emotional during this part of the speech..." She sniffled.

Star Tracker stood still, his mouth agape. This is a regular occurrence?! He thought, baffled.

"Don't you worry." Pinkie Pie said to the rock. "You'll be in good hands with my sister. She knows her rocks." She looked at Star Tracker, then beckoned him forward. "Follow me back to my house. I have some business to attend to." She gestured to the rock in her hand. "This one needs to change for the better, so I'm going to put him in my sister Maud's bedroom. She knows what to do with rocks like this one."


Once the two and the rock arrived at Pinkie's house, Pinkie held up her pointer finger. "Wait here." She said. "I have to escort this ne'er do well to Maud's room."

Star Tracker shrugged. "Do what you need to do." He said. With that, Pinkie shut the door. He waited patiently for a few minutes, but was snapped to attention by a voice behind him.

"Excuse me. Do I know you?" Said a monotone voice. Star Tracker turned around to see a gray-skinned teenager wearing what looked like a blue dress with a black belt. She wore black boots with her socks rolled up. She stared at him, her turquoise eyes half-lidded with an otherwise blank expression. Her light violet hair was shorter than most of the girls he'd seen before.

Star Tracker blinked. "I don't think so. I've never seen you before." He said, cupping his chin in thought.

"Then what are you doing here?" The girl asked in the same monotone.

"Well, I was hanging out with Pinkie Pie because I'm her biggest fan, then I tripped over a rock. Pinkie picked it up and then sentenced it to something called...'Maudalina Daisy Pie's Rock Reformation Sessions'."

"Ah, I see." The girl said, still monotone and expressionless. "Another wayward stone has found its way to my doorstep."

Star Tracker blinked. "'Wayward stone'?" He repeated. "Your doorstep? So that would make you-"

"Maud!" Pinkie ran out of the house and embraced her older sister. "I found another person-tripping rock this morning. It claimed me, then my new friend!" She gestured to Star Tracker, who waved, and smiled nervously.

"Oh, really?" Maud said. "Then I'll be extra tough on the offender. Good job on finding another wayward stone, Pinkie. We'll get through to the rocks of the world yet."

Pinkie saluted her older sister. "Ma'am, yes sir!"

Star Tracker stared at the two sisters, thoroughly confused. How on earth are those two related?! He thought. Probably not a good idea to dwell on it. It might make me crazy if I did. He smiled and rolled his eyes, putting the matter to rest. He felt his phone buzz, and he checked the time. His eyes widened in panic. Gah! I completely lost track of time! He took a deep breath and exhaled, feeling his anxiety creep up on him. Well, Star Tracker...it's now or never. He walked up to Pinkie Pie. "Pinkie?" he asked, getting her attention. She looked at him, causing his face to heat up. Quickly regaining his composure with another deep breath and exhale, he spoke again. "Can I speak to you for a moment. Alone?"

Pinkie stared at him for a moment, then said. "Okay, sure." She turned to her sister. "I'll be back in a moment, okay?" Maud simply nodded.

Star Tracker gulped. There was no turning back now.