• Member Since 14th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen 24 minutes ago


I like big ponies and I cannot lie.


Bender Bending Rodriguez from Futurama is sucked into a vortex sending him to Equestria.

Teen Rated: No gore or anything but Bender isn't the nicest of people, so expect him not to be very nice to the Ponies. Contains drug references, alcohol crude humor, and minor profanity.

Note: Yes I know the promo picture sucks but I can't draw to save my life. And If you think this sucked but thought the idea was good you can go on ahead and make your own version of this fan fiction if you want: Blog: Fan fiction ideas and rewrites.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 24 )

Edit 2 If you think this sucked but thought the idea was good you can go on ahead and make your own version of this fan fiction if you want: Blog: : Fan fiction ideas and rewrites.

I loved to see a fan art of Rainbow Dash firing lightning from a storm cloud at Bender from Futurama making him stoned off electricity. Then Bender says "Awwww yeah, give me more!"


Edit 1: I'm so glad despite the lots of dislikes I've gotten you all thus far haven't been mean (trolling towards me or whatever) to me in the 11 comments thus far. I hope this mature constructive criticism and discussion continues with no trolls bombarding me with hate and insults.


Original Post:

I had a feeling a lot of hate was going to come my way, but so be it. Just know I wasn't trolling.

I imagine there's going to be waves of people blatantly insulting me with zero constructive criticism, but maybe I'm wrong?

You gave me no real criticism what's so ever not even really any even blatant insulting criticism just a thumbs down picture from the movie Gladiator, so I've thus decided to delete your post. If you think it sucks at least tell me why you think it sucks or throw a few insults my way if your the ill mannered type.

I think the idea of this was good, but the execution threw it off completely. I didn't spot any glaring grammar errors or anything like that, but it was just so rushed. The entire fic could have been divided into at least three, maybe even five chapters.

*Note that I am not a very good proofreader or such*

Oh Celestia, this was bound to happen at some point. Not written especially well, but I read through the entire thing with a stupid grin on my face, so I guess you deserve some creds for that!



I see your point, yes it would have been better (depending on one's opinion) if this fan fiction was longer and had more chapters, but I kinda wanted this fan fiction to be one of those quick read fan fictions, not an epic long well told fan fiction.

If someone likes this idea, but thinks the way I done this fan fiction sucks, they can go ahead and write their own entire version of this fan fiction if they want.

Thanks for the constructive criticism.


Oh I hope I don't become too infamous with my lame ass crossover fan fiction. :rainbowlaugh:

It was kinda meant to be nonsensical, and I believe 99% of fan fiction suck and this fan fiction just adds to the 99%. I tend to mostly write in transcript format else where off this site on the Futurama Madhouse), so that may be a good reason why I'm not really that good at writing fan fictions in prose, also having Asperger Syndrome and dyslexia may had to that.

This idea is actually really amusing, but the execution could have been done a lot better. It was extremely rushed, and some of the dialogue, including the last line of the story, was really stiff and wooden. Also, you have a lot of capitalization issues. In addition to capitalizing Humans, you unnecessarily capitalize Said whenever someone speaks.

So "'Don't you dare!' Shouted Bender." should be "'Don't you dare!' shouted Bender."

It's a minor issue, but one that annoys me.

Honestly, your biggest problem here is the length. This could be stretched out to at least 5000 words, and if you changed the story a bit, you could make it longer. What if Bender was trapped in Equestria for a longer time? What if one of his friends had been sucked through the portal as well?

This story does have potential, and it did make me laugh a few times. Bender was really in character, and I could totally see him do everything in the story. However, as I said before, this should be longer.

I think one of the biggest problems was that it just didn't feel like Bender. Fans will often grant you a TON of leeway with the Mane 6, but when you bring in someone from another universe, especially such a well known and beloved "someone", they expect it to be relatively true to the character. It just felt like you were trying really hard to make Bender sound like a bad-ass, but that's not really who he is. He needs to be (and I'm being serious here) about 20% cooler. That's who Bender sees himself as, the epitome of cool. Throw in some of his catch phrases ("Bite my shiny metal ass!", or "You're pending for a bending!") to help the reader mentaly bridge the gap between what they know to be the character, and your representation. He's also fairly witty and sarcastic, but you've got him delivering a lot of rather blunt dialogue. I feel like if you go and have yourself a nice little Futurama marathon, paying special heed to the way Bender interacts with everyone, you could rework this into a MUCH funnier story. The potential is here, and I'd love to see you fulfill it. I hope to see more in the future!


I have no doubt what's so ever that someone could write a far better far longer version of this fan fiction in which they can if they wish, but I wanted it to be a short and stupid with a stupid ending like I get with some Futurama episodes plus I don't have that much time on my hands unfortunately.

Those capitalization issues are in all my fan fictions on this site, it would require a lot of time to fix which I don't have.

Well at least it had potential and Bender was in character, that's good to hear.

And yes, I'm known for rushing things, hint hint.

I also have an idea for a possible sequel (which I won't write, but someone else can if they wish.) where Princess Celestia drags Bender back to Equestria to serve the rest of his community service.


I agree, Bender wasn't really shown his full personality and would be far more mean and insulting than the way I made him out to be in this fan fiction. He'd perhaps even kill the Ponies and make a new type of Bender Burger out of them or go on a genocidal war path with the Ponies, or even try enslave the Ponies by working them to death to build a statue of himself?

Someone can take that idea of a fan fiction if they want below. : Edit: Now is a blog: Fan fiction ideas and rewrites.

I might write more for I have an idea for a fan fiction where the Brain Spawn from Futurama invade Equestria making everyone stupid apart from Derpy, who's immune somehow. Twilight becomes illiterate making her frustrated, and Princess Celestia keeps raising and lowering the sun up and down saying "Up and down, up and down, up and down."

998137 'try enslave the Ponies by working them to death to build a statue of himself' THIS!



Yes, they will remember him as a brutal, tyrannical dictator, and that will outlive any monument. :rainbowlaugh:

Remember Me

Bender Remember Me - S3E17 A Pharaoh to Remember


I have to agree with everyone else, Bender just seemed a little off to me. And Let's be honest here, 1700 words isn't going to cut it when the world's most amazing shiny robot enters a world filled with colored talking ponies. I'm not saying that this was a bad idea, in fact for the word count it was well done, I'm just saying that it needs elaboration. Maybe Switch perspectives before Bender Gets to Equestria and make it so that Twilight screwed up Professor Farnsworth's machine with her own spell. Maybe make him team up with Discord. I dunno, something like that.

I intend to have this fan fiction put up on the Futurama Madhouse, which leads me to another point I could had Bender say offensive words like: The F-Word, The C Word and whatever, however that would mean I would have to make a censored version for the Futurama Madhouse, since they don't allow profanity that's not in the show Futurama.


I agree too. I hope someone could write a far better version of this fan fiction than what I written and make Bender more true to himself.

And those are nice ideas there.

I'm so glad despite the lots of dislikes I've gotten you all thus far haven't been mean (trolling towards me or whatever) to me in the 11 comments thus far. I hope this mature constructive criticism and discussion continues with no trolls bombarding me with hate and insults.

998364 If you enjoy writing, carry on! Don't pay attention to the downvotes, remember you're writing this for those who enjoy it and look forward to more :twilightsmile: The more stories you write, the better they will get (normally :derpytongue2: ) I remember with the first story I wrote, I got a lot of negative comments about it but I carried on for the guys that did like it! :twilightsheepish: Granted, it was a TCB fic, and not everypony likes them, but that's beside the point. Just keep at it :twilightsmile:


You know I'd loved to see? A fan art of Rainbow Dash firing lightning from a storm cloud at Bender from Futurama making him stoned off electricity. Then Bender says "Awwww yeah, give me more!"

I've written a lot more MLP FIM and Futurama crossover fan fiction off this site on the Futurama Madhouse, be noted they are mostly in screenplay transcript format though and there are only Ponies in my latest fan fiction.

Some example of Ponies in my fan fiction.

Scene: Planet Express: Sub Basement. Zoidberg who is naked is chained to a metal table with Pinkie Pie next to him holding a butcher knife.

Zoidberg: (happily) 'Yay, I'm gonna be slowly and painfully tortured to death and made into Cupcakes!

Scene: Robot Arms Apartments: Fry's and Bender's Lounge. Late at night Bender sits on the couch watching Everybody Loves Hypnotoad.

Bender: 'Man, this show sucks, it's always the same thing. [There is a blinding flash of light followed by the appearance of Pinkie Pie the Pony.]

Pinkie Pie: (shouting) 'Hug me!

Bender: 'No!

[Pinkie Pie gasps.]

Pinkie Pie: (shocked) 'You no give me hug? (shouting) You die now! [She fires red laser beams from her eyes vaporizing Bender into dust.] (sad) Aww, I can't leave you destroyed. You're my favorite character from Futurama. [With a flash of light she brings Bender back to live back on the couch.] (begging) Will you hug me now?

Bender: 'No, I'm not a Brony! [Pinkie Pie fires laser beams from her eyes vaporizing Bender into dust again, then with a flash of light she brings Bender back to live again.]

Pinkie Pie: 'How about now?


Scene: The ruined city of London. Alliance forces and their alien allies on the ground desperately fight the twisted and mutated synthetic creatures of the Reapers and the Reapers themselves, who walk towards them firing huge red laser beams. But then all of a sudden there are many blinding flashes of lights, followed by the appearance of hundreds of giant Ponies and giant U-J-Benders who engage the Reapers in combat. The Ponies fire big red laser beams from their eyes vaporizing the synthetic creatures and tearing the Reapers apart, while the U-J-Benders drop big bricks from underneath them, which they pick up, then throw at the synthetic creatures crushing them, however the bricks only leave dents on the the Reapers knocking over the odd Reaper. When the Reapers fire their lasers at the Ponies and U-J-Benders it seems to have no effect on them what's so ever.


Perhaps I should have made Fry shout "Bendeeeer" as you said.

And as for the Mane 6 being out of character, how could have Bender burnt the forest down if they continued to chase him? I just had to roll on with that in what little plot this story had, who knows maybe these Mane Six aren't as kind or good as other Mane Sixes from other parallel universes?

And yes, I agree maybe Pinkie Pie wouldn't cry that easily, but than again maybe she's a little more sensitive than other Pinkie Pies from other parallel universes of My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic?

Glad you enjoyed it though.

998513 For the hypnotoad one, Fluttershy using the Stare would be much more... Sinister :flutterrage: :twilightoops: :pinkiehappy:

You know I'd loved to see? A fan art of Rainbow Dash firing lightning from a storm cloud at Bender from Futurama making him stoned off electricity. Then Bender says "Awwww yeah, give me more!"


Hmm perhaps I should write that as a fan fiction? Where Fluttershy has mastered multiverse traveling and demand hugs with The Stare, if they refuse she fires laser beams from her eyes vaporizing them, but if she really likes you she'll bring back to life and kill you over and over again till you hug her?

Fluttershy vs Hypnotoad would be awesome! And maybe even throw Harbinger in there from Mass Effect too for a battle of the God.

Fluttershy, Hypnotoad. Harbinger: The Battle Of The Gods.


Yeah I guess. Perhaps they could have said in fear of the Everfree Forest: "Is he crazy? He'll die in there!" That or Bender beat the living hell out of each and everyone of them to force them not to chase him.

I didn't really plan this one out to well, it was rushly made.

And yes, parallel universes is a rather lame excuse.

LOL! This was epic! :rainbowlaugh:

I think I will write my own though. One where he goes to prison, and then breaks out.


Thanks Lionblaze103.

I'd like to see your own version of this, send me a link when it's done.

Bender doing six months of community service due to what he done in this fan fiction also has good fun potential for a story, but you can do whatever you want really, for your fan fiction can be one of many versions of this fan fiction.

1008697 Yeah, but it's easier to imagine him getting sent to jail in the castle, and then breaking out, and stealing stuff from their. I do like how you ended it with the apron though.


Sounds great. There really is infinite numbers of possibilities when it comes to fan fiction.

Can't wait to see what you come up with.

Not everyone liked my rushed ending, hint hint. :trixieshiftright:

This is gonna be fun on a bun!

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