• Published 16th Nov 2018
  • 1,330 Views, 15 Comments

Lucifer ends up in Equestria. - Marcthelightspark2004

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Prologue: A Deal

All was quiet in the dark void that was the Empty.

Lucifer, the Devil, was caught between a rock and a hard place. When he died, he thought he'd go straight to the Empty, but, no! Whatever deity or entity controls angels, and archangels, going into the Empty kept him trapped in the middle. It caused the Devil searing pain at first, but now, now he was somewhat used to it.

"Why? Why won't I be allowed to die?"

This question lingered in his mind at first, but, after what felt like a thousand millenia of silent contemplating, he felt it a worthy punishment. I mean, he is, sorry, was the Devil. But, a small part of him felt he was in the right. Humans were, flawed, look at what happened to Earth. But, his ways of achieving peace were flawed themselves, he thought by using War, Death, Famine, and Plague, he could get peace. And then by using his first creation, his own Nephilim son, Jack, but the Winchesters stopped both plans, so then, he used the evil double of is older brother Michael and use his power to kill the Winchesters, but the elder Winchester, Dean, worked out a deal with Michael after Lucifer betrayed him and killed Lucifer in that church, then he woke up in the Empty, awake, but not alive.

Anyway, no matter what contemplation, he would hate the Winchesters for eternity. They were the ones who got him into this damnation in the first place.

His musings were broken, however, when a piercing bright light irradiated through the dark void, hurting Lucifer's eyes and causing the Archangel to wince. But he was stopped buy some sort of....tendrils? They were serpent-like, and made of fire, ice, shadow, and light. They bound him in place, so all he could do is screw his eyes shut.

The light faded and Lucifer reopened his eyes and looked toward the source. Stepping forward was a figure dressed in a black, expensive Italian suit. He had gray hair and black eyes and a clean shaven face.

"Well, well, well, Lucifer Morningstar, in the Grace himself." The man spoke with a smile on his face.

"Who are you?" Lucifer questioned.

"I was Charon, but, after your dad booted Hades with that hippie from Bethlahem, I was out of a job, so, God took pity on me, after you betrayed him, he knew that his Angels would die battling you, so, he allowed me to be the Ferryman for his Angels, and Archangels." Charon explained. "Gabriel says hello, by the way."

"Is this the part where you send me deep into the Empty for more eternal damnation?" Lucifer asked, wishing to speed this up.

"Actually, I have something else in mind." Charon stated. "A second chance for you."

"What?" Lucifer asked, shocked.

"You heard me." Charon stated.

"What kind of second chance?" Lucifer asked.

"There s a world, one of magic and Harmony." Charon began. "But, a threat is rising and it can only be stopped by you, Prince of Lies. Your task is to go to this world and stop this threat. But, if you fail, or if you assist this threat or try to tempt the residents, you are damned for eternity. If you succeed and live, you can live out the rest of your life in this world. Succeed and die, and will get to rest."

"Okay, what's the name of this world?" Lucifer asked.

"Equestria." Was all Charon said. Then, a bright light consumed the Archangel and blinded him, forcing him to screw his eyes shut as he was pulled from the tendrils and taken somewhere else. He could feel his energy form being stuffed into a physical body, yet, it felt different from a human's body, for one thing, it wasn't bipedal. But, before he could realize what it was, he landed hard on the ground.

He opened his eyes and was assaulted by a piercing and blinding light, a stark difference to the darkness of the Empty. It took a few good minutes for the Devil's eyes to adjust to his surroundings, when he did, he saw that he was in a plane of sorts, it had green grass, flowers, even a few multi-color butterflies flying about and a few trees sprinkled here or there.

He tried to turn around to get his bearings, but when he did, he saw he was no longer a biped. His new body was horse-like. With dark crimson fur, and a dirty-blonde tail and mane. He craned his neck around and saw his flank was adorned with a tattoo of sorts of a rising sun with angel wings sprouting out of the sides. Speaking of wings, two of them adorned his back, he looked at his forehead and saw a horn the same color as his coat was sticking out of it. He let out a scream of anguish and banged his forelegs on the ground in front of him, when he did, he saw that his hooves were covered with some kind of gloves meant for hooves. They were a white cotton with blood red pentagrams at the bottom, written in the circle of these pentagrams was a Latin-Enochian binding spell to keep his evil powers in check.

He took a moment to collect himself and continued to attempt to get an idea where he was and try to get used to his new quadroped form. In the distance, he saw a small down with several cottages, he turned around completely and saw a dark and frightful looking forest with sickly green trees and black vines, he chuckled to himself at the sight of it. He looked up and saw great many clouds, but watched in confusion as a rainbow blur vaporized the clouds one by one.

The rainbow blur soon landed in the brush in front of him. It was a Pegasus with a cyan coat, magenta eyes, and rainbow colored mane and tail with magenta eyes and vaguely human facial features. She had an inquisitive, yet boastful look painted on her features.

"Hi sir, names Rainbow Dash, fastest flyer in Equestria!" The Pegasus introduced herself. Then she noticed something. "Hey, are you an Alicorn?"

He let out yet another anguished scream.