• Member Since 7th Oct, 2014
  • offline last seen June 3rd




This story is a sequel to My Little Universe: Supernova

The Everstorm had left it's mark on history once again. In the wake of the fallout, and perhaps afterwards, the worlds we know had been given a whole new era to deal with. And time, as we all know, doesn't stop for anypony, and new things can happen all the time. And in these changes, a whole new princess of Equestria, Twilight Sparkle, has now been passed as the true successor to Celestia. Not to mention too, about the big events following Steven Universe's true identity as a noble and royal member of the diamond Authority! Will this make life easier for them?
Well, every new change isn't without its catch, and new changes are also being put underway: A visit back home reveals old customs far too enforced, and new creatures are guaranteed to make things just a little bit more bothersome. You know, as always with life. It's time to test the durability of the Harmony Gems, as they stand up to the tasks ahead in loyalty, and adapting.

Harmony Gems unite!

Chapters (22)
Comments ( 248 )

Will they find out that stubby tricked them sooner

eventually. He's not too good at it x3

its gonna happen in the next chapter is it

you'll have to wait and see. Problems aren't resolved overnight you know

Welp, now's the time for an armada of highly advanced, bloodthirsty, revenge-seeking aliens to invade Homeworld. PUT ON THE EPIC HEAVYMETAL BATTLE MUSIC!!!!!!!
Also... is White Diamond a planet-buster or did she make a spare cluster? Seriously...

She did/is now. :trollestia:

If there were a time to invade either Equus or Homeworld, now's the best time to do it.

Okay, before we get to the full review, I'm going to say this right off: Connie's going to be so mad! He goes away for 1 small visit, and now he has to be alone AGAIN?? After all they went through to become partners once more?? She is going to be calling foul like nothing before it! Either that, or she's keying straight over and demanding, "OH NO MR. Universe! You are NOT leaving me out of this one!" Or something like that. Especially since they're...kinda dating now? I think? I mean, they already began evolving their relationship after the birthday, but does that mean they're in a formal relationship now, or just...close to that?

Oh it is on, don't even try to doubt that :raritywink: to be fare though, it wasn't entirely his own decision to go off without her this time … but spoiler alert, yeah Connie's not gonna take that x3

is homeworld gonna be like that or its gonna be fixed ? what about luna she is a princess

well it's not easy to mend an entire planet, but you'll just have to wait and see as always. Luna is a princess, but not THE princess

well she is a ruler of equestria

true, but she was exiled for a thousand years to the moon too.

So...Connie was...10 when she started sword training in this continuity? Huh. No wonder she got so many bruises in her time then.

Also, I like how you use Lapis as the "first of the newbies" and close to Steven in a greg kind of roll. Giving some relaxation water and all that. And moving this later does give his rationale a bit more legs, since the Pink Diamond twist does mean the shapeshifting has something to base it off besides emotion.

Star Quartz though was the real MVP of the "episode". She really showed a kind of alienness that reminds you that the gems will never be fully "one of us" in how they understand things. Especially in how she managed to do her job even while being incompetent in the conventional sense. (still waiting to see if she has a gem weapon in the future though)

And besides that....awwwwww. I guess this means they're dating now that they're teenagers? And they both said I love you! (kinda. Sorta.)


Star Quartz though was the real MVP of the "episode". She really showed a kind of alienness that reminds you that the gems will never be fully "one of us" in how they understand things. Especially in how she managed to do her job even while being incompetent in the conventional sense. (still waiting to see if she has a gem weapon in the future though)

Even the most well experienced individuals still have cracks in their façade, especially the youngest ones. ^^

White Diamond was certainly... pragmatic.(I think that's the word)
I like how she basically pushed back the bullshit and showed a destructively efficient solution.
Nice job!
(Was thinking of more advanced, space-faring aliens, but i like your take on it.)

Also, when are the events of the MLP movie happening? I want your take on it.
That aaaaaaannnnnddddd i want to see Tempest Shadow and Grubber join the crew. Yay pragmatism!

Well thanks. just because aliens are from space doesn't always equal to "smarter than we are".
the mlp movie? Well, it really depends on what can be done here.

So, it's..interesting to me that Twilight clearly still isn't totally sure what she's getting herself into. At least, in terms of understanding what Celestia was in charge of. Hmm, I suppose that means that the whole...Sun and moon Cutie Mark swap episode is literally impossible to tell in this universe.

Anyhow, seems in terms of what I was talking about in the previous chapter was immediately rectified. Now that Steven knows he's going off on a tour, he wants Connie to come along for it. Even if that involves smuggling.

So, yeah. Twilight got busy. And then got into the weeds of Amending Fences. Only with Starlight walking alongside it. It's also well worth saying that with Starlight still in the middle of her arc (since she wasn't responsible for redeeming the changelings in this continuity), that she might provide a prevailing view for the times to come.

Anyhow, so there's a really important point you bring to light quickly for Moondancer that even though you didn't finish the arc yet, you're pointing out that clearly SHE was miserable in the process as well. That her learning had no purpose. That she was just trying to pass the time between now and death without purpose. And hence, Twilight being the dose of medicine that she needs. If only we had more time!

Yes, it seems we're getting a mini arc with Twilight just as Steven's getting one too. In this case, trying to figure out a work/life balance. Trying to reconnect with MD while dealing with her heightened responsibilities.

But it also seems that another ancient evil is lurking in the shadows. The other big one. The lost ram who hasn't joined the pony world on "the main branch" yet. Grogar, tyrant king. Now out to take on the throne for himself. Indeed, there seems to be some logistical interest that might be expanded on in the future. Namely, are there ancient laws saying that a queen is the proper ruler of equstria? And that Celestia and Luna were only holding down the fort for now?

Well, we'll see soon enough.

Always a pleasure seeing your reviews on my story ^^

Ok, i like this chapter.
Wish you got more into the politics... weird thing to type down now that i think about it. Oh well.
Is Thorax in his new look or do he and his changelings have their original looks. Even now i prefer the original designs. In this situation it's a "it's what is on the inside that counts" theme. The show made them kind of conform in a way. Don't hate them, but still...

no, in this version they're still the holy-legged buggy changelings - they didn't make that big transformation they had in the show.

good , i hate that form rainbow form anyway

well I'm a little indifferent about it. Don't love it, but don't hate it either.

So.....I'm mixed about this chapter. I like that Steven and Connie are trying to get some good ideas for what to teach White Diamond. And some of the dialog seems to indicate that White's "playing along" in a way that she knows what they're trying to do, but what she needs to do down the line is to actually show some emotional investment. I also find it interesting that White is clearly showing that she's got some different standards for what "right thing" are by comparison.

Further, I liked the subtle nod to Kung Fu Panda you put in with the diamonds remembering that there used to be a time where White use to genuinely smile. (hmmm....I smell backstory!)

And finally, I like how you're giving yourself a chance to develop the Lapis/Bismuth friendship a bit more. In a way, this was actually something that was initially laid out as a possibility back in season 4, nudged in parts for 2 seasons, more properly explored in season 7, and probed a bit more in the Supernova afterwards. But in a way, both of them could make for some interesting dynamics. Lapis is highborn, Bismuth is working class, Lapis was pro diamond back in the day and thinks with hierarchy, but is also firmly rooted in the concept of friends being there to comfort and give structure to you in your worst times. Bismuth was the most rebelly rebel with a more marital bent to her way, and is rooted strongly in patterns of justice, ethics, and friends being people to work alongside you to accomplish things. Bismuth is the skeptic on this trip, Lapis is throwing her support behind her diamond bud given her long time working with the CGs. And it's neat that after so much of her just getting to explain all the adorable parts of the planet, Lapis then gets a reality check about how White might have a ways to go before she thinks like "earthers".

On the other hand....:ajbemused:
It doesn't feel like White got enough of a reaction to seeing that she had a stowaway on their vacation. Not even a true reaction of, "Didn't I break your legs last year?" or anything like that. White I presume doesn't get all her information regardless of how much she hears about. Also, I wasn't exactly a fan of the Watership Down dialog for Steven's lectures. That just felt lazy.

And finally, there's a structural question I have for Steven and Connie. If they're trying so hard to bring friendship to a leader, why not write to Twilight, key the note to the palace so she gets it, have her send some Friendship notes, and have all the pony notes from Twilight's friendship lessons on hand to do well in their "teaching".

So, while there were good elements to this chapter, I wasn't a huge fan overall.

yeah, guess the flaws do explain the extra "thumbs down" don't it? :twilightblush:

When is the next chapter

won't be for too long. The next chapter's just VERY long

Will we see peridots family again

you'll have to wait and see

Loved this. Keep it up!!

Will rose diamond returns

is rose diamond gonna return ? is steven gonna be fully diamond and is connie too

You gonna put in the Diamond Mech and Obsidian at some point? I wanna get something epic.
Also, will you do Pink Steven? Because that scene was touching. I nearly cried........ ok, maybe a little.
Also, new forms!!!!

you'll just have to wait and see :raritywink:

So, there seems to be quite a few sociopolitical, personal and mythological notes to be taken. As well as some genuine horror written into this chapter.

In terms of sociopolitical implications, it seems all the legwork done by the Harmony gems last season are starting to reap dividends. Namely, finally uniting the dragons and the Changelings under more friendly banners. In some way, one could say that they were playing "kingmaker" to Ember and Thorax's ascensions. Although, as you pointed out in the notes, not with all the fancy color changes, and with less overall organization due to the changelings being scattered before the regime change. I also see that with those 2 meeting now, that Spike episode where he's trying to hide the 2 of them from each other....probably won't happen unless there's a lack of communication to him.

For the personal, Twilight really gets a gold star for trying to break the shell. Even Amethyst tried to give Twilight a heads up that it might be good to let this one go if she's not responding. It ties in a bit to the gems being less overtly willing to make overtures to friendship since they've stuck to their own for so long. It's also of note that Moondancer said she wants to try again. This seems to indicate to me that maybe Twilight will hire her on as an advisor, since she might have the general knowledge that could be useful for a princess at work.

On a more humorous note though, seems that the gems are using their light and special abilities to make Mr. Smiley's arcade pay for it. Diopside's laser eye, Fulgurite's laser speed, amethyst's laser flexibility. And ruby dealing with being slow again, but also building up her character again. Cause no anxiety attacks for now.

Meanwhile, on the mythological level, Grogar's first assault proved...difficult, but at least it seems that Twilight has a valuable court favorite to guard the lands. What with her magical shenanigans to keep Grogar off balance. But what's of biggest significance is him panicking on seeing a dragon. It didn't matter if it was a young dragon or not. The mere sight sent the crew into panic mode. Hmm...backstory? Maybe something on how Grogar got kicked out in the first place?

But with that, it's time we find out more about that most mysterious of processes that homeworld gems are terrified of. And it turns out its...absolutely horrifying. It seems that Harvesting as a term isn't the same as shattering or anything like that. Instead, it's turning the gems into glue for homeworld!!!!! Oh my....This is a serious I Must Scream situation for those guys. Guess that's why it always makes those things so skittish. But it also meant that Grogar had an idea of where to get an army for himself. Taking the downtrodden away...and probably putting Homeworld in jeopardy!

What's interesting to me in thinking about this scene is how it contrasts with how Amethyst reacted to meeting her cut. Amethyst certainly was excited to see her group, but at the same time she was rooted on earth. Never seeming to have that sort of inner conflict that Peridot clearly has here. Which...I might attribute to upbringing. Amy's use to living and working with other gems, and is a free spirit at heart. So while meeting her cut was certainly good for her self worth, it didn't cause any sort of location crisis.

But Peridot, she seemed to really slide into the group. Maybe it's because she's a senior cut compared to Amethyst, maybe it's because Peri's still a gem idealizing her place in an order, maybe it's that "getting bumped around" stuff that she's always struggled with. But whatever the case, seems she really connected with the rest of the cut.

But, like all families of choice, she didn't think she was done yet. And so, back to the journey. It seems like White wasn't all that..enthusiastic about this planet. Which is a little weird.

Also, why do I get the feeling that because she keeps calling Steven Starlight, there's going to be something VERY significant when Starlight Glimmer sees White again? Because that naming convention is too close to not have some kind of magical connection to it all.


This is a serious I Must Scream situation for those guys.

Tell that to Stubby XD

Glad you enjoy it as always ^^

White's behavior is strange, isn't it? Perhaps it could be her promising "Starlight" she'll hold herself down, but who knows at this point?

You know, i'm starting to think that what alien race created the gems (beating a dead horse, no pun intended) also created the Ozicone as a detergent to eventually take care of "problems". They also should have left more than one.
(Compares Ozicone to Diamond mech)
Note to self: leave bigger Ozicones

it's been a long time since I've heard mention of the Osicone. Interesting hypothesis ^^

How long till the next chapter ?

It s nice that this involves the homeworld gems. Is homeworld gonna be restored

Well Homeworld is gonna have a bit of a bigger involvement this season, though I can't tell you anymore than that

is homeworld gonna involve in the next season

in this season are we gonna see new gems and old

you always have a lot of questions don't you? :twilightsmile: and responding to those, you'll just have to wait and see, as I've always said

i really wish blue d. change form similiar to phedepeace and the episode the answer

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