• Published 24th May 2018
  • 795 Views, 2 Comments

Tales From Tinies: Tanya's Tour - Pixel Berry

A side story from Tales From Tinies about a talented singer named Tanya that wants to share her talent with the world.

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Chapter 2

Tanya’s eyes slowly fluttered open as she looked around, seeing that she was in a white room, feeling the solid ground underneath her when she sat up from her spot. While she was examining the room with not a single sight of furniture, windows or doors, she didn’t notice that she wasn’t alone.

“I see that you are quite curious, as any human should be.” A female voice spoke up, making Tanya jump in surprise and look around until her eyes met a humanoid figure. For some reason, she couldn’t get a clear look at her face, but… she almost felt safe and secure in front of the unknown being.

“Who… who are you?” Tanya asked the obvious, knowing that even with these comforting feelings around her, she still had the right to be wary.

“I don’t think that is important, but I will tell you later in the future, for now, I am here to help guide you to fulfil your dream.” She spoke, Tanya already knowing what she was talking about.

“I… I don’t think I can face a literal giant crowd of ponies. I’m scared of failing that makes them want to eat me… but also doing well seems to be a better chance of that happening.” Tanya explained, already feeling scared by the thought of that.

“That could happen. But what about what would happen afterwards? Do you think everypony would just let that tiny eating pony walk away with you? And what about your friends? I’m sure they would make sure nopony would be rude enough to do that.” She asked, making good points as the anonymous female came closer, soon having a arm wrapped around her, her sleeve being long and white, it feeling like the best fabric she’s ever felt. “Tanya, you may feel like more bad will happen if you follow your dream, but you never think of the good part of it.”

As soon as she said that, the woman waved a hand outward, images showing about what could happen if she pursue her dream. Her name was in lights, crowds of ponies and tinies cheering, and Tanya on a giant stage, singing to her heart's content, a smile on her face, one being pure and real. There was even one image of her and Blueblood singing together, a dreamy look in both of their eyes. After a few more images of the pros if she made a career out of singing, the images faded.

“Do you remember the song you sung before you met Blueblood? It was about dreams, wasn’t it? And just imagine, if you weren’t singing, you would have never met the stallion of your dreams.” She said, a smile on her lips as she moved her arm off of Tanya. “I cannot make you follow your dreams, but don’t think about it from here,” She lightly poked on Tanya’s forehead. “Listen to this, and hope that you won’t regret your decision.” She finished, her hand now on Tanya’s chest, it being over the section where her heart was. “I know you’ll make the right choice this way.” She smile once more, before the white room seemed to get brighter, almost blinding Tanya before she saw something unfurling behind the unknown woman. She could’ve sworn that they were… they were...


Tanya let out a small gasp when she got up, pulling Blueblood with her as when she sat up, her arms were wrapped around him, his top half in her arms while his tail and hind legs were still on the bed‘s sheet.

Blueblood wakes up with a grunt. “Huh? What? Are you okay?” He asks, tiredly wiping his eyes with his hooves.

Lindsey on the other hand, sucks in air when she gets spooked by the tiny gasp, accidentally sucking the two into her mouth. It’s all she can do to keep from swallowing them. “Shorry.” She says around them, laying her head back down on the pillow pushing them out of her mouth.

Tanya’s cheeks flushed pink when she was sucked into the large girl’s mouth, only to tumble out of Lindsey’s mouth and onto the pillow, the human and pony sinking into the plush pillow.

Blueblood stands up and shakes himself of the woman’s saliva. “Now that was one tartarus of a wake up call!” He exclaims with wide eyes, standing completely still, so scared he can’t fall over and make a goat noise.

“Sorry about that. I didn’t mean to suck you in, I just got surprised is all.” Lindsey apologizes.

“N-no, you shouldn’t apologize, I-I scared you. I’m sorry.” Tanya apologized. “I just… had a weird dream, and I don’t remember much of it.”

“I don’t know, I still think I should. I mean, after all I am giant to you, and I could’ve swallowed you.” Lindsey replies, standing up and getting a drink of water before sitting down on the bed, letting out a say. “I wish I’d never eaten a tiny, it’s going to be so hard to stop now that the news is out, and now that I remember that it’s a fetish.”

“Well, I mean… you are my friend, so you wouldn’t do anything that I wouldn’t like o-or that would hurt me.” She said, a blush on her cheeks as she wish she didn’t mention the fetish part.

“But I could’ve swallowed you by accident. I was this close too.” Lindsey replies, holding her pointer finger and her thumb up in front of the two, with both digits being just barely separate. “I have a feeling that a lot of ponies are going to keep away from tinies for a while now, between this fetish and the anti-pony, pro-human hate groups out there. It’s going to be a huge strain on human, pony relations.”

“I wish I didn’t say anything… it’s all my fault.” Tanya mumbled, feeling very ashamed as she wanted to take back her words.

“What we need is something that can bring both sides together again. Something powerful. Hmm, and what do we know has power here in Equestria, especially when infused with magic?” Lindsey asks rhetorically, starting to look at Tanya, with a smirk growing on her face. “Something that one of us is really good at.” She adds, raising her eyebrows, focusing solely on the tiny girl sitting on her pillow. “Something that both sides have in common that they enjoy.”

She only blinked at Lindsey, not getting the hint as she glanced away. “Why are you looking at me, the staring is making me blush.” She said, her cheeks turning pink.

“You don’t get what I’m hinting at?” Lindsey asks rhetorically. “I’m talking about your singing. Song seems to be a very strong thing here in Equestria.” She says, getting closer to the tiny duo on her pillow. “You could be the thing that keeps tinies and ponies together.”

“Wh-what!?” She almost shouted. “N-no! I mean… I-I don’t know if I c-can do that.” She said, already seeing the cons in her mind as she covered her face and turned away. But when she covered her eyes, she couldn’t help but remember the images she saw in her dreams.

“Why not? You’re an amazing singer and we’ll be there for you if you need some pep talk, or if you don’t feel safe. We’ll be there for you, Tanya.” Lindsey says to the tiny girl. “I would reach over and put a hand on your shoulder, but, well you know.”

Tanya didn’t say anything as she only looked back up at the woman with worried eyes, glancing away once more as she felt that the suggestion would never go away unless she tried. She recalled something a female voice said, placing a hand on her chest as she tried what she said and listened to what her heart was telling her.

Blueblood canters up to Tanya, nuzzling her hip, as that’s all he can reach while she’s standing. “Yeah, we’re here for you Tanya. Not just Lindsey and I either. Twilight Sparkle, her friends, my aunts, tartarus, even the gulper is here for you too.”

Hearing her heartbeat while he was saying that, she finally figured that maybe trying wouldn’t be so bad, sighing as she decided to give in. “Alright.” She mumbled, even too shy to say that she wanted to do it.

“Well then. All aboard.” Lindsey says, lowering her hand so that the pair could climb on. “We’re in Canterlot, so how about we meet that manager and have an impromptu audition?” Lindsey suggests.

Tanya only nodded, not believing that she was actually doing this. She didn’t even meet the pony yet and she was already nervous.
Lindsey holds them carefully in her hand and heads off. “So, what’s the name of this manager friend of yours? What do they look like?” Lindsey asks.

Blueblood puts a hoof to his chin, thinking. “Well, Svengallop just resigned as Countess Coloratura’s manager. He’s an Earth pony. I’ll tell you when I see him.” He replies.

Wonder why he resigned...’ Tanya thought, staying quiet for the time being.

They travel around Canterlot until Blueblood points out a very pompous looking pony. Lindsey walks over to him. “Hello, I’m Lindsey, you might remember Blueblood here, and this is Tanya, she wants to audition.” She says introducing the group.

Svengallop looks at the group and focuses on Blueblood. “Ah, I was wondering why you suddenly vanished from the high society scene.” He chuckles a bit at Blueblood’s misfortune. “I can see why you’ve stayed out of the limelight, all those mares. If it weren’t for the news this morning, I suspect you’d have ended up being passed from home to home out of spite. You know what they say about scorned mares.”

Blueblood just mumbles a bit after Sven’s comments.

Tanya stayed silent as she looked away, not used to new ponies.

“Are you sure she’s the one going to audition? She seems, rather quiet.” Sven comments before looking up at Lindsey again. “In fact, I thought for sure the only giant, um human, would’ve wanted to audition.”

Lindsey giggles. “No, I’m fine. See, I gained control of Blueblood’s estate after the incident. No, Tanya does want to audition, she’s just a little shy. Particularly around anyone large enough to eat her.”

Sven chuckles. “Well, she shouldn’t be worried after the news this morning. I saw many a pony carefully spitting up tinies after finding out.” He comments. “Frankly I doubt any pony will be participating in, um vore, not even if they’re in love with a human. Well, maybe if both parties find it, um, intimate.” He says. “So, where should we hold this audition?”

“How about my place?” Lindsey suggests.

“Sounds great. I can’t remember the last time I was in the Blueblood, or should I say your manor.” Sven replies, agreeing to the terms. The group heads back to the mansion and gathers in the lounge, with Tanya and Blueblood on the table Sven and Lindsey are sitting at. “Alright, are you ready for the audition, or would you like some time to prepare first?” He asks.

“I-I, uhm...” She couldn’t even speak, being nervous and scared about auditioning, it being a normal thing for any first-timer.

“I see you need time to prepare.” Sven comments. “Well, while we wait, how about some tea?”

“Ah yes.” Lindsey says, heading out into the hall, coming back a moment later. “One of the maids will bring some tea in, I made sure that she’d bring in a couple tiny sized cups too.”

Tanya only nodded as she took a seat on the table instead, wondering if this was a good idea or not.

Blueblood canters up to Tanya and places a hoof on her shoulder. “You can do this Tanya.” He whispers to her.

“B-but what if I can’t? What if my magic starts acting up again..?” She asked, only feeling more nervous the more mistakes she could come up.

“Tanya, every time your magic acts up, your songs become all the more impressive. That’s saying something, because they’re already really impressive to begin with.” Blueblood replies, nuzzling her. “You’ll do great.”

She still felt scared and nervous, but was able to put on a smile as she hugged him in return.

Blueblood hugs her back. “Now show him your stuff.” He says encouragingly, giving her a gentle nudge towards Sven.

Her smile faded as soon as she was standing in front of the pony, currently just seeing him and him alone. She took a few steps back, feeling like she was too close to him. But looking back at her special somepony, he only waved his hoof forward, as to tell her to ‘go on’. She then looked down at the floor, her hands gripping onto her old dress before she started to sing.

“Short steps, deep breath
Everything is alright
Chin up, I can’t
Step into the spotlight

“She said, “I’m sad,”
Somehow without any words
I just stood there
Searching for an answer

“When this world is no more
The moon is all we’ll see
I’ll ask you to fly away with me
Until the stars all fall down
They empty from the sky
But I don’t mind
If you’re with me, then everything’s alright”

While she was singing, the sound of a piano playing was emanating from the gem of her necklace, using the magic within her to fill the paused silence for the song.

“Why do my words
Always lose their meaning?
What I feel, what I say
There’s such a rift between them

“He said, “I can’t
Really seem to read you.”
I just stood there
Never know what to do

“When this world is no more
The moon is all we’ll see
I’ll ask you to fly away with me
Until the stars all fall down
They empty from the sky
But I don’t mind
If you’re with me, then everything’s alright
If you’re with me, then everything’s alright”

The sound of the piano played for a little while longer, before it finally played it’s final note, and the glow faded as soon as she opened her eyes, having them closed to not be reminded that she was being watched, it being better than her usual stuttering or the mix up in her lyrics.

Svengallop sits there, absolutely surprised, his jaw dropped a bit. Lindsey and Blueblood applaud Tanya’s performance. After a moment Sven snaps out of it. “That was quite the audition. I do believe we have found a new star!” He says excitedly, though his excitement is more for the fact that he’s going to be back in the limelight again, riding Tanya’s upcoming fame to glory, just as he had Coloratura. “You, little lady, are going to be a star!”

“R-really?” She said, eyes widened as she didn’t believe what she was hearing, a small smile on her lips.

“Why yes, and with me as your manager, you’ll be able to go far and wide across Equestria. Don’t worry, I can arrange everything else, the background singers, the band, stages, lights, and costumes.” Sven says, getting up. “I’ll be back in a few days, there’s much to arrange.” Sven leaves, heading off around Canterlot.

Hearing everything that the stallion had to do, she couldn’t help but feel overwhelmed once again, wondering if she would need all of that.

“See, I told you that you’d do great.” Blueblood says, cantering up and nuzzling Tanya. “He’s going to have everything set up for your concerts and such, all you have to do is show up and perform. Isn’t it great?” He asks.

It seems too good to be true.’ She thought, only giving a hug in response to his sweet nuzzling. “But wait, doesn’t that mean I have to leave?” She asked, knowing that concerts can’t only be held in one city.

Lindsey giggles. “Nothing says that Blueblood and others can’t come with you, or to the concert.” She then sighs a bit. “I can’t, after all, I’ve got a couple kids to watch and they have school. Speaking of, I should probably get back to Ponyville after all this.”

“O-oh, well, okay.” She mumbled, glancing away as she wasn’t sure if they could be there all the time.

“Don’t worry, my schedule is pretty, uh, non-existent.” Blueblood jokes. “I’ll be able to stick with you wherever we go. We could probably also get Swiffer to come with us too, especially now that she won’t look at me like I’m a midnight snack.”

“But, doesn’t Swiffer work in the castle, and aren’t ponies still trying to… fix you?” She said, unsure on how to word what they were really doing with the prince now.

“Swiffer also got released to go on vacation at the same time as you and for the same length, which is pretty much indefinite. In fact, I’d say that Swiffer’s position now is more a caretaker for you rather than castle maid.” Blueblood says, thinking about the situation.

Tanya didn’t give much of a comeback since she thought that Swiffer still worked at the castle, rarely seeing the mare lately.

“Though, I guess if she’s a caretaker, then she really hasn’t been doing too great a job, I suppose. Though, I get her reason, she’s spending time with her family, and getting to know her adopted nephew. Hmm, I just realized, he called his adoptive mother’s stomach his room, I wonder how the news has affected that relationship?” Blueblood asks rhetorically, raising a hoof to his chin.

“I… don’t want to think about that.” She admitted, feeling that she just made the relationship ten times worse than it never was.

“It’s okay Tanya, it would’ve come out one way or another, at least it’s out now so that the ponies can adapt to our, odd ways. Oh, and they didn’t learn about it from someone into vore, in the, uh, sense that they wouldn’t let the pony know until it was, um, too late..” Lindsey says, trying to alleviate the guilt a bit. “I’m certain that more tinies are glad about the news and the reaction than not, after all, most people aren’t into vore.”

“Yeah, but I have a feeling that most ponies wouldn’t think that way after the news.” She said, still fearing that people will now avoid them like the plague.

“Well, that may or may not occur, but this is where you come in. Your music can bring our societies back together again, without the vore this time, it’ll be like it was before the tasting.” Lindsey replies, remembering those days, more fondly now after remembering vore is in fact a fetish.

“But… what if it doesn’t work? Or that no one even believes in the vore stuff?” She said, thinking that perhaps all of this would be for nothing.

“We were just out there, you may not have seen it, but ponies were actually making sure not to eat tinies, to the point of avoiding them.” Lindsey replies. “If anything I’d say it worked too well.”

But those are just ponies we’ve seen.’ She thought, figuring that there was no point in complaining about this. “I’m just… so nervous.”

“Don’t worry Tanya, you’ll have Blueblood with you and I’m sure Swiffer too.” Lindsey says, trying to comfort Tanya.

“I guess so.” She mumbled, feeling that two ponies wouldn’t be enough, but it was better than no one at all.

“Well them and of course security, after all, you’ll be a celebrity. Someone that ponies and people will want get close to all the time, obviously there’ll be plenty of bodyguards.” Lindsey adds. “I’ve seen plenty a celebrity pony that actually has better security than even the Princesses. Especially since the Royal Guard and the Wonderbolts seem to be purely for show. Their win/loss ratio is really bad actually. So don’t be scared Tanya, you’re in good, uh, hooves.”

“I… don’t think I would need bodyguards. I mean, I’m not even a celebrity yet, so I don’t really deserve them.” Tanya said, feeling that bodyguards would make it seem like she didn’t want to get close to any of her future fans… if she would get any.

“Well, I mean, yeah that’s true, you’ll get them after you become a super star.” Lindsey says. “Tanya, you really have to stop trying to talk yourself out of this. You want to do this, right?” Lindsey asks, making sure the girl really is serious about this.

“I-I do, I’m just… second guessing the idea of being famous.” She said, glancing away as she really wanted to, but was now doubting her talents since now she’s using magic when she sings.

“Well, fame comes with becoming a singer, unless you’d prefer to sing at small time bars your whole life.” Lindsey replies. “Is there another reason you don’t want to do this?” She asks.

“...no.” She mumbled, feeling that she didn’t have a legit reason why she didn’t want to do this.

“Are you sure? You seem pretty willing to talk yourself out of this. I mean, we could tell Sven you don’t want to do this if you really don’t want to.” Lindsey says. “So, to sing or not to sing, that is the question you’ve got to answer.”

“I-I do want to sing! I just… don’t want to turn out like all those jerk celebrities.” She admitted, it being a little common since some singers were more harsh than what they let out.

Blueblood nuzzles her again. “You won’t Tanya, you’re not like that. Sure, sometimes having money and power corrupts ponies, and people, but look at Lindsey, she has my wealth and she’s really nice. Quite a few of the pony nobility around here aren’t jerks either. I mean I was, but there are plenty who aren’t, like Filthy Rich, Fancy Pants, or Fleur Dis Lee.”

She stayed quiet for awhile, knowing that she wouldn’t want to become like that. “Alright fine. B-but if that does happen, j-just snap me out of it.” Tanya mumbled, knowing that if that did happen, one of her friends would be there for her.

“You mean, like this?” Lindsey asks with a giggle. She reaches down and snaps her finger right next to Tanya and Blueblood.

Tanya couldn’t help but jump, the snapping of her fingers being a lot louder on her side since her eardrums were smaller. “Agh, yeah.” She rubbed one of her ears.

Blueblood jumps too, yelping as suddenly his ears start ringing. Lindsey giggles some more. “Alright, I’m make sure to snap you back to yourself.”

Tanya couldn’t hide the small smile, feeling a little bit better now that most of her fears have subsided for now.

“So, I guess now we just wait for Sven to return. Maybe we should send a letter to Swiffer, get her up here too.” Lindsey suggests.

“Y-yeah, she should at least know more than anyone else.” Tanya agreed, but didn’t know how they could send her a letter to her quickly.

“Alright, I’ll write a letter and send it express to Ponyville.” Lindsey says, getting up and heading off.

“You know, this kind of reminds me of a song that someone made for someone special. Kind of like a farewell gift, but to show that they will never forget them.” Tanya spoke up, glancing away with a blush.

“Well, I’m not leaving, I’m staying by your side.” Blueblood says. “Lindsey’s leaving because of her, um, foals, but not yet, she’s just going to write a letter.”

It takes a short while but Lindsey comes back. “Did I miss anything?” She asks. “I just sent the letter, Swiffer should be getting it soon.”

“Not really, I just remembered a song that kind of relates to this situation a bit.” Tanya said, rubbing her cheek a little as she thought more on the small song.

“Wanna sing it as a going away present for me?” Lindsey asks as she sits back down at the table.

“I-I don’t know… is there a tiny guitar anywhere?” She asked, figuring that it would be better if she was playing an instrument as well.

“Um, perhaps. I’ll go check with the villages in the manor.” Lindsey says, getting up. “I’ll be back soon.” She heads off through the mansion going from village room to village room, before coming back with a guitar small enough for Tanya to play. “Here you go Tanya. Ready to sing?” Lindsey asks.

She was a little nervous, but took the guitar anyways before she started messing with the strings to make it sound perfect for the small tune she wanted to sing, it lasting, at most, five minutes. Taking in a small breath, she started playing the guitar in a bit of a somber tone, before she started singing.

Meanwhile, Sven was trotting in circles as even though he was sure she would be the next star, he wouldn’t say she would be the next ‘big’ star. ‘Ponies would probably need telescopes just to see her.’ He thought, before he looked up at a advertisement for one of the tiny tasting restaurants. “Hmm...” He rubbed a hoof to his chin, an idea hatching in his mind as he went off to see if he could put his idea into action.

The short tune ended as she plucked the last notes on the guitar before she finally stopped, the sweet song even bringing some tears in her eyes, it being a song that would make the toughest hearts crack.

“Awe, thanks Tanya.” Lindsey says gratefully. “Though, I don’t think I’ll be the one in your arms. Unless that magic of yours has a big surprise in store for Equestria.” She giggles, swiping up Tanya and cradling her in her arms.

Tanya let out a small yelp when she was picked up without warning, blushing pink as she was being cradled like a tiny baby, feeling that if Lindsey brought her any closer to her body, she would literally be pressing on one of her breasts.

“Oh dear, it would be so weird to be full sized and have a tiny child. I mean, you’re small enough for me to cradle with one arm, let alone you could sleep on it like a giant bed.” Lindsey comments with a bit of a blush herself.

“Y-yeah, just a little.” She agreed, not wanting to complain about Lindsey in holding her like this… mostly cause it felt a little comforting.

“Well, you do seem to like this, so how about I get your boyfriend, or should I say colt friend and have him join you on the bed.” Lindsey says, snatching up Blueblood and gently placing him next to Tanya.

Blueblood grabs onto Tanya in a fearful hug as Lindsey’s giant form practically surrounds the two.

A blush only formed on the small girl’s cheeks as she was, quite literally, stuck between two people, one of them holding the two. And due to Lindsey’s body heat and Blueblood’s coat, she was starting to get warmer than normal.

Lindsey presses her arm against the bottom of her ribcage so the two don’t fall when she stands up and starts walking, giving the two a roof, made up of her shirt and the underside of her breasts. “You’ve seen Blueblood’s old room, time to see mine.” She says walking into the hall and making her way to her bedroom. “Oh, and no, just because you’re under my boobs and I’m taking you to my room, it doesn’t mean things are going to get weird.” She says with a giggle. “I bet Stacy would love to be in your position again, considering how far she takes her friendships, or attachments.”

“Y-yeah!” She was only able to say, trying her best to not look directly up at the other girl’s underboob as she only imagined that was a little too much for a ‘friendship’ kind of relationship.

“Good thing there’s a shirt, a bra, and plenty of inches between you and my girl’s, right?” Lindsey asks, a little on the awkward side. She continues walking down the hall, heading for her room. She opens the door and enters her sanctum. “Welcome to my abode.” She says letting them out from underneath her chest so they could get a good look around. There is a large dresser and wardrobe placed near each other. Her bed, while large and comfortable, isn’t quite as plush and soft as Blueblood’s old bed. The room is rather messy, with her things scattered haphazardly around the room.

“Looks like you’ve gotten… comfortable.” She mumbled, knowing that her room was a little messy as well when she slacked off on cleaning,

“Heh, yeah, a lot like my room back home. That’s how I wanted it, so the maids and butlers don’t touch it.” Lindsey says, setting them down on her bed, before she leaps onto it, making them bounce onto her belly.

Another yelp came from Tanya as she was launched into the air, only to land on the fabric of the shirt Lindsey was wearing, a blush on her cheeks as she involuntarily gripped onto the shirt.

Blueblood joined in as he suddenly found himself sitting on top of the growling digestive tract that housed him for quite a while, a place he never wanted to be near again. He goes silent as it suddenly growls.

“Whoops, sorry guys, at least the landing was comfy though, right?” Lindsey asks, apologizing as well.

“I-it’s fine.” She stuttered, more fearful of the landing than what the growling stomach may result in.

“Well, feel free to wander and look around my room.” Lindsey says, as she gets comfortable. “Nothing’s off limits, if you want to explore, feel free to explore. I’m just gonna take another nap right here, okay?” She asks as she closes her eyes, nice and comfortable on her bed.

“Again, but didn’t we just wake up from a nap?” Tanya asked, sitting up from her spot on Lindsey’s stomach, only able to see her hair over her somewhat hills of a chest.

Lindsey raises her head, looking down to the two. “Hey, I’m the one walking us around after all.” She says, giggling a bit. “I know you two only weigh, what, an ounce, but I’m the one who takes you guys everywhere. Just let me enjoy my own bed for a moment.”

“But you were just walking, I don’t think that uses a lot of energy.” Tanya admitted, slipping down from Lindsey’s stomach and onto the bed with a small yelp.

“I know, but my bed is just so comfortable. I mean, it’s definitely nothing like Blueblood’s old bed, I hope you don’t mind if I replace this bed with that one.” Lindsey replies with a giggle, rocking Blueblood who is still on her belly, and Tanya who just landed on her bed by her belly.

“Maybe if I save up enough money, I could get a mattress like that too.” She said with a small smile.

“I don’t think you’ll have a problem saving money after you become famous.” Lindsey comments with a giggle, once again, shaking the tiny duo. “That or I could get you one as a gift. I think I’ll get Stacy one too, she might enjoy that.”

“I think at that point, Stacy may not want to get out of bed ever again.” She lightly joked, knowing that she would possibly be the same.

Lindsey giggles again. “Probably, unless she miraculously got the use of her legs again. Though, with magic that just might be possible, at least in her case.”

“Maybe, but that might be a little risky since ponies don’t really know how humans work, more so one that’s… tiny.” She said, turning to her stomach as she crossed her arms under her head for support.

Lindsey feels Tanya press against her side and reaches down, picking Tanya up and placing her on her belly next to Blueblood. “Perhaps, then again, the magic itself could help her too. For example, you’ve received a strange voice magic. It’s possible that humanity is gaining magic to compensate for our newfound lack of size. Heck, magic made me, well, normal.” She says, continuing the conversation, and glad that Stacy isn’t around to be given a possibly false hope.

“I guess.” She lightly shrugged, knowing that having magic is pretty cool, but she felt that some people would just want to be ‘normal’ for once. “Let’s just hope it doesn’t vary against people.”

“Huh? What do you mean, ‘vary against people’?” Lindsey asks, not sure what Tanya means by that.

“I don’t know.” She shrugged. “Like, this magic ability is selective towards people.” She tried to clarify.

“Ah, so only some people get magic and others don’t.” Lindsey says to clarify. “Well, it might just be the same as the ponies, some people get to use magic, others see only a few benefits.”

“I can only imagine how Stacy would see that as ‘unfair’.” Tanya couldn’t help but roll her eyes at the thought, starting to think that Stacy wouldn’t like anything that was against her except Lindsey sometimes.

“Only if she doesn’t get any and it’s just the normal ‘benefits’ from ending up here like most of us.” Lindsey replies with a chuckle, knowing that if Stacy did get magical abilities she wouldn’t be too worried about people who don’t. “Oh that reminds me, I wonder how she’s taking the news?” She asks, seeing as Tanya had a bit of a connection to Stacy, at least to the point of understanding her better.

“Probably hiding her inner feelings by acting as if she doesn’t care.” Tanya guessed, feeling that was close to how she would take the news. “I’m really gonna miss you two. Also everyone else that was in the castle too.” She admitted, feeling that the total shift of possibly working with less people would be hard for her to get used to.

“Nah, I bet she’s ecstatic that ponies are no longer eating people.” Lindsey replies with a giggle. “I’ll miss you two, too. However, I’ll try to visit you if I can.” She says as she lowers her hand and scoops the two up. She sits up on her bed and pulls them to her collar bone for a hug.

Oh, I thought she meant me pursuing my dream and leaving them...’ Tanya thought, feeling a little selfish for thinking that it was still about her. But a small blush was on her cheeks when Lindsey pulled her and Blueblood into a hug, complying and trying to return the hug even though she was much smaller than her.

Blueblood blushes, however he doesn’t try to return the hug, pushing against her skin with his hooves. Lindsey then lets them out of the hug. She plucks Blueblood up and presses him against her lips, giving him a kiss before setting him down on her hand next to Tanya, the stallion just standing there completely paralyzed and beet red, but probably because of Lindsey’s lipstick all over him.

“Hey! Get your own tiny stallion.” Tanya said playfully, wrapping her arms around the stiff pony as to try and shield him from Lindsey.

“Oh yeah, and how are you going to stop me?” Lindsey asks with a giggle before planting her lips on the both of them, giving them both a massive kiss. She giggles again as she straightens back up and sees the both of them covered in her lipstick.

Tanya lets go of Blueblood for a sec, trying to wipe the lipstick on her cheek, obviously not getting all of it. “Did I get it?” She asked.

Blueblood snaps out of his paralysis and looks at her, seeing the front of her being covered in the red goop. He starts to chuckle a bit. “No, you got a little more on your… everywhere.” He says, laughing a bit, even though his own body is practically covered as well.

Tanya seemed to notice for a moment, but she decided to act a little oblivious for a little while longer. This time, she got her other cheek and her mouth. “How about now?” She asked again with a small smile.

Blueblood chuckles some more. “Yup, I think you’ve pretty much got it.” He says with a laugh, as he starts to wipe himself off a bit, only really succeeding in spreading the lipstick even more.

“I think we need a good washing now.” Tanya said, figuring that just wiping it off wouldn’t work.

Lindsey giggles. “I’ll say. Here, let’s go get you cleaned up.” She says taking them into the connected bathroom, filling the sink so they could stand and wash themselves off, and setting them in the water.

She didn’t go against it as she took some of the water in her hands and tried to rub the lipstick off of her face and even some that was in her hair.

Blueblood uses his magic to scrub himself off before helping Tanya get the lipstick off of her. The magic makes it feel like a set of hands is trying to rub the lipstick off, wherever the aura appears.

When the aura went over her head, she couldn’t help but blush, never telling the stallion that someone messing with her hair was a weakness of her, the scrubbing almost lulling her to sleep as she was trying to keep her head up, it being noticed sometimes if she leaned to back or forward for Blueblood to keep the aura on her head.

Blueblood notices her appreciation of him going through her hair and focuses his aura on the entirety of her hair, making it feel like hands going through all of her hair at once.

The blush on her cheeks only spread as he scrubbed deeper into her scalp and it only got better.

Blueblood continues, while also getting the lipstick off the rest of her. Lindsey giggles as she watches the two.

Once most of the lipstick was off of her, she decided to get moving before she might accidentally fall asleep in the water, being the first out of the sink before she started taking her shirt off and squeezing the water out of the fabric.

Blueblood follows, climbing out of the sink and shaking off the water. Lindsey kneels down so she’s eye level with the two. “Sorry about that.” She says with a blush.

“It’s fine.” Tanya smile a little, putting the shirt back on since she didn’t want to be shirtless for long.

“And we thought lipstick was hard to remove when we were all the same size.” Lindsey comments with a giggle.

“Might need to really wash myself later on.” She commented, also thinking of changing her clothes when she had the time.

“Well, if you want, I can take you to one of the villages in here, I’m sure they’ll let you use their showers and such. Besides, we need to take back that guitar. Unless you want to buy it from them.” Lindsey says, holding her hand up so the two could climb on.

“Borrowing a guitar is one thing, but I think using some random person’s shower is another thing completely.” Tanya commented, figuring that she could just wait for now, climbing on the girl’s hand anyways.

“How about if I wash you two off then? I’ve got soap and everything else you need, and Stacy isn’t here to get jealous of me, um, handling you.” Lindsey suggests.

“N-no, it’s okay, really.” She said, not wanting Lindsey to go so far just for the two to be clean again.

“Or how about I just give you two some soap, you can clean yourselves off in the sink, while I go clean your clothes in the other. Oh, and one at a time so you get your privacy.” Lindsey suggests. “That or maybe an unoccupied house in one of the villages. There are quite a few villages here, not all of them are full.”

“Lindsey. Please, it’s fine. I can wait until I get home.” Tanya said, being a little firm on her decision to wait. “It’s just lipstick, not tar or anything.”

“Well, you did end up in my mouth for a little while.” Lindsey replies sheepishly. “You know how dirty saliva is.”

“You’re not gonna stop until we just take a bath, aren’t you?” She simply asked, feeling as if she was trying to negotiate with a brick wall now… a big one at that.

“Fine, never mind. Hop on and let’s go wait for Sven.” Lindsey says rolling her eyes and keeping her hand flat for Blueblood, who timidly climbs onto her hand. Lindsey then walks off and heads back to the lounge for them to wait for Sven, having some tea brought in for them.

Sven comes back eventually, having rounded up a band, backup singers, and a number of other things they’ll need to start Tanya’s singing career. “I’m back. I hope you’re ready to become… A Star!” He says excitedly.

Tanya didn’t say verbally but only nodded as she was getting nervous all over again. Sven only smiled as he picked up the girl and placed her in his suit pocket.

“Wonderful. Now we’ll first find out how your first performance shall go, then we’ll find an open set, no matter where in Equestria!” He said, about to leave the other two, but decided to be polite at least. “Tell Swiffer that I give my thanks in showing me this tiny shining gem of a singer. But we shouldn’t waste a second, I’ll let you two when her first performance is.” He said, before he started taking his leave.

“Actually, take Blueblood with you. You’ll need him to help her remain confident to sing, just like how he got her to sing for you.” Lindsey says, quickly picking up the tiny stallion and holding him up for the managerial stallion.

“O-oh, well, I’m sorry, your highness, but we wouldn’t want your appearance to overshadow what could happen. Besides, once she becomes a star, her fans will be enough to keep her confident. And if not, I think me and my workers can do that for you.” Sven said, at first sweating in nervousness, but soon keeping his cool as he felt that adding somepony else in the mix might ruin what could be his second chance.

“Well, he doesn’t have to go on stage with her, he could just stay in her dressing room. Trust me, she’ll need him around to-” Lindsey starts.

Blueblood interrupts however. “Lindsey, he said no. Tanya can do this, she’s an excellent singer. Sven knows what he’s doing. Good luck Tanya, we’ll see you at your first concert!” He says, waving to Tanya.

Lindsey looks skeptical, but waves as well. “Don’t worry Tanya, I’ll take good care of your Colt friend.” She says with a bit of a giggle.

Tanya returned a wave of her own at the two while Sven started walking out of the home. She was only able to see a glimpse of the two before the door closed behind Sven and she was now on her own, already starting to get nervous again.

Little did she know, this was only the beggining of one of her worst nightmares.