• Published 19th May 2018
  • 4,340 Views, 37 Comments

Crystal Sunrise - Lil Penpusher

A Flame rekindled, a Student reborn. One Empire rises, another must fall.

  • ...

The Only Choice

Today was the day.

I still haven't slept. I would try and lie down for just a few minutes but... I couldn't keep my eyes closed for long. There was always something to do, something to think about.

The Journey to the Crystal City had made me no less uncomfortable. My 'escort', as they called it, consisted of guards and soldiers alike. Motorbikes would drive ahead to scout the road, followed by armoured cars and then, at the very end, me in my little red and golden Carriage. Needless to say, I had tried to lessen the protective efforts, but the soldiers were tasked by the Empress herself.

"It's for your own safety", they said.

I found it hilarious how I was on my way to peace talks, trying to make Cadence believe me that we mean no harm, and yet we somehow decided that driving up an entire division in front of the Palace would give us a good image.

It did not. The Crystal Ponies that boo'ed at us when we arrived proved that.

As I left the Carriage, I was greeted not by Cadence nor my brother, but by two ordinary Love Guards who would lead me to my chambers inside the Palace. I couldn't really believe that neither the Princess nor my own brother would go ahead and greet me after all this time. And yet, again, I suppose a lot has changed since.

Perhaps this was just a first taste of what was to come...

I looked into the mirror after I had put the dress on. I spent some time cleaning and tidying it up before I went ahead and made my way here, though some stains I simply couldn't get rid of. I still fit perfectly, just as it did at the wedding.

The Wedding...

Thinking about it, things weren't as harmonic as I used to believe back then. I mean, Chrysalis and her changelings almost won that day. The only reason they didn't is, well, me. If it weren't for me saving Cadance and suspecting Chrysalis, she would have succeeded with her devilish plot.

And yet, it makes me realise just how weak Equestria was back then. I mean, an entire Changeling Army could make their way across Equestria all the way to Canterlot unnoticed and unopposed. That's not just a sign of weakness, that is embarrassing.
Thankfully, Equestria is weak no more. The Empress realised this in the face of war, and it lead her and Equestria to greatness never before dreamed of. The Solar Empire knows how to deal with those sorts of vermin threatening our way of life. Ponies have now realised what it means to protect Harmony. They know it won't defend itself, and they know the sacrifice they might have to make in order to preserve it.

And all of this, we owe to our Empress Daybreaker. Merciful yet ruthless. Calm yet untamed. Kind yet harsh.
The Empress knew what was best for her and her ponies when she proclaimed the Empire. She knew what it would take, the sacrifices all ponies would need to make, in order to save our Equestrian nation from Changeling Occupation.

The Empress knew. And so do we, if we only follow her guiding light.

My line of thought was interrupted as I heard somepony knocking on the door.

"Prin- err... Mrs. Sparkle?" the pony outside stuttered, unsure of who to call me. Only then was I reminded of my name change. "Princess Cadance is awaiting you now."

I didn't move nor reply for some time. Then I heard the pony's muffled hoofsteps outside as they walked away.

This was it. This was what it all came down to.

I opened the door and walked outside. There was nopony there, but it's not like I needed anypony to escort me or show me the way to the throne room. I used to be a rather frequent visitor, after all.

I made my way down the hallways of the Palace. Those shimmering walls, decorated with the finest of crystals... I had forgotten how beautiful this place was. The floor beneath me was so clean that I could see my reflection in it. Canterlot Palace certainly was different. A lot more... pompous, I suppose.

And so, there it was. The very doors to the Throne room. Whatever was going to happen, it would be decided in there. Another deep, calming breath. I collected myself one more time before I pushed open the gates with my magic.

And there she was. Cadence, sitting on her Crystal throne as she watched me come closer. I was unsure what to make of her facial expression. Part of her looked stern and hostile, and yet another looked happy and overjoyed to see me again.

"Your Majesty, Twilight Sparkle of Equestria!" a guard announced to her. I briefly turned my head and frowned at him after hearing him call me by my old self's name.

"Twily, it's good to see you again," Cadence spoke up. She tried to sound monotone but wasn't really too good at hiding her joy, in the end.

I was about to bow when my mind halted the action and I nodded in response, instead. "It is good to see you again, as well, Cadence. Although, I don't go by my old name anymore. Sunrise Sparkle would be preferred." I attempted to make my request as nice-sounding as possible.

The Princess took a moment to think before answering. "Very well, 'Sunrise'." Her voice was not nearly as happy as before. Something told me I already screwed up...

"Thank you. Now, shall we get on with our, how should I say, official business?"

"Yes, though I believe there is not much to say."

I gulped silently. "Out of all the ponies, Cadence, you would be kind and wise enough to make the right decision in this matter, would you not?"

"Indeed, and that's why I have nothing to tell you. Nothing except 'no'."

I raised an eyebrow. "I'm... sorry?" I asked confusedly.

"No. And we both know what question that no refers to."

I sighed. I knew it. I knew it! In the Empress' name, I knew it! It had to come to this!

"Cadence, I beg you. Think about this." The Princess remained silent, staring me down silently. "I myself have submitted to the Empress, to the Light. Do I look like a criminal to you? Like a villain?"

Cadence broke eye contact and gave out a quiet noise. No, it was... was it sobbing?

"Cadence, I..." I stuttered awkwardly, "I'm so sorry."

"Twily..." she cried quietly. "Twily, why?" she asked, more clear this time as she turned to face me again.

"Why what?" I returned with a raised eyebrow.

"Why did... why have you done this?"

I opened my mouth to reply before she cut me off. "Why would you betray me? Me and your brother both?"

"Betray you? I... I didn't. I never have. You both know I love you." I sighed and eyed the ground for a moment. "Right?"

"Don't be silly. Your brother and I always loved you, Twi. It's just that..." she didn't finish her sentence and fell back into silence.

"I know that everything that has happened must be... scary for you. I do. The Empress, the Solar Empire, the entire war on the Changelings... all of it must be quite, well, overwhelming. But please, Cadence, please, I beg of you... do not reject this proposal. If you reject, nopony wins. Accept, and everything will go back to normal, and together we can win this war."

Cadence wiped the tears off her face. "You know..." she said, "I, too, had to make sacrifices during this war. Your Empress is not the only one. Your brother, eager and proud as he is, insisted on leading the charge against those beasts. There is not a single sleepless night where I don't think and worry about him. My ponies have been asking, pleading for food rations around the Palace, but there is just nothing to give them. This war has bled us dry, Twilight. And yet we still held out, together. Did you see me becoming an insane, dictatorial maniac? A Maniac like your 'Empres'?"

"Millions of Equestrian lives were lost in the war at the time, it was the only way for her to save us from certain doom!" I reacted hot-headed.

"And who told you this?"

"Our Empress has done everything in her power to push back the Changelings and preserve Harmony in Equestria, that is the truth and you know it!" I added, ignoring her question.

"The only thing I know is that she taught you what she wanted you to think. Lies, nothing but lies!" Cadence shouted back at me.

I was just about to shout back when I reminded myself that this was going nowhere, except for safe failure. I had to be calm if this was going to end in anything other than bloodshed.

"Cadence, I know how hard this is for you believe, but come on. It's me, don't you recognise me? I'm even wearing this old dress of mine, a gesture that I thought you'd appreciate. Though, I suppose I thought wrong. I'm trying to make you realise that I am not some mindless puppet. I have changed, yes. But many things have changed in the course of history and during this war. It's only natural. Change doesn't have to be bad, Cadence."

The Princess now, too, collected herself again.

"Please. Shining wouldn't want us to fight..." I pleaded with her.

"I... I suppose he would not," the Alicorn said reluctantly. "And yet, I still don't believe my ponies' future lies in Cel-" she interrupted and corrected herself "ahem, the Empress."

"I knew you would say that, and I see your point. However, I can assure you that she only has good intentions. All of us only wish to protect our way of life, to hold onto Harmony. That is what you want, too, right?"

"I... suppose so, yes."

"So then, would you not want to submit to her and end this bloodshed twice as quickly and save millions of ponies who would have died during that time?"

All was quiet for some time. The Princess was lost in thought, and I stood there in front of her, almost frozen in place. I followed her gaze. It was a constant switch between looking at the floor, thinking, and looking at me.

"I acknowledge you wanting to help us, Twilight. As I have already mentioned, the current situation of the Crystal Empire is... less than ideal. We have been struggling to fight this war which neither of our nations have provoked, and yet we held out, not as one but together. And while I laid in my bed every night fearing for my husband, I knew he was fighting for my freedom, for the freedom of us all. And to answer your previous question: No, I know you're not a mindless puppet, Twily. You could never be. I know that you might have reasons for what you do and what you fight for, even if they are not in line with mine. Just know, little Sister, that I will always love you, no matter who or what you are."

I smiled and nodded in response.

"However, as much as it pains me to say it, I simply cannot agree and submit to your Empress. Our interpretations of 'Harmony', as you call it, differ too much for me. The news and reports that have reached me regarding how you treat your own ponies is highly disturbing, and the totalitarian nature of your Empress leaves me with no choice."

My smile faded away.

"I must reject."

My brain was a mix of anger, sadness and panic.

"Cadence, you can't do this. There will never be any talks again! The Empress will not stand for this! She'll order an invasion and... and you might die..."

Cadence watched as I began to tear up.

"Please, I don't want this. Not now, not ever. I don't want to lose you two..."

My sobbing became louder.

"Perhaps you should ask your graceful Empress to call off the attack, then," she replied in a cold voice.

I looked up to her. My vision was blurred behind all the tears in my eyes.

"I'm so sorry, Twilight. But it's the only choice I have..."

Before I could say anything else I was grabbed and pulled back by two armed guards. I cried and shouted incomprehensibly at Cadence, but to no avail. The two guards dragged me out of the room and simply dropped me on the ice cold ground.

The next thing I heard was them shutting the doors behind me. Then, there was only silence as I laid on the ground, tearing up.

I had failed. And as a result, millions would lose their lives.

Comments ( 24 )

In the picture, why are the pink and purple streaks in Twilight's mane red?

Her appearance changed after her "rebirth", aka after Daybreaker made her join her. It's brighter than her original colours and, together with her now yellow cutie mark, embodies her servitude to Daybreaker. The entire Scene of how she became a servant of Daybreaker is described in the Prequel. You don't have to read it to understand it but it's recommended.

Hmm... This explains it all. I wonder what will happen next?

Glad I could make things clear!

Seems Empress Daybreaker made it clear to Sunrise what failure would mean, though.

A lot of brave ponies will likely perish in the War for the Crystal Empire... :ajsleepy:

So there is a sequel. Oh and Daybreaker is not nearly as cruel as my most evil fic character Lord Travis.

Well, I suppose Twilight/Sunrise is doing most of the "hard work" for the Empress, in this case, as the leader of the Inquisition. In case you didn't already guess, the Inquisition is basically a pony version of the SS/NKVD. A Secret military police that subdues, interrogates and kills anypony not submitting to Daybreaker and her Cult of Personality.

Oh, and I'm not sure about a Sequel yet. Maybe... maybe not. We'll see :twilightsmile:

My evil character Lord Travis pretty much killed all the main characters one by one in one gruesome way or another. He gets some twisted pleasure when he kills someone so he does most of his executions personally.

I liked it. Made me tear up with Sparkle in the end.
Though, you could've explored the good end of the event chain, you know? One where they happily reunite and Cady doesn't reject?

But I suppose it's good nonetheless, after all I liked it.


This was certainly refreshing… somehow the dark ark has some weird appeal – hope there will be more. :twilightsmile:

BTW – is Spike dead? If I recall, in the last story it was not explicitly stated one way or the other.

Only the Empress knows. :ajsmug:

Huk #11 · May 20th, 2018 · · 1 ·


Oh, I smell the sequel including our little fella - I can even imagine the title and synopsis:

"The Dawn of New Equestria - Blood Dragon"

"After being rescued from his captivity and grown to his adult form thanks to Starlight's magic, Spike is trying to reunite the mane six - leading the battle between Good and Evil, as it's never been fought before! He and the resistance are on a desperate mission - to bring down Daybreaker and her ruthless killer ponies - and save the world."

Plus punchline for Spike:

"It's Daybreaker's bedtime, and I plan to tuck her in... under six feet of dirt!" :twilightangry2:


Sorry couldn't resist :pinkiecrazy: for those who don't get the reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0dofacvjRkc

We sadly have the problem of the other nations who still want war with Equestria and are still attacking the fight never ends.

"I acknowledge you wanting to help us, Twilight. As I have already mentioned, the current situation of the Crystal Empire is... less than ideal. We have been struggling to fight this war which neither of our nations have provoked, and yet we held out, not as one but together. And while I laid in my bed every night fearing for my husband, I knew he was fighting for my freedom, for the freedom of us all. And to answer your previous question: No, I know you're not a mindless puppet, Twily. You could never be. I know that you might have reasons for what you do and what you fight for, even if they are not in line with mine. Just know, little Sister, that I will always love you, no matter who or what you are."


I had failed. And as a result, millions would lose their lives.

Poor Twilight:fluttercry:.

Jeez...this was was painful to read.

I hope you mean because it was very emotional, not because it was hard to understand or read due to typos or whatnot. :twilightsheepish:

But for realsies, thanks for all the comments, I've read them all just now. Glad you enjoyed this Story arc!

There may even be more to come, who knows... :scootangel:

Looking forward to it. :pinkiehappy:

Oh? Let's test that! What's the capital of the United States?

Washington D.C. last I checked :unsuresweetie:

Good! You are good at capitals!


I am aware of the effect I have on people. They all end up speechless like you. *takes a bow*

An interesting perspective piece about the consequences of betraying a former self. I appreciate the level of symbolism that you employ for this, and how the mind of a changing Twilight is forced to decide between the two identities which are tearing her apart. This story was a very effective piece for that, and I cannot wait to see where this leads!

Oh sunrise sparkle
How much she thinks she knows
Yet we all know there is no day without the night

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