• Published 8th May 2018
  • 5,660 Views, 203 Comments

Som-Mama - Shadowmane PX-41

Somnambula was expecting to save the prince from a Sphinx. Instead, she winds up with a whole new predicament...

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Meet Fwynxie

Somnambula had been hugged by Fwynxie for at least five minutes now. At least, that’s what she had assumed. She barely had any time to think about it, what with her lungs being turned into one giant sandwich as the baby sphinx’s clawless paws continued to hold her tight. Of all the ways she could have gone out, this was by far the last she had been expecting. Death by hugging.

Well, I did want some trouble today. Just, not like this. Somnambula felt her entire head bobble as Fwynxie started to play with her cheeks, feeling the chokehold she was in begin to loosen up slightly. Even as she started to breathe again, she couldn’t avoid becoming a plaything for Fwynxie. I just pray that somepony else knows that I’ve gone missing. Then, they’ll definitely come to free me. That’ll be the one solace I take from this experience.

“Som-Mama? Do you wanna pway?” Fwynxie asked, finally letting go of her little pony parent. “Pwaying is fun!”

“Little one, I think there’s been a major misunderstanding here...” Somnambula wriggled out of Fwynxie’s hold at last and stood upright once again. “I’m not your mama. I’m not even half your size. Where’s your real mama?”

“Here!” Fwynxie booped Somnambula’s noice and giggled more. “Som-Mama is mama!”

“No, I mean, where’s your real mama?” Somnabula walked around the giant nursery, trying to find a much larger sphinx. “If we can just talk to her, then I can be on my way. And as much as you seem to like me, Fwynxie, I’m just not really feeling up to this kind of thing right now...”

“Weal mama?” Fwynxie tilted her head, cooing softly. “What’s dat?”

Great stars above... Does she really have no mother of her own? Somnambula asked herself mentally as Fwynxie tried to think about what a real mama was. If that’s the case, then she’ll never let me go. And judging her size, I don’t think she’ll have any trouble dealing with ponies who want to save me from her either.

“Som-Mama? Wha’ sa weal mama?” Fwynxie asked, shuffling closer to her with wide eyes.

“You really don’t have a real mama of your own, do you?” Somnambula asked, putting a single hoof on the baby sphinx’s face. “You’re all alone here, stuck with all these toys and games.”

“Nuh-uh! Now I have Som-Mama!” She threw her paws up. “We gunna have so much fun!”

“But I don’t want to be here. I have my own mama and dada as well!” Somnambula groaned, beginning to lose the hope she cherished so dearly. “I can’t just leave them all behind!”

“Dey come here! Den Som-Mama no worry!” Fwynxie cuddled Somnambula once more, nuzzling her giant head against her tiny one. “If Som-Mama happy, me happy too!”

“But, if you didn’t have a mama before, then how did you even survive this long?” It was now Somnambula’s turn to rild her head. “If you’re just a baby, how did you eat food or drink your fill?”

“Da queen!” Fwynxie pointed to another door at the back of the room, going even deeper into the pyramid. “She not mama, but she give me food. She makes yummy baths.”

“Yes, I could gather.” Somnambula nodded. “Aren’t you grounded for drinking her milk bath, little one?”

“Mmhmm. But dat just mean I gedda pway more!” Fwynxie wiggled her tail around and looked ready to pounce on something. She saw a ball in the corner of the room and ran over to it. “Som-Mama! Ball!” And she hurled the big ball towards Somnambula.

“Oh cru—“ Before Somnambula could finish, the ball smashed against her and bowled her over, taking her along for a short ride until it stopped at a large plushie frog, which squeaked as Somnambula popped up from the top of the ball and toppled onto it in a daze.

“I lub ball, Som-Mama!” Fwynxie jumped over and picked up the ball, playing with it as a cat would a ball of yarn. She rolled it around, bounced it, and even laid on her back and kicked it up with her four paws. “Yoo lub ball too?”

“Did somepony get the driver of that cart?” Somnambula’s head was still spinning, both from her being flattened by the ball and from the vertigo when she was stuck to it.

Fwynxie was just off in her own little world as Somnambula finally began to get her bearing again. It seemed like the ball held her full attention now. The way that she idly played it while cooing and babbling to herself was almost mesmerizing, as if the toy had some magical properties that made anyone who played with powerless to do anthing else. That was what she believed, but it was soon shattered when Fwynxie gave the ball to her, playing with her pony body so that it looked like she could hold, push, and play with the ball too.

“Yoo try, Som-Mama!” Fwynxie smiled as she did all the work for Somnambula, treating her like a ragdoll pushing the ball.

“This is hardly trying, and moreso me being another one of your playthings, Fwynxie...” Somnambula didn’t even bother to move away. She was completely pinned down against the rubber ball.

Time passed, and Fwynxie eventually laid still in the middle of the room, curled up with her tail covering her butt. Somnambula had finally been given a break from being played with. Now that she had some time to collect herself, the least she could do was learn some more about the place and her captor, seeing as how it was apparent she wouldn’t be leaving now.

“So, Fwynxie?” She walked up to the soothed sphinx. “Just how old are you?”

“Queen says I nearly one.” Fwynxie groggily turned towards Somnambula, lifting her left paw gently. “She say I tawk too.”

“One year old? Well I must say, you look... healthy?” Somnambula had no clue how big baby sphinxes usually were, so she just decided to wing it.

“Mmm.” Fwynxie grinned. “Me onwy odda sphinx here.”

“I see,” said Somnambula. “But, when does this queen of yours summon you?”

“Only wen I hungry or thirsty.” Fwynxie arched her body up and patted at her belly. “I not need it now.”

“But what do you do without a parent to look after you?” Somnambula asked, walking closer to the docile Fwynxie. “Don’t you ever get lonely when you’re not with the queen?”

“Nuh-uh.” She shook her head. “Queen magic!”

“Yes, I get that your queen would be magic. Most adult sphinxes usually are.” Somnambula lifted a brow. “What magic does your queen have? Apart from the obvious flying magic, that is?”

“Weww...” Fwynxie brought her paw back to her chin again. “Queen magic... make me tawk, stop oddas from fwying, and make me no lonely!” She squealed.

“Does it also make you think I’m your mama?” She wanted clarification on that, at least.

“Nuh-uh! Yoo my mama because yoo named Som-Mama!” She hugged her for the umpteenth time that day, but it was more like her paws dragging her closer to her belly, rather than her being strangled this time. “Som-Mama? Pwease nevew go. I nevew had weaw mama before.”

“I don’t really have a choice in the matter now, do I?” Somnambula asked, frisking the room again. “The only way into this place is sealed off, there’s no way I can fly out of the roof, and unless there is another hidden passage around here, the only other way out seems to be from your queen, and she might not even have another exit for me to use.”

“No wowwy, Som-Mama. I lots of fun!” Fwynxie brushed Somnambula with her nose. “I awso like widdles. Yoo like widdles?”

“Well, I can take them or leave them, but I knew you love them before you even said it. It’s a common thing for sphinxes to love in Southern Equestria.” Somnambula put a hoof on Fwynxie’s nose. “Mind games to both challenge the guesser and to assert both their intelligence and that of the sphinx itself.”

“And me love games!” Fwynxie’s tail began to wag once more. “Yoo wead me widdle?”

Well, I’ve got nothing better to do trapped in here, and I doubt there is anypony coming to my rescue, so I think I could spare a few puzzles with Fwynxie. She clambered out of her hug. “If it will make you happy, little one.”

“Yay!” She clapped her paws together eagerly. “Me weady, Som-Mama!”

“Alright.” Somnambula had to dig deep into her mind to fetch a riddle to please the sphinx. She did have to admit, this was something she hadn’t seen every day. Normally, it would be the other way around for her and the other ponies in this part of Equestria, but here she was, telling a baby sphinx a riddle. “I am solid, tough, and can be used in more than one way. Both for sheltering ponies, and brightening up their day. What am I?”

“Umm...” Fwynxie sat up, letting the riddle sink in. “Can yoo wepeat dat, Som-Mama?”

“I am solid, tough, and can be used in more than one way. Both for sheltering ponies, and brightening up their day. What am I?” Somnambula obliged, and watched as Fwynxie’s paws once more came up to her chin. “If you want, I can give you a clue.”

“Nuh-uh. No cwoo. Me can do it.” Fwynxie shook her head. Even though she was young, she didn’t want to just have the answer spoonfed to her. Eventually, she came up with an answer. “Is it... bwick?”

Y-yes.” Somnambula nearly stepped backwards at Fwynxie’s answer. “Yes. Ponies outside use bricks to build things for other ponies, but you use the building blocks over there—“ she pointed to a set of them, all with special writing inscribed on each side “—to play, making you happy and therefore, brightening up your day.”

“Yay! Me did it!” Fwynxie clapped to herself some more. “Again, mama! Me wan notha widdle!” She leaned down close to Somnambula, almost looking more like a dog than anything.

“Another? Well, it’s certainly not out of the ordinary...” Of all the things Somnambula could have said to any babies she would meet in her life, she was telling riddles to an infant sphinx, who—even more of a shock to the system for her, was getting them right without any help. “Okay. This one is a little bit more challenging. Tell me if you don’t know the answer and I’ll feel free to reveal it.”

“No cwoo. Me smawty-sphinx!” She crossed her paws and pouted.

“Alright. Now, listen closely.” Somnambula once again dug deep for another one. “I am always a part of you, and never disappear. Under the sun or more close lights, more of me will appear. What am I?”

“Mowe of yoo will appear?” Fwynxie entered her thinking stance once again. She was liking this riddle game with Somnambula so far, but she still had to concentrate on finding the answer. “Wead it again, pwease?”

“I am always a part of you, and never disappear. Under the su—“

“Shadow!” Fwynxie interrupted. “Me know dat one.”

“Oh, really? How do you know this answer, little one?” Somnambula approached her.

“Da queen tewws me all da time! Dat, and the one wid da statues too.” She chuckled with a closed mouth. “I lub statue tickling. Dat was part of da cwoo for dat one.”

“Statue tickling?” Somnambula knew this was not her average sphinx. “I don’t even think I’d want to know what it’s like. But in any sense, you’re right. Shadows never leave your side, and more of them show up when you approach a light.” She walked over to a high torch at the end of the room, getting closer and closer to the flame; which elongated her shadow and split it in multiple differet ways. “See?”

“Yep!” Fwynxie came over as well. “Me have shadow too! Hi, shadow!” She waved to hers and tried to play with it, rolling around in it and trying to pat it down. “It never wanna come out and pway wike me, though.”

Somnambula watched as Fwynxie chased her own shadow and tried to play tag with it, often running around the room in circles trying to avoid being tagged back, even though the shadow was technically stuck to her and was tagging her the whole time. It was an endless cycle of her touching her phantom-like other self, running away only to find out it was stuck to her the whole time, and repeating the process all over again, just with laughter over it.

“Tag! Yoo it, Som-Mama!” Fwynxie pushed Somnambula to the ground, as opposed to a gentle tap.

“Tag?” Somnambula groaned, her body aching from the pain. “But how am I supposed to catch you, Fwynxie? You’re giant!”

“Not if yoo wun weally fast, Som-Mama!” She ran off around the room. “Catch me! Catch me!”

Is this what the prince had to go through while he was kidnapped? Playtime with Fwynxie here? Somnambula watched the giddy sphinx dart around the room innocently. Well, it sure beats being trapped in a snake pit or wandering into a spike labyrinth. But still, I must escape whenever the opportuniy presents itself. Before Fwynxie actually does convince me to stay with her forever... Even in her train of thought, Somnambula still chased after her “playmate” and they both ran around the room, though Somnambula was just left behind while her target just sped on ahead.

“Pwaytime with Som-Mama the best!” Fwynxie cheered as she watched Somnambula chase after. “We having super-duper fun! No wanna ever stop!”

Though the words drilled into Somnambula’s head, she still went on after Fwynxie, trying her hardest to cheer her up or wear her down for a nap. Babies all needed their naps, so as soon as Fwynxie had one of her own, she could use it as a means of escaping. Maybe this plan would work out after all...

The concept of time had completely evaporated from Somnambula’s brain as she started to limp across the room. Fwynxie herself was still bounding and darting around while she looked like she had run a gruelling outdoor assault course that had no end. Almost an hour of running and she had not even come close to catching Fwynxie, her hoof hadn’t even touched her fur since the riddle session they had.

“How is this fair?” Somnambula asked, breathing heavily as her entire body deluged itself in sweat. “I cannot chase down a child like this; especially not in this state...” She looked to her wings, pitifully useless now thanks to the queen’s magic. “If only I could still fly, then it would be easy to catch her. But now, resorting to just my hooves, this is the true definition of a struggle.”

“Yoo give up, Som-Mama?” Fwynxie asked, as she slowly came up to her. “If yoo want, me can awways—“

“Tag!” Somnambula had played her cards very well, and her boop caused Fwynxie to stumble onto her butt. She knew she couldn’t chase down the sphinx, so she waited for it to come to her instead. Feeling relieved as the baby sat down she finally collapsed to the floor, sprawling her arms and legs out to the side.

“Som-Mama? Why yoo sweepy?” Fwynxie asked, gently nudging the fainted Somnambula. “It’s not naptime yet.”

“Maybe not for you, but I am physically exhausted.” She could feel her lungs intake air with each word. “Aren’t you tired as well?”

“Nuh-uh! Me still wanna pway!” She pulled Somnambula back onto her feet. “Yoo it again! Now yoo gotta catch me again!” And with not another word, she dashed off, repeating the whole cycle again.

I take it back. I think I prefer snake pits and spike mazes to this... Somnambula groaned and blacked out, feeling the whole world vanish before her eyes.

Author's Note:

And here we are! Chapter 2 of Som-Mama. Didn’t have to wait long now, did we?

Well, when a big story like this is widely received, I can’t just let it sit and simmer down now, can I? I have to keep stoking the fires and keep you all coming back for more.

Plus, I do love writing cute things; especially baby characters who can talk.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and your day, and I’ll see you all again for the next chapter.