• Published 7th May 2018
  • 3,806 Views, 244 Comments

Kamen Rider x Kamen Rider Unicorn & Ex-Aid: Tirek's Revenge - Michael_Ravencroft

An unknown disease sweeps through Canterlot City, attacking its youth, and a villain of the past seeks to progess it. It will take Unicorn and the expertise of a Legendary Rider to end this epidemic.

  • ...

Level 6: The Ashen Dread

Now with their new companion, Sunset, Midnight, Emu, and Spectra entered the Talsek Forest. Spectra led them through the least dangerous paths she could scout, her harpy eyes were very good at spotting dangers from a long distance, allowing them to sidestep or avoid unnecessary battles altogether. However, there are some battles you can’t avoid, in which case you just have to go right through them.

Sunset jumped into the air, where Spectra awaited. The harpy grabbed ahold of Sunset by the shoulders with her talons, despite her small frame, Spectra was quite strong as she flew with Sunset in tow, not even having an ounce of speed reduced from the extra weight as she flapped her arms, which had morphed into wings. Their team had run into a little trouble with a large blue raptor beast, standing ten feet tall and roaring at them as it slashed forest with its large spines, blades, and claws.

“You sure about this, Sunset?! That thing is crazy!” Spectra shouted.

“Trust me, Spectra, that thing is something we need!” Sunset shouted back.

“Ha, ha, you are crazy! And I love it! Get ready!”

Sunset checked her LB gauge, it had increased during the few skirmishes they had while traversing the forest, but she didn’t think it would take more than one hit from her transformed state to end this fight. You were always a wild one, weren’t you, Fang!

The giant blue raptor snarled as its red eyes looked at the incoming Spectra and Sunset. The blades on the raptor’s forearms glowed bright blue as it readied to cut down the two approaching heroes, however, while its attention was drawn, Emu and Midnight went to work.

Midnight had a magic circle glowing beneath her as she summoned forth her power. With glowing, rosy-violet eyes, Midnight twirled her staff around and struck the butt of the staff against the circle as she uttered, “Rueshin Chains of Binding!”

Construct chains made of Midnight’s magic erupted from the circle, the chains multiplied as they approached the raptor, wrapping around its forearms and dragging them down to the sides. Emu charged up his hammer, gathering energy as he jumped straight up and yelled, “THUNDER SLAM!”

Blue lightning enveloped Emu’s hammer as it struck the midsection of the raptor, causing it to fall to one knee. Seeing this, Spectra rapidly ascended, going so high that the raptor appeared as blue splotch on the ground.

“I really hope you know what you’re doing,” said Spectra.

“Same here, let me go!”

Spectra released Sunset and allowed her to go into free fall, the harpy watched as Sunset got lower and lower at incredible speed, speeds that would instantly kill her. Feeling way too anxious about this plan, Spectra dove down, following parallel to Sunset and ready to swoop in and save her should plan go array. Meanwhile, Sunset kept judging the distance, waiting for the right moment to transform. The blue splotch that was Fang began to take better shape, once Sunset was able to make out his shape she went to work.


Around Sunset’s waist, the Uni-Driver appeared, and into her right hand the Unicorn Memory formed.




Sunset’s body was surrounded in a field of turquoise electricity, transforming her into Kamen Rider Unicorn: Fantasy Knight. Spectra’s eyes widened at the sight of seeing Sunset’s transformation, and could even feel a great amount of magical energy pouring from Sunset. Unicorn took out the Gaia Memory and placed it into the right hip port, and pressed the button.



Unicorn flipped around until her feet were angled downwards, she then focused her energy into her right leg, and in front of her foot formed a spiral unicorn horn. She took a flying kick stance as she used her magical as a booster to fall even faster. From up above she appeared as a turquoise falling star, beautiful to look at, but extremely dangerous. Emu and Midnight got together as Midnight erected a protective barrier around them. At the last second, Fang managed to break free from the chains, but not before Unicorn landed her attack right on the beast.

A flash of blinding turquoise light shined from the point of impact, making Spectra have to stop in midair and close her eyes for fear of going blind. When the light faded, Unicorn was standing, and Fang was on the ground. The reptilian creature slowly got up and looked down at Unicorn.

“You ready to behave?” Unicorn asked as she reached out her hand to the beast.

Fang merely snorted and got down low so that Unicorn could touch its forehead. The moment they made contact, Fang erupted into blue flames. The flames died down and coalesced into a sphere, that sphere then took shape and dispersed, becoming the Fang Memory. Unicorn took the Gaia Memory back, and felt her power increase. Once obtained, she disengaged the transformation and returned to her normal form.

“That’s one down, a few more to go,” said Sunset.

***____________<U> x [+]E[+]____________***

Later that night, the team made camp in a clearing. A fire had been started, and while they were having their dinner, Spectra couldn’t help but retell the day’s earlier events with all the giddiness of a child.

“Then Sunset came down with a KABOOM!” Spectra threw out her arms for emphasis. “That was the most incredible thing I’ve ever seen! And you’re saying you can use that thing’s powers now?!”

Sunset chuckled at the nostalgia of this reaction. “Yeah, best Emu and I can figure, our transformation powers are scattered about this world. And it looks like they’ve taken on some form of sentience.”

“Most likely it was Tirek’s way of making us weaker, but our Gashats and Gaia Memories are connected to us, and us to them. I have a feeling that they’ll either seek us out, or we’ll happen across them as we continue our journey, unconsciously drawn to them, you could say,” said Emu.

“I can’t wait to find mine, so I can help fight,” said Parado.

Spectra’s feathers ruffled as she ducked behind Sunset. “Okay, sorry, I’m still not used to that ghost tagging along. You sure we don’t need a priest or something?”

Parado huffed and crossed his arms, earning a round of chuckles from Emu, Sunset, and Midnight.

“Parado is Emu’s familiar spirit, he helps us in battle like he did earlier, giving us information and analyzing the opponents we face. But I am curious to see how you would achieve a physical form to aid us in battle,” said Midnight.

Sunset took a bite out of her loaf of bread and said, “If we continue like we have been, that might actually happen.” Sunset then looked behind her to Spectra and asked, “So, how did you get involved with that Gora girl? If you don’t want to, you don’t have to tell us.”

Spectra sat beside Sunset and sighed. “Yeah, no, it’s alright I’ll tell you. I guess it starts with my dumb self going out and trying to make a name for myself. I thought I could be an adventurer, just trekking around different regions. Getting the lay of the land and helpin’ people out where I could. Course, some people don’t exactly like the help of a Demi-human…” Spectra looked down at her talons with a saddened expression. “…and some would rather just enslave us. Which is what Gora had done.”

Sunset spat out her food at hearing that. “Wait, she did what?!”

“I was just flying around, passing through town. Quickly as well, ‘cause I could tell by the other Demi-humans that things for us weren’t good there. But before I could get out, I was collared by Gora, and kept in the city for about two months now. She placed me in a cage, an overgrown birdcage at that. Gora thought I was one of those songstress harpies, I mean, do I look like a singer to you?!”

Emu leaned next to Midnight and whispered, “Not sure I how should answer that?”

“Neither am I.” Midnight replied.

“Anyway, she put me to work doing grunt work, pulling, carrying, serving, pretty much if it was demeaning in some way, I was doing it. Until…yesterday, I heard she was going to sell me to this lord over in the east…from what I heard, the guy likes Demi-human girls…I mean, really likes them.”

Sunset’s aura flared for a moment, her anger rising at the thought that Spectra was going be sold as some kind of concubine. What made her angrier was how she looked so much like Rainbow Dash, and that made it worse to think that one of her friends was going to be put into a situation like that. “When we return, we’re definitely going to pay Gora a little visit.”

Emu and Midnight gulped, Spectra just grinned and hooked an arm around her. “Heh, heh, I knew I chose the right kind of people to tag along with! And, I don’t know if I really thanked you, but, thank you, for saving me from that fate.”

Sunset smiled. “We’re friends, Spectra, and even if we weren’t, I’d never let something like that happen.”

Spectra blushed, but maintained her cool façade. Sunset stole a glance towards Midnight and noticed that she too was blushing a bit as well. There was a “ding” noise that made Sunset swivel her head around, from what she could tell she seemed to be the only one who heard it.

“Did you guys happen to hear a dinging noise?” Sunset asked.



“Not at all.”

“Not me.”

Sunset raised an eyebrow and casually placed her hand against her chest, making the menu pop up again. After a couple of stealthy swipes, Sunset was able to see the party status, and she nearly choked on her sip of water. The third heart meter had been filled, now displaying “crush” for both Midnight and Spectra.

Oh, come on…seriously!? Sunset stood up quickly with a flustered expression of her own. “Well it’s getting late, I’ll take first watch, so why don’t you all get some sleep, Okay? Okay!”

They didn’t disagree with that, Emu and Midnight laid on the ground, while Spectra flew up into one of the trees and found a nice sturdy branch to perch on while she slept. Once everyone had gotten into their various sleeping positions, Sunset began to do a perimeter walk, keeping her sword out just in case. All the while, she used this time to think of a way to contact the real world. Sunset could only imagine what was happening out there, to all the sick people, and to her friends and girlfriend.


***____________<U> x [+]E[+]____________***

Twilight, Microchips, Starlight, and Kuro – ahem – Kuroto DEUS, were hard at work in the makeshift CR lab. With the game disc obtained, the four brainiacs began to analyze the code that was used to make the games. Twilight found herself looking over her shoulder a few times to keep an eye on Starlight, even though they haven’t fully confirmed it, there was enough suspicion with their current evidence to believe that Starlight Glimmer of Earth was Kamen Rider Equal. It was still surprising that she was here.

I guess when you really think about it, having the people killed by a virus that also threatened her own life would make her act to stop it. Self-preservation and all that, thought Twilight.

Kuroto looked over the double helix code of this new Bugster strain, it definitely had the same markers as Gamedeus, which made him wonder if the current Gamedeus vaccine. “Kiriya, bring me the data on the Gamedeus vaccine. If this is the same as a regular Bugster Virus, then we can curb the symptoms and buy ourselves more time to work on the vaccine for this strain.”

“Got it,” said Kiriya.

“You have a vaccine? Can we not just simply use it and boost its effectiveness?” Starlight asked.

“The problem is that this other part of the code is not normal, it has a biological component but I can’t figure it out, yet. If the infected start to disappear then that could make it difficult for us to stop this ‘Tirek’. With each person who vanishes, the stronger he’ll become, this way we can slow the process down to a snail’s pace. It won’t save them, but it will buy us time and more breathing room,” said Kuroto as he ran his and through his hair. “Such is the genius of a god.”

Starlight nodded and she rolled her eyes.. “That makes sense, with Twilight’s help we managed to pin down an extra dimension within cyberspace that this game is connected to, and possibly where this monster is lying in wait.”

“We could create a patch that will prevent anymore Bugster attacks like what happened earlier today, Microchips can you send me the access codes to the main servers that online play was being hosted on?” Twilight asked.

“I’ll do one better, I’ll use my admin access, it’ll grant us access to everything, without having to worry about the security protocols,” said Microchips.

Kuroto nodded at the efficiency of the two teenagers, but then turned his attention to Starlight. “Could I speak with you, in private?”

Starlight looked at Kuroto with a hint of suspicion, but complied and followed the human turned Bugster to a private meeting room. “What is it, Mr. Dan, we need to get back to work quickly.”

Kuroto held up his hand as if to silence Starlight. “First: it’s Dan-sama. Second: I need to know that you’re not involved in this.”

Starlight blinked, her brow furrowing in indignation. “How dare you accuse me of orchestrating this epidemic! What grounds do you have to accuse me of this?!”

Kuroto had a smug look on his face as he sat on the table. “Come now, Ms. Glimmer, I can see it in your eyes, the want for more, the dark truth. You put on the façade of a kind and caring CEO, helping the city, helping the Kamen Riders, one in this case. But we all know that it’s all just a front, a mask to hide the true you. The you who is secretly plotting, scheming, and doing everything in your power to see this secret agenda of yours come true. I know, because we are one in the same.”

Starlight leaned against the wall and said, “Explain yourself.”

“I was the head of the biggest gaming company, owner, and creator, my talents were greater than that of my father, indeed like that unto a GOD! I was making games before I was even old enough to work – officially – at Genm Corp. It was there that I also discovered the Bugster Virus, and a way to make the ultimate game with it. Sadly, things went array and I ended up in the position you now see before you.” Kuroto walked towards Starlight and looked her dead in the eye. “So, if whatever little grand master plan you have going on is responsible for this strain, I need to know now.”

Starlight maintained her composure as she stared down Kuroto. “And if I said it didn’t, would you believe me?”

“Strangely, yes. Because even though there were lives on the line, I made sure to have a way of bringing them back, and you strike me as someone who doesn’t cause harm wantonly, more out of necessity, and where warranted,” said Kuroto. “Am I wrong?”

Starlight couldn’t stand that this man was practically reading her like an open book, but she couldn’t deny feeling a bit of comradery with his ilk, that of two dark Kamen Riders. “Well, now that you know that I have no hand in this, you should know that I too want stop this epidemic as badly as everyone else.”

“Duly noted, now, let’s go cure a disease, shall we?”

***____________<U> x [+]E[+]____________***

Twilight wasn’t sure why Dan Kuroto(DEUS) and Starlight had walked away, but it did give her some alone time with Microchips. “Tell me, why would make a game based on us? You know if the girls figured it out later, I doubt they would be as forgiving as they are now.”

Microchips gulped. “How come you aren’t angry now?”

“Because we’re in a crisis. Most of them have siblings and that are battling this disease, their priorities are with them. My priorities are to help in any way I can to stop this from hurting more people beyond this city. However, I would expect some form of retribution when this is over,” said Twilight.

Microchips sighed. “Fair enough…To answer your other question…I guess it’s because you girls are…well…amazing.”

Twilight stopped her typing and swiveled her chair around to look at the boy. “Well, I can’t deny they are. Rarity is so creative and sure of her future, Fluttershy’s the kindest person I’ve ever met and never holds a grudge, Rainbow’s super athletic and captain of every sports team at school, she could be the most obnoxious jerk in the school with all that status, but she doesn’t let it get in the way of being a true friend. Applejack is the hardest working, not to mention the most physically strong, and trustworthy girl. And Pinkie Pie’s always going out of her way to make sure no one has to feel sad, she’s made it her life’s mission to spread happiness and cheer.”

It was there that Twilight’s face began to turn red as she smiled. “Then there’s Sunset Shimmer, yes, I know she was a…bad person…initially, but she changed her ways and crawled out from a hole she dug herself into and regained the trust of everyone in the school, and became a more loving, caring person for it. She saved me, not just because I reminded her of someone she knew, but because she genuinely wanted to save me from myself. I can never repay her for that.”

Microchips stopped typing and looked to Twilight. “You two are really going out, right?”

“Yes, do you…do have a crush on Sunset?” Twilight asked with a bit of worry.

“Not exactly, I mean, she’s great, really great. And you’re right about the others, but there’s also you. I didn’t base Midnight’s design on the Princess you, I based it on the you-you here. Because, well, you’re amazing too, Twilight,” said Microchips.

“Oh,” said Twilight in surprise, “thank you, Micro.”

“Just, uh, telling the truth. But, you can see how I couldn’t not make a game around you all, right? I mean, it’s all just so amazing and no one from beyond the city would believe it! And it also kind of ticked me off that you all never got the recognition, your friends saved the world three times already, and no one beyond the school knows it or even acknowledges it.”

Twilight adjusted her glasses and then said, “I haven’t been with them that long, but I can tell that they don’t do what they do for recognition, in fact that seems to be the farthest thing from their minds. They just act, they do what they know is right.”

“Kind of like Unicorn and Nasca,” said Microchips.

“Y-Yeah, kind of.”

“Well, then I gotta do what I can to fix this!”

With renewed fervor, Microchips began typing away at his keyboard. Twilight smiled and went back to her work as well. “You’re still fully aware of potential punishment from the girls, right?”

Microchips hung his head low. “Fully aware…”

***____________<U> x [+]E[+]____________***

Sunset’s head thrummed like it did after hearing one of Pinkie Pie’s drum solos. However, when she went to rub her head, Sunset found that she couldn’t, rather something enabled her from doing so. There was also a strange tension in her arms, almost as if…

The mage knight opened her eyes and suddenly found her wrists tied over her head, against a large wooden stake. Sunset looked down at herself and saw that her armor had been removed and replaced with some sort of tribal garments, a simple cloth skirt that ran halfway past her knees, and a shirt made of the same material. There were tribal markings on the clothes, they weren’t runes, however there was power in the words. Sunset looked up and saw that her wrists were bound by robes, with tight knots that would require magic or a sharp blade to undo.

Sunset took in her surroundings, she had no idea how long she was out, from the sky it was either still late at night or just turned into night. Wherever she was, it was a large sprawling village, the houses were made of wood and carved rock. Sunset was held in some metal cage, which was quite spacious, but definitely had no gaps big enough for her to attempt to squeeze through, and it was open enough that anyone could see any suspicious movements she might make.

“Ah wouldn’t think about escaping.”

The mage knight turned her attention forward and her jaw nearly hit the ground in shock. Walking towards her was a tall girl, about six feet tall, practically towering over Sunset if they were standing face to face. She wore leather boots with gold colored metal plates, around her waist she wore a combat skirt made of leather, with the edges made of white fur from some unknown animal. She had leather bracers, also with the same gold colored metal plates. Her chest and stomach were covered in the same armor, all the metal plates, Sunset observed, had different tribal markings than that of the clothes Sunset herself was wearing.

The girl before her had a tanned complexion, with freckles on her face. Eyes like bright emeralds, and golden hair tied back into a braided ponytail. Her physique was muscular, but not overtly so, however that didn’t take away from the fact that this girl, who looked a lot like Applejack, was carrying a spear in one hand and a shield on her back. The likeness, again, was so uncanny that Sunset couldn’t help but say, “Applejack?”

The girl cocked an eyebrow in confusion. “No, I am Ambrosia. Amazonian warrior, and lieutenant of this here camp.” Ambrosia waved her spear over the cage, the markings on her spear glowed and soon the bars began to bend until she was able to step inside. With another wave of her spear, the bars returned to their original position. “Don’t go thinking you can use your magic, those markings on your clothes keep your magic sealed.”

Sunset sported a cocky grin. “You should know, I have no qualms with fighting without them.”

“See I figured that would be the case, so the marks also prevent them from being torn or taken off by anyone who isn’t an Amazon. And just so ya know, all of ‘em have to be taken off, not just one part,” said Ambrosia.

“Thorough. So why am I tied up, and what have you done to my friends?!” Sunset demanded.

Ambrosia stuck her spear into the ground and turned to face her. “Your friends are being kept safe for now, we had to do some extra work with that elf girl to keep her magic under control, and that harpy was a fierce one to capture, actually made me break a sweat. As for that guy, he’s been suspiciously cooperative. It’s quite the group you have assembled, two humans, one elf, and one Demi-human, not a lot of folks would take kindly to you traveling with one or the other.”

“And how do you take it?” Sunset asked.

Ambrosia crossed her arms. “Well, I can take it as just as I see it, or unless you say otherwise. We’ve been tracking you all since you entered the forest. You haven’t been goin’ through the main roads, you’ve been taking paths that are short but dangerous, if it weren’t for that harpy leading you safely, you’d all be dead already. So why the hurry? Answer me honestly as the lives of your friends depends on it.”

Sunset narrowed her gaze at Ambrosia, despite the situation it was hard to stay angry at this version of her friend. “Fine, my friends and I are on a mission. Emu, Midnight – the elf, and I are Guardians. The Pillars have asked us to head to Heaven’s Fall and stop Tirek’s rise. We saved Spectra from some slave merchant, and she’s agreed to join us, and just so we’re clear, she’s doing this of her own free will. We mean you no harm, if we entered your territory we did not know, but we have bigger problems than worrying about some Amazonian camp in the middle of this forest. Please, let us go, and we’ll be out of your hair as quick as possible, or hey, show us the quickest path through the Talsek Forest and we’ll be gone sooner.”

Ambrosia studied Sunset, staring her right in the eyes. After a moment, Ambrosia nodded her head. “Tirek…we have been getting reports from other camps that there’s been movement of the dark sort in different corners of the world. Our sisters in the north and east have been seein’ movement with Orcs and Goblins, if that’s really what’s happening we’ll need to alert all our camps and the city.”

“Soooo…does this mean you’ll let us go?” Sunset asked.

“Ain’t that easy, I’ll have to run this by the captain.” Ambrosia pulled out her spear and twirled it around with such speed that Sunset had to keep herself from blinking to track it. With a swift slash, Sunset’s bonds were cut, allowing her to let her arms down. “I’m trusting you not to run away, if you can behave while not tied up it’ll help me in convincing her.”

Sunset rubbed her sore shoulders and nodded to Ambrosia. “I promise.”

“Right then.” Ambrosia stepped towards the bars and waved her spear over them. When the bars opened, Ambrosia’s instincts were telling her to turn around in anticipation of the girl attacking her, but she fought against them and pressed on until she was outside. Ambrosia turned around and saw that Sunset was still inside the cell, having slumped up against the stake, not having moved an inch from that spot. “Sorry.”

“For what?” Sunset asked.

“For hittin’ you upside the head. I’m normally against sneak attacks, rather face an opponent head on. Get some sleep while ya can, most likely not much will get done until some have gotten a good sleep,” said Ambrosia.

“Wait, Ambrosia! There’s something I need ask of you!”

***____________<U> x [+]E[+]____________***

“UGH! Let me out of here!” Spectra yelled.

The harpy was kept in a cage suspended in the air on a tree, like a birdcage. Midnight was kept in a cell a few feet below and to the side of where Spectra’s was. Her garments were also changed and had the same markings as Sunset’s, however there were more markings drawn on her arms, legs, back, chest, and forehead, along with a ring of more markings around her cell.

To her left was Emu’s cell, he was given a skirt similar to Midnight’s, but his chest was left bar. His magical energy was also sealed, with body markings, but since he really didn’t know any kind of attack spells, this was simply overkill.

“Calm down, Spectra,” said Midnight.

“No, you understand, Nighty, but I! Don’t! Do! Cages!” Spectra emphasized each word with a body slam against the bars, rocking her cage back and forth to the point that Emu and Midnight thought she may fall. “I won’t be put in another cage! I won’t!”

“This isn’t good, Spectra’s showing signs of post-traumatic stress syndrome,” said Emu.

“Sorry, what is that?” Midnight asked.

“It’s triggered when a person is reintroduced to a particular stimulant that makes them relive a traumatic time in their life, it can be triggered by a smell, sound, feeling, or in this case, an environment. And that environment for Spectra is being in a cage when she was captured by Gora.” Emu winced as she heard Spectra slam against the cage again. “The patient’s fight or flight response will be kicked into overdrive, making them either get as far away from the element by whatever means necessary, or to eliminate it by any means necessary. At this rate she’ll hurt herself or her heart will explode from the increased adrenaline.”

Midnight’s eyes widened with fear for their companion, she merely took it a Spectra’s rebellious nature, but it was actually something worse.

“GUARD!” Emu cried out. “GUARD!”

Another Amazonian warrior walked up to Emu’s cell and asked, “What do you want?”

“You have to release our friend up there! She’s going to kill herself at this rate!” Emu urged.

The Amazonian glanced up at the harpy who continuously kept banging at the cage. “Do you think I’m stupid or something? ‘Release her’ he says.”

“Miss please, Emu is a Healer, he’s learned in the art of healing magics and medicine, he wants you to release her because the cage is making her agitated and at this rate she’ll hurt herself!” Midnight pleaded.

“You don’t have to let her go, just let her out of the cage and tie her up or something, but not in a cage!” Emu stated with more authority.

The Amazon raised her spear and held it at the ready to impale Emu. “Don’t think you can order me, male. I don’t care if you’re the most gifted one in the world, I’ll skewer you if you speak to me like that again!”

“What is goin’ on here?!” Ambrosia asked.

The Amazon turned around and stood at attention at the sight of her lieutenant. “Ma’am, pardon me, these prisoners were acting up, that harpy and this man in particular.”

Ambrosia looked up at the rattling cage. “Bring her down to the ground.”


“You heard me!”

The guard did as she was told, quickly heading to the pully and lowering the cage until it hit the ground. Despite this drop in altitude, Spectra continued to thrash about in the cage. Ambrosia walked up to the cage and banged her spear against it, making Spectra cease her thrashing and curl up into a fetal position. The sight made Ambrosia’s heart heavy, she then kneeled down in front of the cage.

“Hey, your name’s Spectra, right?” Ambrosia asked.

The harpy peeked from under wings and gave a slow nod. “Sunset told me about you, and your friends. She asked me if there was any way I could restrain ya without putting you in a cage.” Ambrosia motioned for the guards who were trailing behind her to bring chains with heavy weights attached. “These weights are spelled to make them heavier if they stop touching the ground, but they’re still pretty heavy. If you let me put these on you, you can stay out of the cage and sit in the open. That alright?”

Spectra shook her head rapidly in agreement.

“Lieutenant, you can’t trust that this harpy won’t just fly away! At least let’s have her put to sleep!”

Ambrosia gave the guard a glare that made her cease her protesting then and there. “Sunset also said to not do anything, well, you, and to trust her.”

Spectra seemed to calm down a little more at hearing that this was at Sunset’s request. Ambrosia opened the cage and Spectra immediately bolted out of the cage and onto the ground. The other Amazon guards readied with their spears, but Ambrosia raised her hand in a halting motion. Spectra breathed hard, taking in big gulps of air if she had been underwater.

Ambrosia carefully approached her and placed a hand on Spectra’s back, making her flinch for a few seconds before settling down. “Just breath in slowly, ya go that fast you’ll pass out. Breathe with me.” It took a couple of minutes, but eventually she was able to calm Spectra down. “Alright, we’re goin’ to put these cuffs on your ankles and wrists, do I have your word you won’t try anything.”

Spectra nodded.

“Alright, bring ‘em here, I’ll do it.”

After a few seconds to get the cuffs secured, Spectra crawled up next to Midnight’s cell, the elf girl sat close to the side where Spectra was and combed her hand through her hair in a relaxing motion.

“Thank you,” said Emu.

“We’re warriors, not savages.”

As Ambrosia walked away, she glanced over her shoulder at the three. Even while imprisoned herself, her thoughts were on her friends first, especially that one. And that Spectra trusted her enough to take my word. That’s something, really something.

***____________<U> x [+]E[+]____________***

Morning arrived rather quick, Ambrosia got ready and hurried over to her Captain’s quarter’s. The guards at the door saluted her and announced her into the Captain’s domicile. She was wearing the same leather and metal plated armor as the rest, except hers was more ornate with more intricate designs. Her skin was also the same bronzy color as Ambrosia, but her hair was colored orange and yellow, as if fire itself had become her hair.

The Amazon captain’s amber colored eyes roved over a map of the land, focusing on the section that was the Talsek Forest. “I heard you wanted to see me Lieutenant.”

“Captain Helfyre, I would like to request a release of the prisoners, Ma’am,” said Ambrosia.

Helfyre looked up at her lieutenant with a confusion. “Why, may I ask, do you wish to release them? They were in our territory, and they’re kind of a suspicious bunch. I mean, an elf, two humans, and a harpy demi-human? Not exactly normal.”

“Well, Ma’am, according to their leader, they’re Guardians on a mission per The Pillars. The harpy just recently joined their group and are en route to Heaven’s Fall.”

Helfyre nearly stumbled at hearing the name of that gods forsaken place. “And are you sure they aren’t going to there to aid in the destruction of this world?”

“Truthfully, Captain, I don’t think she was lying. In fact, she was being quite honest, I could feel it,” said Ambrosia.

The Captain of the Amazonian warriors smirked as she put her hands on her hips. “Really, or could it be that you’ve taken a liking to the girl?”

Ambrosia blushed. “Ma’am, no Ma’am! My intuition is that, just intuition!”

“Oh Am, you don’t have to be coy. I mean, the girl is a bit scrawny, but appears to have a good physique for combat. But, she’s a bit short for you, not sure how that’ll work when –”

“Captain, please!” Ambrosia pleaded as she sported a fierce blush.

Helfyre laughed at her lieutenant’s expense, but in the end walked from around the table and clasped her on the shoulder. “Relax, I trust your instincts, let us go and speak to this girl who’s captured your attention.”

Suddenly, a horn bellowed throughout the camp, making both Amazonian women tense up.

“Captain that’s –!”

“Get to your battle positions, we’re under attack!”

Helfyre and Ambrosia exited and watched as a monster began tearing through the camp. It had two long whip-like tails, both tipped with a violet colored spike. Its body was covered in onyx colored scales, from the neck down the middle of its body the scales were a pale gray color. It had claws that were also violet in color, and in each claw, it carried two long, obsidian swords. The creature appeared female in physique, it eyes covered by an exoskeletal visor, and its lips were extenuated with violet lipstick.

“By order of Lord Tirek, I issue proclamation! Amazons, either join the rise of my Lord and Master, or die! So says the Envoy Tala!”

Ambrosia and Helfyre looked to each other, and then back at Tala. Helfyre drew her long sword and said, “Let me respond to that in the following way…FIRE!”

Suddenly, Amazonian archers sprang up from around structures and from the trees and let loose dozens of arrows. The arrowheads themselves glowed with magical energy as they drew closer to their target. All at once the arrows struck, resulting in an explosion that rocked the camp and kicked up a dust cloud that went up about ten feet into the air. The Amazons weren’t stupid, a simple volley like that would not fell the monster so easily and prepared to fire again. However, the wind picked up fiercely as the Envoy, Tala, slashed with her swords, creating a gust that dispersed the dust cloud.

Tala’s long tail whipped forward and found one of the archers, dragging her from her hiding spot and bringing her to bare before her sisters. “Let it be known, you have chosen death.” Tala slashed the Amazon with her obsidian sword, the moment her blade passed through her, the archer went still, and her body began to change into ash until there was nothing left of her.

“YOU WITCH!” Helfyre roared as she charged forward.

Ambrosia drew her spear and followed after her. Helfyre’s long sword glowed with green light as she came down with an overhead strike, but Tala blocked the attack with her left sword, and prepared to stab with the right. However, Ambrosia stepped in and thrust forward, her spear tip glowing and becoming an energy blade construct. Tala saw the spear and quickly backed off to put some distance between them, but when she did, the archers fired another volley of arrows. Tala was not amused and slashed to the right and left with her swords, creating crescent energy waves that slashed the trees and structures and turned them to ash.

The archers who were hidden amongst them had to abandon their cover, and when they did, Tala’s twin tails lashed out and took them. Ambrosia charged forward, ready to impale Tala, but the Envoy brought one of Ambrosia’s Amazonian sisters in front of her to use as a shield. Ambrosia stopped her attack before it could land, Tala had no such qualms as she threw the Amazon archer at Ambrosia and readied to cut her down. The archer pushed herself off of Ambrosia and used her own body to block the blade, and turned to ash before the freckled warrior.

Taking advantage of her stunned state, Tala changed her left sword into a reverse-grip and stabbed downwards with her sword. Helfyre came in at the second and swiped up with her sword, parrying Tala’s attack. The Amazon Captain twirled around into a spinning sword attack that forced Tala to block with both swords until she jumped back to avoid losing her footing.

Ambrosia got up, tears in her eyes from seeing one of her sisters sacrifice themselves for her. But before she could get into her stance, Helfyre held out her hand and asked, “Those prisoners, do you trust them?”

The lieutenant glanced at her captain, and said, “I do.”

“I don’t, but I do trust you. Release them and arm them, if they decide to fight then let them, if not help them flee,” said Helfyre.

“I’ll go, just hang on Captain!” Ambrosia stated. “You three come with me!”

***____________<U> x [+]E[+]____________***

Sunset paced her cell back and forth, she could hear the sounds of battle in the distance, and she could feel the presence of something dark. The guard at her cell seemed anxious, like she wanted to go and help, but knew that she couldn’t abandon her duty. No one had come to inform her or Sunset about what was happening, and it only made it worse.

“Ugh! Guard, something bad is happening over there, there’s an evil presence, I can feel it!” Sunset warned.

“Quiet, prisoner!”

Sunset rushed to the bars with a frustrated look on her face. “The real threat is over there where your friends are fighting! Go and help them I’m not going anywhere!”

“Actually, you are,” said Ambrosia.

The Amazon Lieutenant came running towards her cell, carrying a trunk. Ambrosia gave a quick swipe of her spear and made the bars fall apart, Sunset stepped out of the cell and stopped when Ambrosia approached her. “What’s happening?!”

“Some monster is attacking the camp, she said she was an Envoy of Tirek!”

Sunset’s eyes widened. “Not another one…”

“You’ve fought one before?” Ambrosia asked.

“I have, myself and Emu beat one that attacked the Guardian School a few days ago.”

Ambrosia plopped the trunk in front of them, opened it, and asked, “Are ya up for fightin’ another one? Your friends are right behind me and are armed too. Will…Will you help us?”

***____________<U> x [+]E[+]____________***

“AAAAH!!” Helfyre screamed.

The Amazon Captain backed away as her right arm turned to ash, having narrowly escaped a body slash by sacrificing her right arm. A group of Amazon warriors surrounded their leader, shields up and spears at the ready.

“Why continue to struggle and suffer, when I can just cut you down swiftly and make this painless?” Tala asked.

“We’re Amazons, we don’t know the meaning of word surrender or easy,” said Helfyre.

“So be it!”

Tala shot forward, blades ready to cut down the Amazons where they stood.

“Howling Wind!”

A buffeting wind struck Tala, making her stop in her tracks as she struggled against the gale. Tala looked up and spotted a blue feathered harpy flapping her wings and generating the gust. At that moment a magic circle appeared in front of Tala and from it Emu appeared, slamming his hammer into her face and sending the Envoy flying into two houses before stopping in the third.

Sunset, Ambrosia, Midnight, Emu, and Spectra all lined up in front of the Amazons, weapons and spells ready for the attack. Parado appeared next to Emu, using his game abilities to get some info on their opponent. Sunset and Emu saw the name of their latest foe, “Tala of the Ash”. Four bars of health appeared as the Envoy wrist herself free of the structure and walked towards them.

“You two killed Vorg, my Master will reward me for bringing your heads to him.”

“Be careful, she’ll focus on quick attacks, using hit and run tactics. Watch out for her tails, they can strike and extended to a good distance. The swords will turn you to ash if you get hit by them, but your weapons will be okay. Your armor will protect you, but the more strikes she gets in the less that becomes true.”

“Midnight, hit us with normal buffing spells, and throw in some resistance charms as well,” said Sunset.

Midnight summoned her magic and began her casting. “Accelero, Reinforce, Armor of Dransin, Protection from Curses!”

All members of the team glowed as the various buffs and charms were cast to grant them protection and strength against Tala. Sunset made the opening move and charged straight ahead with great speed, Tala did the same and the two met in the middle. A flurry of slashes was unleashed as Sunset’s sword and Tala’s swords clashed, making the air ring with the sound of crystal against crystal.

Both Sunset and Tala locked their swords as one struggled against the other, but Tala’s twin tails rose up like cobras ready to strike. Ambrosia wasn’t going to have that, she entered the fray swinging down with her lance, making Sunset and Tala break apart. Ambrosia swung in a wide arch, making Tala back away, but as she did, Emu came in with his hammer again, striking her in the head. Tala’s first health bar dropped a considerable amount from the head shot, and made her stumble as if drunk.

“Concussion debuff has set in, attack while she’s open!” Paraod instructed.

Sunset raised her sword to the sky and called out, “LIGHTNING GLAIVE!” she then brought down the sword and unleashed an electrified slash the struck Tala, taking another chunk of her HP bar.

Spectra swooped in as she channeled her own unique magic into her wings, making them glow with silver light. The harpy brought down both wings, slashing in an X pattern as she cried out, “Iron Wing!”

With that attack, Tala’s first bar of HP dropped and shattered, entering the second. Tala’s concussion debuff ended as she roared with fury, an aura of dark energy overcame her as the blades glowed in sync with her. Tala’s twin tails rose up and pierced the ground, without warning the ground erupted before the vanguard as Sunset and Ambrosia got struck in the chest by the attacks. Both warriors were sent to the ground back first, their HP bars dropping a bit, a lot more if not for the buffs from Midnight’s spells.

“New pattern, she’ll attack us from underground with her tails, I’m sorry, I can’t tell where they’ll attack from,” said Parado.

“No problem ghost, she can’t reach me in the air!” Spectra boasted.

As if to prove her wrong, Tala jumped into the sky, meeting Spectra. Before the harpy could react, Tala brought down both blades atop her shoulders and drove them down. The blades did not pass through, but merely struck Spectra and sent her plummeting back to terra firma. The harpy hit the ground with a strong crash that made her skid into a tree, her HP bar and Curse Resistance Armor meter took a large hit.

“Ambrosia, Midnight, Spectra, be more careful! Emu and Sunset have armor, but you three either have light armor or no armor, so your resistance is less than theirs!” Parado warned.

“Her speed increased, Sun-chan, do you think we should…?”

Sunset checked their LB gauges, both were halfway full. “If we transform now, we may not have enough to for when we get her to the last bar, who knows what kind of crazy attacks she’ll have by then.” Sunset looked at the twin tails of Tala and an idea came to mind. “Ambrosia, do you have an earth based attack?”

“I do, why?” Ambrosia asked.

“Wait for the opening, and when you see it, I want you, Emu, and Midnight to use earth attacks and spells all at once. Spectra you still good?” Sunset asked.

Spectra shook her head and waved her wing in affirmation.

Sunset edgeD forward, advancing on Tala. The Envoy didn’t hesitate and struck her tails into the ground again for her subterranean attack. Sunset concentrated on the ground, feeling a light rumble.






Spectra took to the skies and Sunset, having cast the speed spell three times, dodged while leaving an after image of herself. The twin tails sprang out and pierced the afterimage going high into the sky since there was nothing to impale to stop their momentum. Spectra flew in and slashed both tails with her Iron Wings.




A sphere of emerald light formed at the tip of Ambrosia’s spear as she twirled it around and stabbed the ground, sending the raging sphere of light roaring towards the tails. Emu dropped the hammer and sent dozens of rock shards, and Midnight made the leaves of the tress coalesce into a stream of energy beams that went straight at the exposed tails. All the attacks struck at once, exploding on impact.

Tala cried out in pain as she retracted what was left of her tails, in doing so, she didn’t notice how close Sunset had gotten.


Suddenly, Sunset divided up into three Sunsets, and all at once they slashed at Tala in rapid succession thanks to the quadruple Accelero spell. The HP bar dropped like a lead weight in water until the second bar shattered. Sunset backed away, allowing her clones to reform to her, the spells wore off, and now she was back to just one speed spell boost.

Tala’s aura increased in ferocity as she gave a mighty roar that pushed everyone back. Her visor broke, revealing two violet colored eyes that shined with intense rage. “You all will pay for maiming my tails!”

“No choice now,” said Sunset. “LIMIT BREAK!”




Sunset, in a flash of turquoise light, transformed into Kamen Rider Unicorn: Fantasy Knight. With sword in hand, Unicorn once again intercepted Tala, trading blows back and forth to get rid of her third HP gauge.

“Let’s try this!”

Unicorn summoned the Fang Memory and placed it into the Mimetic Drive port.


Unicorn’s body was enveloped by fierce blue light, changing her armor. The armor’s color was now primarily blue, her shoulder pauldrons becoming angular and sharp. The forearm armor now had a curved blue blade attached, and her fingers now claw tipped. Unicorn released a feral growl as she crouched low, and then struck the left hip port button two times.

\\ ARM FANG! //

The blades on Unicorn’s forearm armor extended, glowing a cerulean blue. Tala and Unicorn once again attacked each other creating a blinding light from their dueling powers.

Ambrosia, Midnight, and Spectra just watched in awe at the astounding power of Sunset Shimmer, taking on the Envoy one-on-one. Emu, however, could see what she was doing. Sun-chan’s using her Limit Break all the way to drain the third bar, so that I can take out the last one…I just hope I have enough power…

In the short time that they were engaging, both Unicorn and Tala’s HP gauges were getting low, and Sunset’s LB gauge was getting lower. Deciding to go all in, Unicorn struck the button four times.

\\\\ ALL FANGS! ////


The pauldrons sharpened, the forearm blades, leg blades, and horn blade extended and sharpened to points. Unicorn jumped into the air and then spun, faster and faster she spun until she appeared as an energy buzz saw.


Unicorn launched herself at Tala who was unprepared to take the full might of the attack and was struck head on. An explosion went off, sending a dust cloud into the air and obscuring their view for a moment. Unicorn backflipped until she was now standing before her allies. She then fell to one knee as the transformation ended and her LB gauge drained to zero. Sunset panted heavily, her HP gauge was dangerously low now, preventing her from going back in.

The third bar of health shattered and now the Envoy of Ash roared in utter fury, the blades merged with her arms, transforming them into jagged, twisted versions of the cleanly cut obsidian from earlier. Tala’s facial features changed, her mouth elongated until it was a muzzle, and opened to reveal several rows of razor sharp teeth.

“The rest is up to you, Emu, sorry,” said Sunset.

“Don’t worry, Sun-chan, this is why we have friends, to lean on and help when things are rough, and right now, things are quite rough.” Emu stood confidently before the girls and took an aggressive stance. “I’ll clear this level with no continues!”

Just then, streaks of orange and teal came racing out of the forest, the streaks struck Tala again and again, forcing the Envoy back. The streaks then changed course and headed towards Emu. The streaks went up and then angled down until they struck the ground before him. When the light faded, Emu, and even Parado, were starting wide eyed at what was before them. There were two beings, similar looking to Mighty when he first appeared, but they were different colors, the one on Emu’s right was teal, and the one on his left was orange.

“Parado, it’s –!”

“The Mighty Brothers!”

The two ball shaped warriors gave a thumbs up, and then fist bumped. Their bodies glowed and then became one, transforming into the Mighty Brothers XX Gashat. Emu took hold of the Gashat and smirked.

“Ready to get to work, Parado?!”

“Been ready, Emu!”


The Gamer Driver appeared around Emu’s waist, and without hesitation, inserted the Gashat.





A dual flash of orange and teal light engulfed Emu, and once it faded there were two of him. Both had similar Ex-Aid armor, however, XX-R was colored orange, with the helmet hair was spiking up from his right side, and the left side of his head was teal. While XX-L was teal colored, and had teal spiked helmet hair, while the right side of his head was orange. Both riders had shoulder pauldrons that were one-half of the face of the first level transformation on opposite sides, coming together at the middle to form the full face.

XX-R looked at his body, clenching his fists as he shouted, “YES! It may not be my Dual Gashat but this works too! Now I can finally join the fight!”

Sunset looked between both Ex-Aids in confusion. “Parado?” XX-R looked at Sunset. “Emu?” XX-L now turned to face her. “Wow.”

“Wait, the ghost thing has a body now?!” Spectra exclaimed.


“That’s not going to happen. Because we’ll clear this together with super co-op play!”
“That’s not going to happen. Because we’ll clear this together with super co-op play!”


XX-R held the Key Slasher, which looked like a cross between a sword, ax, and gun, with a dial pad for a guard.

Both Double Xs engaged Tala, XX-R parried the blade strikes, and allowed XX-L to slide in and deliver a kick to her midsection, XX-R then passed the Key Slasher to XX-L who then blocked two strikes and slashed at Tala’s midsection. Tala, enraged, slashed horizontally at XX-L, but XX-L ducked and at the last second tossed the Key Slasher into the air, where XX-R was waiting. XX-R grabbed the Key Slasher and came down with a vertical slash while Tala was wide open.

Sunset and the others couldn’t believe the coordination between them, no words were spoken, it was if they were in each other’s minds and knew what the other was going to do.

Tala’s HP gauge was in the red, and now the Double Xs were ready to finish this.




XX R and L crouched as energy gathered to their feet. The dual Riders jumped at the same time, right and left feet glowing as the XXs performed a double flying kick to Tala. Their blow made contact, but the attack wasn’t finished. They then proceeded to go into a series of midair kicks, and maneuvered away from her. The two XXs merged into one to become their Level X form, which was a bulky white armor form. The Level X form powered up its fists and dashed towards Tala, striking her twice, with each blow shattering the obsidian blade arms. Level X jumped up and separated into XX-R and XX-L, and dove back down with a final flying Rider Kick, causing a massive explosion that shattered Tala’s last HP gauge.

The XXs landed on the ground, kneeling as the flames of the explosion went off behind them. Everyone was staring with jaws dropped in complete silence for a few seconds until Sunset broke the silence, saying, “Okay…that was a bit on the overkill side.”

XX-R and XX-L looked back behind them, and then shrugged.

“Yeah, we thought so too the first time we used that attack,” said XX-L.

“But in this case, it was needed,” replied XX-R.

Both XXs placed their hands on their belts and flipped the switches.


Both halves flashed and revealed Emu and Parado back in his ghostly form. Emu looked to his Bugster companion and said, “Sorry you couldn’t stay in a physical form.”

“It’s no big deal, now that we have that Gashat, I can help you guys fight instead of just tactical support,” said Parado.

Emu took a look around and his face became serious. “Let’s get the wounded to a central location, I’ll need some help with treatment!”

***____________<U> x [+]E[+]____________***

A few hours had passed and everyone was finally able to settle after the battle. Emu headed the effort to treat the injured Amazonians, thanks to his healing magic and medical knowledge, he was able to help many of the Amazons who had received some serious injuries. Spectra was requested to scout the area for any potential attacks and to alert them if she saw anyone. Midnight and Sunset headed the rescue effort to find any Amazons who were caught under any debris.

Helfyre was resting in her bed, on doctor’s orders, while Ambrosia stood at her bedside. “I must say, that man, Emu, he certainly knows a lot about healing spells and medicine, he puts most our healers to shame with knowledge alone. Sadly, he cannot regenerate my arm, guess medicinal knowledge and spells can only do so much.”

Ambrosia grimaced. “I’m sorry, if I was a little faster in getting them, we could’ve been there before this happened…”

“Stop that, I got careless in my attacks, and this is the price I paid. It was either sacrifice my arm or die, in the long run I can better serve our sisters and the Queen alive than dead.” Helfyre looked out her window and saw many of the Amazons moving about, along with their allies directing or helping in the effort. “They’re a strong team, and after this, we’ve officially gotten on Tirek’s bad side.”

“We’ll need to inform the Queen about what’s happened,” said Ambrosia.

“I will, but you’ll be going with them.” Helfyre saw the surprise in her lieutenant’s eyes and chuckled. “Come now, you don’t think I see it your eyes? You were completely captivated by her power, same as those other two girls. But in all honesty, if they’re really going to face Tirek, I have a feeling no one people will be able to defeat him. A team comprised of a Demi-human, an elf, and two humans, sounds to me like the Amazons need some representation here.”

Ambrosia face reddened a little, but she did not hide her smile at hearing her Captain’s blessing to join the ragtag group of travelers. “Thank you, Captain. When I return, it’ll be with the song of victory over Tirek!”

As Ambrosia turned to leave, she heard Helfyre say, “I also expect to see that girl in your arms as you cross threshold of our queendom, too!”

Ambrosia’s face blushed again as she gave a little growl of frustration. The Amazon warrior slapped her face to hide the blush and bring her wits back about her. Ambrosia headed over to where Sunset Shimmer was standing as she talked to Spectra, the harpy nodded to Sunset and then took off back into the sky.

“How is everything?” Ambrosia asked.

“Spectra said that the area was clear, but she’ll do one more sweep to be safe. Midnight and I have been over the camp, and we’ve pretty much found everyone who was injured and moved them to the triage area. And thanks to Emu, your fellow Amazon sisters will be making full recoveries,” said Sunset.

Ambrosia gave a whistle, impressed by her team’s actions. “Wow, most folks would just leave after all that. Considering we imprisoned you, I’m really surprised that you bothered to help us at all.”

Sunset shook her head. “I showed you trust, and you trusted me. I knew being honest was the only way to go to help my friends.”

Ambrosia smiled a little wider. “Well then, I’m guessing you’re still planning on headin’ to Heaven’s Fall to stop Tirek.”


“Mind if I join?” Ambrosia asked.

Sunset turned to the Amazon and smiled. “I take it your Captain granted you permission to do so?”

“Yes, but I also wanted to go as well. You, uh…inspired me to do more, I guess ya could say.”

Sunset held out her hand towards her new companion. “Then welcome to our ragtag team of adventurers.”

Ambrosia took Sunset’s hand and gave a firm shake, but before letting go she said, “Since honesty is my policy, you should know…I kinda like you. That is to say I have romantic feelings towards you.”

Sunset’s lips curled into a grin, a blush overcame her face, and her left eye twitched a little. “O-Oh, okay, glad that you’re not one to beat around the bush…”

Heh…heh…video game versions of my friends are falling for me…is this a nightmare…? What did I do to deserve this?!