• Member Since 20th Feb, 2012
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My stories tend to focus on emotional drama, especially family drama--and much feels, to boot. Buy me a Ko-Fi! ko-fi.com/brokenimage321



Three sets of sisters—one from Ponyville, one from Cloudsdale, one from Canterlot—all make the trek to Sweet Apple Acres for the yearly Sisterhooves Social. They’re all expecting a good time, in their own way, but none of them expect how much the Social will mean to them—or to Equestria as a whole.

Yet another Season 1 AU—I’ll let you figure out the changes for yourself this time. :)

Some mild language, but I think it's mild enough to qualify for the "Everyone" rating.

Based on an idea by Tyranid457.
Beta-read by Eruantalon, Level Dasher, and Matt. Thanks guys!
Art by Alanymph.

Chapters (8)
Comments ( 114 )

The fact that the Pink Pearl comes from the Surprise cultivar only makes it better.

In any case, you certainly have me intrigued. I especially like how slipping square pegs into round-holed families creates some tension from the get-go, whether it's Pinks still having issues with her farmer family, Surfer being far less enamored with Dash when she's his little sister, or Twilight Velvet not being nearly caffeinated enough to deal with Radiance ("Why did we have four, Nighty? For the love of Celestia, why did we have four?" (Er, assuming normal royalty, which is far from guaranteed.))

Eagerly looking forward to see what you do with this worldline.

Oh, right, there are two chapters of this already. :twilightsheepish:

I still love your use of "foundering" as a pony expletive.

Good to see Apple Bloom still exists in this universe. I was worried Pinks had replaced her. And then there's the question of Scootaloo...

Very interesting spin on Windy Whistles. Flyby had to get her anxiety from somewhere. Also, I can't help but wonder what will happen should Surf and Radiance meet each other...

Definitely looking forward to more. The growing tension should cause all kinds of interesting snaps.


Hey! Good to see you again! Thanks for commenting :yay:

The fact that the Pink Pearl comes from the Surprise cultivar only makes it better.

Oh geez--I hadn't noticed! Yes, that is convenient, isn't it? :pinkiehappy:

"Why did we have four, Nighty? For the love of Celestia,why did we have four?"

Hehe, that does sound like something she'd say. :twilightsheepish: May have to steal that for the sequel (if it happens, which, spoiler, isn't likely [This was fun to write, but I'm not sure where else to take it after this initial incident]).


I still love your use of "foundering" as a pony expletive.

Thanks! Can't exactly take credit for that one--someone on reddit suggested it. (Don't want to dig up the thread just now, it's probably buried in my profile somewheres). FWIW, the user pointed out that a lot of human profanity comes from diseases, e.g., "measly," "lousy," and so on. "Foundering" seems like a good pony analogue--"founder" is a condition that makes horses' hooves fall off. Plus, even if you're not familiar with equine medicine, it just sounds bad.


And, of course, I give you permission to use it in your own work, if you like :raritywink:

this is going to be good,
I have feel that not long after Surf meet Radiance, Surf will meet Shinny and wall of magic
now we just got to wait for the CMC to meet.

btw how old is twilight and the mane 6

Why does Pinkie's cutie mark have a green balloon and 2 red ones?


I haven't nailed down their ages, but, in my head, they're all around 16-17. Pinks and Twilight are a little younger than the rest, though.

Slight mistake on the part of the artist, actually. Since Pinks is an Apple, not a Pie, she has a different cutie mark--in this case, hers are supposed to be three apple-shaped balloons (She loves apples, but she still likes having a good time).

i feel bad for nightlight and twilight velvet also I thought that twilight sparkle and serenade where the same pony but It would seem i was wrong

wait how many kids to the sparkle family have?

5, kid I think, shiny, rarity, twilight, sweetie bell and spike,

I wonder if rarity and Candace are good friends.

Four and a half. From oldest to youngest, there's: Shining Armor, Radiance (AU Rarity), Twilight Sparkle, Moonlight Serenade (AU Sweetie Belle), and Spike. Shining Armor has already left home to join the Guard (he's gotten the day off to spend with his family today), but the rest are still at home. Spike's place in the family is a little uncertain--that is, no one's sure whether to treat him as a stepbrother, or a good friend, or Twilight's adopted son--but he's best friends with Serenade in any case.

I've... tried really hard to communicate all this without laying out an explicit family tree, but I'm not sure I succeeded. :twilightblush:

Would be tempted to ship Serenade x Spike--after all, they're not blood-relatives--if I hadn't just beaten Crossbreed Priscilla for the first time.

so are twilight and sweetie belle twins or is twilight older because they seem like twins

TBH, I haven't thought about Cadance--but that's an awesome idea! As I've said in other comments, I'm not planning on a sequel--despite the "-verse" tag, this feels like a one-and-done story--but I might use that idea if I ever write a sequel :raritywink:

Sorry for the confusion. Just so we're clear:

In Chapter 1, Radiance has her linens in a twist because Twilight took the girls' bathroom before she could. When she finally went to use Shiny's bathroom, she discovered that Moonlight Serenade had taken it first (hence why she snuck off at the very beginning of her section).

In my head, Twilight is about 14-15, and Serenade is 10-11. So, definitely not twins. Ordinarily, I'd say "The Author Is Dead"--any interpretation that you find compelling is valid--but there's a pretty stark age difference between the two.

Oh my God, this is an amazing AU story of the Mane 6! Its cute, adorable & original! you my friend, have my full attention! Can't wait for more!

P.S. From what I pieced together, Rarity is the big sister while Twilight is the young sister, AJ is the (2nd) oldest while AB & Pinkie are the 3rd & 4th Apples in the respectfully. So what about Fluttershy & Rainbow, who is the older sister?

Haven't read the story, but based on canon characterization and details (specifically, Fluttershy's "I'm a year older than you" comment to Pinkie), I'd assume Fluttershy is the older sister, but the dynamic is reversed with Rainbow being the one protective of her.

So Applejack, Twilight Sparkle, and Rainbow Dash are still themselves.
Pinkie Pie is now Pink Pearl Apple; Rarity is now Radiance; and Fluttershy is now Flyby.

Serenade said nothing, but instead, she turned and crept away with a stealthy grace that belied her ten years--almost like that time she was convinced she was going to get her cutie mark in being a ninja.

This sentence had me thinking that Serenade was Sweetie Belle.

Bow leaned over and nudged Surf. “Apple pies, eh?” he said. “Sounds like it might be right up your alley, Surf…”

Is Surfer Beach supposed to be Soarin? I don't think we got a description.


"Why did we have four, Nighty? For the love of Celestia, why did we have four?"

Even worse, it's actually five, because they also had to deal with Spike who would have been bout the same age as Serenade.

Interesting AU and set up. I do like that you found a way to keep Pinkie's name while being an apple.

If you haven't read the story, then please read it then give me an official answer, thank you.

Why isn't Pinkie a Pie? That sounds weird-Pinkie Apple. I don't like the sound of that at all

So, both the pegasi have a thing for Big Mac (along with probably most of the mares in Ponyville). Everything I think of this event, I can't help but this of this comic.

I read the story and I believe the Apple siblings, from oldest to youngest, are Big Mac, Applejack, Pink Pearl, Apple Bloom.
Radiance is the eldest of the sisters with Shining being the eldest child.
Rainbow and Flyby are twins, but Rainbow is older by four minutes.

Thanks for the answer Frankie :pinkiehappy:

Interesting concept. I like how you portrayed the intrafamilial tensions.

I pity Twilight Velvet and Night Light, having to bring up four squabbling kids -- at least the Apples are used to big families.

Heh. I'm guessing Pinks must get along well with cousin Goldie Delicious.

Rarity wanting to be cop is... unusual, but between the Shadow Spade novels and a big brother in the Guard it does make sense that she would want that. Same with the shield spell (which I think is reference to Equestria Girls?). On that note, what's Rarity's/Radiance's special talent in this story?

Also, just to make sure I'm reading this right, I assume they're all meant to be teenagers here? Assuming that they're the same ages overall and considering that Zephyr, the youngest in his family, is fifteen, that seems like the most obvious conclusion.

An interesting premise! Looking forward to more.

Out of interest, what was it that decided who ended up moving family? Was there any thought to having one parent from each of the canon families? I really liked how you had Pinks have the Apple accent, but still sound like Pinkie. And Rainbow and Flyby building each other up and holding each other back was lovely. But Radiance and Twilight Velvet were by far the highlight :pinkiehappy:

Great introduction to your latest story. I LOVED all three of the "family introduction" scenes. The exchanges, characterizations and future chapter set-up are all well done in all the right places.

Well, on to the next chapter.

Serenade is the au Sweetie Belle.
and Surf I think is flutterhsy lazy brother what his name who hit on every other female....

I hope so, I can also see year later rarity move to ponyville to open up her shop cause it cheaper then in city. and twilight has move into the castle full time with spike and folk drop sweetie belle with rarity as they take a very much needed trip that end up going around the world.

Again, simply superb work on this chapter. The characterizations, exchanges and future chapter set-ups are all well done in all the right places.

I particularly liked AJ's scene concerning her sisters and the trees (good to know Pink's Cartoon Physics stuff still works even as an Apple), Radiance and Twilight's rather spirited discussion concerning their literary heroes, Radiance's ATTEMPT to talk to Shining as well as Rainbow and Flyby's first meeting with Big Mac.

I am most certainly going to be looking forward to more of this.

So if Sweetie Belle joined Rarity into Twilight's family, and Zephyr Breeze joined with Fluttershy into Rainbow's family, I wonder what happened to remaining Pie sisters. Perhaps in an effort to not have six sisters under one roof, they were shipped off to another branch of the Apple family tree? Babs Seed probably just gained three older sisters.

On her flank were three balloons—apple-shaped, of course—in red and green.

*looks at the fiction cover carefully* Sure... apple shaped...

Also this seems like a great AU so far. Off to read the next chapter now :twilightsmile:

Holy cow... I left for a couple hours, and this thing exploded!


8905060 8904967 8904892

Frankie2 got it right.
The only thing to add is that Surfer Beach is a stand-in for Zephyr Breeze (say them out loud).

It seems that the various family trees are proving more difficult to follow than I thought. Would it be helpful of me to write a blog post or something outlining them all?

Radiance's special talent is her shields--and, yes, that was taken from EQG. She still has the fashionable sensibilities of her canon self, but her talent isn't fashion anymore.

And, yes, they're all intended to be teenagers, ages ranging from roughly 14-17.


Out of interest, what was it that decided who ended up moving family?

Reddit user Tyranid457, actually. In a post from a few months ago, he suggested the bare-bones of this AU, outlining the members of each family. I don't know if there was a rhyme or reason to it, but I liked it enough that I decided to write it up.

Ooo, that would be a GREAT idea for a sequel! Only problem is, I really like the idea of Radiance being a cop--as does she, as you'll see in coming chapters. But that general outline--Serenade needs to temporarily move in with Radiance, who has already planned to spend the weekend with Cadance--sounds amazing. I have a couple other fics on my plate ATM, but I'm going to file that one away.


What happened to the other pie sisters?

Relevant image.

srsly: the scope of this fic is purposely rather narrow, so I didn't make a decision on that point. In my head, the only changes to this AU is that the various families decided to have an extra kid or two. Hence, the rest Pies are probably back at the farm, with no Pinkie to entertain them. But, if you have an alternate idea, I'd love to hear it :)

Yeah... there's a couple other details that are slightly off, but I'm gonna say "Good enough for government work." I'm actually quite pleased with the result.

That's... kinda the premise of this fic, is that the Mane 6 is composed of three sets of biological sisters. I like the idea of changing up their dynamics a bit and seeing what happens.

In this story, Pinkie is renamed "Pink Pearl Apple," after an apple with pink flesh. You may be pleased to note that she still has a "Granny Pie"--specifically, great-grandmother Dutch Apple Pie.

If that premise is hard to swallow, I'm sorry. But others seem to be getting a kick out of it...

it would because I am wondering what the ages are and where in the time line this takes place (I.e before lunas return, after, was she even sent to the moon ext)also where does scootaloo fits into this

Of course this exploded, you're sitting on a gold mine with this instant classic! :pinkiehappy:

That Rarity scene was glorious!

Again, splendid job on the latest chapters. The exchanges, characterizations and future chapter set-up were wonderfully done. I particularly liked Pink's falling prey to the "double-cute-eyes" concerning the pies, Radiance putting Surf in his place and Rainbow and Flyby's meeting with Apple Bloom .

And now, I'm on to the next chapter.

Rarity said knock you out! :rainbowlaugh:

Wonderful work on this chapter. I love the effort that went into the exchanges, characterizations and future chapter set-up. I absolutely adored how Serenade talked Radiance into getting into the race to help Twilight, as well as the deal Rainbow had to make to get Flyby to enter the race with her and considering the scene with Apple Bloom, I can make a pretty good guess as to how AJ and Pink end up racing together .

And, now, well, I will most definitely be looking forward to more of this.

“Aw, con sarn it,” she muttered to herself, and set off after it.

Uh ohhh.... This can't end well...

And so fate conspires to bring the cover image to fruition. Given how the sibling pairs in question seemed poised to snap at each other at a moment's notice, this will likely end poorly in the most hilarious way imaginable.

“Oh dear,” Radiance said, in the same, expressionless tone. “It seems to have happened again.” She looked down at Surfer, a look of open disdain in her eyes. “I must be having a reaction of some sort,” she said, almost casually. “Perhaps it has something to do with slimy little colts pretending to be the sort of stallion that is actually worth my time,” she hissed.

I love how the names that you changed for the characters still feel like those characters

He got roasted like a toast...

This looks like it's going to be an interesting race, and we haven't even started yet.

the racers are ready it looks like

I read the next chapter but still don't understand why this chapter cut off so abruptly.

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