• Published 2nd May 2018
  • 1,960 Views, 182 Comments

A Disparate Bond - the7Saviors

Sometimes, one change -- one little detail is all it takes to unravel the threads of one's fate, but these threads will not stay unbound. The ties will be bound anew and a certain lavender filly's fate will change drastically.

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A Wrong Turn

For all Starlight's suspicions of Tungsten, the stallion had been nothing but pleasant company all throughout breakfast.

Twilight had taken the opportunity to find out more about both the Grey Asylum and the roles Hunters and Defenders played in society.

Unsurprisingly, they weren't able to get a whole lot out of the stallion regarding Aeon herself. It seemed no one knew much about their leader other than that she somehow was able to work the occasional miracle.

Even Twilight had to admit that sounded a bit suspect, but as she and Starlight were the ones being trained by the mare, she figured they could keep an eye on her.

Honestly, if Twilight thought about it, she and Starlight probably knew more about the mare than almost anyone else in the Grey Asylum, and they hadn't even been there for a week.

That wasn't to say they knew much themselves either, but if they continued to spend more time around Aeon, Starlight was certain the mare would let something about herself slip eventually.

In any case, time went on as the two fillies and large stallion talked over strange and—in Twilight's case—exotic boiled desert plants, seasoned breads, and beverages that tasted like slightly sweetened milk, among other things.

When the inevitable question of how the two fillies came to live in a place like the Grey Asylum, said fillies hesitated, unsure of whether or not to share their story.

After a silent debate between the two and a resolute frown from Twilight, the lavender filly decided to tell Tungsten how she came to the land beyond the Barrier—though it was done haltingly and not without the odd sniffle or two.

Starlight remained resolutely quiet on her own experience, choosing instead to focus on devouring the last of her own breakfast.

They both told the stallion of their upcoming tutelage under Aeon and what they had experienced so far since they had been taken into town.

They didn't tell Tungsten about their other tutors however. Something told both of them that it would be best not to bring it up.

Tungsten took in all the information with both a solemn air and good humor whenever either was appropriate. In return, he told the fillies of his life as a Hunter and more about how the fortress town worked.

He told them who and what to avoid should they ever find themselves lost in town. Surprisingly, the stallion had mentioned Bannon as one of the creatures to avoid like the plague.

The name rang familiar, and when Starlight mentioned they had met the shady diamond dog, that led to them asking about the relationship between Burning Comet and Bannon.

As it turned out, Tungsten knew about Burning Comet, mentioning that he and the other stallion were 'something like friendly rivals'.

Apparently it was much the same with many of the Hunters and Defenders. For the most part, the rivalry was tame, if somewhat bitter, but there were some who were a bit more congenial in their competition.

Unfortunately, the only thing Tungsten knew about Bannon and Burning Comet was that they used to be friends in some gang back when they were younger.

Both fillies had already guessed as much based on what Bannon said when they had met him. What they didn't understand and were trying to find out, was Bannon's current animosity and Burning Comet's cold demeanor.

With that question going unanswered for the moment, breakfast finished, and the two fillies said their goodbye to Tungsten before exiting out of the still bustling Great Hall.


"So what?"

Twilight smirked at Starlight's irritated grimace, knowing full well that the other filly knew what she was talking about.

"So... he wasn't so bad, was he?" Twilight remarked, her smirk turning into a genuine smile, "he was friendly and even got us more food when we asked."

Starlight inhaled, ready to make some kind of retort, only to let out the breath in an explosive sigh. She shrugged, trying to look nonchalant as she replied.

"I guess he was alright," she conceded, "at least we learned a lot more about the Grey Asylum."

Twilight nodded in agreement before hanging her head slightly.

"We also learned more about what we're probably gonna have to do once Aeon thinks we're ready."

"Yeah," Starlight responded quietly, a small frown on her face, "there's also that... I guess."

The two trotted through the busy halls of the Fortress in contemplative silence for a time, paying no heed to who passed by or where they were going.

It was several minutes later that Twilight finally spoke, getting tired of the silence between the two.

"So... what now?"


Starlight, who had her head lowered with a thoughtful frown, raised it to meet Twilight's questioning look.

"Oh... I dunno," she looked around, trying to gauge where they were, "to be honest, I thought Aeon would get somepony to look for us."

Twilight followed Starlight's example and scanned their surroundings, her look of curiosity turning to one of worry.

"Starlight?" she asked nervously, "where are we?"

"What?" Starlight furrowed her brow and looked down the now empty hall they had unwittingly wandered into, "we're... uh... oh, horseapples."

A bit further ahead of where they were, was a path that split off into two directions. One path led to the left, and one to the right.

Looking back the way they had come, Starlight could only see more of the same hallway.

The lack of any other creatures whatsoever when there had been dozens making their way through the halls only moments ago only served to unnerve the fillies even more.

There were single doors made of a dark wood lining the corridor behind them, at regular intervals.

The fillies had no idea where they led, and something told them it wouldn't have been a good idea to try and find out.

What didn't help their nerves in the slightest was the fact that the hall was much darker than where they had been before, with sconces few and far between each other.

How did we not notice such a huge change in where we were?

Starlight pushed the thought aside and swallowed nervously before turning back to Twilight.

"I... I think we're lost."

"I think you're right," Twilight agreed, shifting her gaze from one end of the hallway to the other, "I don't recognize this place at all. I don't think Burning Comet ever took us down this way."

"What do you think?" Starlight asked, a growing curiosity burning just below her worry, "should we go back the other way or—"

"You two shouldn't be here."

The two fillies shrieked in terror and scrambled away from the voice, only for Twilight to stop as her confusion and curiosity took over.

Standing in the middle of the path leading left and right, was a colt unlike any either filly had ever seen.

Well, they thought it was a colt anyway. It looked like a colt, save for the tiny black batlike wings, little fangs, and orange, catlike eyes that seemed to practically glow in the dim light of the hallway.

Everything else about the creature was largely equine. He had a dark grey coat, a bright orange mane and tail that matched his eyes, and a morose look about him.

He looked no older than Twilight herself, and the sheer strangeness of the creature was enough to keep Twilight's panic at bay somewhat.

Starlight on the other hoof, was still ready to make a break for it.

"Starlight, wait!" Twilight cried, pulling on the other filly's tail, "I don't think he's gonna hurt us or anything!"

"Don't care," Starlight grunted as she tried to pull away, "not taking any chances!"

"Starlight, come on!" Twilight growled, pulling harder, "Just... wait a minute! Let's hear what he has to say!"

Starlight stopped struggling and said nothing for a moment. Twilight waited a few seconds before cautiously letting go of Starlight's tail.

The moment she did, the pink filly whipped around to face her with a glare.

"You know what? Fine!" she snapped her gaze over to the now wide eyed colt, who flinched back at the look on Starlight's face, "well? You have something to say?"

"I... I don't," the colt stuttered, "I d-didn't mean to... m-mean to sc—"

"Come on, out with it!" Starlight snapped, marching right up to the panicky colt, "why'd you pop out of nowhere and scare us half to death, huh? This place is creepy enough without you—"

"Starlight, stop it!" Twilight yelled angrily, "you're scaring him!"

"I'm scaring him?" Starlight replied, turning to give the other filly an incredulous look, "look at him! He's the scary one! What is he? Where did he even come from?"

"I'm sorry."

Both Twilight and Starlight turned back to the colt just in time to see him disappear down the rightmost path.

"Hey, wait!" Twilight called out as she pushed past a confused Starlight, "come back! I just wanna talk!"

"Twilight!" Starlight cried out as Twilight prepare to chase after the strange colt, "what are you doing? We should be going the other w—"

"Shut up, Starlight," Twilight growled, giving Starlight an icy glare that caused the other filly to reel back in shock, "you can go back if you want, but I'm gonna make sure he's okay."

Before Starlight could respond, the lavender filly hurried off in the same direction the colt went.

Starlight was left, standing there in the hallway alone, her hoof slightly raised and her face still a mask of shock.

The shock quickly became a look of anger, then uncertainty, and her ears finally folded back as the guilt of what she had said finally settled in.

For a moment she sat there in silence, wincing as she remembered the look on Twilight's face.

She fell to her haunches and inhaled deeply before letting out the breath in a sigh heavy with regret.

"Ah... buck," she muttered to herself, "stupid conscience... stupid bat pony... stupid Twilight and her stupid... stupid... gah!"

She stood up and stomped down the hallway after the other two. That lasted all of a few hoof-lengths before her shoulders slumped and she dragged her hooves the rest of the way.

Maybe Twilight was right, maybe I don't need to be suspicious about everypony we meet.

She didn't want to admit that Twilight might've been right, and she wouldn't... but she could at least apologize for being a jerk and hear what the odd bat pony creature had to say.

Even if he did still creep her out.

Author's Note:

I was honestly going to just skip over the day and go straight to the talk with Fleur, but then I realized I'd be passing up an opportunity.

Twilight and Starlight are about to have a very productive day, and it ain't gonna be your average Cutie Mark Crusader misadventure either. :ajsmug:

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