• Published 11th Apr 2018
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Kingdom of the Sphinx - TheTruckerBrony

Somnambula tell the tale of her past in her own words, her courtship with a prince, her love affair with a temple mare, and how she defied the Sphinx to save a kingdom.

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The Day of Offering

My Dearest Somnambula

I have joyous news- My pilgrimage to Pandaemonium will soon be at an end. In three days I will be confirmed and after I settle accounts here, we will be voyaging back down the river to my true home, the land of the Sphinx. I feel so excited at the idea of entering into service of the temple, and finally putting all this learning and training to work. My time here has been fruitful, and this mysterious city has it's charms, but I look forward to seeing home again. I've missed my family, my friends, you most of all. Of course I also miss Jepti, but knowing cats as I do he'd scarcely notice I'd left. He must has grown in the years I'd been away.

I must confess this, as it will be easier to do in writing than face to face. I have failed my final exam to be a priestess. I was most disappointed, but I can't say it was a surprise. After all, only one in a thousand qualify to be a Priestess. Pressing on, I still received the coveted position of temple warden. While I would have preferred the life of a priestess, but I think the position will suit me well.

Of course, this means that I will be able to marry one day and as I'll be making my return around offering day I fear many suitors will be pestering me at the feast. In truth, no one in court could catch my eye, not a single one. There is but one, we both know who could possibly capture me, but I dare not write the name. Perhaps when I attend the feast, I can rekindle this old fire. I look forward to this most of all.

Hug Jepti for me, and know that I look forward to seeing you again. Your friendship has been an inspiration and has been a great comfort through the trying times of my pilgrimage. I hope I can repay you in some form when we meet again.

With love always,

So many ponies know the story, it hardly seems worth telling. The famine, the Sphinx, the riddle, the daring rescue, that part is no mystery. However, in a thousand years it seems ponies have forgot the truth behind the myth. My people lacked a written word that could survive to this day, so ponies of modern times can be forgiven for not remembering the truth of the story. Trading the ponies who lived, and suffered those trying times for a comforting fairy tale.

They speak of me, Somnambula the Pillar of Hope, as if I were a saint. Parents tell their foals tales of the adventures of courageous Prince Hisan, and many a soldier has entertained themselves by firelight with tales of the great Bomani, the soldier so powerful they called him the ender of worlds. But where are the tales of her? Her name has been lost like nighttime dew meeting the sun. I will remember her, and with this document, I hope her legend and what she did for the kingdom will be remembered by all.

Another thing that I wish to clarify, while we're getting this all in writing; is the relationship we had with the Sphinx. In my kingdom, the Sphinx was not just an evil crop stealing meanie, she was the patron of the entire kingdom. While we did have a Pharaoh, far and wide we were known as the "Kingdom of the Sphinx" because it was her who granted us with her blessing on the crops to make them fruitful, and her wisdom to advise our leaders. The Sphinx was not just powerful physically, she was powerful in magic, well able to keep our kingdom prosperous and safe. In truth, we loved her for it. Every merchant, farmer, and craftsman in the kingdom would bring her a portion of their yield as an offering. We did this once a year, and it was known as the Offering feast. This day was one of our most joyous days. Everypony from the lowliest peasant to the Pharaoh himself stands before the Sphinx, and she knew all of us by name. All our functions, be they courtships, business deals, or matters of war, where decided on this day. For that was the day we were in the presence of the Sphinx, and had access to her great wisdom.

I awoke the morning of the offering day, the same way I often did, with my beloved cat, Jepti walking over my head. This was the black and white cat's usual way of telling me I'd slept to long for his liking, and he was ready to be fed. I opened the jar of pickled fish I kept near the bed and poured a portion into Jepti's dish. Stretching as I stepped out of the bed. My mother hated that I kept a jar of stinking fish by my bed but Jepti rarely got his fill of mice. The magic of the Sphinx kept the vermin away so much, I had to resort to feeding my cat.

It was a bit late in the morning, as the night before I'd stayed up late under lamp light, writing a letter to Jasmine, wishing her luck in her new job as temple warden. Only as Jepti walked across the letter, giving the letter the inky paw prints Jasmine was so used to seeing in letters from me, did I realize, Jasmine would be at the offering feast today, I would see her and could talk to her face to face. She'd been on her pilgrimage for so many years I started to think of her as just somepony I wrote letters to. The idea of seeing her in person, feeling her dark coat against my cheek as I held her. It was going to be a good offering day.

My modest little mud hut was at the rear of my family's lot, and it was a short flight to the main house, and I needed to pretty myself up for the festival. I soared up and out of my window, the hot sun against my back, rows of clay hives stretching out ahead of me With the occasional pony walking among them, doing their rounds. Another fact lost to time for you: my family where beekeepers, we sold honey, Royal jelly and wax. It was a good business, the bees did most of the work and only demanded flowers in return for their efforts. My father liked to joke we had twenty million employees and we paid them in pollen.

"Good morning Skati, Lazos, Et!" I shouted at the servants, tending to the hives.

"Good Morning Sombambula!" Skati shouted, "Will you be seeing the prince today?"

I grinned sideways at the Stallion, "I probably will!" I said as I flew by. "I'll wear my good hat!"

I knew what Skati was talking about, but I wasn't about to feed the rumor mill. Prince Hisan and I had been talking about entering into an official courtship, and the word on the street was that he was going to ask me at the offering feast. It made sense, Hisan and I had all the same teachers, and spent a lot of time together in court. My father was not wealthy, but he was well loved by the Pharaoh, I was a good choice. As I landed in the hall of my parent's estate, my mother made her views on the subject quite vocal.

"Sonambula! We leave for the offering feast in TWO HOURS! That's not nearly enough time to prepare! You are being Courted by a PRINCE today!"

I sighed as I landed, my mother with her brilliant golden coat, jeweled headdress and ornate gown, was convinced that if I didn't have every hair in my coat just right I would die a pauper. Appearance was very, very important to her, which is odd since my father was born blind.

My father, Zaan, was short, portly, and his eyes where the color of a stormy sky. I love my father, but I have to admit he is not a handsome man. My mother, who could have married any noble in the kingdom for her perfect beauty, chose a pudgy, lovable beekeeper. My mother broke a lot of hearts doing that, and the only explanation she ever gave was that she fell in love. My father, who couldn't even grasp the concept of physical beauty could only marry for love.

"Mom, I have plenty of time."

"It takes three hours in the milk bath to make your coat shine,"

"I'm not taking a milk bath," I said, getting sick just thinking about the smell of all that warm donkey milk.

"Ophet, allow me to take care of our daughter," My father said, setting me down near a vanity in the hall. "And I'll speak to her on these matters, you go finish getting ready."

Mom smiled and nodded, "Of course my love," She said, two servants taking her back into the house's spa.

My father sat me down in front of the copper mirror, and pulled out the wooden makeup case. I know it's weird, a pony blind from birth doing my eye makeup, but my father had done my makeup since I was a foal. He did it by feel only, and never once was there a single mistake.

"Dad, it makes no sense, Mom spends hours getting ready for every event, it seems so tiresome."

"Beauty is very important to her." Dad said, blackening the area around my eyes. "She does it for me."

"Why? You can't see it,"

My father smiled, "I can feel the softness of her coat. Smell her perfume." He said. "And all this trouble is her way of telling me she loves me. Even if I cannot see it I know."

There was a bit of silence and he combed my mane. Mom likely wanted him to talk to me about the Prince.

"So, you should know Prince Hisan came to me recently, and asked if it was okay if he courted you."

I giggled, "I hope that's okay with you, I mean if the Prince isn't good enough for you then who is?"

My father smiled, "Oh, I said yes. He would make you a good husband, if you chose him."

"Daddy, it's just a courtship,"

"I know, but a father can dream can't he?" He said, slipping on my headdress. "To me Somambula, you've always been a princess. It would be nice to have that made official."

"You talk like I won't marry Prince Hisan," I explained.

Father brushed my tail, "Well, I hear Jasmine is back in town, and will be at the festival." he said slyly. "Won't it be nice to see her again?"

I blushed so brightly I think Dad could see it. "It will," I said.

"My daughter, such a big heart." Father said, brushing down my coat. "You have so much love, for me, for mother, for the prince, for all the Kingdom. If you marry Hisan, I will be happy. If you marry another, I will be happy."

"I think I sense a 'but' on the way." I said with a giggle.

"But-" My father confirmed. "It is good for the daughter of a noble to be in a courtship when she reaches your age. And even if Hisan had no noble title, he's a good man. It is your decision, Somnambula. Just keep in mind that you don't have to marry him, a courtship is just a way for two ponies to get to know each other."

"Yes," I agreed. "But I already know Hisan."

"Not as well as you could learn from a courtship." Dad said, slipping on my linen dress. "There we are, now if Prince Hisan wishes to court you, he will have to wait in line behind every Batchelor in the kingdom."

I giggled and hugged my father, "Thanks Daddy." I said.

"Well, let us gather the offering." Daddy said, "The Sphinx awaits."


I would learn later that Prince Hisan had chose that morning to clear his head with a little combat training. Now, when you think Combat training you might think a few exercises, and a few sword drills, but keep in mind that Prince Hisan's bodyguard, general and combat trainer was Bomani. Growing up with Bomani, I knew him as the kid that used to sit behind me in temple, he thought the funniest thing in the world was to wait for a quiet moment in the prayers and fart as loud as he could. However where I chose to follow my father, and Jasmine chose to go into religion, he chose battle. And even at his young age, Bomani was known as one of the most talented fighters in the kingdom. He got that way through hellish training, and one of his jobs was to teach Hisan to fight like him. That was a brutal process, since combat was a brutal thing.

"Are you Comfortable, Prince?" Bomani taunted as he stood on a raised platform at the head of the gymnasium where the Azure stallion lounged on a satin cushion while drinking his morning beer.

At the Moment, Prince Hisan was anything but comfortable. He stood on four wooden stools, with a block of granite on his back. In his teeth was a great chain, where hung a ball of heavy stone. Four soldiers with Bamboo staves stood around him, archers at the boundaries of the large room.

"I could use a little more weight," Hisan joked, muffled by the chain in his mouth.

"Royalty is so hard to satisfy," Bomani lamented as he lifted his bowl to get a swig of the thick beer before standing and flying down to where Prince Hisan stood.

Bomani wasn't tall, he was just a touch smaller than Hisan. He wasn't muscular as you'd think a warrior should be, and he had no scars. While even at that age, he'd survived dozens of battles, and had that smooth coat of his stained with blood before. . .none of it his. I remember him being a dashing stallion, and he had a sweet smile, deceptive for a pony who had killed as often as he did.

"Begin!" Bomani shouted.

The four ponies began to swing their bamboo staves, striking Prince Hisan in the ribs, the legs, the sides of the neck. Not hard enough to leave a bruise, but hard enough that he felt it. Hisan stood strong, not shaking, not even blinking, just taking the pain.

"You are a prince, but you are a warrior." He roared, "Warriors do not feel the enemy's blows,"

Bomani motioning to the archers, and they raised their bows, firing blunt-tipped arrows a the prince, striking him in the chest. Still, the Prince did not react, standing as still as a statue.

"His arrows will not pierce you! His spears will not stab you!" Bomani roared, "HIs poisons will not affect you!"

The general motioned to another pony, who had a bowl of chilies in oil, that he took into his mouth, chewed and spat upon the prince. The searing oil spraying into his eyes, making them red and irritated.

Bomani reared back and kicked Prince Hisan in the chest, "You are unshakable, unbeatable, INVINCIBLE!" He shouted, "Now, Defeat your enemy! Ignore the Obstacles! Ignore the pain! Defeat the enemy!"

Prince Hisan roared, bending down and pushing his wings upwards, throwing the marble block across the room at the archers, who Dropped their bows and got out of the way. Instead of dropping the rock in his mouth he swung it over his head like a gigantic flail knocking over all four of the ponies with staves. He picked up one of the bamboo rods and grinned at Bomani.

"Good work, My prince," Bomani said, picking up one of the staves, "But now it's down to you, and down to me,"

Prince Hisan twirled the bamboo rod as the two circled, "You have to weigh me down with rocks and cloud my eyes with poison before fighting me? Are you that afraid of losing to me?"

"Your Majesty, I count sixty seven times we have fought, and each time I've won." Bomani said, "What sense would it make if you were a better fighter than your own bodyguard?"

"Make the first move then, Ender of Worlds," Prince Hisan taunted, "You won't get sixty eight,"

"Far be it from me to attack royalty," Bomani said with a bow, "You make the first move, I insist."

"NEITHER of you go first!" The Commanding voice of the Pharaoh shouted.

Bomani's eyes grew wide and he bowed.

"The Sphinx will be here soon, Hisan and you would greet her covered in sweat and," The Pharaoh bent forward to smell his son, "Is that Chili powder?"

"Part of his training my liege," Bomani said,

"Shut up, general." The Pharaoh said, "Go get ready for the feast, if you show up looking like that your mother will kill you."

"Of course," Bomani said bowing and running off.

"The rest of you get out of here," The Pharaoh said, "See the healer if you need it."

Soon the room was clear, and Hisan was along with his father.

"Father, I thought it would be nice to, get my mind of things."

"I understand, My son." The Pharaoh said. "I heard you visited the beekeeper,"

"Yes, father."

The Pharaoh nodded. "Somnambula then, she is a lovely mare."

"Yes, and a good friend."

"Well, I would ask the Sphinx about her blessing." The Pharaoh said. "Or, of Military matters. I just received word from Aten, to the south."

"Word From Panampen?" Hisan Asked. "Has the unrest been settled?"

"In a manner of speaking." The Pharaoh said, a touch of sorrow in his voice. "All Pegasi have been ejected from the city by the Baratas, there was little violence, but they made clear that if our tried to stay there would be more."

"But, that's our primary source of Bronze!" Hisan said, "And we have an agreement with the Baratas that run the city, your people have always lived in peace there,"

"Yes, my son it seems that has changed." The Pharaoh stated."The leader of the Ghurkas, Zion has conquered many Baratas, beheading tribal leaders and adding their number to his army. He may be trouble."

"We should ask the Sphinx," Hisan said. "I will tell her of this man, and-"

"My son, you will ask her about Somnambula, and your future with her." The Pharaoh interrupted. "I will bother her with political matters. I will send Diplomats to Panampen, perhaps this. . .Zion character can be reasoned with. If not, an army will follow and Bomani can MAKE him reasonable."

"He can be quite convincing," Hisan agreed. "I will worry about my courtship."

"My son, Somnambula would make you a good wife, but I did not think you looked upon her with romantic intentions,"

"Well, I'm not sure I do." Hisan admitted. "But she's attractive, smart, she makes me laugh,"

"But you speak of her like you speak of a childhood friend, not a potential wife."

"Somnambula Is a childhood friend," Hisan said with a laugh, "And I figure I've never courted anypony, I will likely court many before I marry, why not start with sompony I'm comfortable with? Somepony I respect?"

The Pharaoh laughed, "Well if you respect her, go get a bath." He said. "You smell like a spicy pasta right now,"

"Somnambula loves pasta,"

"Son, take a bath and put on your makeup."

"Of course father,"


The plaza, it didn't survive. The temples, the pyramids, they survived. I've been back there, to the town they named after me, where the Plaza used to be and it's all but gone. Imagine a road, made of tiles of pure blue turquoise that stretched from the palace to the temple, covered in archways of white granite. In the center of the grand plaza, was the square, where the offering feast was held, the pedestal where the Sphinx would sit and the large fountain where she would drink.

IN the thousand years since that day, the precious turquoise was picked clean, the arch was topped, the fountain dry, the pedestal worn down, but I remember it all. I remember when I saw Jasmine again, most of all. I've done a fairly limited job of explaining it before, but Jasmine and I had a bit of romance when we were teenagers. Priestesses had to be virgins, so we didn't go all the way, but there was a romantic fall we spent making promises we could never keep. Promises of marriage, growing old together and all that. Even as we said those things, we knew it was silly. It was what teenagers who knew nothing of the world said, of course we'd never be together forever. When Jasmine left on her pilgrimage years ago, we promised to put those things behind us and go on as friends. Yet another promise we didn't keep. Now, I didn't even process that Jasmine was a temple warden now. It never even struck me that her time as a celibate, unapproachable priestess was over. Not until I saw her again.

The festival had already begun, wagon loads of offerings from all over the kingdom where being lined up in front of the Sphinx's podium. When that massive purple bird-kitty finally made her appearance she landed gracefully to the sound of flutes and drums. The Pharaoh officially gave her the offering, and the feast began. My family were minor nobles, not the richest or the most powerful, but my father and the Pharaoh where friends from way back so we sat at the table with him. I was sitting between Prince Hisan, and Bomani, enjoying date bread, fried fish, and piles of fruit. I was just filling up a second plate of pasta, when I saw Jasmine again.

She was bowing to the Sphinx, sharing words with her as the great sphinx drank wine from a barrel between her paws. I didn't know what they were saying, the Sphinx was a big creature but spoke softly when receiving a blessing. I remembered Jasmine's dark brown coat, her golden mane and tail, the smooth curve of her back and swell of her flanks. Usually, this was covered by the gauzy robes of the temple but today she wore only her khat and medallion of service. She was so achingly beautiful that the entire feast around me grew as silent as a tomb, those voices so distant I saw and heard only her. I must have gasped when her soft eyes, the color of lapis lazuli met mine. I could hear Bomani snicker knowingly. Jasmine's face was filled with joy at seeing me again, and my heart started pounding as she approached.

"Wow," Bomani said, giving voice to my vacant stare. "Somnambula you're looking at her like I look at fresh beer,"

"How can anyone not notice Jasmine?" Prince Hisan said, peeling an orange. "I think half our class was in love with her at one time or another."

I tried to join the conversation but I was dumbfounded, I leaned my cheek on a hoof and must have been smiling like an idiot Because the boys laughed.

"My dear Somnambula, has Jasmine cast a spell on you?" Bomani asked.

"I think she has," Hisan laughed, "She must have learned some magic while she was in pandemonium."

I ignored their chortling, Jasmine and I locking eyes as she approached and sat, not leering, not staring, just unable to break each other's gaze. Then, in the velvety soft voice I had missed for years spoke.

"Hello again, Somnambula." She greeted.

"Hi," I said in return.

"How was Pandemonium?" Bomani asked without greeting, as he often did.

"It was an amazing experience Bomani, but I'm glad to be home." Jasmine said, taking a serving of dried fish onto her plate.

"I'm glad you're home to," I said with a giggle. "So you're not on duty tonight?"

"No, the honor of standing before the Sphinx is only for the experienced of the wardens." Jasmine said with a grin.

"Hold on, all the priestesses should be saying Prayers," Hisan said, suspicious.

Jasmine turned her eyes down, "I. . .I am sorry I didn't tell you in my letters Hisan," Jasmine said. "I knew it would be better to tell you in person, but I was not chosen to be a priestess."

Hisan's face twisted in anger, "Outrage!" He said, slamming a hoof to the table, "How dare they reject you! You read cuneiform, you know all the prayers, you have remained true and virtuous your entire life!"

"Please Hisan, be calm!" Jasmine said in her soft voice,

"I'll ruin that High Priest!" Hisan declared, "When I'm done with him he'll be scrubbing privies!"

"Hisan, please." Jasmine said, laying a hoof on Hisan's gently, "I . . .respect the decision of the High Priest, please be calm."

Hisan glanced around to see the entire table was staring at him, with with a blush sat down, waving a hoof as the assorted nobles around us went back to their meals.

"I'm sorry," Hisan said, "I just know how much being a priestess meant to you, and I offer you no flattery in saying that you deserved it."

Jasmine smiled shyly, "Thank you Prince Hisan." She said. "But I take no shame in being appointed a warden. It is a fine position."

"Warden. . .it's a templed defender right?" Bomani said, upturning a bowl of beer.

"Yes, we also follow armies and provide spiritual guidance, maintain temple grounds," Jasmine said, "We do a lot of jobs."

"Temple Wardens can marry, have lovers," Bomani Observed, "Suitors must be bugging you,"

Jasmine giggled, "A few, so far." She admitted. "Do you intend to quest for my affections as well?"

Bomani laughed, and sneered at that. "I'm in no mood for a broken heart," He said holding a hoof over his heart. "But know you always be in my dreams,"

"And there is the only place you will have me," Jasmine said so sweetly it could almost be called flirting.

Bomani turned to Hisan with raised eyebrows, feigning hurt. "You see my friend, she hasn't changed. She continues to tease me,"

"Poor boy," I said with mock pity.

"Jasmine, you keep this up and Bomani will never marry you," Hisan joked.

"A fate to cruel to contemplate," Jasmine replied.

A Soldier approached behind me, politely bowing. "Miss Somnambula , the Sphinx will hear you now."

I nodded, and walked from the table. As I left, Bomani looked upon Hisan, nudging him. The Prince shrugged, honestly not knowing what Bomani was implying.

"Hisan, you gonna ask her or what?" Bombi prompted.

"Please, entering a formal courtship is no small thing. I don't want to ask her with my mouth half full of food,"

Jasmine looked curiously at Prince Hisan, "You're going to court Somnambula?" She asked.

"Yes, well, you know how my father is." Hisan said. "He thinks if I don't enter into a formal courtship soon ponies will brand my a womanizer."

"Oh I see," Jasmine said, seeming disappointed about something. "Well, she will be a good wife."

Hisan chuckled, "Jasmine it's just a courtship. It's politics, that's all. You know I care greatly about Somnambula, so it'll be a lot of fun to court her. That's all."

"I. . .never understood politics." Jasmine said, "The world of romance has been closed to me for so long,"

"Courtship is just formally spending time with a pony, that's all." Bomani explained. "It's all pretty casual, some ponies even have other lovers."

"Really?" Jasmine asked, eyes wide.

"There's no rule against it," Hisan realized, "I figure I'll likely court a few mares before I finally settle down, I might as well start with a friend."

"I see," Jasmine said with a grin. "Well, I'm sure it'll be fun."

"No, the Chaperones make sure there isn't too much fun," Bomani laughed,

"You're awful," Jasmine giggled.

"You love it," Bomini said raising his beer.

Across the square, I was speaking to the Sphinx. I stood on a platform before her pedestal, giving her a regal bow as I crested the platform. The Sphinx giving a shallow nod of her massive head as she grabbed paws full of grapes. The harvests where good at the vineyards, as they always where. As our patron, the Sphinx used her magic to raise the river, irrigate our crops, made them big and strong. We had such a surplus of goods, no pony in the kingdom was hungry, and there were few that could be called poor. Our Kingdom was strong and powerful, and very rich because of her. Our offerings where the least we could do to thank her.

"Somnambula," The Sphinx greeted in her husky voice. "You are looking well."

"Thank you great Sphinx, my family offers you 30 jars of honey, one of Royal jelly and candles of beeswax."

"That's more than last year," The Sphinx observed,

"The harvest has been fruitful, the bees do most of the work," I joked.

The Sphinx smiled, bearing her sharp teeth, each the size of a sword. "Still, your offerings are accepted gratefully. What do you ask in return?"

"Your blessings on our hives." I asked. "And, maybe leave a few mice for Jepti,"

"Fer be it from me to deny a fellow feline his prey, It is done." The Sphinx said, raising an eyebrow. "Do have any more to ask of me? You seem to be wrestling with something."

The Sphinx was really perceptive, I don't know what about me clued her to what was going on in my head but she could see it.

"Well great Sphinx, I am to be courted by Prince Hisan,"

"Oh, a handsome, rich, prince is to romance you," The Sphinx joked, "That must be very troubling,"

I giggled, "Well, I do love him, he's like a brother to me." I admitted, "I'm excited about this courtship, it will be good for my family."

"Then what vexes you?"

There was no point in trying to hide anything from the Sphinx, so I just said it.

"I am in love with another." I said. "I have been for a very long time, but I never thought I could be with her,"

"And now, Jasmine is no longer a priestess," The Sphinx said with her knowing smile. "Her innocence is no longer to be maintained, she is not celibate."

I blushed, "It's that obvious, huh?"

"Your feelings for her have been apparent for many years, my subject." The Sphinx said.

"What do I do?"

The Sphinx rubbed her chin with one of her massive paws, contemplating. "I see one path for you Somnambula, and your love has chosen it. You will court Hisan, this is a good thing, but do not cease to follow your heart. If Hisan truly cares for you, and he does; he will want you to be happy and understand should you wish to be with another."

For some reason, that made sense. So I bowed, "Thank you for your blessings, And your wisdom great Sphinx."

"I will see you next year, Somnambula." The Sphinx said with a smile, drawing our meeting to a close.


After the feast, offering day celebrations usually break off into mini-celebrations at ponie's homes. My father and mother would be heading to the Palace to break bread with the Pharaoh and the other nobles where they would be entertained by poetry, music and wrestling matches in a dignified celebration. Bomani, Hisan, Jasmine and I all headed back to Prince Hisan's private rooms, where we would have a less dignified celebration. Let's not split hairs, we were getting drunk. Hisan popped the top on a cast of malt beer, and we did our best to drain it dry.

Musicians came to us, and the more glasses I emptied the more strange the flutes and drums sounded. Bomani at one point, did his best to dance, and dragged Jasmine up with him, the two drunkenly swaying.

"It's. . .so nice to have Jasmine back." Hisan said.

"Yeah," I said, laying on one of Hisan's silk pillows.

Hisan cast me a look. "Is it just me, or did you two used to have a bit of a . . .thing?"

"A thing? Whoever said there was a thing?" I spoke, feigning ignorance "I mean, a little but she was a priestess in training so. . .no fun stuff."

Hisan chuckled and upturned his mug, "She's not one anymore," he said.

I laughed and hugged Hisan, "I don't think she's drunk enough yet,"

"Not for Bomani," Hisan joked, "I think you could close the deal,"

"Stop it," I said, hiding my face under Hisan's wing.

"You want me to draw the curtain for you two?" Hisan said, nudging me with a hoof. "I promise I won't peek,"

"You get naughty when you drink," I said.

"Yes, it's one of my most redeeming features." Hisan joked, draining his glass and stumbling to the barrel to refill it.

"My Prince," Bomani said, stumbling over to Hisan, "Look, it's getting late. Unicorns have the moon up, you gonna ask her or what?"

Hisan dipped his mug into the malt beer, sipping it. "What, right now?"

Jasmine giggled and plopped down next to me, snuggling against my neck. "Somnambula, I think the Prince has something to ask you,"

"Really?" I said, stroking Jasmine's soft mane.

Jasmine nodded as she took a long drink.

"Okay, okay." Hisan said, pulling up a chair and plopping down into it, spilling half of his refilled mug. "Somnambula, we talked about this a few times. You know, a Formal courtship? How about it?"

Jasmine and I laughed,

"What?" Hisan said.

"That wasn't very romantic," I said to Jasmine.

"No it wasn't," She agreed.

Bomani shoved Hisan with a hoof, "Come on, this is a big moment! You gotta be-" He interrupted himself with a pretty impressive belch, "Romantic,"

"What? Like. . .sing or something?"

"No, but don't suitors quote poetry?" I asked.

Jasmine nodded, before getting dizzy and plopping her head back on my shoulder, "Yeah, I don't think she'll say yes until you quote some poetry."

Bomani sat on the floor next to Hisan's chair, "I know some poetry," He offered. "None suitable for ladies,"

"No no Bomani, I got this." Hisan said, standing and swaying as he walked to me. "I know a poem."

"Lay it on me, Handsome." I said, batting my eyelashes and leaning close to him.

Hisan laughed, held my hooves, and recited, "There once was a Preist Named Narou, who liked to drink on the go. He once took to flight, on a Warm desert night, and where he landed nopony knows."

Bomani and Jasmine Clapped their hooves and whooped. I leaned forward and gave Hisan a quick kiss on his lips.

"Okay, I Formally accept." I said cheerfully.

Hisan blushed, a little surprised at the kiss but stood and spun, As the musicians played.

"Let it be known throughout the Kingdom!" Hisan slurred, as he stumbled backwards into a table, falling on the ground and scattering plates and jars everywhere, "Sombaula and I are formally courting!" He said from the ground.

"Joyous day!" Jasmine Shouted as she laughed, harder than I'd ever heard her laugh.

Bomani bent to help up the Prince, "Prince, as your bodyguard, I'm officially cutting you off."

"That's fair," Hisan said as Bomani helped him into his chair.

A solder chose that moment to stand in the doorway, "General Bomani, the Sphinx will see you now."

"Is she still here?" Bomani asked.

"Yes Sir, you will be her last audience,"

Bomani threw a pitcher of water into his face to try and regain his senses. "Well, if you'll excuse me my prince,"

"I'll be fine," Prince Hisan said.

"Ladies, remember, that he's cut off," Bomani said as he walked toward the door.

Jasmine and I replied with mock salutes, and chorused "Yes Sir!"

In the courtyard, Bomani bowed before the Sphinx under the moonlight.

"Great Sphinx, My family offers ten Ingots of Copper, and I pledge my sword." Bomani said.

"General, are you drunk?" The Sphinx Asked.

"Only a little,"

The Sphinx laughed, "Perhaps one on these years I'll see you before you open a barrel."

"I'm much more charming sober,"

"How is it possible to be more charming than you are now?" The Sphinx joked, "What do you ask of me, in return for your offering?"

"Your blessing on my family's mines, and some advice in military matters."

"You will have my blessings as always, and my counsel." The Sphinx said. "The Pharaoh has informed me of what happened in Panampen. The Baratas have rejected you, in spite of their treaties."

"Yes, Great Sphinx." Bomani said. "I'm worried, that it could be a precursor to another invasion."

"I agree, this new leader, Zion is a dangerous character who has his eyes on this kingdom and it's land." The Sphinx said. "The answer is clear, General. The Baratas must be taught that defying the Pharaoh is unacceptable. Raise an army, and destroy them, as you did with the Hyksos before."

Bomani's eyes grew wide, "Great Sphinx, the Baratas are our allies, this Zion character has beheaded his own leaders, I believe he's the instrument of this chaos and if he is defeated the Baratas will be our ally again."

"General, I've made myself clear. I want the Baratas to be conquered, I want their cities razed and their will broken."

"I beg your forgiveness, Great Sphinx but I think this can be handled without such violence."

"I told you to do this to the Last invaders, and you destroyed the Hyksos, and shed no tears for them."

Bomani was silent for a moment. "I did as you asked with the Hyksos, and it did indeed bring peace to this land." He said silently, "But I promise you, I shed tears for every life I ended. I see them every time I close my eyes."

The Sphinx looked sad, and placed her gigantic paw on the side of Bomani's face, comforting him. "Bomani, my child, I would never want a warrior in my service who takes joy in violence." She said. "But what matters is whether or not you are willing to do it."

"I . . .understand." Bomani said.

"I hope you do."


I said goodbye and goodnight to Bomani who seemed a little melancholy, which I didn't understand that night. Jasmine asked to walk me home, and she did. It was very late when we managed to stumble back to my hut. We stood in the doorway, for a long moment under that moonlight that reflected off Jasmine's coat in such an amazing way. The Sphinx's advice was still on my mind, to follow my heart. I wasn't sure what that meant, but I knew at that moment I wasn't ready to say goodnight to Jasmine. I invited her inside, and we layed together on my bed, Jasmine resting her head on my neck.

"Somnambula," She breathed, touching my neck gently with a hoof. "I have to confess something."

I held her hoof and kissed it playfully, "What is it?"

"The reason why I was not made a Priestess," Jasmine said. "It's important you know,"

"You don't have to,"

"No, I want to tell you." Jasmine said.


"At some point, the high priestess asked me if there was anything I loved more than the Gods I would be serving." Jasmine said, tenderly snuggling close to me. "I could not lie, I had to tell them that for so long my heart belonged to someone."

I looked into Jasmine's eyes again, and she leaned forward kissing me tenderly on the lips. I was a little surprised at first, but it felt right. As we parted, Jasmine smiled broadly.

"It was you," She admitted. "It was you I loved."

"But, wasn't being a Priestess your dream?"

"My dream, was a dream I could not speak of until I was free of being a priestess," Jasmine explained, "All those years, being able to feel you near me, and never being able to touch you. Sharing those letters with you all that time without telling you how much I desired you."

"I've loved you, for so long," I admitted, kissing Jasmine again tenderly.

We held each other tight, passionately kissing and I felt myself grow warm, my breath shortening, her hoof wandering along my back.

"Jasmine, I know. . .this is your first time, are you sure?" I asked breathily.

"I am," Jasmine said, kissing my neck. "I've wanted you longer than you know."

It's been a thousand years since Jasmine and I made love for the first time, but I remember every single moment of that night. Every touch, every embrace, every sound. I still feel her touch when I close my eyes at night. Perhaps when this story is printed, more ponies will remember Jasmine. The details of that night however, will all those new sensations, belong to me and Jasmine only.