• Member Since 19th Nov, 2012
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Dan_s Comments

Story teller at heart. I like to examine the unusual. I spend too much time being 'reasonable'. I write to play, and hope others enjoy the results.


This story is a sequel to Drawn With the Night Into the Day

Dipper Doodle and Thunder Evening arrive in Canterlot, do I even need to say Chaos Ensues?

They are Fancy's kids after all.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 41 )

Always nice to see this ficverse continue.

Yeah, if it had come out on April 1st, I would have thought it was a joke story.

I love these stories. Also, thank you for waiting the day.

Emil #4 · Apr 3rd, 2018 · · 3 ·

I liked the earlier installments, but this is starting to sound repetitive. Once again, you've put Luna and Twilight into the role of Simplicio, and there really doesn't seem to have been any character growth on their parts. As if that wasn't enough, we now have amazingly precocious, super-capable kids as the ones making Luna and Twilight look stupid. I'll read the next installment, but I'm hoping for some changes.

"Yes, your Highness, the disgronification of Nazca brushes has reached an penultimate plenipotentiary level considering the quantum flux and uncertainty principles inherent in the dynamics of all involved. As long as the neutron flow polarity doesn't reverse, all should be well."

I don't think there's a force in this or any universe that would keep Discord from applauding.
Is the apex predator referring to wolves? Seems like a bit of an exaggeration, but I suppose the story is accurate enough and serves its purpose.
I've read a few origin myths with Discord at the epicenter and I tend to love them all. This interpretation of Discord is also intriguing in that he was never evil, but just got carried away with his perceived purpose and failed to see benefits of chaos in moderation.

8844413Or crying, he's so proud.
The apex predator are wolves, and the point is, humans can make friends with almost anybody. His father's ability to negotiate with almost any race on Equestia is proof of that. Thunder is telling her that it's in his bones to do it.

I've always liked these stories.

I may not understood half of this...but I enjoy it.

:twilightsmile: aaah, good stuff.

Points out the character-developing scenes, first from Luna, then from Twilight.

So, unless I seriously misunderstood Thunder and Celestia's conversation, Celestia and Klein had triplets together, correct? And Celestia not only kept it hidden, but then abandoned them with Klein? That's probably the most garbage move I've ever seen on her part. That's terrible.

Not abandoned, she sees them often, but she does rule a nation and can't be there all the time. Also note, Multicursal is on the other side of the world. Think about that and round (as opposed to flat) worlds.

She's with them while Luna is ruling Equestria

Have enjoyed this series a great deal, and had a question: why was Celestia so intent on mating with Klein? With her role as a teacher, she was already made a part of the family.

She was intent on being part of a family. The rest came more organically.

Hmm. I guess I can see why (no suitable mating partners under normal circumstances, Klein's desirability as a mate). Thanks!

I liked this continuation of the previous two stories. I read them a long time ago before I had an account. I kept track of stories I liked in a folder on my old computer and I’ve been steadily rereading those on the list. They were some of the earliest HIE stories I read and the first that put the Princesses in a bad light. Your story Cultural Artifacts was one of the others. While I don’t like your take on them, I like how you do it if that makes sense? I like how Celestia has grown. I do hope you will continue on with this series and maybe have Sparkle and Luna grow also. I kind of feel that Luna is a teenager for an Alicorn and even though she’s many years old, she hasn’t matured yet,(and the timeout on the moon basically stymied any growth in that time at all) but she may be closer now. Sparkle, however, was born mortal so maybe she’s closer to maturing than Luna. Which might be frustrating for Luna. Since I first read this, I’ve heard and perused some “Conversion Bureau” stories. Was that why Celestia was attacked? Wrong dimension target, maybe? Hopefully more will follow in time and with inspiration. I did like the mention of Fizzlepop from the Movie. So has Twilight started a friendship school in this reality? If so I wonder how failing to befriend the Bottles effected the curricula, First Impressions are Important 101, perhaps? Anyhow, liked and favorited, thank you for the entertainment!

So do Twilight, Luna, and/or Cadance know that Celestia was pregnant and gave birth?

No, maybe and yes, respectively.

Now I want a fic about their reactions when they find out.

I think I've only got half of what's going on in this story, but good job regardless.

"That's a clue boy," Discord wearing a red-headed, white-bodied rooster costume told the two princesses, "Ya missed it, went right by you. Ya gotta, I say ya gotta keep on your toes, toes that is. Try it again." He whispered, loudly, to Celestia, "Nice kids but about as sharp as a bag full'a bowlin' balls."

Boy, it's been a while since I've seen anything to do with Foghorn Leghorn.

Good trilogy, but I'm still very much confused by a lot of it, despite rereading some paragraphs over and over again.

Will their be another one following this One

She had sex with Klien, and they had kids? Hearing that is depressing, because it means that like the story before it I find out long after I read it that nothing ends up the way I thought and ruins it for me. None of this appears to actually happen or even be mentioned in the story, but despite this everyone knows about it but me. Is there some secret to this series I don't understand? Hidden chapters? I am seriously confused.

Overall the major flaw with this story and the one before it seems to be the author assuming the reader shares their insight into what is going on behind the scenes as things happen.

You and me both. The writing style is a bit...erratic.

"My dad's people talk of the god Finagle, and his mad prophet Murphy," Thunder said as he kept pace, "Even Discord fears them."


9533379 Now that would be a perfect way for Klein to get vengeance on our darkly_hued princesses.
K (with three, young alicorns) - These are princesses Twilight Sparkle and Luna.
▶: Dad, they don't look at all like Unc' Discord described them.
K: Discord exaggerates. And I know the rumor about either of you cuddling with Celestia is completely false.
▶: But he was right about why she wouldn't sleep with them, 'Like cuddling in a spin cycle full of ticking alarm clocks.'
K: Now, that's not nice, what would your mother say?
:trollestia: We're sorry.
:twilightblush: Thank you. It's nothing. So these are Fancy's second set of triplets. They must keep you busy.
▶: No, they're over there with Princess Cadence and Flurry Heart.
K: You heard the rumor that Discord got pregnant, haven't you?
:twilightangry2: Rainbow asked if I was the father. :rainbowlaugh:
K: Well, I'm their father. He started it up as cover for a lonely mare who drifted into our lives and well . . . you're an adult, you can guess the rest.
:twilightsmile: That's kind of you, but how did a mare at Canterlot also visit you in Multicursal.
K: As soon as the sun went down, the sun rose in Multicursal.
:twilightsmile: But how did she get there?
K: All alicorns can teleport. It was easy.

10023826 The writing style has nothing on the author.

That. Is fucking brilliant.

did... did you seriously miss the entire fic for "drawn with the night into the day"? the fic SPECIFICALLY LISTED IN THE DESCRIPTION AS THE PREQUEL TO THIS FIC?? the five chapter one detailing fancy's trip back to canterlot in which she received her arch-duchy?? 'cause in that five chapter fic she spent at least most of chapter 4 pregnant with blatant acknowledgement that klein was the father, hell, both she and klein are very frank about the fact that they're banging in multiple parts of that chapter, klein talking about it with discord and hell fancy talks to discord mid-bang at one point. If you can't read a description or be bothered to check the author's history, the only person you have to blame for your disappointment and confusion is yourself.

It pisses me off and confuses me because there is no real reason to have anything to do with Celestia, Luna, or Canterlot. The fact that in this story Luna has been allowed to continue her obviously insane and baseless vendetta shows that Celestia doesn't actually care about his wellbeing, and so there is no redeemong feature to her. Since she hasn't done anything to stop Luna, it appears as if she simply dorced her way into Klien's life and cuckolded his wife, even though she doesn't care that he wantscto be left alone or that her not owning up to her misdeeds and trying to excuse herself makes her unlikable. There's no real reason for them ti be together other than Celestia forcing it because she lusts for someone who refused to submit to her, and because others tell Klien he should do so because she wants it.

It skips any real appearance of atonement or reconciliation, making everything before it seem like it doesn't matter.

"The humans are better at making friends with `outsiders` than ponies are. On their world, they encountered the apex predator of the planet. The humans were clever, but much weaker, so they offered a deal, putting their cleverness and other skills at the disposal of the apex predator so both could prosper. Half of the apex predator species agreed wholeheartedly, others swore to exterminate the humans. As the partners grew in power, the former apex predators were less and less called upon to act in their role as hunters and guards, but they could still do it. The refusers went from hunters to hunted. Only the humans' pity stayed their hand from exterminating those who had vowed to destroy them and their children, and perhaps that they did not want the extinction of their most faithful allies diminished cousins."

what? Was there another race on earth? Did I miss something? This seems like just another weird way for humans to flex on ponies without them actually being there.

yeah I agree, Thunder is starting to sound like a reddit know-it-all to me honestly.

Well, this is nice, though I think anymore and it would dilute the experience. Best to let this universe stop here open for interpretation.

What? He was talking about ancient Humanity's relationship with wolves.

Why would you compare humans making friends with animals to be an example of them being better than ponies of making friends with outsiders. Considering how xenophobic people are these days this is pretty silly right?

I don't know why the author did that. I'm just saying that's what they did. They also made it sound better than it was by being vague about it. The truth of the matter begins and ends with humans being the ultimate opportunists, but that doesn't make a good argument or even a good story, so specific details were selectively removed that resulted in 'wolf' just being 'the apex predator of the human world'. Considering the options ponies have for the apex predator of their world, it winds up sounding much grander.

Masterpieces, not all three, but close enough.

"That's a clue boy," Discord wearing a red-headed, white-bodied rooster costume told the two princesses, "Ya missed it, went right by you. Ya gotta, I say ya gotta keep on your toes, toes that is. Try it again." He whispered, loudly, to Celestia, "Nice kids but about as sharp as a bag full'a bowlin' balls."

I actually heard Discord talking like Foghorn Leghorn lol

I liked it but a lot of the parapraphs were confusing

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