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Chapter 10: Caffeine Craze!

Rainbow quickly stepped outside.

“Flan, Flan!” she called out loud while looking around frantically.

Twilight followed, “Rainbow, please calm down!” A few strands of mane poking out, showing her own nervousness.

“We have to find her Twilight and quick!” Rainbow yelled back.

Starlight joined the conversation, “Why are you in such a rush? Yes, she’s in hyper mode due to the caffeine, but what’s the worst that can happen? We already saw that she’s still herself,” she pointed out.

“Have you ever seen a hyper active foal before, Starlight?” Rainbow asked with a deadpan expression.

With confusion pretty much present in her features, Starlight said, “Emm… not really. I don’t really have that much experience with foals.”

Showing a small frown, Rainbow looked at her, “That’s what I thought.” Then, she looked at Twilight, “I’m off to find her Twi, get your act together before something bad happens.”

With that, Rainbow took off at full speed.

“Rainbow, wait!” Twilight yelled in hopes of stopping her, but Rainbow was already too far away. Though deep down she knew Rainbow wouldn’t stop.

Nopony noticed Fluttershy leaving or approaching by that matter, as she heard the commotion from a distance she knew she had to help and swiftly left.

“Flan! Wait!” Derpy tried desperately to stop Flan, who at this point took her mailbag and went all over the place.

Flan on the other hand was having a lot of fun doing Derpy’s job, a bit too much fun to be precise.

Multiple mailpost have been broken.

Derpy looked at the massacre and shed a single tear as she hugged her hat, “Poor things, they had so much to live for.”

“Hey!” a random mare yelled at her to get her attention, “Stop daydreaming and stop her!”

“Eh… me? But…” Derpy tried to catch a glimpse of the barely visible vampire still going rampant, “I’ll try!” with determination in her heart she flew towards her hyperactive friend.

“Flan, wait!” She called for the little vampire, this apparently worked as Flan stopped and turned to see her flying her way.

In her over energetic state she smiled happily while opening her arms as if asking for a hug.

Derpy looked relieved and went ahead for the hug.

Only for Flan to go poof at the last second, causing Derpy to totally miss her and crash in some bushes.

Taboo: Four of a kind.

Four Flans appeared after the small smoke cloud dissipated. Normally each would show a different emotion, but this time it was less noticeable. Three of them looked almost the same, with just minor differences. These three flied off, leaving one that looked like she was having a headache.

After shaking her head, the one left behind turned to the bushes and digged Derpy from them, other than having a few small sticks and leaves in her mane and fur she didn’t saw any injuries.

Sighing in relief this Flan with rather sad eyes smiled.

Derpy groaned and brought a hoof to her head, “Ouchies… what happened?” she asked to no one in particular.

“Uuuh,” Flan replied to her.

Shaking her head a bit, Derpy looked at the sad looking Flan, “Flan? Are you ok now?”

Sad Flan shaked her head and pointed towards the central plaza.

Derpy looked that way to see three barely visible red dressed shapes going crazy all over there.

“No! Not my flowers!” Daisy screamed in despair as one of the Flan was overly watering her beloved flowers.

“Hmm,” Derpy tried to say something but couldn’t find the right word. Meanwhile sad Flan deadpanned at the overly dramatic display.

“Hey come back here with that candy!” Then, they heard Bon Bon yelling and chasing another Flan that was peeling off some type of round hard candy, swiftly throwing the paper on a trashcan close by, before continuing their silly chase.

Sad Flan nudged Derpy to get her attention and flew towards Bon Bon’s candy shop with Derpy following behind. They found Lyra walking out with a worried expression.

“Bonnie, calm down!” She screamed to her friend still furiously chasing the candy eating Flan. She let out a sigh, “Why does she never listens?”

Lyra then took notice of another Flan and Derpy approaching, “Wait, Flan? How are you here when you’re there?” she pointed at the one chased by Bon Bon, “And there?” then at the one in Daisy’s shop, “And eeeeh…” she started thinking she was going crazy.

But some headpats from sad Flan brought her back to reality.

“Lyra are you ok?” Derpy asked with worry.

Lyra slightly shook her head to clear her mind, “Yeah, I’m good now. Why is there four of you though? Flan”

Sad Flan picked up a stick and wrote on the something on the ground, “It’s a skill,” getting an ‘oooh’ from Lyra.

“What happened in the shop, though?” Derpy wanted to know what the chased Flan did, hoping it wasn’t something bad.

“Well…” Lyra started, “That Flan Bonnie is chasing entered the shop and before we noticed she took some candy. Bonnie just had about a second to catch a glimpse of her, so she thought that Flan stole the candy.”

Derpy gasped, “Did she?”

Lyra shook her head, “No, Bonnie didn’t saw it, but that Flan left enough bits for the candy she took. It would have been better if she made us know she paid to avoid all this, but at least she didn’t stole anything.”

“Flan!” a new voice quickly approached the area. The mischievous Flans looked at its direction.

They saw Rainbow landing in the middle of the road, soon after a purple flash popped up beside her, revealing Twilight.

Everyone blinked at the whole situation.

“Emm…” Twilight awkwardly started.

Rainbow just sat down on her hind legs and opened her front legs as if wanting a hug, while smiling warmly.

Twilight didn’t know what to make of that, “Rainbow, what are-“ but before long, three red blurs tackled Rainbow to the ground getting an audible “Oof” out of the prismatic mare.

“Oww…” Rainbow grunted, “I know I asked for it, but you could have held back a bit…”

The three identical vampires got off her and floated around playfully.

“Stop right there, give me back the candy you stole!” Bon Bon ran towards them.

“Stole?” Twilight asked with a lifted brow to the three Flans.

“STOLE!?” Trixie’s voice resounded, making Twilight jump a bit.

“Trixie don’t scream in my ear, you scared the feathers out of me!” Twilight complained with a scowl.

“Sorry Twilight, but when Trixie hears such hearsay then Trixie shall do something about it!” Trixie yelled back, “YOU!” Trixie pointed at Bon Bon.

“You dare accuse my dear Flan of stealing!?” Trixie frowned at the mere idea.

“Yeah! I want the candy that thing stole, back!” Bon Bon on her anger replied.

“Thing…” the three mares with the Flans murmured.

“Oh-oh,” Derpy had a very bad feeling.

“Bonnie wait!” Lyra got in the middle of the situation.

“Go away Lyra, I’m gonna get my candy back!” Bon Bon stomped on the dirt.

“But Flan didn’t stole anything!” Lyra stomped back, “I’ve been trying to tell you, she left the bits in the corner. You just didn’t see them before jumping to conclusions.”

“What? When? Why didn’t she wait before running off then!?” Now all of Bon Bon’s anger turned to confusion.

“That may have been Starlight’s fault for giving Flan coffee,” Trixie started, “That aside, Trixie thinks you just called Flan a thing, is that correct?” Her tone of voice being strangely calm.

“Yes, I think that’s what she did,” Twilight joined.

“Yup, Bon Bon messed up yeah,” then Rainbow joined.

Bon Bon started retreating slowly as she gulped, the three mares in front of her having intimidating auras.

Before anything could happen sad Flan floated in front of them and held an arm with her palm open to stop them.

The mares with killing intent suddenly changed to warm and caring.

“Do you need something, Flan?” Trixie smiled brightly, the other two nodding behind her.

Sad Flan then pointed in the opposite direction.

Upon turning they saw the other three Flans flying away in the distance.

“Oh…” they said in unison. Sad Flan rolled her eyes.

They started to chase them, “Trixie is not done with you! Mark Trixie’s words!” Trixie Threatened as she ran away with the others.

3 Hours Later.

No matter how much they tried, the Flans didn’t seem to slow down, they as energetic as they have ever been. Unfortunately the same couldn’t be said about the three mares chasing them.

“H-How are they still going?” Twilight was trying to reason this, as she tried to catch her breath.

“Really, Twilight? After all we have been through do you think Flan has normal stamina?” Rainbow said while lying on a cloud. “We gotta hoof it to Trixie though, she doesn’t surrender easily,” she added with a laugh.

“Please come here…” Trixie was still trying to catch the three Flans, her body was crying for her to stop, but she still continued. The Flans just circled and slightly dodged her every time Trixie tried to grab them.

Rainbow then noticed somepony was missing, “Where is the last one?”

“Girls~” Fluttershy’s soft voice made act of presence followed by the pony herself with sad Flan on her back, “I came with some drinks and snacks. I’m sure you must be hungry after playing so much, please come over and rest a little, please?”

That picked the interest of the hyperactive Flans, they then flew over to Fluttershy while avoiding Trixie one last time making her face plant in the dirt.

Fluttershy gave a motherly smile, “Can you help me set up?” she asked the Flan on her back getting a positive nod from her.

Sad Flan took out a picnic sheet from Fluttershy saddle bags and both of them set a box of cookies and cups with drinks from a thermo.

The Flans took a cup each and looked at Fluttershy.

“Enjoy~” She smiled warmly.

All the Flans took a sip and gave a satisfactory sigh, this made them calm down. They enjoyed the snacks and had an overall good. After that they were quite relaxed and just decided to rest around Fluttershy and then…


With a poof the four Flans were gone leaving only an adorable sleeping one on Fluttershy’s side.

“Enjoy your nap, Flan,” Fluttershy cooed to the sleeping vampire, “And that is how you do it.” She said to the others, who had their jaws hanging open before falling backwards and grunting in annoyance.

The afternoon was spent doing the groceries and playing in Sweet Apple Acres when Flan woke up. Meanwhile Trixie spent that time trying to learn how to make herbal tea for the future.