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Making (and Beating) New Friends

Geralt stretched as he felt the train begin to slow. The whistle, as well as the conductor's announcement of "Ponyville" was evidence enough that he and his companions were at their destination. A half hour train ride down a mountain wasn't a bad experience. It'd been a few years since he'd been on a legitimate train. He found he quite enjoyed it.

"Okay, I think we're good to go." He looked over at Octavia, the mare getting up from the bench across from him as the train came to a full stop.

"Vinyl." Geralt looked down at the mare on the bench across from him and poked her with a claw.

"Mmmmnnngg." The Mare stirred and limply batted at his hand.

"Is she always this cute when she sleeps?" Geralt asked as he raised a brow at Octavia.

"Yes." Octavia actually giggled. "But she really does have to get up, we have houses and buildings to look at."

"I got this." Geralt chuckled darkly. "I used to do this to Alex." Taking a breath, he popped his neck, inhaled, and bent over Vinyl.

"Pppppbbbbbbbttt!" He blew a raspberry into the mares stomach.

"GAAAH!WHAT?!WHATTHEFUCK?!" The mare shrieked as her crimson eyes snapped open and she flailed in her seat. Like a dog that had just been spooked out of sleep she flailed to her hooves and bolted. Right into the bench across from her. She flailed again until she got into a sitting position. She panted heavily as her eyes bugged out. "What?! What the Fuck?!"

"Morning. Sleep well princess?" Geralt asked with a raised brow.

"Ffffffffuck You!" Vinyl snapped heaving in a deep breath.

"I don't think we're far enough into a relationship for that, what do you think Octavia?" Geralt cocked his head to the side and looked at the grey mare.

"Oh, please don't start. It's too early for this." Octavia facehoofed.

"Fine fine." Geralt chuckled then looked at Vinyl. "You ready to go?"

"I hate you." She scowled with a snort. "I now see what Alex meant." She took a breath and let it out slowly. "However, yes. I am ready to go, thanks to that rude awakening."

"You're welcome." Geralt grinned. He gestured towards the aisle. "Shall we?"

Vinyl grumbled as she got down off the bench and trotted down the aisle. Octavia quickly followed. She was followed by Geralt, who winced a little as his back popped in a couple places.

Steam billowed out of the Train's engine, obscuring the boarding platform slightly.

"Huh." Geralt stated as he stood on the platform, adjusted his bag and keytar slung over his shoulder and across his back, and looked around. "That horrible moment when you briefly think you're in Silent Hill."

"What's Silent Hill?" Octavia asked as she and Vinyl trotted up next to him.

"Pray you never find out." Geralt said grimly as the steam rolled away revealing the town of Ponyville.

"So, we're going to be looking at houses among other things." Octavia's voice pulled the wolf's attention towards the grey mare. "You're welcome to come with us if you like."

Vinyl gagged a couple times before a grey hoof swatted the back of her head, knocking the DJ's shades askew on her horn.

"Nah, I heard from that Salamon in Canterlot that there's a dojo here." Geralt shook his head.

"Dojo? As in Martial Arts Dojo?" Vinyl blinked in confusion.

"Yep." Geralt nodded. "I know a thing or two about Jeet Kune Do So I figure I might see if I'm needed, or if there's no master, I could take over. I have to stop by the Town Hall and talk with the Mayor about it."

"I wanna see you fight somepony." Vinyl grinned.

"Vinyl. No." Octavia narrowed her eyes at the DJ.

"Awwwww." Vinyl wilted.

"Another time." Geralt chuckled. "I'm going to look around a bit, it's still rather early so I may get something to eat before head to the Town Hall."

"Sounds good." Octavia nodded. "We'll come find you later."

"It's not like you're hard to find." Vinyl chuckled.

"True." Geralt nodded and turned away. "Have fun house hunting, you two." He walked away, leaving them with a wave.

He stepped off the platform, feeling the packed dirt under his paws. It was a strangely satisfying feeling. With a shrug he laced his fingers behind his head and began a slow stroll into the town.

Pinkamena Diane Pie froze as she placed the tray of freshly baked peanut butter bread buns on the counter to cool. He whole body shivered as her eyes widened. "Guil- Guilmon." She called out.

The golden-eyed, red-headed lizard popped his head into the kitchen. "What's up hu- Pinkie!" He gasped and ran over to her. "What's wrong?! Are you okay?!"

"Doozy." Pinkie said as her body shook. "There's a doozy. Two ponies and something else just came into town. It's the third one that's the doozy."

"Okay." Guilmon let out a sigh. "I was scared for a sec there."

"Whoever he is, he's coming this-" Pinkie was cut off as the bell over the front door gingled.

"Hello?" A gruff and growly voice called out. "Are you open, I haven't really seen anybody out today. It's kinda weird."

"One sec." Guilmon called out as he walked out out to the front. "That's because it's..... Tues.... day...."

Pinkie's brow furrowed. What would make her Guilfriend just stop mid-sentence like that?

Curious, she trotted out to the front. She saw Guilmon staring wide-eyed at something. Frowning, she followed his line of sight. Her eyes widened as she laid eyes on the largest Diamond Dog she'd ever seen.

No, it was more like a Diamond Wolf......


That wasn't a Diamond Dog at all......

"Oh my God!" The wolf actually squealed as his hand flew up to his cheeks.

"Holy Shit!" Guilmon cried half in shock and half in joy.

Guilmon the took a flying leap and cleared the counter. He raced at the wolf and the wolf opened his arms in response.

They laughed like two old friends who'd just seen each other after years apart. The wolf whirled Guilmon around in a hug and Pinkie couldn't keep the giddy grin off her face.

Then it hit her.

Her would body trembled as she realised that this was another Digimon. Not only that, but another Digimon like Guilmon. One who hadn't been a Digimon to begin with. Yes, there was Salamon and..... the other Digimon's name escaped her for some reason, but they was in Canterlot and they'd been here for years. Something about that just wasn't the same as having somebody new show up. Somebody who knows what it's like to wake up i a new body.

Pinkie then realised that she was crying and quickly rubbed her eyes with a hoof.

The wolf finally let Guilmon down. "You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that!" He grinned and bounced on his toes.

"What? Hug a Guilmon?" Guilmon asked with an equally big grin.

"Ye-" The wolf's cry was cut off by a yep as his rising fists slammed into the ceiling. "Motherfucker!" He shook out his knuckles.

"You okay?" Guilmon blinked in surprise.

"Sssssss... I'm good." The wolf winced as he gingerly rubbed his hands.

"I'm Guilmon." Guilmon raised a claw.

The wolf blinked. "Geralt. Geralt Jameson." He shook Guilmon's claw. "You went with Guilmon as your name? Really?"

"Well why not?" Guilmon blinked with a bit of a blush.

"What if another Guilmon shows up hmmmm?" Geralt raised a brow as a toothy grin grew on his face. "Say a Black variant of Guilmon shows up? What are you going to call him? Black?"

"That's racist." Pinkie commented as she came around the counter.

"That's the point." Geralt pointed at Pinkie then looked back to Guilmon. "I'm not trying to dump all over your chosen name, just trying to make you think. For now it doesn't really matter what your name is."

"True..." Guilmon nodded. "Sooooo...."

"Life story later." Geralt chuckled. "I'm here for food before I go and meet with the mayor."

"Oh, you're meeting with Mayor Mare?" Pinkie asked as she walked back around the counter. "Secondly, what can I get you? Thirdly, how long will you be in town?"

"One, yes, two, whatever smells so good back there, and three, no clue. I may stay in town. Depends on what I learn about the Ponyville Dojo." Geralt walked over and leaned against the counter.

"You got it." Pinkie chirped and disappeared into the kitchen.

"Wait that barely used Dojo that Rainbow Dash sometimes uses?" Guilmon plodded over to the counter as Geralt pulled a bag from off his waist. He dropped the back on the counter with a few clinks.

"Yep." Geralt glanced at the red lizard-mon next to him. "The same. I assume she's the master of the Dojo."

A snorting laugh caused both Digimon to jump as Pinkie came through the door to the kitchen with a bag full of steaming bread in her mouth. She set that bag on the counter and rang up the register. "I got you two peanut butter buns, you'll have to see Fluttershy about getting more protein in your diet. That is, unless you want to hunt in the Everfree. Oh, and that'll be five bits."

"Thank you, both for the food and the info." Geralt smiled and pulled out five bits from his bag. On pushing them over, he returned the back to his belt. "Now, what made you laugh?"

"Rainbow Dash." Pinkie giggled and shook her head. "She's the head of the Weather Team here. I love her to death, but she has an ego and a temper to boot. As to the Dojo, she's just warming the seat so to speak. Honestly she's not good enough to be a Master. She's good, but not Master good. She'll fight you if you tell her that though." Pinkie pushed against the counter and stretched. "Currently the Dojo has no Master. Mayor Mare just keeps it open on the off chance somebody show's up, or needs to use it."

"Interesting." Geralt smirked and rubbed his chin with a hand. Taking the bag from the counter, he pulled out a bun and bit it in half. "Shich!" I blinked as he tried his best not to spray crumbs everywhere.

"I think he likes it." Guilmon chuckled.

Geralt swiftly devoured the rest of the bun, as well as it's twin. "That. That was delicious!"

"I'm glad you enjoyed it." Pinkie grinned happily.

Geralt took a breath and set the now empty bag on the counter. "T'was definitely enjoyed." He nodded then glanced between Pinke and Guilmon. "So I need to speak with the mayor about the Dojo..." He mused aloud. "Say, why was it so empty out there?"

"Outside?" Pinkie blinked. "Because it's Tuesday. Weird shit always happens on Tuesday. Last week a Bug Bear showed up and Guilmon here Digivolved and killed it."

"Impressive." Geralt gave a respectful nod towards the blushing lizard.

"Hey, since it's so dead. How about I close up shop for the moment and we can join you. If you don't mind the company that is." Pinkie cocked her head to the side curiously. "The Cake's are coming back this evening anyway."

"Oh, I'd love the company." Geralt chuckled. "Then, after the mayor, and the trouncing of Miss Dash we can come back and have a threesome."

Guilmon staggered and hit the counter. "What?!"

"I'm down." Pinkie chirped. "It's not gay if it's a threesome."

"What if it involves two guys... or three guys?" Guilmon blinked stupidly at his marefriend.

"I have spoken!" Pinkie cried.

"I like her!" Geralt laughed and thrust a finger at the pink mare.

Octavia shivered as she and Vinyl walked towards the center of town.

"What?" Vinyl looked at her in confusion.

"I just had a horrible feeling that Geralt met someone just like the two of you." Octavia shivered again.

"So this is Town Hall." Geralt looked up at the tower-like building. "Not the strangest I've seen, but not bad."

"Yup." Pinkie nodded from her spot on Guilmon's back. For some reason she'd tied her mane into a ponytail and had put on a pair of goggles as well as had a Digivice around her neck like a necklace.

"Mayor Mare should be- Speak of the Devil." Guilmon blinked as a tan earth pony mare with a grey mane, bearing a Cutie Mark of a scroll tied with blue string, came trotting out of the Town Hall's front door. A pair of glasses perched on the mare's muzzle. The mare actually looked somewhat bored.

"Mayor Mare!" Pinkie cried as she waved a hoof to grab the mare's attention.

Mayor Mare turned and looked at the three of them. She appeared startled, yet she trotted over anyway. "Pinkie, Guilmon." She nodded at them. "Who's your friend?"

"Geralt Jameson, ma'am." Geralt said, kneeling so he could properly shake her hoof. "A pleasure to make your acquaintance."

"I've never met a Diamond Dog so articulate." Mayor Mare smiled. Then a look of horror crossed her face. "N-not that Diamond Dog's aren't-"

Geralt held up a hand to silence her. "It's fine. I'm not a Diamond Dog however. I am a WereGarurumon."

"Another Digimon?" Mayor Mare blinked. "Like Guilmon?"

"The same." Geralt nodded.

"Amazing." The Mayor shook herself. "Sorry, how can I help you?"

"Well, it's about the Dojo you have in town." Geralt explained. "I am a practitioner of the Martial Arts and I would like to become the acting Master until there comes a time when a true Master shows themself."

"Really now?" Mayor Mare's brows raised. "Your skills will of course have to be proven." She appeared to think for a moment. "Paperwork has been dull..." She mused. A smile split her face. "Well, a bout like this must be witnessed. How about we go find Miss Dash and we can see if you are any good?"

"That works for me." Geralt nodded. "Pinkie, Guilmon?"

"Works for me." Guilmon shrugged. "We're just morale support at the moment."

"Yup." Pinkie chirped.

"Geralt!" Octavia's voice grabbed the groups attention. Geralt stood and turned to see Octavia and Vinyl trotting up to them.

"Octavia, Vinyl." Geralt smiled. "Any luck?"

"No, nopony appears open." Octavia said with a huff.

"That's cause it's Tuesday and the shit hasn't hit the fan yet." Pinkie said as the two made made it to the group.

"Ah Ha!" Vinyl laughed as Octavia blinked owlishly at Pinkie.

"Ah, introductions. Vinyl, Octavia, this is Mayor Mare, Pinkie Pie, and Guilmon. Guilmon, Pinkie, Mayor, these are Octavia Philharmonica Melody and Vinyl Vincenza Scratch." Geralt gestured to each as he said their names.

Various hellos went around the group. Geralt spoke up once again when the introductions were over "Octavia and Vinyl were looking for a house and a place that could potentially hold a restaurant. We have friends up in Canterlot who are considering moving."

"I believe we can find something. Everything should be open this afternoon." Mayor Mare smiled and nodded that the two recent additions to the group.

"Well what do we do until then?" Vinyl asked. Then a mischievous smile crossed her face.

Pinkie and Vinyl both took a breath, however before they could say anything.

"Vinyl/Pinkie don't you dare say orgy!" Octavia and Guilmon snapped simultaneously.

There was a few moments of silence as Octavia and Guilmon stared at each other in shock. Everyone else simply glanced between the pair.

"Holy shit there's two of them!" Vinyl burted.

"We're never going to be able to say anything dirty again!" Pinkie cried.

"They're the fun police!" Vinyl cried.

"It's eerie how similar they are." Mayor Mare looked between the two overacting mares.

"True." Geralt nodded. "Vinyl, Octavia." her looked at the two and waved to try and grab their attention. Both mares looked at him. "We did have a plan actually."

'Oh, what's that?" Octavia asked, looking grateful for the ending of Vinyl's and Pinkie's antics.

"I am going to challenge Rainbow Dash for control of the Ponyville Dojo." Geralt said and proceeded to crack his knuckles.

"Ooooooooo!" Vinyl cooed giddily. "I wanna watch."

"Thing is, we have to find her." Guilmon said rolling his eyes. "Once she's done with the morning weather routine she takes a nap somewhere."

Pinkie poked Guilmon with a hoof. "Silly we know exactly where she goes when she wants to nap."

"Oh... duh." Guilmon faceclawed.

"Care to fill us in?" Geralt asked raising a brow.

"That's a lot of apple trees." Vinyl stated, somewhat dumbstruck by the sheer number of trees contained in Sweet Apple Acres.

"Yep." Been in the family for generations. The Stetson wearing, green-eyed, orange earth pony mare known as Applejack announced proudly. Unsurprisingly the mare's Cutie Mark was three apples.

"And this Rainbow Dash is in here somewhere?" Octavia asked frowning and pointing a hoof at the orchard.

"Not somewhere. That tree." Pinkie announced point at the orchard.

Everyone stared at her.

"What?" Pinkie asked.

"Just trust her, she knows these things." Guilmon shrugged.

Shrugging himself, Geralt hopped the fence and walked over to a tree. "This one?" He looked back at Pinkie.

"Nope, she shook her head. "Two to your right."

"Gotcha." Geralt walked over two trees and pointed at it.

"Yep. She's up there." Pinkie grinned and nodded enthusiastically.

"Okay." Geralt bobbed his head in acknowledgement. Turned towards the tree he took a breath as he widened his stance. His feet turned inward as he brought his hands up. He curled his index, middle, and ring fingers inward but left his pinkie and thumb out. He began shifting back on forth from paw to paw until he was bouncing between each paw, bobbing his shoulders with each bounce.

There was an inhale of breath then his right fist and right knee lashed out. They struck the tree not even two feet apart with a resounding crack of splintering wood. The whole tree shook violently as apples rained down from above.

"Damn! I should hire him for Applebuck Season!" Applejack whistled.

"Ahhhh-ooph!" A cyan blur fell from the tree and slammed into the ground with a thud. Geralt dropped his stance and baked up to give the mare room.

Magenta eyes blinked in surprise as a wild mane the colors of the rainbow whipped back and forth, dislodging the various leaves stuck within. The Cyan pegasus pushed herself onto her haunches, a cloud with a multi-colored lightning bolt granced each flank. She froze as her eyes fell on the paws in front of her. Her gaze slowly traveled up until her eyes locked onto Geralt's.

There was a moment of silence.

"Woof." Rainbow Dash said as her eyes widened.

"Language." Geralt chuckled.

"Did you actually know what she said?!" Pinkie gasped.

"No Pinkie." Geralt spared a glance at the hyperactive mare. "I just thought it'd fit."

"Hey!" Suddenly a pair of magenta eyes were inches from his own.

"There's the temper." Applejack groaned.

"Afternoon." Geralt said quite calmly compared to the angry mare.

"I was napping up there!" Rainbow snapped thrusting a hoof back at the tree.

"I'm aware." Geralt replied.

"Wait..." Rainbow blinked. "You did that on purpose?!"

"I did." Geralt nodded.

"What you trying to start a fight or something?" The mare spat through grit teeth.

"I am, in fact." Geralt said with a smile.

That stopped the mare cold. She blinked and hovered in place as Geralt backed away. "Rainbow Dash." Geralt held out a hand palm up. "I, Geralt Ivan Jameson, Challenge you for control of the Ponyville Dojo."

"Wait..." It took a moment for the words to register. "You want to take my Dojo?"

"Actually it's the town's Dojo." Mayor Mare added.

"What she said." Geralt gestured a thumb at the mare.

"I don't know what kind of Diamond Dog you are, but if you think you're taking my Dojo from me you've got another thing coming." Rainbow snorted and charged at Geralt.

The next thing Rainbow knew she was on the ground, coughing and spitting up dirt from the road. "Pbbbbtht!" She spat more dirt from her mouth as she roughly shook the ringing from her ears. She pushed herself to her hooves and shook herself violently.

"Clearly," Geralt, whatever he was, spoke up sounding disappointed. "You do not know that there is an order to these kinds of things."

Rainbow whirled around. She hadn't even seen him move. He stood a few feet from her his arms crossed over his chest, the noon day sun shading most of his form yet his golden eyes seemed to almost glow with an inner light. He looked very disappointed. Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Guilmon, Mayor Mare, and a couple mares Rainbow didn't know all stood on the other side of the fence, leaving a sizable space for both her and the wolf. Rainbow snorted, pawed the ground and flared her wings. However before she could move Mayor Mare's voice spoke up.

"This bout will be for control of the Ponyville Dojo. The bout will continue until one parties gives up, or is unable to continue fighting." Mayor Mare stated professionally as she trotted between Rainbow and Geralt. "Geralt, do you accept these conditions?"

"I do." Geralt nodded as he widened his stange, raised his arms and began bouncing from paw to paw. A small smile began to grow on his face.

"Rainbow Dash, do you accept these conditions?" The Mayor turned towards Rainbow.

"Heck yeah, I do! Let's go!" Rainbow snorted and popped her neck.

"Very well." Mayor mare nodded, turned around and walked to the fence, turned back around and sat on her haunches. "You may begin whenever you desire."

Rainbow made to move but a chuckle from Geralt drew her eyes towards his. Though those golden eyes were filled with amusement, she felt something hidden. A hint of something cold, predatory. "Your bravado will not win you this Rainbow." He stated, his shoulders bouncing with each bounce from paw to paw. "Nor will your ego. Nor will your temper."

"Shut up! I don't need a lecture." Rainbow snapped as she burst from the ground in an explosion of dust. She closed in moments. Idiot didn't ever try to move. She whirled mid are snapping out with a hind leg.

There was a whoosh of air as her trail caught up with her.

'Where'd he go?' Rainbow thought as she blinked. 'He was right here.'

"Eep!" Rainbow squeaked as she felt a hand touch her flank.

"You're fast. I'll give you that." Geralt's voice spoke up from her right. "Also, You're muscles are toned enough. That could have really hurt." She whirled, lashing out with a foreleg. As her eyes caught up wit hehr movement she saw Geralt smirking at her as her hoof closed, she watched in shock as he leaned out of the way, causing her strike to miss completely. "However, your strikes are painfully telegraphed."

"Shut up!" She snapped and swung her other foreleg. This time one of his hands came up, and swatted her hoof to the side. In the same motion his other hand came up and she felt the point of his middle fingers claw gently graze her stomach. A chill briefly rushed through her. Only to be quashed moments later.

With a beat of her wings she flew backwards, giving her some breathing room. Geralt still bounced there, small smile still on his lips. She snorted and another beat of her wings, she soared high above the wolf. Arcing around she pulled her wings close, extended her forelegs, and dove.

Tears blurred her vision, making his movements muddy. She swore she saw him do something. Like he could dodge this. She was Rainbow Dash!

"Ahhhh-" Her warcray was cut off as she felt her tail get grabbed suddenly she was jerked to the left. Just as suddenly she was tumbling through the air. She bounced off the dirt once. Twice. Then finally skidded to a halt.

"You don't keep your eyes on your enemy. You charge headlong into danger without thinking." Geralt stated, she could hear him coming closer. His paws softly padded on the dirt beneath him. "You may be fast, however you also have poor reaction time."

With a grunt Rainbow pushed herself back to her hooves. She winced as... everything hurt. Shaking herself she turned back towards the wolf. Geralt stood still a few feet away, his head cocked to the side as if he was studying her.

"Why... Why aren't you taking this fight seriously?" Rainbow spat out a wad of phlegm.

"You don't want me taking this fight seriously." Geralt shook his head. "However, I have good news. You show great promise and I'd be more than willing to teach you."

"Stop lecturing me dammit!" Rainbow charged forward, kicking off the ground and throwing a punch that avoided by leaning ever so slightly away. With a flap, Rainbow whirled, lashing out a hind leg. Only for it to thud against Geralt's palm.

Rainbow growled and locked eyes with the wolf. His eyes bored into hers, as, with a push, he shoved Rainbow away.

"Take me seriously!" Rainbow roared and rushed forward, throwing a punch.

The swing whiffed though nothing.

"Very well." The husky whisper in her ear sent chills down her spine.

Suddenly stars exploded in her vision as something smashed into her gut. "Gggkkk!" Time seemed to slow as pain rippled out from her stomach. Rainbow's eyes bugged out as she dry heaved from the impact alone. Slowly reality reasserted itself as a feeling of weightlessness over took her. She felt like she was floating. Everything felt fuzzy.

She didn't feel herself hit the ground.

"The winner is... Geralt." Mayor Mare said slowly as everyone rushed over to the fallen mare. Geralt was already kneeling over her.

"She's alright, for the most part." He called out as everyone crowded around the two of them.

Rainbow was a mess, covered in dirt, scratches, and road burns. Her mane was a mess and her wings bore numerous out of place feathers.

"Someone should take her to the Hospital just in case." Geralt looked at the surrounding ponies and lizard.

"Ah, can take her." Applejack said shaking her head and frowned at the snoring mare. "Damned fool doesn't know when to quit."

"I can go with her." Pinkie said, looking at her friend in concern.

"Good." Geralt stood, bent over and gently lifted the unconscious pegasus and placed her on the apple mare's back.

"We'll get ya fixed up." Applejack shook her head and quickly trotted away with Pinkie in tow.

"Well Mister Jameson, I'd say you won." Mayor Mare spoke up. "The Dojo is yours, until someone takes it from you. Hmmmm, may have to become a regular thing."

"Heh. Thank you Mayor." He nods at the mare.

"Geralt...." Octavia's voice pulled Geralt's attention from Mayor Mare. Octavia looked shocked to say the least.

"That was awesome!" Vinyl butted in bouncing on her hooves giddily.

"That.... damn..." And Geralt's attention was now pulled towards Guilmon.

"One at a time, please." Geralt chuckled as he pushed himself up to his paws. "No need to crowd."

A roar split the air causing the mares to jump and both digimon to whirl towards the noise.

"Tuesday rears its ugly head." Guilmon groaned.

"That came from the Everfree." Mayor Mare stated. "Guilmon would you mind dealing with whatever made that noise?"

"No problem." Guilmon nodded.

"He's not going to be alone." Geralt snorted. "Rainbow didn't even make me work up a sweat."

"What was that?!" Octavia snapped, wide-eyed.

"Something that should be taken care of shortly. Would you ladies like to come back to the Town Hall so we can get started looking at homes?"

"But.. but..." Octavia babbled as she was dragged off my Vinyl.

"Come on Octy. They'll be fine." The DJ gave the smallest worried glance back towards Geralt before dragging Octavia after Mayor Mare.

"So." Geralt looked at Guilmon.

"So." Guilmon responded in kind.

"Wanna go punch a monster in the face?"

Author's Note:

This is my first time actually writing serious combat. I don't know if I did that well. I guess time and comments will tell me.

Comments ( 11 )

This was a blast man. 10/10 in my opinion

Glad you enjoyed it.

I spotted a few typos, but still awesome!

Her would body trembled as she realised that this was another Digimon. Not only that, but another Digimon like Guilmon. One who hadn't been a Digimon to begin with. Yes, there was Salamon and..... the other Digimon's name escaped her for some reason, but they was in Canterlot and they'd been here for years. Something about that just wasn't the same as having somebody new show up. Somebody who knows what it's like to wake up i a new body.

As for corrections, would be:
Her whole body, they were in Canterlot, in a new body for that paragraph, and there are minor typos for the dialogue lines, but the overal chapter is good.

I can't get enough of Rainbow Dash getting her arse handed over, just you know. :rainbowlaugh:

However, I am curious...

Who is the Digimon that lives with the princesses? The line in green drew my attention, that's why I ask. :unsuresweetie:

Thanks for catching those.

As the the Canterlot Digimon, those are coming from Dragonfire2lm. I recommend checking out The Digi-Verse group Dragon and I made.

I sort of wish that we'd get to see what the monster was though considering who it's about to face, I doubt it would matter.

Really pumped by the fight by the way, even if it was rather one-sided.

I'm glad you enjoyed it. Perhaps someday I'll make a fight between Geralt and Jotaro's Fursona



8837377 Jotaro’s Fursona is freakin’ Leomon!?

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