• Published 15th Jan 2019
  • 2,277 Views, 37 Comments

Within Everhoof - Timeless Lord Slayer

"Blacksmith's children are not afraid of sparks." This is the proverb a once young smith took to heart millennia ago. Now, The Lonesome Smith has lived a long, long life, and lived up to his many, many names, especially the first.

  • ...

1 - The First Strike: Meeting The Lonesome Smith (Edited)

Snow falls on the Shrouded Peak.

Hammer falls sound from unfathomable depths.

The Artist forges his works.


His hammer falls.


His hammer falls.

Works of legend and myth line the halls.

Flames spout from the forge.


His hammer falls.

The Shaperate's form gleams in the dim light.

His baleful, fiery orange eyes blaze like his forge.

Chill bit at her already worn winter coat. Chill that was growing into a threat of frostbite. Each crunch of hard, thickly packed snow beneath her hooves only expedited the process, despite the heavy snow boots she bore on them. Shaking breaths escaped her mouth in ever increasing frequency.

The storm had not been kind.

Snow had started to pack itself into the crevices of her winter coat, sending freezing bitterness down the mare's small form. The amount only grew with each harsh fall of snow that hit her body, wracking her with cold the likes of which she never thought possible.

Still, she continued to take her shaky, shuddering steps. Behind her goggles, molten gold eyes burned bright. Her steps, whilst still shocked by shivers, remained resolute. A burdensome pack was strapped tightly to her barrel, tinkling and jingling from side to side with each step the mare took, it's contents clinking and clanking and clanging together as if trying to outdo the already piercing howls of the winter gales.

Through the blur of snowflakes, the mare could look up and easily see the towering titan of snow and stone, with a telltale smoke rising from it's peak.

Mount Everhoof.

Many simply knew it as the tallest mountain in all the world. However, a small few knew it as an abode. An abode, of the greatest blacksmith known to any race. Minotaurs called him The Iron Hand. Ponies called him The Artist of Metal. Changelings called him The Shaperate. Dragons, The Molder. Many more titles had been given to him over the centuries, but few recalled his visage, or even his form. Most recalled only the wonders of smithing genius he had made. One such wonder was Netitus, the fabled shield of Flash Magnus. One was the Cloak of Clover the Clever. Another was the Bloodstone Scepter. Yet another was the Helm of Yksler. Truth be told, many could simply name an artifact of the past and easily trace it back to this divine creator of arms and armors.

And yet, very few had ever laid eyes on him. Indeed, those that had had been the ones to ask for these many artifacts to be made. The bodies of those who were felled by the cold journey to the mountain showed the fate of those whom had wished for their own mystical item of renown.

One such body caused the mare to trip and fall face first into the freezing white. With a low groan, she slowly and shakily pushed herself back up, looking behind herself to see the body of a fellow pony, long since lost to the passages of time and left with bones so pale it was no surprise she did not see it before. The mare grunted, then looked to her heavy pack to make certain she had not lost any of her items.

With her check complete, she muttered a prayer for the lost soul whom had died so long ago, then continued on her quest. Long was her trudge towards the mountain, but she knew there laid no hope in making shelter in this storm. Nay, instead, she had to find it.

And the only shelter that she knew to be nearby was the home of the Artist of Metal. Knowing this, she continued to push forwards, even as her body screamed in over-exertion and trembled from the bite of winter. Had she not known better, she'd have sworn the Wendigoes themselves had summoned the tempest of cold.

The wind grows harsher, biting deeper, cutting deeper, it's icy children slicing away at her orange-furred cheeks. The storm was getting too fierce. She couldn't see anymore. She raised a shaking foreleg up to shield her face, gritting her teeth as she pressed on nonetheless.

'I can't... Stop now...'

She stumbled, but managed to regain her footing and push onwards. The winds she was so unused to were taunting her with thoughts of home, reminding her with cruel brutality that she was far from the verdant hills as they continued to try and push her back with their screeching, sharp flakes of ice.

'I...made a promise...' She stomped a hoof down, forging ahead even still, even as her teeth chattered wildly. '...to Grandpa...!'

She tumbled, letting out a cry as she tripped over an unseen corpse once again. She fell face first into the snow, but instead slid. "W-WhaaaAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!" she cried as she slid down an incline of ice as smooth as glass. She tried to slow herself down with her hooves, but they slipped out from under her, the momentum of their movement slamming her on her back with a grunt of pain. She continued to slide down, mane whipping about in her face.

And then, she felt heat. It started out as a small warmth. Then grew, slowly, just as the light and her visibility went from little to nothing. The heat slowly became like that of a bonfire, and then...

...Her slide halted, and she fell bodily to an oddly warm, tiled floor. She groaned as she slowly pushed herself to her hooves and then shook herself, flinging a good deal of the not melted snow off of her, and resulting in another, lower groan as she felt a number of aches in her body.

She shook her head, hoof on her forehead to try to help with the coming headache. "Uugh... That's not gonna be a fun thing to wake up to tomorrow..." She shook her head again, then looked around. Her golden eyes widened. "Woah..." She uttered, slowly, shakily pulling her goggles up, taking in the sight before her.

A gigantic, smooth, silvery face sat just a few hundred meters in front of her, the tiled floor leading straight into it's maw. It bore a large, ornate beard, complete with gold braids littered with gems and engravings. The face itself was unlike any creature on Equus and alien as could be. It bore no muzzle, no snout, no beak. It boasted no prominent or large eyes as nigh all species of Equus did. Nay, instead they were narrow, beady, piercing, and oh so exotic. The eyes of the monolith were made all the more awe-inspiring by the solid orange jewels that they were composed of. The jewels seemed to glow and even burn with flames, yet also crackled with some form of lightning, so yellow as to stand out just a tad. It's nose was just as small, but the eyes, the eyes just stared down at her, as if daring her to make some move.

Flashfire, forgetting all about her previous exhaustion, fumbled with her hoof, staring up at the face, her gaze never leaving that of the jeweled eyes as she hurriedly tried to open the strap on her saddlebags. "Ack, come on, hooves!" she urged. Swiftly, and after much fumbling, she opened it and scrounged around. Feeling through her various tools and materials, she tried to find the item she sought, all while still gazing up at the eyes with an open mouth. Finally, she pulled out a weathered old journal, and hurriedly flipped through the pages.

She skimmed the contents until she found what she was looking for. After flipping through dozens of pages, she found it. A drawing, a picture, of the very same face before her. She looked back up at the face as if she was looking at some sort of god, eyes sparkling and mouth agape.

"It's really true..." She took a step forward. "...Grandpa was right. It's the Mouth of the Forge..." She put the journal back, trotting slowly forwards, as if in a trance.

Soon, she reached it, and when she made it inside it's maw, an intense heat washed over the mare, followed by a searing, flame-like glow.

"Visitor," a roaring voice spoke, it's tones like that of a roaring inferno. "You have walked into my home. Knowing, willing, prepared or not, you MUST be tested. None whose hearts and souls are not seared by fate, shaped by iron resolve, and tempered by discipline may ever enter." There was a rushing wave of flames, and while they were certainly hot, she found they did not burn her. The flames roared and crackled around her, then smothered her. They pushed closer and closer, almost as if they were grabbing her. Then, after a short while, the flames receded. "Your heart is refined. Your soul is as tempered steel. You may proceed." And like that, the glow, the flames, the heat, all of it was gone.

When she looked around again, she found a hallway, long and stretching, lined with statues, banners, and braziers and chandeliers with purple flames crackling away in them. She looked over herself swiftly. "I'm not burned?" She said in surprise, patting herself down and finding no scorch marks or burns on her coat nor fur. She looked up from her inspection back to the hallway ahead. She put a foreleg over her eyes, squinting them, just able to make out a larger chamber in the distance, one with even more light.

She sighed, shoulders sagging. "Well, I guess a little more walking won't kill me."

Slowly, she began to trot forwards, her hooves clicking and clacking on the still warm and smooth tiles. She looked to the statues, stopping in front of one. They were all almost reminiscent of armor, but she was certain that they were statues. All of them were made of Damascus steel, a steel forged by techniques Flashfire had only heard of in stories. Yet, the steel looked to have been an alloy, as the water-like patterns contained trace colors of legendary Coffernite, the same bronze-colored metal Netitus, the legendary shield of Flash Magnus, had been forged from. The heads of the statues were laughably small, though with the sheer weight and thickness to the arms, chestplates, pauldrons and leggings, few would dare to laugh. Flashfire certainly wasn't going to.

However, they were certainly styled like helmets. They bore no visors, instead, they bore masks seemingly modeled after the Mouth of the Forge. The statues all bore pectorals as well, ones so chiseled that she was certain they'd make any Minotaur cry from feelings of inadequacy. The statues even had gems for eyes that were exactly like the ones on the Mouth, coupled with various weapons in their hands that Flashfire couldn't help but be mesmerized by.

"Wonder if these were made before or after the Mouth..." Flashfire mumbled as she turned and continued her journey. "Sure as Tartarus must've taken a long time to make everything here." She glanced to the pillars supporting the hallway, taking note of the Fire Rubies that had been engraved into them, forming very angular patterns of flames. "Sweet Celestia, I know The Artist has supposedly been around as long as the Princesses and Discord, but the time he's had to do all this is insane." She shook her head and forged ahead.

Finally, she made it to the end of the hallway and into the chamber. And once more, her eyes widened to comical proportions. And, once more, she felt intense heat all around her, so much she had to shed her coat.

Before her lay a mindbogglingly titanic chamber, cavernous in shape, yet also heavily, heavily modernized. Flashfire would even go so far as to say futurized. A low, rumbling, rhythmic beating echoed throughout the chamber, emanating from a massive pillar-like shaft that shot up to the ceiling and even went down below, and held glowing, pulsing red and blue molten lava inside it's glass. A deceptively simple concrete bridge with no rails led straight up to it, with three more going north, east, and west, all centered around the shaft.

Multiple tubes - which the auburn mare assumed were lava channels - carried the strange, molten rock to multiple areas from the shaft. When Flashfire chanced a glance over the side to see where the channels exactly led, her eyes managed to widen even further. The channels led all the way back down to the floor of the chamber, where they pooled into corners of said chamber, hundreds of glittering rocks scattered around said pools. Around those collections of minerals were minecart rails, a good number of minecarts already lined up around them and filled to the brim with the precious and no doubt highly sought after materials.

Flashfire's ears perked up, then, when she finally picked up a constant noise that also echoed throughout the chamber. Her eyes once more widened, until it seemed impossible for them to widen any further. "No bucking way..." she swore, sweeping her gaze towards the sound. Among a number of strange machines and the forge she'd never dreamed she'd see, was a massive, metal figure, shaping some similarly massive blade with a similarly massive sledgehammer.

Flashfire shot her head up, hooves scrambling. "Holy buck, holy bucking buck!" she swiveled her head about rapidly, searching with frantic golden eyes for a way down. Quickly, she found an elevator right at the edge of the bridge she was on, in the corner between where her bridge and the eastern one met. She galloped straight for it, quickly reaching it and rushing on before slamming the lever down to activate it like her life was on the line.

She paced around the elevator as it descended, rambling to herself. "Oh my Celestia, oh my Celestia, oh my sweet, sweet Celestia!" she squealed, holding her face and bouncing on the spot. "It's him! It's him it's him it's him it's him it's him!!"

The elevator finally reached the bottom, and she turned on a dime and bolted straight towards the looming figure currently forging some new legendary weapon on a massive, slate-black anvil with glowing blue veins. She screeched to a halt just in front of the anvil, it's size dwarfing her by at least double.

And for one, final, impossible time, her eyes widened again.

Staring down at her, sledgehammer paused mid-strike and literally blazing, golden eyes staring down at her, surrounded by his forge and ingenious machines, was the one she had come thousands of miles for. His form was like that of the statues in the hallway, but much more ornate, and much more defined, chiseled, and dare she say regal.

His body was made of bulking, hulking metal that had a Damascus pattern to it, but it was made of a metal that was supremely, rare; promethium. The bottoms of his shoulders, the pauldrons, were lined with ermine fur that hung loosely, yet still held no hope of reaching anywhere near even a quarter of his arm's lengths. His hands bore spikes of purest, refined uranium on the knuckles, and Flashfire could swear the inside of his hands had gems of pure painite inlaid in them, adding two whole hoof-sized additions to the single gram that had been found the world over despite millennia of search. His head was still the same as those of the statues and the Mouth, save for the blazing golden flames he had for eyes alone.

The behemoth of metal slowly lowered his sledgehammer, placing it head-down on the floor. Before he could get a word in though, Flashfire blurted out with clenched eyes and a deep bow, "PLEASE MAKE ME YOUR APPRENTICE!!!"

Author's Note:

Well, I certainly hope this first chapter didn't bore you all. I mean, it was hella fun for me to write, so if you guys found the vast amount of admittedly lengthy descriptions boring I will admit I'd be pretty bummed.

Mainly because I'm not sure I can bring myself to get rid of them.

Good thing they need to stay for lore reasons! :pinkiehappy:

Anyways, I plan on having the story start out slow at first with no crossovers, so be ready for some fun!

Thanks for reading!

-Timeless Celestial

Comments ( 37 )

So this is your child you talked me about at Discord during last year when I was online more often?:raritywink:

Interesting take you got going here. Will be tracking!:twilightsmile::moustache:

9405588 Wonderful to hear, mate. Can I ask if you have any in-depth thoughts about it?

Well your blub didn't include any variation on "this should be fun", so I am cautiously optimistic.

9405725 Stay cautious. It will keep me and others grounded. As an added note, I'm glad you're sticking around, dear reader. :twilightsmile:

Well just so long as your character actually has character. My perennial gripe with "displaced" fics has always been that the original character would have been more interesting than whichever 20-something impersonator we actually get. But, this is very well written, and the atmosphere is exquisite.

Thus I believe I can trust you not to put an inexplicably immature yahoo in the body of an ageless force of history, yes?

In-depth thoughts? Well, the blurb is good and to the point - you get exactly what you see. Tags fig in nicely for your plans as well.

The bit down of that? That'd fit better into a blog post, just leaving a link instead for anyone who cares or is interested in participating in accordance to your terms. That'll streamline it plenty for the casual reader.

As for the character itself? I'll have to wait and see, as I literally don't know who's the blacksmith you're employing and so far I don't know why he's stuck in the middle of frozen nowhere.

... Reminds me of Mu of Aries from Saint Seiya, actually. He's the blacksmith for Athena's Saints, as well as being one himself. Hell, he lives in the Himalayas...

... And the path leading to his abode is full of dry corpses of fellow saints who wanted him to repair/revive their armors.

Perfectly understandable. That's a gripe I have as well.

9405798 Shifty eyes U-Um, I don't know what you're talking about, honest! :scootangel:

JK: I recall a little of that in the lore, though Athena Saints was never intriguing enough to me. Honestly this whole chapter is the result of nearly five years of rewrites.

9405757 Perfectly understood and heard loud and clear. Don't worry, next chapter is coming up soon, and I plan on it being as good as this one, if not better.

To give you two a vague hint at his name but not his personality, his initials are J.S.

I will say that he won't give out his real first name yet, though, so for the next chapter, his initials will be O.S.

His personality, well, that'll be something I can only hope you two and everyone else enjoys.

It all comes down to the 'Ultimate Blacksmith' trope. That's why I could pinpoint the similarity. :rainbowlaugh:

I'll leave you to it, then. Plz dn't frgt The Storm Queen. :fluttercry:

Good work. The descriptions were not too long. When focusing on one character like that it was important to go on about what she was facing.

A few questions about your Displaced and his interdimensional orders, if you don't mind. I'm just asking because I find it interesting.

Is he purely a metalworker, or his creations can be made from whatever as long as metal is a primary part? I doubt he makes wizard robes.
Does he dabble in enchantments, or his area of expertise is just pure steel|adamantium|whatever? Or at least his craft can be +1d later?
Can he work together with the customer, like dipping parts of the ordered sword in freshly prepared alchemical concoctions or writing some runes and letting the wizard fill them with magical power, in the middle of creation process? Or he takes the request, materials and payment, and returns with the order ready after some time?
What about tech: technomagical suits, drones|golems and other magi|mechanical works? Will he provide that if ordered, or you have to find somebody else? Or at least parts that are not tech, like as a strong shell for a automaton?
Is your Displaced instantly capable to work with every imaginable material and make any imaginable thing for any imaginable user (like a helm that protects your third eye), or he needs measurements, time, recipes and extra material for experimenting?
Do his creations have some unique properties because of being made by him? Ones that can't just be repeated by anybody other? Or they're simply incredibly good pieces of craft, that everyone with sufficient knowledge and tools can replicate? Even if there's nobody other with said knowledge and tools around.
What does he take for payment? More exotic materials and recipes, mundane gold|other valuables, pure mana, another uniques?
And less seriously, does he give warranty? Like, "this sword will last for at least 1000 years or 2 plot-important battles, provided you look after it"?

9406211 Well, this is a big'un. But, in order...

He makes nearly all kinds of armor. Now, something that is a common misconception is that wizard robes aren't armor, but in a lot of games they are. So, yes, he knows how to make them. That's why I mentioned his making of Clover the Clever's Cloak. That's cloth, and yet he reinforced the absolute shit out of it, among other things, like infusions and enchantments.

As stated above, he does do enchantments. This guy is able to pull off nearly any enchantment, provided he knows it. If he doesn't know the enchantment, he will do his greatest to learn it, and, being what he is, he'll learn it quick as hell.

The only times he "works" with the customer is when they give him the order for the gear. Other than that, if they try to interfere with the creation process? He'll be very, very, VERY mad. He knows a lot about runes, as well, researched them alone for at least 1000 years. Alchemy is one thing he doesn't know, sadly.

Sadly, whilst he does have some engineering know-how, he doesn't know anything about making power-armor or nanomachine suits or any of that. I honestly don't plan on him doing that, save for the power armor, but if it comes up, he'll give it a go. Also, as for the golems? Well, I dearly wish I could give you an answer on that one, but, I'm afraid that particular bit will have to be left for following chapters.

He does need measurements and time, and the recipes are something he'd toss aside. He prefers to do trial and error, and, with his vast, VAST wealth of experience and knowledge, as well being what he is, he is EXTREMELY unlikely to make a mistake. If anything, he'd refine the recipe without having even looked at or touched it. As for extra materials to experiment with? That's his payment for every job. A steady influx of materials for him to experiment with and work with. He never asks for anything for any monetary gain, he has no use for it.

Now, as for whether he gives unique abilities or effects to the gear he makes, yes...and no. See, basically what it is that he has knowledge of techniques that basically no mortal and even a good few immortals simply don't have, and some simply can't understand, even more so with mortals. I won't spoil too much, but I will give you a name drop on one; Primus Nephesh. I'd recommend NOT googling those words and instead going to a more reliable source to find out their meanings.

Also as explained earlier, as payment, he simply asks for a steady supply of materials for as long as is possible (since because he's a golem he's ageless and thus might outlive the Displaced giving the materials).

And the last one, yes, he does give warranty.

I hope that answered all of your questions!:twilightsmile:

Mostly so, yes. So I'd like to clarify some things, then.
About materials - looks like the Displaced in question is better named a crafter. Like, if it can be used in making a weapon|an armor piece, he can use it to make said thing. This misunderstanding was mostly caused by "steel and iron" in description.

Considering enchantments - so he can do everything he knows, and he knows a lot. But looks like it still makes him limited by things possible in his magic system, or whatever. Also, does magic he imbues into his craft require recharging or maitenance, and then can it be done by users of other powers/magics?

Given inability to modify thing in process - asking this Displaced is better for fighters, rogues and other "run faster, strike harder" types. Because he can do a good offensive/defensive option, but he will do it his way. Meaning wizards|engineers who need something specific - like a focus for their specific magic or a high-tech tool - will probably be better off by themselves. But they can still commission an armor piece, as long as it doesn't interfere with their things - which is another problem for "I'm the Ultimate Smith and I know best" approach your character seem to have.

"Giving it a go" at least means he can work by specifications, and that's good. It means there is space for cooperation, in that he can make power armor armor parts and other tinkerer can put all the hardware inside. Except if he won't stand for releasing anything besides finished product, which he may.

Considering refinement of recipes - I have no doubt he can think of how to combine materials better than anybody else. Even more, I think he can advise on using ones. What I would be wary of is improving on the request so much that it's no longer what was ordered.

And him being a golem himself you might want to spoiler.

What's this a crossover with?

9406300 The magic he imbues lasts for as long as the weapon or armor exists.

As for the being unable to make a focus or tool for a mage, that is only partly true. See, the first chapter showed that he's had dealings with mages, correct? So, it stands to reason he's made all kinds of things for mages, yes? He's made things like staffs, wands, cloaks, robes, hats, even the bells on Star Swirl's gear. And all that is just a small amount of the things he's made for mages. However, he is no true mage himself, and thus finer tools such as a magical puzzle cube or something of the sort are a no go for him. But, he has made equipment for all kinds of warriors, be they mage, knight, paladin, berserker, cleric, etc. etc. Equipment is a very broad term, dear reader. It can mean quite a few things.

As for the golem bit, that was far from a spoiler, dear reader. It was implied and confirmed by the end of the first chapter. No, what I meant by what he is is, well, something you'll have to find out.

9406541 A few things of which you will see soon, but I will say it is a partial crossover with Dragon Age. Partial. VERY partial.

Huh I would of thought ornn would of been a inspiration

9407167 He was a little bit, but him and his lore were inspirations and not actually part of the crossover, if you get my meaning.

I do thanks for answering me

this seems very interesting and I'm trying to think of who the golem is reminding me of and all I'm getting is Shale but she/he/it isn't made of the right materials.

9407264 Of course. I endeavor to answer all my dear readers questions. :twilightsmile:

9407438 Well, you'll get it once you get the name drop, trust me.

So in regards to power armor and the like, he wouldn't be able to make a suit of mjolnir armor, as that sort of tech is far out of his bailiwick. But, if you described mjolnir armor to him, he'd be able to create something that achieves the same effect via enchantment and exotic materials?

Is that about the shape of it?

With that thought in mind, does he do repairs on stuff he didn't create? Say, if space marine #53 or whatever gets his chain-sword broken in half fighting faust-knows-what, can said space marine get a repair, or is he going to end up with a brand new weapon? Because goodness knows most of these yahoos are toting around some kind of macguffin weapon. I'm sure being asked to fix Frostmorne again for the 20th time wouldn't get old at all.

9408268 To those questions, I can easily say yes. As for the repair part of it, he could do that, but if it's Space Marine gear, especially their weapons, he'll go a little ga ga, if you know what I mean. If the Space Marine, however, pushed for a simple repair despite the Smith's repeated attempts to make a weapon or armor or similar, then he'd begrudgingly accept it and simply repair them, so long as he gets materials from their universe.

I say all this because, while the Smith has been around for a long, long ass time, he has not been around for 41,000 years (albeit still a bit near that amount of time, but you get my meaning nonetheless), meaning the smithing worlds in Warhammer 40K? They're able to do something that he only does when he either feels like it, or when the customer asks for it; give the weapon or armor a literal soul. Because of this, if he meets just one Space Marine or being from that 'verse, it'll be the first time that he decides to get out of the Mountain.

Now, this isn't to say he can't do it as well or as easily as those smithing worlds can, but it is to say that he's very, very, very interested in seeing how they go about the process. And if the fact the 40K stuff has a soul isn't enough, he'd be enamored plenty just by the sheer amount of care they put into making the armor or weapons. Mostly because it's nearly the same amount he puts into making his. Nearly. Can't stress that enough.

Anyway, rant over. Point is, yes, he can do those things.

Oh, man. This is so cool! Even if I never continue my displaced, I'm gonna keep close eye on this story, I looove stories of magnificent craftsmanship rivaling that of hephaestus.

You can't say never. You might end up finding a story that inspires you to write.

Comment posted by Timeless Lord Slayer deleted Jan 22nd, 2019

Not bad at all. Nice concept. A displaced with no interest in adventure or conquering, but one that would make a great stop for any advenurer. Makes me want to dig up my old displaced and introduce him to Pontius, the brave fat knight raised by minotaurs.

Sadly, I am one of those writers that can never seem to finish anything as I don't write with an ending in mind, because if I know the ending the story is over in my mind and I cannot get myself to write it.

The one thing I do have to say is that this chapter alone does nothing to tell us what "the artist" is like. Looking forward to next chapter.

Getting a very Dwarf Fortress vibe. I'm leery of the idea of crossing over with other 'worlds'(particularly ones written by other authors), I'd prefer iif the story focused entirely on the various heroes, kings, and villains who come to beg an artifact from this world instead of ones from other worlds, but the writing here was engaging enough for me to look past that. I suppose we'll see if I keep reading past the first crossover, huh?

I'm getting an Ornn vibe here..

9625468 Understandable, as he is one of the many inspirations for this story.

Very nice so far, I look forward to seeing where this goes.
One thing though, I, and probably several others, use different cholor schemes to read (like night mode) and the image you picked as the page break has a white background, so it sticks out a lot, if it's possible, try to find a version of it with a transparent background.
I know, its a small thing, and its not even remotely important, but its something to consider when you have a spare moment.

9633980 I doubt I'll find one with a transparent background, considering how long it took me to find this one in general, but I'll try.

Don't sweat it. Like I said, its no big deal, just something to keep an eye out for.

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