• Published 31st Mar 2018
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Airship Mauled - Darkonshadows

We crash landed on a goddess. Welcome to Airship Mauled, where everything could possibly be worse.

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Chapter fifty four, Furious Fights: Kung-Pow Cow!

-The Volcano, Upper Tier, Coliseum Stands, Arizona-

“So aside from sliding around like you were on ice, can you actually fly now?” I asked Velvet as she gently placed Paprika down next to me.

Our alpaca just curled up and kept snoozing, she really took quite a beating and was battered beyond belief. Those bruises looked nasty and would probably take more than just a few hours to heal, Velvet really ripped into her once she got angry. I loved to see Velvet like that personally, but I’m guessing she still paced herself and saved up a good chunk of her ice magic in the anticipation of fighting me.

It made my heart, and the several stomachs worth of butterflies from watching Velvet beat Paprika down, feel all warm and fuzzy that Velvet was saving the best thrashing she could manage for facing me.

“It’s not flight, just a subtle usage of ice magic.” Quirking an eye at Velvet’s response, she ducked her head slightly as I waited for a more in depth explanation. “I might have ripped off one of Jade and Kuril’s magical alchemy tricks, once I figured out how to do it without knowing magical alchemy personally that is. I practiced hard to learn how to do that more than once and the physics behind how I do it are somewhat sound. It’s just not sustainable enough to be counted as flight and can get quite draining, but nobody can take advantage of any jump I make when I can change directions on a bit. Tinsel, would you be a dear and help clean up this mess that my poor beloved floof has become?”

Tinsel floated over to Velvet wanting to readily acquiesce to cleaning her floof, it was probably an honor for the little guy to even be allowed near it.

Paprika really roughed Velvet up pretty good with that disabling kidney punch and the several other blows she landed. I wanted to tell Velvet that her current look was an improvement just to rile her up, but I sadly didn’t get the chance to.

“His opponent Arizona…” I didn’t listen to rest of the announcer’s spiel, I looked into the arena and saw that Shocking was my opponent.

Shocking’s wings were still badly injured after Gene ripped them up with that horrible aerial trade, I think Gene came out of that trade better with clean breaks instead of shredded wings and feathers. The attack to Gene’s chest afterwards was close to being fatal and Shocking had a few things to answer for when it came to hurting the people I cared about.

“You are definitely winning this time, don’t feel too bad about attacking him while he’s handicapped like this.” I looked to Velvet and smiled slightly. “Shocking can’t exactly escape you by going into the sky this time and he’s thoroughly stuck in your playing field.”

“Trust me Velvet, I won’t underestimate that varmint and will not be holding back.” I started to walk away. “I also have a plan to deal with his lightning if he thinks he can just simply lock up my muscles to win the fight this time.”

Velvet shooed Tinsel off for a bit and got up, then she came up to me and pulled me into a deep kiss. When she pulled away, Velvet had this loving smirk on her face.

“You know, I’m usually more eloquent than what you are about to hear me say Arizona. That said, I want you curb stomp his flank honey!” Yikes, Velvet was smoking hot for an ice hearted reindeer, said reindeer proceeded to yell her reasoning at me. “I want to fight you in the arena. If you disappoint me, you will not hear the end of it from me Arid!”

“I’ll bring him down just to make you stop worrying about it fluff butt, just so we can maul each other in a friendly manner later like you apparently want.” I then commented loudly as I moved away from her. “Sheesh, you’d think being married would make us less prone to signal confusing aggressive tendencies!”

“It really doesn’t!” Velvet shouted at my back as I moved for the stairs and she went back to laying down next to Paprika to let Tinsel work on fixing her floof. “We could help how we love each other, but I think we’d get bored way too fast if we didn’t rough each other up or get on one another’s nerves regularly!”

-Arizona vs. Shocking-

Arizona arched her back and stomped a hoof into the stone floor making it crack, she snorted at Shocking with an aggressive and wild look in her eyes.

Shocking grinned toothily and smacked his front hooves together to make sparks fly off of them as he unflinchingly stared her down.

The start of the fight was announced and neither competitor had said a word to one another before the fight began, their eyes spoke of nothing but pain in the future for their opponent.

Shocking’s first moved was to slap his hooves together at his side and then he launched a quickly charged bolt of lightning at his opponent.

Arizona’s first move was to stomp the ground, she caused a minor tremor and sent a massive amounts of dust up into the air.

After a minute of waiting for the dust to clear, Shocking got impatient and clapped his hooves together and blew the dust away with a weak looking shockwave. The shockwave had missed Arizona as she landed on the ground from a jump a second later.

His eyes met Arizona’s and they charged one another, he and Arizona quickly went onto their hind hooves as they approached one another.

Shocking threw a right hook that became charged with lightning as it went for Arizona’s face, only it was blocked by Arizona’s left leg. He grinned and pumped as much lightning out as he could through his hoof.

Arizona didn’t react to the lightning discharge from the hoof pressed against her left leg and slammed Shocking right in the left temple with a hard jab from her right hoof.

Shocking stumble backwards a few feet where he almost fell onto his backside in surprise. Blinking in confusion, Shocking had looked like he charged enough energy in his hoof to paralyze a portion of Arizona with that one hit alone.

It took a moment for him to notice, but Shocking actually looked more closely at Arizona’s legs and torso. She had wrapped bright red and white cord like rope around them, two portions of wrap per leg and one around a majority of her torso. It didn’t take long for Shocking to figure out what exactly Arizona had wrapped her limbs and torso with.

Shocking’s eyes widened and Arizona’s green eyes narrowed at him, she smirked at him as she finished tying off the torso rope at the back of her neck into a pretty looking bow while he was distracted.

Arizona put both her hooves at her sides pointing towards him and she widened her stance. She might look a bit ridiculous with the protective ropes wrapped around her body, but it didn’t seem to matter to her.

Shocking’s fighting style was mostly literal paralyzing lightning strikes, the other half is using his natural brutal physical strength for the opponents that didn’t go down so quietly.

Arizona shifted her hind right hoof forward and motioned at Shocking to come at her with her left foreleg.

Shocking grinned at the challenge Arizona was presenting him, he charged forward and slapped out with his left hoof crackling with lightning. Even if the lightning could be blocked, the force behind his blows would still be enhanced by his charged up hooves as he attacked.

Arizona blocked the slap with her right foreleg, only to intercept a different incoming blow with the upper wrapped portion of her left forelimb.

While she was busy taking Shocking’s right hoof on the shoulder, she thrusted her own right hoof forward in a jab only for Shocking to sway his head out the way. Then her left hind hoof came up and caught him in a chin launching him skyward.

Shocking didn’t go too far up, mostly since a normal rope lasso wrapped around his hind legs and yanked him back towards the ground.

Instead of taking the blow to his back, and his damage wings for what would certainly be an excruciating amount of pain, Shocking rolled mid-air and landed on his front two hooves.

Shocking pushed off with his front hooves to hit Arizona in the chest with a flying buck that sent her rolling across the floor of the arena, this also allowed him to get free of the rope wrapped around his legs.

Shocking was up and facing Arizona who was already charging right for him with her head lowered for what looked like a very obvious incoming ram attack.

Blocking with his left hoof and preparing to counter with his right, Shocking waited to counter Arizona’s incoming attack.

When Arizona got close enough, instead of continuing forward she stopped and then leapt to the side and forwards around Shocking.

This was much to Shocking’s confusion as he tried to take advantage of her sudden stop and for not following through with her ramming attack. The sudden burst of movement threw his attack entire off leaving him unbalanced as the cow darted around and behind him.

Just as Shocking got his balance back he felt something loop over his head and he raised his left hoof before the loop of the lasso could snag him by the throat to choke him. He was successful in preventing himself from being choked out, he wasn’t successful in stopping himself from being yanked into the air backwards.

Arizona held out her left leg and, upon angling his face towards the ground once she clotheslined him spine first, she brought him downwards with a thunderous force.

The backwards version of Arizona’s ‘Rope-a-dope slam’ broke what little of the arena that wasn’t already damaged and created a small crevasse in the flooring.

Once the dust cleared Shocking slowly picked himself up, the rope around his neck had been shredded by the force of Arizona’s attack. He wasn’t even allowed to get his bearings as he was promptly bucked in the butt with a sharp crack that sent him flying across the arena.

Shocking hit a wall, went through it, and then became lodged firmly into the wall behind that one. The audience waited and the announcer was about to call it when Arizona raised her hoof at him, he stayed quiet.

Everyone watched as Shocking pulled himself free, got up and made his way back into the arena with at least cracked bones in his backside based on the way his hind legs moved awkwardly every other step.

Once back in the broken remains of what used to be an arena, Shocking stood up and slapped his hooves together and lit them with crackling bits of lightning.

Shocking Awe was coming back for more. He lunged forward with impressive speed for someone whose body was used to break the arena and then used to knock down a wall in quick succession.

He managed to land several hits on a surprised Arizona before she started fight back, one of these blows caused to Arizona’s nose to start bleeding.

Shocking took a blow across the jaw, both dislocating it and knocking a few teeth out. Yet he still kept coming at Arizona with a sanity challenging ferocity and she met him blow for blow. Each hit he landed was bruising Arizona, her face, her chest and her sides were becoming covered in blue and purple welts.

In the midst of trading several devastating hits to the face and front portion of their bodies, Shocking rammed his left hoof home into Arizona’s belly and then threw a quick right uppercut that knocked her onto her back. He hopped back several feet and then held his hooves high above his head.

Arizona’s looked dazed and her head wobbled about a bit as she tried to get up, she looked towards Shocking starting to build up a ball of lightning above his head.

“Oh no you don’t, not this time!” Arizona quickly reached under her bandana to quickly grip something.

Shocking threw the quickly made lightning ball at Arizona. Even if it didn’t manage to paralyze her, Arizona would still get hurt by the blast it’d make.

Arizona lashed out with her hoof gripping a length of red and white rope. With but a simple quick flick, the sound of a whip cracking could be heard as the frayed ends of the rope struck the ball of lightning.

The ball of lightning didn’t immediately explode, much to everyone’s disbelief, instead the ball of lightning flew straight back into Shocking’s body. It exploded violently upon contact in a blinding flash of lightning.

The lightshow eventually ended and Shocking was still standing.

“Ugh… d-d-d-amn... i-it…” He was standing, but was apparently having problems moving.

Arizona shoved the small length of rope back up under her bandana and moved towards Shocking shakily getting back into a fighting stance.

Shocking manage to throw his right hoof forward, only for Arizona to encircle it with her left foreleg and then she kicked her right hind leg into his left hind leg. A snapping sound could be heard as Shocking’s leg bent oddly, he only gasped out and hissed.

Arizona pulled her leg back and launched her next devastating kick at his side and managed to hit his injured left wing as well.

Shocking faltered in pain while in Arizona’s grip, said grip was probably what kept him standing at this point as tears started to fill his eyes. He was released for the next kick and was quite unable to defend himself properly.

Arizona leapt up and spun with the kick to the right side of his face. Despite the hefty blow, Shocking stayed standing in place despite groaning in pain and barely balancing on one leg.

Arizona landed on her front hooves from her spin kick and sharply bucked with her left hind leg that hit Shocking in the belly causing him to reflexively bend over it.

Spreading her legs outwards and smashing them inwards to grab Shocking’s head with her rear hooves, Arizona then heaved herself into a forward roll and slammed Shocking into the ground.

Once the dust cleared, Arizona was standing over Shocking who was barely conscious. By all right’s he should be out cold the minute his damaged wings and back made contact with the ground from the rolling slam.

Shocking lifted his left hoof, it pointed at Arizona and a small spark jumped off it and didn’t really do much because it couldn’t reach Arizona before it dissipated.

His hoof shook weakly before flopping to the ground limply, as Shocking was finally staying down.

“Winner, Arizona!” The announcer called.

Arizona thrusted her right hoof into the air and smiled to Velvet.


“Just how strong are you and your wives?” I asked as the cow started to leave her out cold opponent behind.

“Strong enough to take on a small army, we need to be good enough to take on a large army individually.” Arizona explained to me as she started towards the stairs while forgoing medical help. “That shadow horde isn’t going to stop itself after all...”

Was she one of the key bearers? She might actually survive and succeed where other bearers before her have fallen.

Author's Note:

Arizona can officially use more than one type of rope now and she can even use them as whips with her impressive strength. Ski or Pool rope is quite useful.

This page brought to you by the movie 'Kung Pow: enter the fist', look up 'Kung Pow cow fight' if you dare. "Remember, avoid the meadow."

Also it's the month of monsters, hope everyone has a good and safe time. Sad to hear the show is ending on the 12th, but it hasn't exactly been too great recently.

I mean several years and the CMC look the same age and aren't old enough to be left to their own devices despite being filly scouts? Do the artists have problems with aging them up progressively? Yeah that recent episode even showed Scootaloo still being unable to fly despite becoming an adult pony, small wings are thing.

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