• Published 1st Mar 2018
  • 7,286 Views, 167 Comments

Sorry For Killing You - Zennistrad

Two magical beings find an odd kinship after one of them squashes the other like a bug.

  • ...

The Strongest Friendship

“Well... that was odd.”

Considering she’d just been forcibly pulled into another dimension by a purple pony that she subsequently squashed into a cartoonishly pony-shaped crater, that would have seemed like an understatement. But also considering the strange, bizarre, and unsettling events that Raven had been a part of since the day she was born, it was practically an exaggeration.

Granted, the pony had put up far more of a fight than she had anticipated. Being turned into a potted plant was not a fate she was glad to suffer, and if her soul-self hadn’t intervened in a timely fashion, she possibly would have stayed that way forever.

Come to think of it, that actually was a bit strange, even for me, Raven mused internally. She paid the stray thought no mind as she dusted herself off, until another one hit her with the force of a falling brick.

Wait... a pony. A purple, magical talking pony. Just like my toys. Just like the show. Her eyes went wide. When the epiphany struck her, she could practically hear her composure shattering like glass. Her heart sunk into the pit of her stomach as she overlooked the smoking crater her soul-self had left.

Raven let out a sharp gasp. “Oh my god! That was Twilight Sparkle! I just crushed my favorite pony!”

Before she even knew what she was doing, her telekinetic magic flared to life, and Raven found herself lifting Twilight out of the singed, perfectly Twilight-shaped hole she had left in the ground. As she lowered Twilight onto the dirt, her body flopped limply, showing no signs of resistance or awareness.

Darkness enveloped Raven’s left hand as she hovered it over Twilight’s body, scanning her vital signs with a simple spell.

“Pulse... come on, where’s the pulse? Where is it?

To her horror, she detected no sign of breathing, nor the gentle rhythm of a living heartbeat. Then, just as panic began to clutch at her mind, she felt something.

“Okay... No pulse, but she’s still got brain activity.” Raven inhaled deeply, forcibly pushing away her anxiety as she prepared her next spell. “Alright, Raven, you can do this.”

Another surge of magic rushed out from within her, and her fingertips sparked with arcane power. She then thrust her arms downward, pressing the flats of her palms firmly against Twilight’s chest. Arcane lightning crackled and thundered as it shot through her, leaving Twilight to twitch and shudder as it pumped itself into her body in a desperate attempt to resuscitate her.

“Breathe! Come on, breathe!

With one final push, Raven pumped an even stronger wave of magic into Twilight. The alicorn let out a sharp gasp, her heart suddenly beating with the speed and intensity of a hundred fervent drums.

Raven pulled her hands away. She let out a shriek as all of the pain she had inflicted suddenly and forcefully pulled itself back into her. When the it finally subsided, she was left on her hands and knees, shaking and quivering in place.

Moments passed. Then even more. It could have been minutes, or it could have been hours, she couldn’t rightly tell. Then, softly, a voice spoke to her.

“Are you okay?”

Raven looked up, seeing Twilight staring down at her from her prone position. Despite her best efforts to rein in her emotions, she couldn’t stop the subtle tears in corners of her eyes.

“I’m sorry.” That was all she could bring herself to say.

“It’s okay,” said Twilight, “everything’s alright now.” Despite her prior state, her smile was calm, almost serene. She leaned forward and reached out with her hoof. “Need a leg up?”

“I... I’m good, thank you,” said Raven. She pulled herself up to her feet and looked down. It was surprising now, seeing how small Twilight was compared to her, and yet somehow she found herself equally surprised that she was smaller. “Sorry about the whole ‘trying to kill you’ thing. I was just... really upset when you summoned me, and I got angry. I shouldn’t have reacted like that.”

“Don’t worry about it,” said Twilight. “Hay, I can think of at least two ponies who have tried to kill me that are now some of my closest friends.”

“I know,” said Raven. A feeling of warmth spread to her cheeks as she blushed. “I, uh... watched it on your TV show?”

Twilight blinked rapidly. “My what now?”

“Oh. Um...” Raven struggled to find the words she wanted to say. She wasn’t entirely sure how to explain to someone that they were fictional. “Well, uh... this is going sound a bit strange, but in the dimension you pulled me from, you and your friends are characters in a television show. It’s... kind of embarrassing for someone my age to admit they watch it.”

“Oh,” said Twilight. To Raven’s surprise, Twilight didn’t seem fazed by the statement at all. “That makes sense. From what I understand of multiverse theory, the number of different worlds is beyond measure, possibly even infinite. Sheer probability would dictate that there’s at least one where I’m in a television show.”

“Actually, last I heard there were only fifty-two universes,” said Raven. She paused for a moment, reconsidering her statement. “Though to be honest, I really have no idea how the cosmology works. It sometimes feels like whoever made it all is just making it up as they go along.”

Twilight’s eyes brightened, and her mouth split open into a grin. “Oooh! So you’ve experienced the multiverse firsthoof? I mean, I guess I technically have with the Mirror and all, but still! You have to tell me more!”

“I’m not even sure if I could explain everything I’ve seen,” Raven replied. “It’s all pretty convoluted. Though there is one thing I wanted to ask you about.”

“Of course,” said Twilight. “What is it?”

“Why do you still have your old treehouse?” said Raven. “Didn’t Lord Tirek blow it up?”

Twilight giggled lightly. “Well, I am a princess. I was feeling sentimental, so I got the Ponyville Zoning Board let me rebuild the library in a new location.”

Raven averted her eyes. A new wave of guilt washed over her insides, leaving her feeling slightly sick. “I... I’m sorry about that too, by the way.”

“Like I said, it’s fine,” said Twilight. “I actually took out a really good villain insurance policy on it, just in case. Besides, there wasn’t a book in there that I didn’t make at least five extra copies of.”

“Villain insurance, huh?” said Raven. “Yeah, we have that in my world too. I’m, uh... only sometimes a villain though, so I don’t know if it’ll be covered.”

“I’m sure I’ll work something out,” Twilight replied. Her ears suddenly perked up with a sudden realization. “Oh, I just remembered! I never asked for your name! I’m so sorry, I can forget that sometimes. Some Princess of Friendship I am, right?”

“It’s Raven. And don’t worry about it.”

Twilight returned the smile. “It’s nice to meet you, Raven. Since I brought you here, why don’t we head over to my castle and chat for a bit? I’m sure you have a lot of fascinating stories to tell.”

Raven’s lips gently curved into a smile. “I think I’d like that, yeah.”


The interior of Twilight’s castle was every bit as magnificent as it had appeared in the cartoon, and it was even more breathtaking now that she was there to see it in person. The crystalline walls were positioned in just the right angles to refract the afternoon sunlight, resulting in a dazzling display of lights and colors that danced across the castle’s interior as the sun edged towards the horizon.

Throughout the rest of the day, the two remained in the castle’s library, sitting across from each other on the crystalline reading table. There, Raven told Twilight all of her own world, and of the many adventures she went through to defend it. She told her of the Titans, of her many friends and enemies, of her homeland—

OH FOR THE LOVE OF CRAP! We get it! They’re friends now! Can we skip to the letter to Princess Celestia already? I’m being bored to death here, and that’s saying something considering that my superpower is not dying!

We haven’t done the letters for a few seasons now, actually.

Raven suddenly paused. Right in the middle of telling the story of Trigon’s invasion of Earth, she had felt the oddest sensation. “Twilight, did you hear something just now?”

Twilight stared at Raven oddly. “Um... no? Why?”

Hey, don’t act like you don’t know who I am! Not to toot my own horn, but I’m easily the most successful character out of all of us! I’m played by Nathan Drake and the sexiest man in Hollywood!

They can’t hear us in the narration, silly! It’s non-diagetic!

Raven blinked. “Weird.” She turned her head to the side and rubbed the knuckle of her index finger on the inside of her ear.

“Um, Raven?” said Twilight, “Are you okay?”

“Yeah, it’s just...” Her sentence trailed off before she could finish it. “No, nevermind. It’s probably nothing.”


Chimichanga-related catchphrase!

Raven jumped out of her seat at the sound of the two new voices. She whirled around to see two figures standing just behind her: one was the comfortably familiar image of Pinkie Pie, while the other was a much more uncomfortably familiar image of a man in a full-body spandex suit.

“Deathstroke!” Raven snarled. “What the hell are you doing here?”

“Deathstroke?” said the man said DEADPOOL, thank you very goddamned much, “Oh no, honey, no. You’re thinking of Slade Wilson. I’m Wade Wilson. There’s a big, big difference, and it’s aaaaaallll about the dubya. Mario? Boring. Wario? Awesome. See what I mean?”

“What about George Bush?” said Pinkie.

Deadpool’s pupils somehow managed to visibly dilate through his mask. “That doesn’t count and you know it!

Raven sighed, a great pressure suddenly forming behind her eyes. She pressed her fingers to her temples, gently massaging them. “Ugh, fine, whatever. I don’t care who you are, you’re already giving me a headache. Just leave.”

Deadpool shrugged. “Fair enough. My whole ‘ehl-oh-ehl random’ shtick usually gets old pretty quick anyway.”

Then, with a quick hop, Deadpool climbed onto Pinkie’s back, grabbing her mane, holding a pair of thick hair clumps like a horse’s reins.

“Onwards, descendant of Sleipnir! Hi ho Pinkie, away!

With an excited whinny, Pinkie reared onto her hind legs, before galloping out of the room at a breakneck speed. As they left, Raven turned to look at Twilight. To her lack of surprise, Twilight looked no less baffled than her.

“I know Pinkie’s... strange, but does that sort of thing usually happen?”

Twilight gave a shrug of her wings. “Eh, you get used to it.”

Author's Note:

I regret nothing.

Comments ( 167 )

I was a bit sad that Twilight lost, but you can’t beat good ol’ science, logic, fact, and evidence, all of which Death Battle excels at.

Ergoan #2 · Mar 1st, 2018 · · 4 ·

your joking right?

Raven actually watching MLP?

Headcanon accepted.

I nearly choked on my dinner laughing at the comment. No. Literally.

This should've been the TRUE ending to the Death Battle. Becides that they're both voiced by Tara Strong they actually would get along if you think about it.

Awesome fanfic! I love it!

At least, that's a way to make up for it! Nice work! I give ya a couple of squee!

Well she was shown in the preview analysis to watch Gossip Girl religiously so then there's that.


Not just headcanon, it’s literally canon in Teen Titans Go that she’s a huge fan of the My Little Pony-equivalent of her world. Say what you will about that show, that’s actually a pretty amusing in-joke.

Teen Titans Go... she is obsessed with their version of MLP (Pretty Pretty Pegasus)

You know what? That's a good ending to today's Death Battle! Thanks for writing! :pinkiehappy:

I LOVE this story, thought I hated that Twilight lost in her Death Battle, anyway you brought Pinkie and Deadpool into the story, why not Rainbow and she coughs up Starscreams spark before she chomps it back down?

A good little bit of stupid fun. Thanks for that.

I had a feeling someone would make a fanfic about the most recent Death Battle.

This fic pleases me after the predictable loss we just have. Now we need to prep Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, and possibly Starlight for the next one.

Sure kinda sucks that Twilight lost (watch out spoilers ahoy!), but at least unlike most Death Battles this one was left ambiguous whether or not Twilight actually died (hey, TVTropes said it that way at least, don't give those weird looks at me). I personally liked this fanfic for that reason; straight into fav!

I read there’s a bit of an ambiguous ending to the battle. Twilight lost (disappointing but oh well) but we don’t actually see her dead body, we only see an impact creator with her outline. She has gone through some serious injuries in the show, so some think there’s a chance she survived, albeit with a serious case of “amusing injuries” like she suffered in episode 15. It also helps that no episode with a pony fighter technically had a death before, since Starscream was immortal and Deadpool and Pinkie became friends. I guess take that anyway you want to but I thought it was interesting.

Also, good story.

Saw this one coming ... but no room for an appearance of Rainbow Dash belching out Starscream's spark?

(Could be worse, Screamer ... could be the other end.)

You could say raven's demon side did not like being inter-dimension teleportation and she couldn't control it's rage.
Maybe this might sound better than "Sorry about the whole ‘trying to kill you’ thing. I was just...really upset when you summoned me, and I got angry." But it's your choice how to tell your story and a happy conclusion to the actually fight

My thoughts exactly, mein freund.
Besides, if Twilight really did die, Raven might find herself at the business end of two fourth-wall breaking characters determined to make her loss very personal.

Yup, Starscream just never catches a break.

I'm declaring this fanfic canon to the death battle. I love it! ^_^

Trigon would probably get along swimmingly with Tirek.

While I was a little disappointed that Twilight lost the Death Battle, I have to admit I kind of figured that Raven was going to win. She simply put has more combat experience than Twilight. This story really helped; I’m considering it to be canon to the DB.

I was disappointed that Vegeta and Mewtwo ended with a friendship, but the princess of friendship didn't.

I honestly really couldn't see that battle going in Twilight's favor. Like they explained at the end of the battle, a lot of Twilight's most powerful attacks were from others' assistance, so I called Raven's win before the battle even started. Was still a pretty good match, though. And I like this as an add-on to the ending. It's quite believable given what Raven was doing when she appeared at the start.

That was my thinking as well—could have brought RD and SS in at some point also. But if we had to choose one of the other MLP battles over the other, Pinkie and Deadpool was the obvious choice.

Yeah, Discord and Pinkie plus Celestia , Luna and Cadence would be coming for her head.

It's actually gonna be more than that; her brother, her friends, her best assistant, and so many more.

Yeah, Raven won't stand a good chance if that happened.

Perhaps I may add to the honor of doing a TVTropes page for this fanfic?

Its not a headcanon. Raven's a pegasister in TTG.


Awesome and great ts my head cannon twilight didn't actually die since we didn't see her body

1 Win, 1 Loss, and 1 Draw for the Mane 6 so far.

Who do you think the rest of them will face off against (if at all)?

Here's some of my hopeful speculation for flavor:

Fluttershy vs. Cream The Rabbit (Sonic The Hedgehog Series)
Applejack vs. Jack (MAR Anime/Manga Series)
Rarity vs. Pearl (Steven Universe Series)

Rather than echoing what everyone else is saying about this being the perfect headcanon (and it is; well done), I'm going to point out that Tara Strong voiced both Raven and Twilight Sparkle and just kinda let the irony sit.

This story was awesome, good sir.

Guys, I don't know if it's going to contain enough material, but does anyone think that this fanfic deserves it's own TVTropes page?

Heh. Fun.
Especially the bit that referenced the Pinkie/Deadpool battle.

Actually, last I heard there were only fifty-two universes,” said Raven. She paused for a moment, reconsidering her statement. “Though to be honest, I really have no idea how the cosmology works. It sometimes feels like whoever made it all is just making it up as they go along.”

*looks to DC*

Do you get it?

Ah yeah, their New 52. I hated how they characterized Raven and Mr. Freeze there.
Though I must say, Batman proposing to Catwoman was cute and heartfelt.

Wow...that was quick. The video only came out like what 12 hours ago? Man you work fast, but all in all a jolly good story!

I laughed. Nothing more need be said.

"What the... She's back up, Wiz! She's back up!"

"Indeed. This is one of those rare Death Battles where it really did just end in a knockout. Given Celestia and Luna, it's entirely possible that when Twilight became an alicorn, she also became immortal, though clearly not invulnerable. We can't tell for sure given that Raven revived her, but it would explain her continued brain activity even after getting crushed by the soul-self."

"But, but it's right there in the name! Death Battle! What a ripoff."

"This may actually be for the best."

"A tiny baby horse girl toy still walks, Wiz. Explain how that is for the best."

"Remember, Boomstick, Equestria has two princesses who move celestial objects on a daily basis, a spirit of chaos who can do almost anything... and a pony who knows where we live."

"Oh. Right. The pink one. Yeah, probably a good thing Raven didn't double tap. ... You don't think she noticed, do you?"

"Oh, she noticed alright."

....Ok. That last one gets one point. Mostly because it’s the one pairing that I see working.

I think Talia is a crazy bitch, by the way.




Pfft! The moment a friend told me DB was doing this matchup I just scrunched my face up and said: "Huh... Voice Actor Match. And Raven's going to DESTROY Twilight."

Did they kind of gloss over Raven's vastly superior combat experience?

I knew from the start Twilight is going to be heavily disadvantaged; Raven can beat an empowered demon all by herself while Twilight needed the help of three alicorns to do the same. I'm kinda surprised they didn't do the whole deal they did with Deadpool and Pinkie though.
Deh, never liked that crazy sword-assassin. Too evil for my tastes.


Probably too many fans of DB out there who would cry for blood if SOMEONE didn't actually beat a pony the third time 'round. Raven was the perfect setup, really.

Well, as much as I try to pertain from swearing, these people can go to hell..

Eh, whatever, at least DB was nice enough to give that ambiguous ending.


I already knew it from the get-go. I knew Raven will Win, because, seriously. Raven literally had a HUGE advantage between Twilight. I have no regrets of knowing the outcome to this battle. Well played.

Raven let out a sharp gasp. “Oh my god! That was Twilight Sparkle! I just crushed my favorite pony!”

Suddenly she heard an distant voice:
:rainbowdetermined2:: "Hey! I'm supposed to be everyone's favorite pony""

“Don’t worry about it,” said Twilight. “Hay, I can think of at least two ponies who have tried to kill me that are now some of my closest friends.”

Let's see: Nightmare Moon/Luna, Pinkie Pie (hot sauce in episode 1), Starlight Glimmer, Sunset Shimmer, probably a few more.

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