• Published 20th Mar 2018
  • 12,290 Views, 800 Comments

Serpent of the south - J-90

There is a creature in southern land's, that is nearly as old as the nation of Equestria. Once referred as the queen of the forbidden jungle, later imprisoned in Tartarus. Now it's free to roam the land once more.

  • ...

Chapter 19 Sham of a trial and the frozen prison.

Chapter 19 Sham of a trial and the frozen prison.

Canterlot dungeons.

"I spy with my little eye... Something gray."


"Correct again... for the thirty-seventh time. Do you do anything else to pass time when on guard duty here?"

"Well we used play cards, until Spear drunk talked about it and got it banned in the Royal guard. And they actually check everyone for cards when going on duty."

"Oh that is some sucky luck. But not as bad as mine right now."

The guard duo had no comment on that sarcastic remark from the marilith in the cell, armored door replaced by a temporary iron-bar-door, still very much chained to the maximum effect, head pointed towards the doorway. Only issue was her being left on her back when brought back in, with the added discomfort of some of her hands being trapped under her torso.
Further talking was cut short by the sound of hooves approaching. And soon both guards stood at attentions when behind a corner arrived certain purple alicorn.

"At ease sirs. I'm just here for the visit." Twilight said to the guards. "Can you please leave us? I'm sure there is not going to be any trouble."

With a small amount of hesitation, both guards obeyed, leaving the two alone in an semi-awkward silence.

"So... Uuuh... Are you all right?" the purple princess asked rather sheepishly.

"What do you think?? I'm chained up in a dungeon cell, with no toiletries or any actual bedding, while you most likely had a good night sleep on a real bed and a meal. Also three of my arms have fallen asleep because of this position, which I am pretty much unable to change at the moment in a meaningful way... So? How was your day after going all extra shiny?"

"Well... We defeated Tirek and restored magic to Equestria, he was sent back to Tartarus by the new magic me and my friends unlocked from this locked box given by the Tree of Harmony, then we went to see a castle that sprouted in Ponyville, sang a happy song. Then Pinkie reminded us of seeing you earlier, which made Celestia panic enough to call few guards for some reason. We found you laying unconscious near a small cliff-face. Aand..." young alicorn explained, growing visibly uncomfortable when mentioning Celestias reaction.

"And she insisted of sending me in dungeon for associating with Tirek or something like that?"

"Well, kinda... She looked almost frightened when we found you. She was actually about to give the order for it,when your friends and Blueblood arrived in that fascinating airship. They said that Celestia had imprisoned you for not agreeing to help us with Tirek... Why? I thought we where friends?"

"Let me correct you there a little bit Twiggles. The two of us have chatted maybe once or twice in total, making us more of an acquaintances. Friendship would require higher level of association, to me at least. And it is a little hard to think of us as friends when one of us is wrongfully imprisoned, by your mentor I bet. What excuse did she give you?" Naja answered in even, yet harsh tone.

"Sheee... Mentioned another vision she had in Tartarus... Of you above her in a burning Canterlot with sky itself ablaze-" Twilight started, making Naja scoff a bit when hearing about the new vision, before continuing.
"And she teleported you and herself away before we or your friends could intervene or ask more. The griffin called Cid gave us a ride back to Canterlot. He also slapped me maybe ten times during the trip..."

"Did you try to look around the ship too much or ask too many questions he did not want to answer?"

"...Yes... And for some reason... I liked it... But after we got to Canterlot , Luna teleported us to Celestia and stopped her from renewing the coldness-spells on the cell,... And proceeded to pull Celestia somewhere by the ear to have a 'talk', with Cadence and Hera going with them. All three looked rather angry... That was over three hours ago."

Royal infirmary...

"How does it look?"

"Well your highness, both of Celestias eardrums where completely ruptured, but the healing spell and her natural regeneration should have them fixed within just a few more minutes."

"Good, because we're not done yelling at her..."

"Then I advice that you take these lozenges, if the yelling goes on for more than half an hour straight."

Canterlot dungeons...

"And during all that time it did not occur to you to maybe let me out? Or is there something more to it?"

"Unfortunately, there is... Some nobles caught wind of you being seen with Tirek, and now they have majority of nobility drummed up against you. Blueblood and few other nobles managed to push against them, changing the immediate execution they demanded into a trial."

"On what charges?" Naja inquired, managing to lift herself up in a little bit more comfortable position.

"Associating with the enemy of Equestria, disrespecting the crown, breaking out of the dungeon and damaging the Royal property to name a few in the list...The rest sound more or less made-up by the more malicious of nobles of Canterlot."

"Will I at least get a fair judge and jury? It would not be fair if all of them where just ponies judging a non-pony. And knowing a little bit about politics, such a move would cause some serious backlash to your nations overall rep."

"Well, Hera and Blueblood are looking into it with Luna's blessing. With luck, this might go to the Tribunal, who are pretty much THE highest and oldest court in Equestria and are required to remain neutral."

"Good. Hopefully we can soon leave this debacle behind us... Now if its not too much trouble, mind getting these chains off me? Three of my hands are still sleeping, and fourh is starting to cramp a bit." Naja requested.

"Well... Do you promise not to escape before the trial?" Twilight asked carefully.

"Please, if I wanted to escape, I would have done so already." Naja answered in a deadpan tone, while letting out a small flame from her mouth for emphasis.

With that, Twilight started to open the chains around mariliths body, guards mostly just watching from the side. If they where honest, there was very little they could do to stop serpent lady from escaping if she decided to do so.
After getting out of the many chains, Naja proceeded to try and get feeling back to all of her arms, while stretching a bit. Luckily the cell was roomy enough for that.

"So? Anything else you wish to talk about? Or can I take a nap before the trial?"

"Well..." Twilight started, pulling out a quill and parchment.

"See you at the trial then." Naja said, before she coiled up in a comfortable sleeping position, leaving now pouting purple alicorn without questionnaire answers once more.

Later at Canterlot Hall of Justice, Tribunal courtroom...

The great courtroom was packed full of both ponies and non-ponies alike, from all walks of life, amongst them nobles, diplomats and civilians. The tables of the accuser and defendant had been moved due to accused mariliths tail size, who was calmly sitting there, with several guards around her, mostly for show.
Before them was a raised judge's table, with four ponies sitting there, one from each known pony tribe; unicorn, pegasus, earth pony and a thestral, all of them wearing a special medallion showing their position. The jury box was empty due to Naja being unique entity, making it impossible for her be judged by 'her peers'. Several nobles, and oddly Celestia, tried to forcefully select a jury, but they where heavily overruled by the Tribunal members.
The Royalty had a seatings behind the Tribunal seats, filled by Celestia, Luna, Cadence, Blueblood and Twilight, mostly for observation but also for participation, should need for special tie-breaker-vote arise about the final ruling. Rest of the element bearers where amongst the crowd. Despite their hero-status, they where still civilians.

Next to Naja, or rather on her tail by permission from her, was sitting lamassu lawyer Ironclad from the Free southern towns. On the accuser-side there was some extra-fancy noble, who's neck and head where potentially stuck in an upright position and clearly stuck-up prosecutor, who had been spouting complete nonsensical accusations about Naja, only about four of them actually being true from certain point of view, for about an hour straight.

"- trespassing on a private property of member of Royalty, loitering and last but not least, REGICIDE of our country's late King, Solaris. In light of these horrid crimes, this monster should be executed, or at the very least banished from Equestrian soil forever." prosecutor finished, not even bothering to hide his blatant racism. This caused some mixed murmurs in the crowd, until order was restored.
After this, Ironclad was given turn to speak.

"Your Honors, I must specify that the last accusation happened little over a thousand years ago, and Princess Celestia had sent Lady Naja to Tartarus for that. Only issues are that the alleged regicide happened in heat of the moment in a self-defence situation, and the death was an unexpected and unintended result, making it an involuntary beingslaughter. And banishment was done outside of Equestrias borders, thus outside the official authority of Equestrian Royalty, on an independent town no less." he commented in an even tone.
"And then there is the issue of Lady Naja's recent unlawful imprisonments. Unless there was a silent law change, it is illegal for the rulers to apprehend or imprison a foreign diplomatic visitor, which Lady Naja can be considered being, without a solid proof and co-agreement from fellow rulers, if there is any."

"And what about her fraternizing with Tirek? Or her escape from dungeons?" prosecutor asked, trying to find something to use against the serpentine creature.

"Lady Naja told us, that she was in a forced hibernation-state by Celestia when Tirek AND Discord came to break her out, waking her. Since both of them are not present here, we cannot confirm what their actual plan was. And due to the illegal nature of the imprisonment, she had right to leave the cell, but mostly due to technicality, and the good behaviour on the second trip to dungeon is also counted as a plus. And as for the alleged fraternizing, we have concluded that the conversations they had where about personal matters and in no way a threat to national security. Unlike the chaos spirit, Discord, who is oddly absent from being punished for being a rather direct collaborator in this issue."

"Discord has shown signs of genuine regret for his actions and thus-" Celestia spoke, before being interrupted by the earth pony judge.
"Your majesty, please refrain from interrupting the Tribunal proceedings, until requested."

"Now if it is not too much of a trouble Lady Naja, can you perhaps tell what these personal matters where?" Unicorn judge inquired.

"Might as well tell you, your Honours... Tirek asked me for a chance in courting me, which I agreed on simply due to the fact of limited choices of finding a potential partner in life. He even gifted me this wristband as a sign of it, due to a cultural thing from his homeland." marilith said, while showing the metallic band still on her wrist.
Many in the courtroom thought they heard somepony quietly 'aww'in' among the princesses.

"And soon after gifting it, he was re-banished, while I got knocked out by a magic shockwave and woke up in chains again... Apparently all because of some visions, or so I've heard."

Now after hearing all that both sides to say, the Judges look each other, like they where having a silent conversation. Silence among them lasted couple of minutes, until pegasus judge stood up, with rest following suit.
"The Tribunal shall now cast its vote on the release of the accused."

One by one, the Judges put their hoof on their medallions, making them project a simple red or green colored light.
The result turned out to be a tie; Earth pony and Thestral showing green and unicorn and pegasus showing red. Though Naja could have sworn she saw pegasus judge looking a little bit apologetic and the unicorn felt somewhat indecisive. Almost like they had personal reasons stopping them from giving a more decisive vote.

"With the vote being a stalemate, the final vote goes to the Royals." Thestral judge stated, giving a neutral look towards four alicorns and a unicorn behind them. Rest of the hall also now looked at the Princesses and the Prince.
Almost right away after receiving the chance to vote, Celestia casted a red light spell, casting her vote for imprisonment, soon followed by another red light from Twilight. Though purple alicorns light visibly flickered more than a little bit and she tried to avoid looking at anyone, clearly ashamed but still very loyal to the Sun princess.
Luna and Cadance on the other hand casted their vote for release with green light, with no hesitation what so ever.

This meant that the definitive final vote fell for Prince Blueblood, a fact that caused some smug murmurs among the nobles in the crowd, thinking that of course the Prince would like to keep Canterlot clean from 'southern commoners'... Even Celestia seemed sure of the result for a small part of a second, hoping to avoid what she had seen in her second vision in Tartarus...

The sound of simultaneous jaw drops was odd to hear, when Sun princesses nephew shined green light for the release of the accused marilith. The effect of it was immediate and loud, when a good chunk of the snobby nobles tarted yelling who knows what.


It took a moment to restore the order, which included taking few ponies out from the courtroom, after which earth pony judge began to announce the final ruling.
"With the result of the vote, the Tribunal finds Lady Naja free of all charges and free to-"

"I invoke Regalis Imperātum..." came Celestias voice, followed by a authoritative stomp of her hoof, drawing everyone's attention to her. Many looking more or less shocked or confused. Or increasingly pissed in case of Princess Luna.

"Sister... I thought you swore to never use it, unless absolutely necessary as a last resort for a good reason. Even promised so to our Mother..." Luna commented to Celestia, who did not seem to listen, at least visibly. Only continuing her speech.

"...And hereby annul the Tribunal vote. The entity known as Naja, is hereby placed under imprisonment till further notice, effective immediately."

With her short speech done, Sun Princess lit her horn, first moving Najas lawyer away from her, and while marilith was still confused about such a flippant extrajudicial move, proceeding to teleport both herself and Naja somewhere. Leaving behind a very confused courtroom, even the nobility was confused of such a sudden move, alongside of the diplomats present in the courtroom. And of course a very, VERY much angered younger sister and a represantive of the Southern free town...

Undisclosed location in MUCH colder regions...

"Uuuuugh... What just..." Naja barely managed to mumble, before her body registered almost freezing cold surrounding her, in what looked like a cave of solid ice, with few metallic slabs on walls. And there at the presumed entryway stood Celestia.
"Celestia... W-where in the name of the King and his knights on their round table you sent me this t-time???..." marilith asked, already starting to shiver rather seriously.

"Hidden place at the northern reaches of the known world, in an iceberg stuck to the shoreline..." was Celestias neutral answer, while she also used her magic to pull Najas arms closer to the walls, also conjuring more ice to attach arms in the cold embrace of makesift 'ice-chains'.

"You do know t-that this will ruin your reputation? Many will start to fear and dread you more than adore or respect." Naja managed to comment, unable to resist the ice-treatment, or even conjure her own fire, due to all the near arctic-level of coldness surrounding her.

"It is a risk I am willing to take. As a Princess, I will do whatever I must to protect my realm and my citizens."

"They are not just your's now. You h-have your sister, n-niece, nephew and your pupil to help you. Or have you just gotten used to make all of the valid rulings alone?"

Celestia did not answer. Whether she did not have an answer good enough, or just did not want to say anything, Naja did not know.

"And if you intent on taking me out of the picture because of some vision, you might as well just stab my throat and leave bleed. You frigging even have a horn for that..."

"I would not do such cruel a thing anymore. And the precognitive visions are never wrong. It would take power beyond any normal ways of magic to change that."

"Says someone who is freezing someone else on the wall in the middle of nowhere to potentially starve. And y-you're either an idiot or blind to just follow what you see visions of."

"The runes in the slabs on the walls will magically nourish you. And I learned the art of reading the visions of my precognitive gift from the best... My mother..."

"Then you must have been the worst student under her... And if you now leave me here, I WILL come back to bite you in the arse, a-after slapping you'r mug ten times with each of my hand's... Because I gave you a chance, and y-you just decided to plowed through three strikes in record time with these flippant imprisonments."

"...I am sorry for doing all this... But I hope one day you can forgive me-"

"I forgave you once, but n-now you have worn it down as well. It would take far more than just your words to make me forgive you again..."

By now the surrounding coldness had made Naja extremely drowsy due to her hibernation instinct, soon her starting hang down out of the induced sleepiness. Seeing no more reason to remain there, Celestia started to walk out.

"Celestia!..." came Najas voice, making Celestia turn her head lightly startled.

"...You'll never be rid of me..." she said in a defiant, venomous tone, before submitting to the forced state of hibernation. Celestia left after waiting five minutes, soon stepping outside a mouth of a cave in a sizeable iceberg, seeing only ice and snow for miles around her.

"I truly am sorry..." Sun princess whispered, mostly to herself, before casting a barrier upon the cave entrance and proceeded to take flight in order to get in better range to teleport back to Canterlot without wasting too much magic in such a long two-way trip.

Later in Canterlot, Royal sleeping quarters...

After an hour or so of travelling by flight, Celestia finally teleported back to Canterlot, specifically on her bedroom balcony, without collapsing from exhaustion. After moving the sun in 'setting-position' and entering in her bedroom, her mind was racing on how she was going to explain her reasons to Twilight who had looked hurt at the moment of her-

"So, you're finally back..."


One royal as fluff startled scream from Celestia and one click from a light-switch rune later, Celestia saw a very, very nettled looking Cadence sitting on her bed, glaring at her.

"Cadence? What are you-"

"Zip it." Cadence interrupted Celestia.

"How did you-"

"I said ZIP IT!" Cadence interrupted again. "And your door was unlocked. But what I want to know, WHY did you think it was wise to invoke Regalis Imperātum? An ancient Royal bloodline power of being able to over rule ANY law or court order on a whim, reserved only for the King, Queen and the first born Prince or Princess of Equestria. Abused by late King Solaris, used only once by Queen Faust... And now you. WHY??? Lady Naja showed no hostility or any sign of malicious intentions against Equestria. And yes, I have read about its use. Frankly it should not even have a place in current era."

"Cadence, I know what I did was little rash, but I could not take risk that Naja would do something hostile or join Tirek. Both would spell a major disaster upon Equestria." was Celestias attempted answer, which did not seem to work.

"A little rash? Your little stunt has already caused a disaster. Many of the diplomats who where present in the courtroom are talking about potentially withdrawing from several agreements with Equestria, because they fear that you might invoke your bloodline authority against them!"

"I'm certain we can salvage the situation with them... Where is Twilight?"

"She has already left Canterlot with her friends. She looked rather upset... And Blueblood asked me to give this to you upon your return." Cadence said while offering a thick parchment carrying Bluebloods wax-seal to Celestia. She did not hesitate to open it, which caused several paper document to fall from it to the floor.

"Dear Princess Celestia of Equestria.
I, Prince Blueblood, hereby renounce my status as the Prince and citizen of Equestria and officially liquidate all of my assets and holdings in Equestria, moving all of my financial assets elsewhere. All of the necessary finalized official paperwork are enclosed with this message.

With best regards, Blueblood.

Farewell auntie..."

After reading the message, and the documents couple of times, Celestia was growing even more worried. One of the reasons being that Blueblood finances funded and upkeeped many things in Canterlot. But the biggest reason was the loss of family member, however distant.

"After he gave me that message, he left with miss Hera and Cid, both of them looking furious. And most likely our relations with the Southern free towns have been soured even more, thanks to you. Their ship left more than half an hour ago."

Before Celestia could say anything, she heard the balcony door closing with a slow and audible creak, making her turn around, seeing Luna standing right behind the now closing door. And she looked like ready to murder someone, while menacingly sucking on an lozenge.

"Don't try running Celestia. We put an anti-teleport field and the soundproofing charm on the room, and the doors are locked. Just take the first round of your punishment..." Candance commented nonchalantly, while putting on a pair of heavy-duty earplugs and equally heavy-duty industrial earmuffs AND a pair of protective goggles, just in case.

Celestia could not stop herself from sweating bullets, as Luna slowly approached her. She could only try and brace herself for the verbal abuse, but not for the volume her sister was about release with her overall superior pipes.
And so, Luna inhaled deeply...

Train halfway to Ponyville...

"What the hay was that???" AJ asked after picking herself up from the train floor, where all of the passenger lay sprawled round after a sudden quake had shaken the train. Luckily the train itself had stayed on the rails.

"Not sure, but it felt its center was somewhere in Canterlot." Twilight summarized. "It felt more like a sound based quake. Maybe Celestia returned and Luna is giving her an earful?"

"Or maybe its that gigantic snake creature climbing up the Canterhorn mountain." Pinkie mentioned from the window, pointing at the direction of Canterlot.

"Pinkie, I don't think there are many snake-beings bigger than Na-..." Twilight said, only to stop, because there indeed was a giant serpent being, one so large it could be seen all the way to their current position, climbing up the mountain.

Canterlot, Royal sleeping quarters.

"AND FURTHER MORE-!!!!!!!!" Luna roared, only to be interrupted by an urgent sounding knocking on the door. One door opening later revealed a panicked guard.

"Your majesties! There is a giant snake approaching the castle!"

"How big are we talking about?" Celestia croaked out, after peeling herself out of her-shaped indent on the wall.
Guard could not start, when they all heard a loud rumbling just outside the window. Cadence went to pull the curtains out of the way, revealing a humongous bright red reptilian eye behind it, followed by an ear piercing hissing sound.
For some reason, Celestia could tell its gaze was focused on her. And it did not look friendly. The gargantuan snake pulled away, which allowed princesses to witness its many hook-like blades along its body, along with a pair of clawed forearms. It then proceeded to approach and coil around the Tower of Sun, which held Celestias office and many of her more valuable possessions. It was once also used by her late father when it was first erected.

The gigantic snake soon had finished coiling around the whole tower, seemed to take one more look at the Sun princess... And proceeded to crush the tower in its massive coils, making it collapse on single spot.
After the whole tower was visibly nothing but rubble, the giant snake just left, slithering out of their sight with a soft rumbling following it.

"...Guard! I want a scouting squadron of flyers after that snake, and the palace maintenance crew to clear the rubble and save what they can!" Celestia half-shouted after coming down from her fearful stupor.

"Y-yes ma'am!"

With orders given, the guard left in a hurry. Celestia was about to go as well, but was stopped by Cadence.
"Guards and maintenance crew will take care of it. You on the other hoof still have punishment left..."

For the rest of the evening, the citizens of Canterlot had some trouble of falling asleep due to loud rumbling coming the Royal castle and because many of them where still scared from seeing such a gigantic beastie to just waltz in the capital, only for it to just disappear without a trace, making scouting squadron return with nothing of note to report on where it had gone.

The next day was filled with many, MANY diplomatic negotiations with the representatives who had been present at the trial, and multiple complaints from nobles about Bluebloods sudden departure. And to make things worse, the free towns of Southpost and Tanah Kahijian had basically cut off what little contact Equestria had gained with them until further notice... Overall a big headache inducing political sh*tstorm.

In Ponyville, Twilight was relieved that the giant snake did not do that much damage, and was soon pulled in a quest with her friends, given by the map in her new castle.

Meanwhile the folks of Southern towns where both sad and furious over the loss of their oldest technically-founding member again.

And Naja was once more slumbering somewhere... Waiting...

Author's Note:

Wanted to make some parts little differently, but wanted more to give you all more story to read.

Also: huh over 500 likes? Did not expect that...:derpyderp1: