• Published 10th Jun 2018
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Bleach: Heart of a Hero - Blackdrag-rose

Sombra was defeated, but his soul survived and traveled to a new world. He joins Ichigo and his friends as they invade Soul Society in an attempt to save another... while trying to remember his long forgotten past and who he really is.

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Interlude: Exploring Karakura Town

After sitting in the hot springs for some time Yoruichi told Sombra that it was time for them to get out so they could do something else, where he turned away and let her climb out of the water first, before she headed over to where her clothes were located. When she returned to him, however, he found that she had, somehow, gotten some towels and had covered herself with two of them, one around her chest and the other around her waist, to which she also offered him one and he accepted it from her. Sombra had wondered how they were supposed to dry off, since there weren't any towels around the area, but Yoruichi clearly knew where they had been located ahead of time when she said that they were coming over here, though even as he thought about that he dried off his body and marveled at the fact that all the cuts he had accumulated from his 'fight' with Kisuke had all disappeared, as if he hadn't been hurt at all, leaving him how he had been before the lesson had even started. After a few minutes of making sure that his body was dry he slipped back into his clothing, though as he did so he knew that Yoruichi was doing the same thing, only faster than what he was doing since she was more experienced in this sort of thing.

A few minutes later the two of them walked away from the hot springs, fully dressed and armed, to which they began the journey back to the ladder that would allow them to return to the Urahara Shop, where Kisuke and the others were either busy with customers or they weren't busy and were waiting for people to come buy things.

"So, what are you planning on doing with the rest of your day?" Yoruichi asked, as she was curious as to what the Arrancar was going to do, because so far, from what Kisuke had told her, he simply used a good portion of his time to read books on Soul Society and whatever else Kisuke had laying around, especially when he wasn't exploring the town and talking with the spirits that lingered around the area.

"I haven't decided yet," Sombra admitted, mostly because the training he had gone through so far had kept him from even thinking what he was going to do when they had stopped, so the sudden fact that he had the afternoon off from training really made him wonder what he was going to do, "I finished the last book I was reading yesterday, so I guess I could always pick up a new one, though Kisuke has told me that I shouldn't spend all my time inside reading, despite the fact that my time is spend between that, exploring the town, and training."

"Then why don't you pick a new part of the town to explore?" Yoruichi suggested, though the reason she was even suggesting such a thing was because, from the times she had followed him around the town while she was in her cat form, she knew that there were still parts of Karakura Town that he hadn't visited yet, "I'm sure that you might be able to converse with some new spirits, as well as find some interesting things, if you explore the town some more. Of course, if you don't want to explore the town, you can always stick around the shop, though Kisuke might find out and decide that you need more training... and then your entire day would be spent down here, learning Zanjutsu from Kisuke."

Sombra thought about that for a moment, as he knew that learning Zanjutsu and Hoho was something that he should be focusing on while he had the time, but even as that came to mind he remembered how badly Kisuke had beaten him and knew that it would be a constant until he got to the power that the shopkeeper was using against him. His training with Yoruichi was much better, as she offered suggestions and tips for him to use so he could learn the movements that she was using in her demonstrations, as well as the fact that she didn't actually beat the stuffing out of him, though there was no telling if his Hoho training would or wouldn't include that in the future. At the same time, the more he thought about the town he was now living in, the more he had to admit that Yoruichi was right, that he should spend some more time exploring the town and get to know the various locations that were around him, even if there was no reason for him to eat or drink anything since he was a spirit. Even though he came from Hueco Mundo, a place he didn't remember at all, he felt that Karakura Town was a nice place to call home, even if it wasn't his actual home at all... but it was the best he had at the moment, since he couldn't figure out how to open the garganta again, as it appeared that the first time had been a complete accident that he couldn't repeat.

When he thought about the Hollow world again he turned his mind from it, because based on what Kisuke and Yoruichi said it would likely be a battle to reach the location of the weapon that contained his memories, something that would have to wait until he was strong enough to brave the dangers of that world once more... which meant he would need to survive the training he was going through, and to do that he'd need some time to relax and calm himself down before worrying about the next day's lessons.

"You're right, I should head out and explore the town some more," Sombra said, as he was happy to take Yoruichi's suggestions, because she really had some good ones every now and then, and he honestly didn't know as much about the town as he would have liked, "Who knows, maybe I'll run into a Hollow while I'm out and about today."

"Are you that eager to fight another Hollow?" Yoruichi asked, though she was simply curious, because at his base level, without any training, Sombra was able to take on five Hollows in a single night, though now he was beginning to get stronger and would soon be able to find them on his own.

"No, I would prefer not to fight one so soon after my first day of intense training," Sombra replied, to which he paused as they came to a stop near the ladder that would allow them to head back up to the shop, where he turned back towards Yoruichi for a moment, "What about you? What will you do with the rest of your day?"

"Maybe I'll keep an eye on our resident Arrancar," Yoruichi said, where she glanced over at Sombra, who understood what she was saying, since it was possible that he might get lost or he might need help getting away from a certain someone that might see him, "or maybe I'll lounge around in my cat form, enjoying the sunlight and listen to the customers that come into the shop. I honestly haven't decided yet."

Sombra remained silent as he thought about that, while climbing up to the shop entrance and found that they had chosen to leave the training area at the best time, as there were no customers inside the shop at the moment and both Jinta and Ururu happened to be outside. Tessai turned towards them as they climbed out of the shaft the ladder was in and closed the hidden compartment so that the future guests didn't see it, before heading to the backroom, where they could be out of sight for some time. When they walked into the room, however, Sombra found Kisuke sitting at the table and working on what appeared to be some paperwork, though as he came to a stop the man seemed to notice his presence, no doubt because of his hooves, and turned towards the duo.

"I was wondering when you two would be coming back up here," Kisuke said, to which he set down the papers that he had been working on and gave them his full attention, because he was interested in what they were planning on doing with the rest of the day, "So, are you going to spend the day inside the shop, again, or are you going to head outside and see what else the town has to offer?"

"I was thinking that I might spend a few hours exploring the town," Sombra replied, as while he was interested in the various techniques that the pair had to offer him, for both Zanjutsu and Hoho, he didn't want to spend all of his first day training getting beat up over and over again, "I know that there are still a few places around the town that I haven't visited yet, or even explored for that matter, and I thought that I might as well familiarize myself with the rest of my surroundings before I become too busy to enjoy the little things."

"Well then, be careful out there." Kisuke stated, as he knew that, while Sombra was a spirit, the Arrancar's power might draw out more Hollows and force him to fight back before he was hurt, which was a good thing he was carrying his sword with him, and then there was the matter of the person who had seen him the last time he went outside, "Oh, and today is a day off for Ichigo Kurosaki, so there's a chance you might spot him while you're walking around the town... or maybe you won't. Based on what you told me earlier he's bound to chase after you if he spots you walking down the street, so do be careful while you're exploring the town."

"Thanks for the reminder," Sombra said, though he was curious if the young man in question would be outside on a day like today, especially since his family owned a clinic and might require him to be working there, but he guessed that time would tell, "Well, I'll be back once I've had my fill of the town again."

"Then go and have some fun." Kisuke replied, to which he raised a hand and made what Sombra had discovered was a 'shooing' motion, indicating that someone should move on in some manner, before he turned his head towards the person he wanted to talk to for a minute or two anyway, "And you, Yoruichi? What have you got on your agenda for the rest of this fine day?"

"I thought I'd follow Sombra and make sure he doesn't get lost," Yoruichi answered, though even as she spoke she knew that Sombra actually didn't need assistance, rather she had some fun following him around and seeing him take in the sights, as well as helping him run from Ichigo, while also noticing the look in Kisuke's eyes, to which she turned towards Sombra for a moment, "Why don't you get a head start and pick a direction to head in? There's something I need to talk with Kisuke about... something private."

Sombra, despite being slightly surprised by the fact that this was now being brought up, decided to nod his head and headed through the backdoor of the shop, that way any potential customers didn't see the doors moving at all, though as he walked outside Yoruichi turned towards Kisuke once more.

"Are you sure that you aren't doing more than 'making sure he doesn't get lost'?" Kisuke asked, as he had seen the slight change in Yoruichi's behavior since Sombra had appeared, though while he originally wrote it off as her being as fickle as a cat, since she acted like one at times, he knew there was something else going on.

"You know, when you say it like that you make it sound like I'm falling in love with a stranger," Yoruichi stated, as she recognized the sudden shift in Kisuke's tone, because it meant that he was thinking about something that was happening at the moment, but she didn't focus on that change all that much, "All I'm doing is making sure that Sombra gets a chance to see most of Karakura Town, before his days are full of dealing with spirits and Hollows... besides, if Ichigo does start to chase him again he'll need someone to help him get away, especially since he's still at the beginning of his training."

"Are you falling in love with Sombra?" Kisuke asked, though he kept his voice low so that Tessai, Jinta, Ururu, and Sombra himself didn't hear the conversation, as he wanted to know what was happening to Yoruichi before something happened to her that broke her heart.

Yoruichi stood still for a moment, as while she thought about the question, and her own feelings for a moment, she had also detected what could have been a hint of jealousy towards Sombra, as if Kisuke had been hoping that if she showed these feelings towards someone it would be him, given their history. Even when she thought about that she knew that most of the answers she could give him would only make things worse, including not answering the question directly, and she knew that they didn't need that sort of thing at the moment. She still wasn't sure what she was feeling, because Kisuke was right about Sombra being a complete stranger, and yet she knew that there was something about the Arrancar that made her want to act different around him, just so she could understand who he was and why he had been reborn without any of his memories. She also knew that Sombra, not yet used to the various emotions that all Humans and Shinigami displayed, wouldn't have noticed her unusual glances towards him and wouldn't have even stopped to consider what she was trying to do, something that he would have to work on in his own time.

Eventually Yoruichi sighed and headed towards the backdoor, as she wanted to get out of the shop and see the town some more, but before she headed outside completely she paused and turned towards Kisuke, who was still sitting by the table and happened to be staring at her... to which she made up her mind and decided to answer him before she headed outside, since he'd be thinking about this all day, regardless of what she did.

"Of course not." Yoruichi lied, knowing that there was a fair chance that Kisuke would buy what she said or figure out that she wasn't being truthful, but instead of sticking around she walked over to him, tapped him in the forehead, and headed outside before he could stop her... not that he could do that to begin with.

Kisuke sat at the table for a few seconds, thinking about everything that had happened so far since the pair came up from the training area, and wondered what game Yoruichi was playing, if she was playing on, because lying was something she almost never did, unless there was a good reason behind it... to which he sighed as he returned to his paperwork, as he hoped that she figured out the truth soon, before she broke someone's heart in the process.

Upon leaving the Urahara Shop through the backdoor, and waiting a few moments for Yoruichi to join him, Sombra headed to the right and started to walk up the street that was in front of them, to which they simply walked towards the destination that Sombra had been thinking about for the last few moments. While they walked the two of them moved out of the way of the pedestrians that were around them, mostly because Sombra had no idea if he would affect them by walking through them, but he wasn't about to take that chance. Yoruichi, on the other hand, simply seemed to follow his movements as they moved through the town, while also noticing that her companion was definitely taking in the sights, maybe even building a mental map of the entire town for when he had to do whatever work Kisuke had for him. She also kept her eyes open for Ichigo Kurosaki, since he seemed to be one of the few people that could see spirits and would come running if he spotted them walking down the street with no one interacting with them... though the silence gave her a moment to realize that Sombra hadn't even commented on her little conversation with Kisuke.

"I'm honestly surprised you haven't commented on what happened back there." Yoruichi commented, though at the same time she pulled up beside Sombra, as there wasn't anyone in front of them for the next couple of blocks, so they didn't have to worry about dodging anyone.

"You mean your conversation with Kisuke?" Sombra inquired, knowing that Yoruichi was talking about that and not anything else, but at the same time he wasn't all that curious about what they had been talking about, "It was a private conversation between the two of you, so I won't bother to ask what you talked about... it's not my business to pry into the things that people don't want to talk about."

Yoruichi smiled for a moment, as she had no idea what she would have done if she had been asked to reveal the nature of the conversation and revealed to Sombra that Kisuke had asked her if she was in love with the Arrancar, as that would open a can of worms that she just wasn't ready for. Besides, right now Sombra had no idea what love was supposed to be, once more thanks to his missing memories, so trying to explain everything would have been a waste of time, at least until he actually understood what was going on, once he had more experience in how people worked. Once that thought crossed her mind, however, she focused less on what she had been thinking about and focused on following Sombra, where she noticed that they appeared to be heading towards the Karakura High School, where Ichigo Kurosaki had to be a student when it was a school day. She had to wonder if Sombra knew that this was the high school that Ichigo went to, and had chosen to come here since it was unlikely that they would see the young man today, or if this was a random decision that would work out to his benefit... but then she decided that it was best to wait and see what happened when they explored the area that Sombra wanted to explore.

Sombra found that there were a fair number of buildings resting around the main building of the high school, where most of them were one or two stories tall, and even three in some cases, while the central building itself was the only one with four stories and even had a fence around the roof, likely for people to stay safe if they ate up there. Since he didn't have a map of the school it was hard to tell what all of the buildings were for, but at the same time Yoruichi was able to point out that it contained an area for playing sports, a gym for exercising, and a track field with six lanes, though even she knew that Sombra had no idea what each of those items were supposed to be. Sombra was fine not knowing what they were at the moment, mostly because that gave him something else to investigate in the future, though at the same time that didn't stop him from exploring the area for a few minutes, just to see what a high school looked like before they moved onto the next destination he had in mind. Yoruichi was happy that Sombra seemed to be having a good time in his exploration of the town, since this was all new to him, though as she watched the Arrancar she heard someone talking nearby and went to investigate... though as she looked around the corner of the building, just a tiny bit, she spotted Ichigo walking down a path that would bring him right to the area that Sombra was in.

Yoruichi, thinking fast, retreated back to where her companion was standing and tapped his shoulder, though as he turned to face her she made a motion that was pretty much her telling him that they needed to get moving, before she jumped over the wall and got moving... though as Sombra did it, however, he turned around and spotted Ichigo Kurosaki standing some distance away from him, while also staring at where he was standing.

Instead of saying anything Sombra turned towards the wall that Yoruichi had jumped over and did the same thing, though as he landed on the other side he spotted her further up the path she seemed to be following and that she was beckoning to him, before moving once more. Sombra got moving immediately, following the path that Yoruichi had picked for them, though at the same time he heard the sounds of Ichigo jumping over the wall as well, which meant that he intended to chase them, or rather him, once more. Truth be told he had no idea where Yoruichi was going, though at the same time he honestly didn't care, because when he crossed over the street that his companion crossed, and continued moving forward, Ichigo paused as he waited for traffic to turn in his favor, which was unlucky for Sombra since the cars stopped moving and allowed the Human to continue following them. Even the second street they crossed over didn't do much to slow Ichigo down, but that was before Sombra noticed that they were heading to what appeared to be a hospital of some kind, an abandoned one by the looks of it.

Yoruichi, who had arrived at the front door long before Sombra did, had pried open the entrance of the abandoned hospital, where there weren't any spirits or Hollows, and headed inside, causing Sombra to follow her before they slipped behind a damaged wall and waited... though it wasn't long before Ichigo walked through the entrance with a huff, which meant that he must not have been expecting this to happen today and wasn't prepared for a run.

"Hello?" Ichigo called out, to which the duo watched as he passed by the doorway that they walked through a few moments ago, but neither of them moved as he continued to explore the area of the abandoned hospital that Yoruichi had brought them to, even if all Ichigo had seen was Sombra, "Whose out there? I know I saw someone head into this building, so I want to know who you are and why I keep seeing you around Karakura Town."

Yoruichi raised a hand, in a way that told Sombra to remain silent, before she carefully walked forward and watched as Ichigo walked around the corner, where he wouldn't be able to see the entrance they had come through, to which she turned back towards Sombra and nodded her head. Sombra caught the gesture and followed after Yoruichi, where he walked out through the doorway and headed outside the building with her, to which the two of them made their way away from the abandoned hospital, even though he felt that it was wrong to leave Ichigo behind. Based on the looks that Kisuke gave him it was clear that they were supposed to watch the young man, and not directly engage him in any manner, which meant that if Ichigo chased after them, like he was doing now, they were supposed to avoid him at all costs and get away from him. Yoruichi, knowing that Sombra felt it was wrong to leave Ichigo behind, stopped when they reached a good area and headed back towards the hospital, where she made a few sounds on the walls before retreating to where he was standing... to which they watched as Ichigo walked out of the abandoned hospital with a slightly irritated look on his face, though Sombra hoped that he would be able to make things up to the young man in the future, if they were ever to interact with each other.

Once he was sure that Ichigo was heading away from the abandoned hospital, and wasn't following after them, Sombra and Yoruichi headed to a different part of Karakura Town, that way they would be able to avoid the young man while one of them enjoyed the time away from training that he had been given... as he was sure that the training in the future would take up most of his days, until Kisuke and Yoruichi were convinced that he was ready anyway.

Once Sombra and Yoruichi got back to the Urahara Shop, after an afternoon of exploring an area of Karakura Town that Ichigo Kurosaki wasn't in, they informed Kisuke of what they had been up to and their run in with the young man, who still found it interesting that Ichigo was interested in trying to figure out what and who Sombra was. Sombra, of course, wasn't too happy about messing with the young man and promised that he would do his best to avoid making contact with him, until it was time for something to happen, but he made no promises in that regard, since Ichigo was persistent when it came to certain things. After telling Kisuke the news Sombra went back to reading a new book while Yoruichi spoke with Kisuke about something in another room, no doubt about what happened when Ichigo found them while they were walking, but Sombra made no effort to interrupt their conversation, thinking back to what Yoruichi had said earlier when she commented on why he hadn't asked about what they had been talking about.

The following days were a blur for Sombra, because he spent a good amount of his time training with Kisuke and Yoruichi in the underground training area, while relaxing by either staying in the shop and reading some of the books that Kisuke had or heading out into the town with Yoruichi shadowing him. When he spent some time exploring the town he enjoyed knowing that Yoruichi was following him him around, making sure he was alerted to where Ichigo was in the off chance that he was in the same area that they were in, or even walking beside him and taking in the sights that he was interested in staring at, giving him some information on what he was looking at. Sombra suspected that there was another reason for why Yoruichi was shadowing him when he went out into the town, and why she always seemed to smile at him whenever she found something funny, but at the same time he knew that she would tell him the reasoning behind her behavior at some point in the future... especially why, when she took him back to the hot springs after a rough day of training, she felt the need to relieve the stress from his muscles, though he wasn't about to complain when it really made him relax and let the healing water mend the wounds Kisuke gave him.

One thing that Sombra noticed as the days went by, despite the training he was being put through, was that there were times that Kisuke was distracted by something, but when he asked the manager of the store simply snapped back to what he was doing and the training continued once more, usually resulting in Sombra getting several more cuts and scratches in the process, though he was willing to take it as he pushed himself to his limits.

The first week of his stay in the World of the Living eventually moved into his second week, with him not being able to actually recover any of his memories, not even ones that weren't relevant to the major ones, revealing that he definitely needed his missing blade to get his memories back. That moved into the third week in due time, with him spending his time equally between training and relaxing, before finally coming to him having spent nearly an entire month in Karakura Town, though he also had to take out a few Hollows every now and then since there weren't any Shinigami to guard the town still. That was something that annoyed him, that the Shinigami that ran Soul Society couldn't be bothered to pick a replacement for the two dead Shinigami that had died long before his arrival in the town, though something made him wonder if that was what Kisuke was distracted by, the missing guardian for the town. Even despite that Sombra found that he was making considerable progress in his training, though it would be some time before he was anywhere near the levels that Kisuke and Yoruichi were at... and he was fine with that, because he would personally feel cheated if learning and understanding their training came to him at a speed that was faster than what they were willing to teach him.

When he was close to the end of his first month in Karakura Town, and had taken out at least nine more Hollows during that time period, Kisuke came down into the underground training area when Sombra and Yoruichi were doing the last of their Hoho training for the day... and the look on his face told them that something was happening, something that meant they needed to be ready for what was to come.

"It seems that Soul Society has finally activated the Senkaimon," Kisuke said, to which Yoruichi raised an eyebrow, as she knew exactly what that meant, while at the same time Sombra huffed as he stood up, as while he didn't know what the term meant he was sure that he'd be told the news anyway, "or rather the gate that Shinigami use to travel from Soul Society to the World of the Living. This means that, in the next few hours, the new guardian of Karakura Town will be arriving to being his or her job in assisting the souls of the dead to move on to Soul Society, while at the same time tackling the Hollows that might come and attack the town."

"I still can't believe that it took them a month to decide who was going to be sent here," Yoruichi commented, as it seemed strange for them to take that long to come to a simple decision, but at the same time it meant that Sombra's workload would be cut down a little, "When are they supposed to arrive?"

"Well, this is a guess," Kisuke replied, though Sombra knew that he had likely gone over the calculations and had likely double checked the math before coming over to them, and it seemed that Yoruichi was thinking the same thing, before they gave him their full attention, "but it seems that they'll arrive tomorrow morning, between two to two-thirty in the morning, before they begin their task and start assisting the souls around the town."

Sombra thought that it was strange for Soul Society to deploy a Shinigami and have them arrive on a Friday morning, since today was Thursday, but he was sure that there was a reason behind the decision and he said nothing as he picked up his sword and slipped it back into his belt... to which he turned towards Kisuke and Yoruichi, as he knew that this was what he had been waiting for.

"What should I do?" Sombra asked, because he had an idea of what he should do, find the Shinigami and shadow them until he needed to interact with them, but he wanted to see what the people that trained him had in mind, since their idea was bound to be better than his.

"In the morning you should head out and see if you can't find Ichigo Kurosaki," Kisuke said, knowing that, if the young man was able to see spirits, it was only a matter of time until he came into contact with whoever had been sent to defend the town, which was the perfect time for Sombra to meet them and aid them in whatever manner he could, "I'm sure that the Shinigami that Soul Society sent will eventually come into contact with him, so I want you to meet them when it happens and see if you can't offer them your assistance in dealing with the Hollows... or whatever else they might need some assistance in handling."

"Okay, find Ichigo Kurosaki, meet the Shinigami in charge of Karakura Town, and then move forward from there," Sombra said, as it did sound better than what he had been thinking, to which he nodded his head as he resolved to get some sleep before Friday morning arrived, "Sounds like a good plan to me."

"And Sombra, be careful." Yoruichi added, knowing that the Arrancar would do that anyway, but she felt better having said it, because that usually gave people the motivation to press on if they knew that someone was rooting for them, while at the same time she stood there with her usual smile on her face.

"I will." Sombra stated, knowing that he'd do his best to fulfill that promise, while noticing that Yoruichi looked relieved to hear that, even though she likely knew what he had been thinking, before he turned towards the ladder and started walking towards it, "It seems that our lives are about to get even more interesting."

He wasn't sure what the future held, and he honestly wasn't thinking about that at the moment, but he was excited to see who Soul Society sent to be the guardian of Karakura Town and what would happen when Ichigo Kurosaki came into contact with them, like Kisuke was thinking might happen... and he was sure that his life was going to get even more exciting than it had been over the last month he had spent training, something that he was looking forward to seeing.

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