• Published 14th Feb 2018
  • 3,411 Views, 86 Comments

Off The Market - Summer Dancer

When Flash Sentry and Ditzy Doo agree to go to the Spring Fling together as friends, word gets out that they're actually dating.

  • ...

Chapter 2: The Cutest Couple

At the end of the school day, Ditzy headed for the gym, her empty shoulder bag in tow. She had only joined the Party Planning Committee a week ago, and they had already given her the most important job—delivering the invitations.

But Ditzy didn’t mind. She was light on her feet, and very familiar with all the students at Canterlot. Despite the few face plants, she turned out to be very good at her job.

With a skip in her step, she pushed open the doors of the gym.

A fair amount of people were still hard at work; the gym was already half-way decorated, with a flourish of multicolored flowers covering the walls. Students were carrying Tiki statues off the stage to their intended destination somewhere in the gym. Others stood on ladders, slinging up pastel streamers onto the ceiling. Most sat on the floor, busy painting banners. Ditzy was amazed with how fast things were moving.

As soon as she stepped in, she was immediately greeted by a loud, high-pitched voice. “DITZY, YOU SLY FOX!”

The head of the Party Planning Committee came barreling toward her with a face-splitting grin. Ditzy briefly wondered if Pinkie Pie always got this excited over a job well done, even if it was just delivering the invitations. But then again…

“Why didn’t you tell me!?” Pinkie demanded happily, grabbing Ditzy’s shoulders and bringing their faces just inches of each other.

“Uhm…tell you what?”

Pinkie shook her. “That you’re dating Flash Sentry!” she exclaimed.

Ditzy and Pinkie stared at each other. Ditzy was so shocked, her eye pupils straightened together for a moment before floating back apart. “…. What?” Ditzy finally said.

Pinkie sighed, shaking her head with a smile. “You don’t have to keep up the charade anymore, Ditzy,” she said, releasing her grip. “Everyone knows now. Though…” Her smile dimmed a bit, tilting her head in honest confusion. “I don’t get why you were keeping it a secret in the first place.”

“…. Uh…. I…”

“Ditzy,” Pinkie said warmly, patting the side of her cheek. “You silly. All this time, and you two were worried about absolutely nothing! The whole school is buzzing, in a good way. And I think you two are the cutest, most adorable couple I’ve ever seen!” Her eyes darted around, and she leaned in, cupping a hand around her mouth. “Although,” she stage-whispered, “Don’t tell Twilight I said that. Because I told her that when she and Timber got together. But you and Flash just became my new favorite.”

Pinkie straightened up with a grin. Ditzy stood as stiff as a board. All she could think of was the odd and amused looks she received today while delivering invitations.

“As a matter of fact, do you mind asking Flash and his band if they’d like to play at the dance? I know they almost always play at CHS’ dances, but it’s rude to assume.”


“Great! Now off you go,” Pinkie said cheerfully, waving her hands. “Looks like everyone got their invitations, so great job, Ditzy. Go home, get some rest…maybe text Flash.” She giggle-snorted, nudging Ditzy with an elbow. “You sly Fox, you.” Ditzy slowly turned away from Pinkie and walked stiffly toward the Gym doors.

“Oh, by the way," Pinkie called, "We’re all meeting back here tomorrow morning at 6:15,” Pinkie called. “We’re sorting out the Catering tomorrow!”

Ditzy nodded numbly as she pushed the doors open. As soon as she entered the hall, her breathing picked up. “Oh no,” she whispered, suddenly aware of her surroundings. “Oh no….” Heart pounding in her chest, she took off running, her blonde hair flying wildly behind her. “Oh no oh no oh no oh no….”

Flash shrugged off his guitar strap, and grabbed his guitar case as he kneeled to the floor. Flash Drive, their band, had just completed another day of practice. Most bands at Canterlot would practice once or twice a week, but they were the only band who practiced whenever they could.

“Sick practice today, man,” Brawly Beats said, twirling his drumstick between his fingers effortlessly. “You think the Party Committee will invite us to play at the Fling?”

Of course they will,” Ringo said, an eyeroll evident in his voice. Though, they could never really tell—Ringo never took off his blue sunglasses. Not even at night. “We almost always play at our dances.”

“I-I know!” Brawly said defensively. “Still feels nice to be asked.”

“Well, we’ll be ready if they do want us,” Flash said, still focused on placing his precious bundle of joy back in its case.

His buddies exchanged glances. Brawly nodded toward Flash and raised his eyebrows. Ringo furrowed his brows and shook his head. Brawly held up a flat palm and hovered his fist above it. Ringo reluctantly hesitated before nodding. Mimicking Brawly’s hands, the two of them tapped their fists against their palms twice.

Brawly Beat’s hand signaled ‘Scissors’ while Ringo signaled ‘Paper’.

Brawly smirked, and Ringo growled silently. One out of three, he mouthed.

Just as they raised their fists, Flash spoke without looking up. “Okay, what is it?”

The boys jumped and hid their hands behind their backs. Flash stood up and turned to face them. “You guys aren't exactly subtle. What is it?”

Brawly opened his mouth before snapping it shut. He nudged Ringo, earning a scowl. “I won,” Brawly said flippantly, tossing his wavy, turquoise hair.

Ugh. Fine. So, uh…Flash…” Ringo scratched at his mustache hairs. “Why didn’t you tell us that you were dating again?”

Flash’s eyebrows knitted together. “What?”

“I mean…people were talking about it today…. a lot of people. And somehow, we’re the last ones to know about it! What’s the deal, man? Thought we were your friends!”

“Bros are always the last to know!” Brawly complained loudly, crossing his thick, muscular arms. “Not cool, Flash! Not cool!”

Flash looked bewildered. “I…I don’t understand!”

“NEITHER DO WE, Flash! And that girl you’re dating…Ditzy?”

Flash’s eyes widened.

“I mean, she’s cool and all, but…are you feeling alright? Are you going through some stuff?”

“What!? No, me and Ditzy aren’t—” He stopped and narrowed his eyes at Ringo. “Wait, what’s that supposed to mean?”

“Well, no offense,” Brawly began cautiously, “But…Ditzy’s not the sort of girl you’re in to. That Twinkle Glamour Princess girl? We get. Sunset Shimmer, we really didn’t get before, but now we definitely get. But Ditzy…”

Flash got in his face. “What about her?”

Brawly threw a helpless glance at Ringo, who shrugged. “We mean nothing by it, Flash, really we don’t! We’re just…confused.”

“Consistency, man,” Brawly agreed.

Flash glared at them. “Now look,” he said firmly, holding out a finger. “Ditzy Doo is funny, perceptive, and amazing. There’s nothing wrong with her, and there’s nothing wrong with me wanting to go to the dance with her! Got it?”

“So, it is true!” Brawly exclaimed. “You really are a thing, right?”

Flash stood back. “I—I—”

Suddenly, they heard frantic footsteps in the hall. “Flash!” a voice yelled from outside. “Flaaash!” The three boys looked up, and Ditzy came sliding in, flushed and panting. “Fla--! Oh,” she gasped, skidding to an abrupt halt. She quickly ducked her head. “I-I’m sorry…my bad,” she chuckled, backing out. Her blonde hair tumbled over her beet red face. “I’ll just, uh…I’m gonna…”

“No, no,” Flash said, grabbing her arm and pulling her to his side. “I was just telling my friends the truth about our relationship.”

Ditzy looked up at him. “Oh, you are?” She sighed, her hand on her chest. “Oh, thank goodness.”

Flash’s friends gazed at her in interest. “You know, we could’ve kept your secret,” Brawly told her.

Ditzy. “Uh—what—” She looked at Flash, who shook his head slightly. “Oh…”

“Well,” Ringo said casually, reaching out and putting a hand on Ditzy’s shoulder. “Now that everything’s in the clear…” He guided her over in between him and Brawly, their backs turned to Flash. “We can officially congratulate you.”

Ditzy’s eyes widened as their hands rested firmly on her shoulders. Their faces were suddenly much darker than she had ever seen them. “Flash is a lucky guy,” Brawly said as they glared down at her. “If we know Flash, he’ll make you very happy.”

“Almost as happy as you’ll make him,” Ringo said evenly.

Ditzy gulped and nodded. “A…Absolutely,” she squeaked.

The boys gave her one final glare before flashing her bright smiles. “So!” Ringo said cheerfully as the three of them turned back around to face Flash. “What brings you here, Ditz?”

Ditzy shuffled on her feet. “Uh.…The Party Planning Committee wants to know if you’d like to play at the Spring Fling dance.”

Brawly gave an excited gasp.

“This is a horrible idea!” Ditzy exclaimed as they ran down the front steps. “We need to tell the truth, Flash!”

"Ditzy, wait!" Flash called, fishing the keys from his pocket. "Don't you wanna ride with me in my car?"


Flash pouted and chased after her, shoving his keys back into his pocket.

“I don’t get what the big deal is! So what if more than a few people know…. or think, at least. Other than our close friends, they won’t care!”

Ditzy stopped walking, almost causing Flash to bump into her. She turned and looked carefully into his eyes. “You’re wrong,” she said softly. “They will care. They all will. And you won’t be ready for it.”

With that, she whirled around and quickened her steps. Flash rushed after her. “Ditzy!”

Ditzy just shook her head again. Flash didn’t understand. But it wasn’t his fault—these things could only truly be observed from afar, through different eyes.

When Flash started dating Sunset Shimmer, Ditzy had been thrilled for him. He was, by far, the happiest guy on the planet. Anywhere Sunset would go, Flash would be right there beside her. He always did nice things for her… like bringing her flowers…picking her up and bringing her home from school every day… carrying her books…. even writing heartfelt songs about her. Normal boyfriend stuff.

But Sunset was not the sweet and caring girl that he always made her out to be. Ditzy had seen her do terrible things to other students. Bullying them, black-mailing them…she even got physical a few times, but thankfully, that was a rare occurrence. Students were so frightened of her, they would bend over backwards to make her (And Flash by extension) happy.

She and Flash were treated like royalty. They were always at the front of every long line, seated at the best Lunch tables, and somehow, the best at every P.E. activity—with the exception of Rainbow Dash, of course. Not even Sunset could pin her down for long.

The veins in Coach Iron Will’s neck had never been so visible. “I’ve never seen students run so slow in all my years of coaching!” he had exclaimed, completely beside himself. “At least these three kids give me their all!”

Before long, the school started splitting up into different groups. Since Ditzy wasn’t really one of the ‘Cool Kids’, she saw Flash less and less.

But she did see him. He still looked fairly happy, seemingly oblivious to the toxic environment that surrounded him. No one dared to say anything against Sunset to Flash, and no one really had the heart to. Ditzy, however, started to see small cracks in the façade. Flickers of uneasy glances in Sunset’s direction, nervous smiles as students he didn’t know gave him their desserts. But then, who was she to judge?

If Flash was pleased with his relationship with Sunset, then Ditzy didn’t want to impose. However, as time went on, Ditzy could see a shift. Now, wherever Sunset would go, Flash would be trailing behind her. He spoke only when she asked him a direct question, and flinched whenever she made direct contact with him. Ditzy didn’t know much about romantic relationships, but even she could tell that whatever Sunset was doing to Flash was having a negative effect on him. His whole demeanor began to change.

He started to grow more and more distant from his friends. He even lost interest in his music.

Exhausted, quiet, withdrawn…that wasn’t Flash at all.

One day, she couldn’t stand it anymore. Ignoring the possible consequences of overstepping her boundaries, she pulled Flash aside and demanded why he still put up with someone so mean.

Flash grew angry with her, and had insisted that there was a negative side to everyone—Sunset was just more honest about her feelings.

She and Flash didn’t speak much more after that. Ditzy had wondered why Sunset hadn’t come after her yet. Every day she came to school, she half expected to be tossed into a trash bin, or shoved inside of a locker for a whole day. Maybe Sunset was planning to strangle her…poison her food…make fun of her eyes…something. But she hadn’t gotten more than a terse ‘out of my way’ in the hallway when she did see her.

“Maybe it’s because you’re close friends with Flash,” Carrot Top had said. “That’s a step up from being a Mafia Princess.”

And then it happened. Flash finally broke up with Sunset. She didn’t know how or why, but it was over, and Ditzy was glad.

But people still talked. Now that Flash and Sunset were no longer an item, Flash’s name was being dragged through the mud and back. Granted, he was still popular and well-liked by most, but the damage had been done. His reputation preceded him, unfortunately.

Despite his newfound freedom, Flash became more withdrawn, all too aware of the stares in the cafeteria and the whispers behind his back. But Flash wasn’t without friends. Ditzy started coming over after school to hang out or talk. Some days, all Flash could do was try not to cry, sometimes without much success. So she’d just sit with him.

Eventually, he started to open back up again. Ditzy would often see Brawly Beats and Ringo leaving his house just as she neared it, so she knew she wasn’t alone in keeping Flash company.

And he did heal. Before she knew it, Flash started strumming his guitar again, and he smiled a lot more. Even talk and gossip started to ease up. Things were far from perfect at Canterlot High, but the fact that Flash was himself again made it more bearable for Ditzy.

She still kept a close eye on him, however. Twilight Sparkle seemed to be just what Flash needed. But after the Dazzlings were defeated, Twilight never really came back anymore.

Her absence had made him a bit melancholy, but Ditzy had been there for him.

When he realized that the other Twilight during the Friendship Games wasn’t the Twilight he started to develop feelings for, Ditzy had been there for him.

When he watched the other Twilight laughing and talking with Timber Spruce, Ditzy had been there for him.

But how could she possibly be there for him now? This time, she would be the cause of Flash’s troubles.
“It won’t do!” she said, bristling. “It just won’t do!”

“But it can do!” Flash said, finally falling in step beside her. “I don’t care what other people think, Ditzy! Not anymore!”

“You say that now!”

“I mean it!”

“You don’t understand—”

What!?" he shouted. "What don’t I understand, Ditzy?”

They stopped in the middle of the sidewalk, staring each other down. Then Ditzy spoke, her voice almost cracking. “How much this could hurt you.”

Flash frowned. “I decide what hurts me, Ditzy.” He sighed as Ditzy wiped hastily at her nose. “Look…I know I got carried away…but I couldn’t help it. The way they all talked about you—”

“Oh, Flash, it wasn’t personal. They didn’t mean to sound like that. And they’re right.” She gave a lopsided smile. “I wouldn’t buy us being sweethearts either.”

Flash crossed his arms. “Why not?”

“Because…because you’re you…and I’m me.”

“And what’s wrong with you?”

Ditzy bit her lip. Flash stood like an iron statue, his arms still folded. With his black leather jacket and steel blue eyes, he looked as tough as nails. But as usual, Ditzy wasn’t fooled. She sighed heavily, suddenly feeling exhausted. “Look, I…I have to get home now. I’m gonna be late for dinner.”

The steel look in Flash’s eyes softened considerably. “Alright. Look, I’m sorry, Ditzy. If it means that much to you, then we’ll…we’ll call it off.”

Ditzy perked up. “Really?”

Flash looked a bit sad, but gave an assuring smile. “Really.”

Ditzy smiled in relief, and she and Flash wrapped their arms around each other. His cheek squished against the top of her head, and her face brushed against his shoulder. “Thank you.”

Canterlot High School Official Chat Board

Chs@BonBon: Well, well! Looks like CHS’ most eligible Bachelor is officially off the market 4:15 pm

Chs@Great&Powerful: Flash Sentry has officially gone off the deep end. LOL! 4:15pm

Chs@Rarity: So it IS true! Congratulations, you two! So romantic! <3 <3 <3 4:17pm

Chs@DiamondT: He’s finally cracked! Knew he would 4:20pm

Chs@FlashS: No, guys, no. Me and Ditzy are NOT TOGETHER 4:22pm

Chs@Daisy: Of course you are! You said so yourself! 4:22pm

Chs@FlashS: No, Daisy, it was just a joke to mess with you and your PALS! 4:22pm

Chs@RoseLuck: Just admit it, Flash. We saw how you looked at each other, U can’t fool us 4:22pm

Chs@PinkieP: Ur officially the most awesome super-duper spectacular couple EVER! :D 4:23pm

Chs@TwilightS: Hey! You said that about me and Timber! 4:23pm

Chs@PinkieP has left the chat.

Chs@BrawlyB: Now that I thought about it more, I think you’d be rad together 4:26pm

Chs@Ringo: Yeah, me too. Big ups, my man, seriously 4:26pm

Chs@FlashS: Guys, it was all a joke! A JOKE! 4:26pm

Chs@DitzyD: Flash iz telling the truth. We r not dating 4:26pm

Chs@SilverSp: So, have you kissed him yet, Ditzy? 4:27pm

Chs@DitzyD: :/ 4:27pm

Chs@RoseLuck: Bet his lips are soft 4:28pm

Chs@Daisy: No, he’s a rough kisser, definitely 4:29pm

Chs@RoseLuck: Lol how do u know? 4:29pm

Chs@Lilly: Sunset Shimmer knows :D 4:29pm

Chs@Great&Powerful: We should ask her! 4:30pm

Chs@FlashS: WHAT, NO!!! 4:30pm

Chs@PrinCelest: How wonderful, Flash! Ditzy is a lovely girl. 4:31pm

Chs@VPLuna: Agreed. Congratulations, you two. 4:32pm

Chs@FlashS: …… 4:33pm

Chs@DiamondT: Lol XD 4:33pm

Chs@VPLuna: Aren’t you supposed to be in Detention, young Miss? 4:33pm

Chs@DiamondT has left the chat

Chs@SunsetS: Why was I linked here? 4:36pm

Chs@FlashS: Sunset, DO NOT scroll up!!! 4:36pm

Chs@Lilly: Is Flash a good kisser? Yes or no? 4:36pm

Chs@SunsetS: …What? 4:37pm

Chs@DitzyD: Don’t listen to them! 4:37pm

Chs@Great&Powerful: Flash finally got over Twilight and found a new… “Friend” XD 4:38pm

Chs@Sunset: Really? That’s great Flash! Who’s the lucky girl? 4:38pm

Chs@TimberS: Uh…what do you mean, “Got over Twilight” ? 4:39pm

Chs@Great&Powerful: Wait, who’s this? 4:39pm

Chs@BrawlyB: Yeah, who’re you? 4:39pm

Chs@TimberS: It’s me, Timber Spruce! 4:39pm

Chs@TimberS: From Camp Everfree? 4:41pm

Chs@SunsetS: Oh, hey…wait, how did you get in here? 4:41pm

Chs@TwilightS: I let him in. Hi Timber 😊 4:42pm

Chs@TimberS: Hey <3 4:42pm

Chs@BrawlyB: The heck? He doesn’t even go here! 4:43pm

Chs@SilverSp: Soooo not cool. 4:43pm

Chs@FlashS has left the chat

Author's Note:

This one is more serious...I admit that I didn't like Flash at all during the first Equestria Girls. But with each movie, I've thought about his life a lot more.

I never thought about what his life was like with Sunset (old not new). So this is my take on it, for the most part. I wanted it to be from Ditzy's perspective, so it's not really the whole picture. Luckily, Flash and Sunset are getting along a lot better now.