• Published 4th Feb 2018
  • 7,403 Views, 75 Comments

The Thief and the Princess - Muramasa

A thief breaks into the royal palace in Canterlot to steal Celestia's crown. A certain Princess catches her.

  • ...

The Thief and the Princess

It was gorgeous.

Everything. Even in darkness, the walls of the palace still somehow gleamed the purest white the Thief had ever seen. The ornate gold that shone and speckled about the palace decor, found embedded in everything from pillars to candlesticks, radiated a quality and age that the Thief was certain she'd never see again. Between the maroon silk carpets, the paintings on the walls and the vases, the Thief could have taken anything in the palace and been set for the rest of her life.

But there was one thing that stood miles above the rest. An artifact that simply could not be priced. An item that would turn her into a folktale only told in whispers.

There were guards, of course. The Thief had studied them well, and on many moonless nights simply stood in the corners by the window and watched. Every step of every routine, every breath and every movement. There wasn't a thing the guards could do that the Thief had yet to see, and with this heist, her scouting clearly paid off in spades. One of the guards, a large, ordinary looking stallion with a coat that changed color with the flicker of his candle, mindlessly drifted across the hallway the Thief had been occupying. Bathing in the shadows, she cautiously crept across the right side wall, a candle illuminating only just in front of her. Her eyes darted back and forth in a calm paranoia, scouting for an outlier.

When it became clear there wasn't one, she continued. She was a floor below where she needed to be, and slowly, she began to climb a set of stairs she knew would be on her right as soon as she turned the hallway corner. They were made from a fine wood, but were carpeted with a fine velvet in the middle, and so when the Thief traveled up the staircase, she drifted like a ghost in the darkness.

It all started with a rumor.

Princess Celestia could only be explained as a figure larger than life itself. Not really a pony as much as a goddess, anything she'd even glanced at was worth more of a fortune than a mare would ever need. In a den of thieves, however, nothing was ever good enough, and there began a rumor during a time when word got around that a mare had snuck into the Crystal Palace and stolen the crown of Princess Twilight Sparkle, which, of course, hosted a fabled Element of Harmony. Quickly, whispers spread in the criminal underground like a silent plague; Celestia's crown was such a powerful artifact that she actually wore a copy during public appearances, and that the real deal was locked away and only to be worn during times of danger.

Quite frankly, the Thief didn't buy it. She'd heard stories like this before, of impossibly incredible artifacts that had no way of being truly confirmed beyond the murmurs. However, when a high-ranking ex-royal guard decided to contact her to steal a family heirloom that had been placed in a museum years ago, she had decided she'd ask him for information as payment instead of money.

The bombshell. Not only did she know it existed, but with the help of this pony, she knew where it was.

The once-impossible dream became a helpless obsession. The Thief knew this, but she didn't care, working her way about the criminal underworld to acquire any piece of information on the palace she could find. The knowledge was all scarce, as only a damned fool would break into the palace inhabited by gods, but that was no concern of hers. As far as she was concerned, she was the best thief in the world, and after this escapade, she'd have more than petty trinkets to prove it.

The third floor of the palace was, of course, where Luna and Celestia slept. The risk of being caught on floors one and two sharply elevated to a risk of death on floor three, as Princess Luna was well known for her nocturnal habits. Should the Thief be caught, there was a rather high chance she'd be vaporized on the spot, as the difference between a thief and an assassin could not be so easily discerned in the darkness.

That didn't matter, though, because she wouldn't.

In a way, the Thief owed her expertise to the young princess. The shadows were the only ally she'd ever trust, and it was Luna's night that blanketed her like a shroud on countless jobs. It'd be ironic for this one, though, as the very night Luna loved so dearly would cloak her enemy to perfection.

The balcony on which Luna liked to mull was down the hallway to the right of her once she emerged from the stairs, so the Thief was not worried. Not only was the balcony far away from where she was, but, from watching Luna whilst hidden at the outskirts of the grounds, she had discovered that the young princess stayed on the balcony for three hours on the dot like clockwork every night. Although there was no way to check the time, the Thief knew hour two soon approached, and so, barring an incident of late night snack cravings, the Lunar Princess would not be a threat.

Using the shadows, the Thief gently crept along the left side of the hallway this time. She'd been here twice before, surveying the area around the door she'd needed to find, but never overextending herself. The most important thing she needed to gather during her earlier reconnaissance outings was the exact moment the guards changed their shift. It was a loud event, unmistakable for anything else, and on her second day of surveying, she'd gotten the pattern down. Daring to poke her candle out from under her just a hair more, she heard the noise she'd been anxious to hear right as she turned the corner left.

The clang of spears and greaves rang across the third floor, signaling the only window the Thief had just begun to creak open. She had about eleven minutes to get into the crown room, as once she made it there, she'd simply wait out for the next shift and be on her merry way. She silently pulled the cloak to where it covered her whole body, blending in perfectly with the shadows around her. As two or three guards passed, their heavy footsteps almost as loud as their breathing, the Thief could clearly gather from their exhausted expressions that any sort of suspicion in their minds had been violently surpassed by their will to clamber into bed after another long shift.

Her heart was beating faster now. To the Thief, it thumped like the stomps of an Ursa Major, though it took all of her willpower to remind herself the beat was as silent as her. Taking a deep breath just as loud as she could allow herself to, the thief pressed onward, the vague shape of the hallway creeping by her vision. Her small candle was a world of help against complete darkness, but if the Thief hadn't been here before, she'd surely be lost in the black haze.

Thankfully, that wasn't the case. She silently stepped to the right, making a seamless turn as the hallway broke off to the right. She now faced down the second to last hallway to the far left side of the palace.

It was where the door was.

It was where the crown was.

It was where her legacy was lying in wait.

Excitement shooting through her like an electric convulsion, the Thief hugged the right side of the wall. She felt the wall for the doors she passed, feeling two wooden doors that led to rooms she couldn't have cared less about, before feeling the grain of the door that she knew held her prize. She could hear the old guard's words now, bouncing around in her head in a booming echo. The thief could feel herself swelling with fear, pride and jubilation that she stood only moments away from that which she had so long sought. Looking around one last time, she turned to the lock on the door, a plain and inconspicuous mechanism that looked like the one on every door that surrounded it.

Of course, this one was different. It unnaturally locked via a magic spell that would only open by the touch of Celestia's aura, which sounded like a bigger problem than it would be. There was a saying amongst thieves: It takes hard work and practice to be a good thief and a horn to be a great one.

The Thief quietly removed her ace in the hole from the bag. A snippet of Celestia's coat, found rather easily from a locked carriage she had used outside of the castle grounds. After tying it carefully around her horn and ensuring it stayed stable, the Thief cast a spell that had gotten her through countless locks deemed unbreakable, a spell that could replicate the aura of any unicorn (or in this case, alicorn) with a piece of their coat.

Carefully, the Thief opened the door, ensuring that her spell kept up the entire time. She slipped through the door frame and closed the door behind her, holding down the handle before clicking it back in place with a silent grace. She turned around, took three steps forward, and withdrew her candle from beneath her cloak, extending her hoof to view the prize she had sought for so long.

The Thief had stolen possessions worth thousands of bits, but in her entire life of crime, she'd never seen anything like what rested before her.

Celestia's crown--her true crown--did not seem real. Even in the darkness, the golden crown, which the Thief knew had to have been centuries old, gleamed so brilliant and pure it could have been crafted yesterday. The three points at its tip looked sharp as the finest daggers, and the gleaming violet gem at its center was cut so perfectly that it looked as if a thousand mirrors sparkled within it. The Thief gasped louder than she meant to, staring at it for what seemed like an eternity, before reaching out her hoof. As she did so, however, she froze in fear.

A pair of magenta eyes caught the corner of her vision. They gleamed ominously with the flickering of her candle, and as the fire moved just so, a glimpse of a mane quickly revealed the identity of the pony watching her.

"I wouldn't steal that," came a calm and soothing voice.

Princess Twilight Sparkle did not live in Canterlot. She lived in Ponyville, where she operated as the Princess of Friendship when she wasn't on a mission with her fellow Elements of Harmony. The Thief had never seen her once during her various scouting missions inside the castle, and had assumed she would not be a problem during the course of her heist.

Her stomach dropped. She had written off the young Princess. And now she'd pay dearly.

"Why are you here? You don't live here," said the Thief. Her tone sounded calm and collected, and while Twilight gathered she was currently scared out of her mind, she certainly made no show of it.

Twilight scanned the mare as she stood from the shadows. While her pitch black cloak hid a large majority of her body, her cyan coat, clearly visible from her front two legs, couldn't hide. Her mane, which just barely crept out of her hood, looked to be a light turquoise, and her eyes glared a pinkish red, though the Princess mused this could have been a trick of the light.

"I don't live here, no," began Twilight. "But Canterlot is my home. I was born and raised here, and so I'm in town to visit my parents. I'm sure glad I am, though." the Princess nodded her head towards the crown on the pedestal. "Do you know what that does?"

"How did you know? That I was doing this... what I was going after?" asked the Thief. Her voice came out deep, but extremely pleasant and melodic as it reverberated around the room.

"I don't sleep," said Twilight. "Not well, at least. I was exiting my study room for a snack when I saw your candle, and when you cut left from the stairs I knew there was only one thing you'd have to have been after. To be honest, I didn't know how you were going to get in here, but I also had no idea you knew such a high level spell." The Princess stepped forward, revealing the whole upper half of her body to the Thief. Twilight had put her crown aside long ago, and so her appearance to the Thief was as casual as it could be.

"What's your name?" she asked the Thief. The mare didn't move, staying still as a stone.

"What are you going to do to me?" she asked. Twilight chuckled to herself before answering.

"Come on now, I've answered all of your questions. Cut me some slack here." Her smile quickly melted, and she raised her eyebrows while she stared at the would-be caper. "I'm going to talk to you. What's your name?" The Thief's eyes darted back and forth, her calm demeanor shattered by the hesitance slowly burning across her face.

"Cerise," said the mare. With that, Twilight's warm smile quickly returned to her face.

"Cerise. For your eyes," she said. "That's very pretty." Her gaze slowly turned to the crown upon the pedestal once again.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" she asked. Cerise appeared unsure of what the Princess sought to accomplish, and Twilight could almost feel her posture tighten. Nonetheless, she held her gaze upon the crown. "I saw this for the first time when I was midway through my tenure at the School for Gifted Unicorns," she began. "I... I couldn't believe it. Such a beautiful piece of history. It really is a shame that it has to be locked away, but if you knew what power it held... " the Princess turned to Cerise. "How did you know of this? Who told you? Very few ponies know this exists." Cerise unwaveringly peered into Twilight's eyes.

"A client," she answered simply. "I don't understand. You should be hauling me to the dungeons." Twilight once again let out a sliver of laughter.

"Honor amongst thieves, huh? Yes, I certainly should be. But I'm the Princess of Friendship, and so I thought I'd talk to you first. I've met many ponies who have done bad things for good reasons, and good things for bad reasons. I've told you why I'm here. Why are you here?"

Cerise appeared to be taken aback by these words, but if not for the slight flinch of her hooves it'd be impossible to tell. Her cool composure had been breaking the longer she talked with the Princess, but with those words, her uptight posture let up ever so slightly as she relaxed herself a bit. Turning a little, she used her magic to lift the back of her cloak, revealing the cutie mark she bore upon her body: a bag of bits with a knife planted through the center.

"When I was seven, my brother bought a wooden action figure from the shop down the lane with the money he'd saved up from doing odd jobs on the street," she began. "I was jealous, and I wanted one too, but my parents didn't have any money and neither did I. One night, when he fell sound asleep in his room, I snuck in silently, and took it for myself. When I looked down at my flank whilst playing with the toy, I saw this." With that, Twilight's smile dropped immediately. A clear look of sorrow sparkled in her eyes as Cerise concluded her tale.

"I'm here because I'm the best at what I do," she remarked. "I'm here to make myself a legend. At least... I was." For what seemed like an eternity, Twilight didn't speak, merely opting to stare at the crown, before finally breaking the silence in the room.

"Do you ever wish it was something different?" Twilight asked, turning back to Cerise. "That you'd gotten your mark for something else?" Cerise answered almost immediately.

"Every day I wish it was something else. Something on the right side of the law," she said. "But every day I tell myself that if this is what I'm born to do, I might as well be the best at it. And here I am."

The air stood still, seemingly stagnant for an age. Twilight stared at the crown as if she'd never seen it before, examining its every intricacy like a buyer on the fence. With a deep sigh, she turned to Cerise, whose look of fear returned to her countenance with the Princess's long pause.

"I'm sorry, Cerise," she said simply. "It makes me sad that you have to take other ponies' things. But it's what you're destined to do, and that is no fault of your own." She gestured towards the door with her head. "I'm going to give you a chance to leave this palace, though based on your expertise, I doubt you'll have much trouble. If I ever see you near these walls again, I won't be so forgiving." Cerise let the words process in her head, both shock and bewilderment plastered on her face before she silently nodded.

"Thank you."

She quickly headed for the door, but as she gently pushed it open and took a step into the hallway, Twilight called out to her.


The young mare turned her head, the edge of her eye curiously glancing at the Princess. Twilight didn't know if Cerise could see her now, as the darkness had likely entirely shrouded her, but she knew the words that left her mouth would ring loud and clear.

"There are plenty of ways to do good with that talent of yours," she said softly. "Destiny's a fickle thing." Cerise stood still for only a second longer, and then, as fast as she drew her cloak upon herself, she was gone.

Twilight sighed heavily for the second time that night. She began to slowly exit the darkness of the room, though as she began to leave, she too turned her head back, this time to face the crown. She peered at the jewel, which defied all sense of reality as it shone brightly in the center of the pitch black room. Doing her best not to be lost in its gaze, she quickly departed from the room, closing the door behind her and making sure to reset the magical locking system that Cerise had broken. Trotting quietly down the hall, she turned left to head back to her guest chambers when, to her surprise, she was greeted with the sight of Equestria's ruler herself.

Celestia's face looked deathly tired, to the point where Twilight could easily see the fatigue on her face even in the darkness. Her long and flowing hair appeared a mottled mess, and she levitated a small glass of water by her side as she spoke, her voice ringing sullen and drowsy.

"Is everything okay, my little pony? I heard your voice from the hall." Twilight looked up at her mentor and smiled, shaking her head in the negative.

"Oh, I was just thinking out loud," she answered. "Come on, let's get to bed."

Author's Note:

Hello everyone!

I'm real proud of this one. I wanted to paint a picture of Twilight with that wisdom and poise that Celestia and Luna can often show, and after listening to a really cool song by Shawn James called "The Thief and The Moon", I knew exactly how I wanted to do it.

Hope you all like it!


Comments ( 75 )

This needs to be continued. Also, it was somewhat sad.

Thank you! I didn't think it was quite sad enough to warrant a tag, should I add it?

Eh, I’d say it’s on the edge. Any thoughts on a sequel/second chapter?

I intended the story to end here, so it isn't likely :(

Awwww. She has potential.

Well if the author doesn't do the sequal (and this absolutely demands a sequal), then someone needs too. There's too much potential.

Love the story as is.

Great fanfic! I like to see Twilight written as a wise princess.

This is indeed just begging to be continued... perhaps as a series of stories.

I think somepony needs to be recruited into the Equestrian Intelligence Service... :trollestia:

maybe cerise could become a tax collector :rainbowwild:

anyway, i enjoyed this peek at what twilight might grow to be like!

Real quick, before I start reading, this reminds me of one really old fic. Some thief was gonna steal from Celestia, but she catches him by accident and he turns himself in. Reminds me a lot of the summary here.
Anyways, now to start.

8714393 I remembered that too - but if we're thinking of the same story, this one's much better.

Really? Hot damn, that's as good praise as you could hope for for a story like this. Again, if we're thinking of the same story lol.


Thank you guys so much! If you do ever find that fic you're talking about, let me know, I'd like to read it!


Found it
Took me a while because, for some reason, it's not tagged as a comedy. Is this the story you were thinking of Eru?

Heh. I knew exactly which one you were talking about, have it in my favorites, and was going to link it but you beat me to it.

Cerise definately needs to reference Blank Slate.

I'm actually going to vote against a sequel. Unless it is a whole new story, there isnt much left to say. An epilogue would be nice, though since were left hanging regarding Cerise. If you do write another, make the epilogue a sequel hook, otherwise some straight closure.

Just my two bits. Im no writer.

Sounds like our Thief would make a great Spymaster.

I’m always here for Agressively Friendly Princess Twilight Sparkle. Nice atmosphere, nice characterization, well executed.

Thank you so much! I don't plan anything immediate, but everyone seems to like Cerise a lot so I may return to her sometime :)

Indeed. It's such a shame that she was only ever allowed to wear that persona in Rainbow Falls.

the Crown Regent

Uh... it's not a title that Celestia would have... she is not a "regent" as she is the legitimate sovereign and usually the modifier "Crown" as in Crown Prince is usually used to designate the heir apparent to a position... so this title would mean something like "The person that is in line to become the substitute of the legitimate sovereign"

and grieves rang


quickly excited the room


Thanks, I'll make the changes right away!

Full review here, but in brief: mixed feelings. The Thief: The Dark Project vibe I get at times with Cerise is interesting and that cutie mark point is thought-provoking. On the downside, it lacks a little sparkle and it needs proofreading. (Or did, anyway. I wrote the review before the changes Bahamuttone mentioned.)

Thanks so much for reviewing! I haven't played any of the Thief series, but it's been on my list for a while. I'll keep everything you said in mind for future stories!

Wait, was there implied Twilestia at the end :3 ?

A pair of magenta eyes caught her vision in the corner of her vision.

That's really awkward. Perhaps: "At the edge of her gaze a pair of magenta eyes caught her attention."?

"I was just chatting to myself," she answered

I think it would sound better to say: ""I was just thinking out loud," she answered.
Sounds a bit less like she's has Multiple Personality Disorder.

I took the suggestion and altered it a little, thanks! I think I'll keep the end line, but I'll see how it goes :)

Man, there's been a mini-resurgence in popularity with this story! I MAJORLY revamped it a while back, and I am beyond glad to see how many people enjoy this story: I'm very proud of it!

I really liked this story. Too bad that we will never find out what other careers a cutie mark like that can be for.

I remember reading a similar story like this, but the thief directly talked to Celestia as some reform program. I can't remember for the life of me what it was called, does anyone else remember that story? It was kind of popular.


I think I remember that one. If I remember correctly the reason the thief got found out was a spell Celestia always had running allowing her to know the name of every pony around her. She unknowingly prevented the robbery and the whole story was the thief tell the cops as he had turned himself in out of fear. Now I cannot remember it myself and it is in none of my private libraries either and now I want to reread it.


A few people talked about it earlier in the comment section, and it's name was "Little Deceptions"! I had not read it prior to writing this, but I DID after people suggested it to me and it really is great!

Read that one, I'm talking even earlier. I remember that it was a kid thief who got set up by his old mentor, who was a thief who turned good. It was more of an emotional story. I remember it was written around 2013-2014 ish

I haven't heard of that one! If you find it, let me know: I'd love to read it!

I'm not kidding when I say that, years ago, I had almost this exact same idea, but it was a romance plot with Princess Luna. But I didn't think I could do it justice, so I didn't bother. It's good to see someone has. :twilightsmile:

I read this a while back and thought you wrote Twilight wonderfully well'
Congratulations on the feature on EQD.

Thank you so much! Twilight is my favorite of the main cast, so I always try to do her justice.

There should be a sequel where Cerise is dating Twilight while working as Twilight's personal Guard she takes when she travels.

Slow down Casanova. That is a huge leap to make in only one story. There needs to be at least one before that to even make it seem workable.

Be fun if Twilight later ran into Cerise in the castle acting as a security consultant.

Nice story. A continuation might be nice, but personally I would've preferred a bit different ending to better set up such a future chapter or sequel.

Going back on my previous words, I think I definitely want to return to Cerise more in depth, as people really seem to like her, so there will certainly be a sequel somewhere in the future. I'd have to decide if it were to be in another one-shot or chapter format, and I really want to do it right because this is one of my very favorite stories and I want to be absolutely sure that whatever continuation or sequel this will have will be both worth it and do justice to the original.

Thanks so much for reading!

Cool. As to the change I would've made, i'd've had Twilight talk Cerise into letting her introduce her to Luna. Luna in turn would offer her a position on her staff after hearing of her crime as Twilight leaves, running into Celestia on her way back to bed.


Is it this one? Unfortunately it hasn’t been updated in years.

EThe Interrogation
A young thief gets arrested and brought before Celestia, where he is then interrogated in a rather peculiar way.
Zamairiac · 7.5k words  ·  1,328  46 · 14k views

Yes it is! Thank you so much!

Nice to see Twilight get some of that regal dignity and wisdom, though her message is a bit mixed. "It really sucks that you're stuck with a theft cutie mark, but you're not stuck with it." Yes, it's more nuanced than that, but it's still a pretty hard turn in her dialogue.

Still, the tension's well-paced and the interaction's well done. I do wonder what will become of Cerise, though. And what the Crown of MacGuffin actually does.

Thank you for the feedback! I've actually been writing a piece for your contest for a few days now, so it's really cool to see you found your way to this story!

I like to think that Twilight is acknowledging the bind that destiny holds--thus she is "stuck with it"--but conceeding its fickleness by explaining that she can use her talents for good. I am very proud of this story, but Iikely could have driven that point across better. Regardlesa, perhaps you all will get to see where that takes her sometime in the future :twilightsmile:

You should be proud of this one. It’s quite good.

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