• Published 27th Jan 2018
  • 1,130 Views, 10 Comments

Surprise! - Nailah

It's Spitfire's birthday and Soarin decides to take on the role of leader for a day, while he has Rainbow Dash distract Spitfire with a test of skills between the two before the big surprise.

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Chapter 1: Soarin's Plan

Soarin knew it wouldn't be easy...heck nothing was ever easy when you were a Wonderbolt, but he couldn't help but worry. It was only a few days until Spitfire's birthday, and like usual, she simply told him she didn't have time to worry about such a trivial thing as a birthday. He knew how hard she worked as the leader of the Wonderbolts, but even she deserved to have a birthday party.

Soarin decided to do the one thing she wouldn't see coming, he decided he would plan a surprise party. He decided to go find Rainbow Dash, Fleetfoot, Thunderlane and the other Wonderbolts.

“Thank you all for coming here today on short notice, I really appreciate it.” he smiled towards them.

“So what is this about anyways? You do know we have to get ready for training in a few hours right?” questioned an annoyed Rainbow Dash. She was eager to show off a new trick she had learned to impress Spitfire.

“I agree with Crash, what is all this about Clipper?” questioned Fleetfoot as she lowered her glasses down with a glance towards Soarin.

“Ah come on gals, I'm sure whatever he has to say is important, otherwise he wouldn't have asked us all to come,” replied Thunderlane.

“I am curious as to what this is all about,” Blaze smiled she knew it had to be something important for him to ask them all out here without telling Spitfire anything. She couldn't help but notice that Spitfire wasn't here. Perhaps she was simply just preoccupied with getting ready for their training session. She always did seem to work too much. She worried about her.

“Well...to be honest it's about Spitfire. I need your guys help. She's insistent on not needing a birthday party...and with how hard she works, I feel she really needs one. Not just any birthday party though. It has to be a surprise and no one needs to tell her anything of what is going on. I want us to be able to do this, to show how much we appreciate and value her as our leader. Is that all clear?” spoke Soarin.

“Well then why don't you ask Pinkie Pie. She's the party expert after all,” suggested Surprise.

“No I want it to be from us. I want us to be able to do it. We all know how great Pinkie is with parties and if I need her help, I'll ask but I want to see if we can do it ourselves, I think it'll mean more that way,” replied Soarin.

“So if that's everything can I go now? This is totally boring just sitting here,” complained Dash.

“Actually Crash, I need you most of all. I need you to keep Spitfire distracted. I'm sure you can think of something,” replied Soarin.

“Distraction, got it. Later!” and with that she was off like a rocket.

Soarin couldn't help but shake his head, typical Rainbow Dash. She seemed to always be in a hurry. Soarin looked back towards the rest of the Wonderbolts whom were still sitting there waiting to see what else Soarin had to say. Soarin took a deep breath as he looked back towards them with a slight smile on his lips. He knew how important this was. He couldn't afford to slip up now. Spitfire had always been so strong for them and had done so much. She really could use a break. He could at least give her a party, whether she wanted it or not.

“Hey Soarin, I could help out by cooking for the party, it is something I really enjoy...” suggested Thunderlane, wanting to be helpful. He understood why Soarin wanted to do this, and every little bit he could help he would offer because Soarin was right, it would mean more to Spitfire if they did this themselves.

“Sure, that would be great! Thanks Thunderlane, it really helps. Every little bit.” smiled Soarin softly.

“I could get party supplies?” suggested Surprise with a big grin on her face all excited.

“Just be sure Spitfire doesn't see you alright?” suggested Soarin.

“No worries, I'll be as invisible as a ghost.” smiled Surprise as she then dashed off with a giggle.

Soarin shook his head. Between Rainbow and Surprise, those were the two he was really worried about. He took a deep breath and extended his hoof up towards his chest and breathed in and out steadily to calm his nerves.

“Aww come on Soarin, you worry just as much as Spitfire does. This'll be easy as well pie!” smiled Blaze as she went right up to him. “So what can I do to help? There has to be something right?” she asked eager and excited. After all she knew how important this was and no matter what she was going to make sure it was a success.

“Well...we'll need a place to have the party, can you look into that?” questioned Soarin.

“Well why not have it right here at the Wonderbolt's headquarters? Anywhere else and she might catch onto ya you know?” smiled Blaze.

“I suppose you do have a valid point but she needs a break from all of this. I mean...here would be a good spot wouldn't it?” questioned Soarin towards the others whom all nodded their heads with a yes.

High Winds walked over towards Soarin after Thunderlane had sat back down on the benches. She knew he was nervous, she could see it in his eyes. She could understand why, after all this was a lot of pressure for him to take on. He was probably worried about it not being good enough. She wanted to calm his nerves a bit, after all she and Soarin had known each other since they were at the Wonderbolt's academy. She had been his wing pony. Soarin was a good leader, which is why Spitfire often put him in charge when she got too busy with paperwork and other things of that sort. She knew she had to help.

“Hey Soarin,” she spoke up. Most of the other Wonderbolts were still sitting there. Thunderlane had walked off to start working on some recipes to try for the surprise party in a few days. Surprise and Rainbow were long gone by now. Fleetfoot had left saying she wanted to practice and everyone else was still there waiting their turns to see if they could offer any assistance to help out with this party. Sure it would be easy to just ask Pinkie Pie to plan it, but she knew that they needed to do this, not just for Spitfire, but to show everyone they were capable of something so trivial as Spitfire would say.

“Yes, High Winds what is it? Did you have a question for me?” asked Soarin softly.

“Well...yeah I guess I do. What can I do to help you? You can't do this all by yourself you know? You need a helping hoof, or in this case, a helping wing. Let me help with the planning of the party, that way you can focus on the details.” smiled High Winds.

“That's actually not a bad idea, you sure it isn't too much to ask of you? I'm trying to take the pressure off of most of you. If you all do little things, they add up to something big.” smiled Soarin.

“Ah come on Soarin, you know I'd do anything for you. We've always been a team and becoming a Wonderbolt hasn't changed that any. We gotta stick together, it's what makes us such a great team.” responded High Winds as she hugged Soarin without asking. She just couldn't help it, he worried almost as much as Spitfire at times, and that was really saying something.

Soarin smiled softly and returned the hug gently. He was glad to have had such a good Wing pony back at the academy and now he was glad to have such a wonderful friend.

After that Soarin decided to address tasks to each wonderbolt. He put Lightning Streak in charge of decorating the Wonderbolts headquarters for the party, of course she would need to work with Surprise on that after she returned with party supplies. He decided to put Misty Fly in charge of getting a cake as it wasn't a hard task for her to do. Last but not least he decided to put the rest of them in charge of watching the party area for any signs of Rainbow or Spitfire and to alert him if they showed up before it was time for the party. They only had a few days to work with, and everything had to be just right. He wasn't worried...he was beyond that. he was a wreck. He felt a hoof on his back as High Winds smiled at him.

“You got this Soarin. Just like we always do.” spoke High Winds.

Soarin turned his gaze towards High Wind's eyes. He couldn't help but to calm down even just slightly. Soarin was glad to have her around to help out with the planning of things. She was right no one pony could do this alone. Well except maybe Pinkie after all, she was good at that sort of thing. But it was the first time he was planning a surprise party and he couldn't help but be nervous and he was really hoping that Rainbow Dash understood that she needed to keep Spitfire distracted for a few days.

“So what now?” questioned High Winds curiously.

“Now onto the hard part, keeping Spitfire from finding out what we're up too, and that isn't going to be easy.” replied Soarin.

“Again, you got this. With all of us putting our heads together, it'll be a party like no other.” smiled High Winds.

Soarin couldn't help but worry but High Winds was right, he had this kind of situation before and he always found a way to resolve things peacefully...most of the time anyways, he could only hope it would be the same with this. It had to be perfect.

Author's Note:

Thank you all for reading this and any constructive criticism you have you can give as this is my 2nd contest entry. I put my heart into all my writing so I hope you all enjoy it.