• Published 21st Jan 2018
  • 494 Views, 32 Comments

PBB: A Pirate's Life - AntiBronyBenSwolo

Sonata Dusk has turned to the Dark Side for revenge, and Adagio is the only one who can stop her. Who'll help her out on her adventure, however, is quite a surprise. Savvy?

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Chapter 6

I will never forget that horrendous day. I almost died in that battle, and I wish it never happened. But alas, it did happen, and now I have to live with the fact that this battle happened. It all started on my first day of training with a lightsaber. I took a rowboat over to the Metropolis Docks, and then walked over to the nearest warehouse, where I met up with SF Ghostbuster and 3 other people. "Aria, I would like you to meet Trea Snowras. He's a member of the Red Riders, a force-sensitive mandalorian group who are under my command. He's gonna be your mentor." Superfolder Ghostbuster said as he introduced my to a tall, muscular man wearing mandalorian armor of orange, green, and blue. His face consisted of white, short hair that gently hangs over a strong, firm head. Round green eyes, set high within their sockets, watch longingly over the lives they've kept safe for so long. A moustache and goatee gracefully compliments his hair and leaves a captivating memory of his reckless luck.

"I guess he's the guy for the job." I said to SF Ghostbuster, who then introduced me to my classmate. Her name was Connie Maheswaran. She, and Ghostbuster told me that she's related to a legendary jedi knight, and even has his lightsaber, although we have yet to dig through the family tree. Ghostbuster then left through a portal, leaving me to train with the two. We first went over deflection, which I hated. Trea has it easy because he's Force-Sensitive. Connie already had training from someone. I'm just a novice for crying out loud? Can't we start off with some real basics? Anyway, we continued on with the training. This time, we were to take long wood poles and practice against each other. Again, I'm just a novice. I wouldn't stand a chance against Connie for a number of reasons. "Don't let your fear guide you." I heard Trea yell, as the duel was beginning to end for me.

But I actually did follow his advice and manage to knock Connie's wooden sword out of her hand. I felt a rush of relief throughout my body. As if I finally accomplished something. I was then to train against Trea, who held a wooden sword of his own. He told me to use my surroundings as well as my sword, so I ran over to a bunch of empty cardboard boxes and pushed them on Trea, who was more than impressed. I would make an excellent swordsman in no time. Over the few hours, we were beginning to finish up out training for the day. Connie congratulated me on our first day. I complimented her sword fighting skills, and asked her where she got them. Connie then told me about her sword training with someone known as Pearl, and about her friend known as Steven Universe. She also told me about the lightsaber in her possession, which originally belonged to a jedi known as Mace Windu. He was said to be one of the greatest swordsman the jedi ever had.

As I was preparing my rowboat to said back to the Cursed Shell, Trea saw an orange light in the sky. We had no idea what it was, but Trea knew it couldn't be good. We all prepared our lightsabers to defend ourselves. The orange light slowly turned into one of Sonata Dusk's battle droids. How the heck was a droid doing something like that? We paused our attention on the droid to find a blue and purple girl in a suit of armor flying around the warehouse. We all decided to back up, trying to find the best way to defeat them, until from out of the waters, a big, red centaur stared dead into my eyes. Connie just stood there silent and terrified. The only thing that left her lips is a single "you again?" as he continued to rise from the water. The centaur then started sprouting greenish gold armor all over his limbs, which caused a black and red residue to emanate from the centaurs body. He then started painfully growing arms from out of his underarms, and in all four of his hands were lightsabers.

The three attackers surrounded us, with the droid creating a bright orange barrier to make sure we don't escape. "Aria Blaze. We meet again." said the girl in the armor. I had no idea who she was until she removed her faceplate. It was Trixie! Why was she attacking us? Turns out, Trixie was told by Sonata to capture me so I could join her. It was then I remembered the siren gem inside my lightsaber. Sonata wants me to be her student. Well my new friends weren't gonna allow that to happen, so Connie jumped out and attacked the armored centaur, who I learned was Lord Grievous, Trea let out a Force Push to get the droid off guard and activated his blue lightsaber to combat it, which felt me to fight Trixie. The duels lasted for what seems like hours. It wasn't until we changed dance partners that the tide turned. Trixie flew away from fighting me to surprise Connie, the droid held me in a bright orange cage to hold me, and Lord Grievous went out on a full sprint and stabbed Trea with all four of his lightsabers. Connie and I were shocked to see this happen. Even though I knew him for only a few hours, it felt like I've lost a family member. Connie felt it too. There was practically no hope for us. Lord Grievous approached Connie so he could kill her, while the droid and Trixie summoned their droid forces to hold me down so I'll be taken to Sonata.

We were about to leave the warehouse, until what seemed like tens upon tens of pirates, led by Adagio and Huron, led an attack to rescue me and Connie. It was something that the droids wouldn't expect. The droids may have had the superior weaponry for a single droid, but Adagio brought a couple cannons with her and fired them at the droids, reducing their numbers. I grabbed my lightsaber and aimed it's gun at Lord Grievous to save Connie from the hold hand of death. Huron then proceeded to fire an arrow at the ghost possessed centaur. Grievous caught the arrow with his robot hand, but the arrow exploded in a big gold cloud of dust. The strange dust then proceeded to eat away at the armor of the general. Trixie almost shot Huron for blasting Lord Grievous like that, but Adagio got on top of a group of wooden crates, sliced open a rope with her sword, and toppled the whole thing down on top of Trixie. The three officers regrouped and ran away with barely any surviving droids.

Connie and I went over to Trea's dead body and mourned over his death. Adagio put her hand on my shoulder and said that it's okay. Was it really? I took his lightsaber in memory of him and went with Adagio. Later, back on the Cursed Shell, Mango Mad told me and Adagio that Sonata is gonna go to great lengths to bring us over to her ship alive. The pirate captain suggested that Huron, Limlugeth, and Daddy Banks with go to Middle Earth to hide me while Adagio and Mango Mad will strike Sonata from here. We all agreed that there was nothing more we could do, so Adagio and I gave each other hugs before I left, and Daddy Banks opened a portal to the realm of Middle Earth, which is where my temporary home would be. I was more concerned over if Adagio could survive this by herself or not. What am I talking about? She's not by herself. She has Mango Mad with her.