• Member Since 28th Jan, 2014
  • offline last seen Monday


I became an enthusiastic Brony when I discovered MLP:FiM between seasons 3 & 4 via the review/analysis community. I hope you like my contributions.


This story is a sequel to A simple test from the bureaucracy of Equestria

A divergent sequel to Evilhumour’s “A simple test from the bureaucracy of Equestria” following a different path than “Back to School for Lulu!” Rather than Luna having to undergo 12+ years of institutionalized education, Twilight points out that Luna and Celestia had essentially experienced the equivalent of having been homeschooled, meaning that technically Luna would only need a tutor for a year under the terms of the law as it is written.

Celestia, thinking that this is a wonderful idea (and not wanting to put her sister through the experience of being sent through 12+ years as the oldest remedial student in the history of History itself), seizes on the idea, congratulates Twilight for offering to be Luna’s tutor, and sends Luna to Ponyville to become Twilight Sparkle’s apprentice for the year.

Written with Evilhumour's permission (and encouragement), with Evilhumour and AnonEMouseJr acting as Beta Readers

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 11 )


I can't wait to see where this goes

This potential Tuna looks great. I'm keen for more.

Well, the start of the story is set only a few short weeks after the Return of Nightmare Moon way back at the beginning of Season One. So Twilight Sparkle is just an ordinary personal student of Princess Celestia unicorn journymage of extraordinary power and potential. So no wings, but phenomenal raw telekinetic ability, and an enjoyment of both learning and passing on knowledge.

So, while the second pic is fine, the first pic needs to lose those wings to be authentic... :twilightsheepish:

Tsk, Celly and Loony need proper education into being proper tyrants.

I'll tell them the story of Saddam Hussein.

This will end well. :pinkiecrazy:

Why'd it take so long for a sequel to get out?

Well this looks interesting I look forward to seeing how this develops.

“Ah-bwuh?” Twilight.exe took this turn in the conversation with remarkable grace…

First off, this needs to be rewritten in a less "You were replaced by Pinkie Pie and Discord combined" way.

Other than that, this was awesome.

I could never go on bar crawls even if I wished to.

The ApoA2 polymorphism and associated high blood triglyceride levels I possess makes it quite dangerous to partake of ethanol to the point of severe intoxication. The fenofibrate to treat said condition also reacts poorly with ethanol in the liver... to the point where acute liver failure is a rather likely possibility after intense inebriation.

It is always very useful to understand all the aspects of one's medical conditions. It prevents many side effects and complications.

This reminds me of something very recent.

In Pennsylvania, there was a move to put together a little test of basic competency high schooler's would need to pass in order to graduate. It was called the Keystone test.

It would include such questions as: "Name one war that America took part in during the 20th century." As well as basic information on biology, algebra, and literature.

I had browsed the questions... I could pass that test even now, 24 years after finishing high school, just from what I can recall.

Less than half the high schoolers in PA could pass it. Pathetic. What are we throwing our money away on in this public education system that can't even manage 50% competency in ANYTHING?

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