• Published 18th Jan 2018
  • 4,763 Views, 21 Comments

What's left behind - Spacesword16

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She knew her world's Celestia could be random but as she glanced down at the box that her principal-of all people-had given her she suppressed a groan. It was bad enough that she would be living with them for at least how long it took her to heal but now they were buying her things?

“Oh no, heck no! I am not accepting this! It's too much and teacher’s salary sucks so…”

She began, nearly panicking when she saw that it was a brand new smartphone that she had been given.

She didn't want pity.

She didn't want coddling.

And she most definitely didn't want any handouts.

“Take it because if I have to listen to her whine all evening I'll cram the thing down your throat. Besides, I believe your the only person in your age group without one.”

Luna retorted from where she stood in the kitchen, pressing multiple buttons on the coffee maker.

“Luna! Must you…”

Celestia began, earning a look from Luna that was almost a smirk.

“If it keeps you from complaining all week then yes, yes I must.”

Something about Luna’s tone surprised Sunset. Never would she have imagined that the school's disciplinarian being capable of being sarcastic.

“She’s joking. She's not that bad.”

Celestia stated, glaring over her shoulder at her sister.

“Don't listen to her, I'm a living nightmare.”

Luna retorted before adding

“In all seriousness, I have a date and must be going. Don't cause too much trouble.”

Sunset felt her mind go numb as she was left with the principal.

What the heck am I doing? I am accepting charity from two teachers and not only that, they are buying stuff for me. There is no way I can pay them back for a four hundred dollar phone.
I shouldn't accept this but I can't even hope to pay them back.

She thought bitterly, trying not to think about any of the days events as she stared down at the phone.

I know you feel like everything is too much but I can assure you that nothing we are doing is going to set us back in any way and ignore Luna, she .”

Celestia said softly, noticing how Sunset seemed locked into her own mind.

“Is there something bothering you?”

She prompted, noticing how Sunset bit her lower lip as soon as she had asked.

“N...no. It's just...thanks for all of this.”

Sunset Shimmer muttered, unable to make eye contact with the woman who was sitting next to her.

I don't deserve this.

She tried to shake the thoughts that threatened to bubble back to the surface.

“Sunset, it's no problem. I know all of this is strange and probably embarrassing to you but it is okay to ask for help. You are trying to handle things on your own and you're doing a good job of it but I'm sure it's a struggle at times.”

Celestia stated, placing a hand over Sunset’s as she spoke.

Sunset was a bit taken aback by how close to the truth that it was.

“Yeah, a job as a waitress in a cafe really doesn't pay much.”

Sunset responded, glancing down at the phone.

“We'll help you whenever you need it and our doors are open whenever you need it as well.”

Rainbow dash groaned as she fell backward onto Fluttershy's bed.

“Seriously, she obviously is attempting to start over even I can see that and I said that I’d believe it when I seen it! I don't understand why she just wouldn't tell in the first place!”

She ranted, staring up at the pastel yellow ceiling.

“M...maybe she is afraid to stand up for herself?”

Fluttershy suggested from her place on the floor where she was brushing a small tabby cat.

“She use to be a friggin’ bully for heaven's sake! Why on earth would she be afraid to stand up for herself!”

Rainbow exclaimed with a sigh

“Either way, Luna was was the one who took her home which was weird but then again riding the bus probably wasn't the best idea.”

She added then sighed

“Do you think we should do something about this? I mean we did say we’d give her a chance.”