• Published 31st Dec 2017
  • 4,819 Views, 39 Comments

A New Equestria - Lil Penpusher

The War between Changelings and Ponies rages on with no end in sight. Locked in a stalemate and with casualties mounting, even the most powerful creatures in Equestria may turn to heed the call of dark, twisting voices...

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A Quiet Whisper

Many years ago, Queen Chrysalis sent her armies into Equestria, intent on destroying the pony nation and feeding on its citizens. Her swarm managed to surprise and overwhelm the weak Equestrian defenses, pushing deep into Equestrian territory.
However, with defeat at the horizon and closer than ever, Princess Celestia saw herself forced to take drastic actions. In a matter of weeks, wartime policies were introduced on a scale Equestria had never seen before. Ponies were conscripted and forced into military service to defend the country, or were alternatively put to work into in armament factories to support the growing Equestrian war machine.
The life of ponies became monotone and full of hardship. Factories were constructed all over Equestria, turning once beautiful landscapes into industrial centers. Recruitment offices were built in every village and town. An increasing Propaganda effort attempted to raise morale amongst civilians, with great success, at first.

With all these rapid changes and new policies in mind, the war had turned into a stalemate. Ponies worked day and night to provide guns and equipment for their armed forces, while soldiers battled with sleep deprivation and fear as they looked out into the midst of the night, scanning for a possible Changeling attack. Additionally, the Changeling High Command began to turn the war into a pure battle of attrition and terror. Nighttime raids on Equestrian positions cost the ponies dearly, while submarine and bomber raids caused fear amongst the populace.

The war, costly in lives, carries on with no end in sight. The citizens look up to Celestia for guidance and leadership in these troublesome times...

Eyes half-open, Celestia stepped out of her private chambers. During these early hours, the moon still showed itself on the horizon. Celestia yawned as she wandered down the empty, cold corridors of Canterlot Castle. She could hear the wind whistle through the open windows and blow through her colourful mane. She was lost in thought, thinking about her schedule for the day. That is, until the whistling of the wind stopped.

As if frozen in time, the Princess stopped, her mind cleared of all thoughts as she took in the noise of the wind once more. There was no whistling this time, but a mysterious whisper.

"Protect your subjects..."

"Hello? Who is this?" The Princess asked into the empty cold of the Castle.

"Defend Equestria..." the same eerie voice whispered. "Preserve the nation... at all cost."

The Alicorn scanned her surroundings, and yet it seemed as if nopony was there. It was... just her.

"Do what you must... show no mercy..."

Just as she began to feel a light aching in her head, the voice fell silent. Celestia rubbed her head, still unsure who or what had just spoken to her. That was, until she heard yet another voice. This time, it seemed familiar, however.

"Sister? Sister, is everything alright?" Princess Luna called out as she approached her elder.

"Luna! Oh, thank goodness, it's you!" Celestia said, embracing her sister. "It was you, after all..."

"What do you mean?"

"Why, the voice I have been hearing. It must have been you," Celestia explained.

"Sister, I've only just arrived. I didn't say a word until I saw you," Luna replied. "Are you sure you are alright?"

The Princess of the Sun fell silent, thinking for a few moments. Once again, she could feel that slight headache return.

"Tia?" Worry began to spread within Luna.

"Yes. Yes, I'm fine," she reassured her sister. "Let's just forget about all this and move on. What say you?"

"Of course. We still have much to do, anyways. Prince Blueblood called me about an hour ago. He said he wished to speak to you," Luna informed her sister.

"And you didn't tell me until now?"

"It wasn't urgent. I told him you would call back when you had the time to do so. Figured you could need some more time to rest."

"Thank you, Luna. But that wasn't necessary. Really."

"Whatever you say, 'tia. What's done is done. You may call the Prince back as soon as we have finished breakfast."

"Right... let's get it over with, then." Celestia gave out an exhausted sigh. She could feel that this was going to be a long day.

"Lead the way, sister."

The two Alicorns arrived at the dining room shortly after. Their meals, including breakfast, were probably the only ones not affected by the war. Rationing and lack of goods had yet to have an impact on the two. Royalty doesn't appreciate a lack of good food, as they say.

The Princesses sat down at the long dining table, looking over all the different goods presented to them. Among them were things like pancakes, various fruits and a variety of drinks.

"So, the Prince called, hm?" Celestia said before filling her mouth with a big bite of pancake.

"So he did. I asked what it was and why he wanted to speak to you but... he wouldn't say," Luna replied.

"He didn't tell you?" The Solar Princess gave out in surprise, still munching on her pancakes. "Why is that?"

Her sister shrugged innocently. "I would have told you if I knew. He simply refused to tell me and insisted on talking with you. Why this is, I don't know." The Princess of the Night used her magic to carefully peel a banana.

Celestia grumbled, thinking. "I suppose the Prince was never a big fan of either of us. Perhaps I am the lesser evil, in his eyes?"

Luna swallowed a piece of banana and laughed. "Perhaps, sister. Perhaps."

The Princess of the Sun looked down, staring at her plate. She gave out a deep sigh. "Sister, do you ever worry and think about the well-being of our subjects?" The two immortal beings looked up and stared each other in the eyes for a brief moment.

"Well, I... yes. Yes, of course, I do."

"And do you ever ask yourself when this horrible conflict will end?"

"I don't think there's anypony in Equestria not asking themselves that question, sister."

"I suppose so..."

"What is it, 'tia?"

"What if I can't live up to everypony's expectations? What if I make the wrong choices and the war drags on forever?"

Luna remained silent. She watched as tears escaped her sister's eyes.

"I'm afraid, Luna. Afraid of failure."

"With time comes change, sister. There comes a time where we all must adapt and change, so that our values are not lost to time."

Luna stood up from the table and looked over to her sister one last time. "Time stops for no one, 'tia. Not even us."

Celestia wiped off the last remaining tears from her white coat, watching as her sister walked out the room to retire for the day. Her day had only just begun, and yet she could already sense that today was different.

A minute later, she, too, got up. She thought about Luna's words as wandered outside. Perhaps she was right? Perhaps it was time for her to adapt, so that the bloodshed would finally end. Perhaps.

For now, she moved on. She had a long day ahead of her...