• Published 26th Dec 2017
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Gundam: Pilots Of Harmony - Sonic Rainboom Dash

What would happen if Twilight’s Ascension to an Alicorn turned out differently? What if she just so happened to appear on board a human vessel in space instead of returning to Ponyville? Join us and find out in Gundam: Pilots Of Harmony

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Operation 1: An Eventful Encounter

Gundam: Pilots of Harmony

Operation 1: An Eventful Encounter

Once long, long ago in the magical land of Equestria there resided a group of six mares who were the best of friends. But what they didn’t know was that soon their bonds of friendship would be put through many hard trials that would tax them to their limits. For out among the stars, they would quickly be beset by a group of creatures that called themselves humans. These humans would share information and technology with them even as they warned them of others like themselves who would do anything to dominate life in the galaxy and bend them to their will. But that’s for later, for now, I should probably tell you just how this all started. After all, that’s why you all are here are you not?

Now I’m sure many of you have heard the theory of the multiverse or something along those lines. Or at the very least you have listened to about parallel Universes where many different outcomes have happened. Well, our story just so happens to start with one of those parallel universes. Here, many people had heard and watched the Japanese anime franchise known as Gundam. The series managed to gain much popularity among the people of Earth and spawned many kinds of merchandise, the biggest of which were plastic models of the robots in the show called merely Gunpla.

However, in time the franchise managed to inspire brilliant people who worked in many different occupations such as engineering and various fields of science. At first, the experiments were discouraging; mobile suits would fall apart as soon as they were finished, propulsion systems would malfunction, spewing fuel and other resources everywhere, and pilots would get so sick fighting the g-forces the mobile suits were known to produce causing many to pass out. Over time, these mishaps became less and less frequent that after 200 years the first mobile suit finally walked out of the factory unaided. At least until it promptly fell over.

But after another century of time had passed, the mobile suits were able to move about and perform all sorts of actions that had been seen in the franchise, which continued to hold the hearts of so many people captive. Then in the years that followed the first colonization process was started by the government at that time. All the nations of the earth had managed to finally set their differences and hatreds aside and formed into one unified earth government that worked towards the betterment of humankind as a whole. This council approved a project set forth by a group that had named themselves after a team from the anime franchise they so loved. This group had taken the name of the Earth Federation. They decided to call their project, Project Eden.

The Innovators had eventually managed to replicate and produce the types of particles that were seen in that season of Gundam. They used these particles as the engines for spaceships that could be sent into deep space. They had also found a way to continuously reproduce these particles inside of their spaceships so that their ships wouldn’t run out of fuel unless pushed to their limits. It was because of this that it was possible to proceed with the colonization effort in the first place. The first place they tried colonizing was their moon, both because of how close it was and because of how many resources were readily available.

After they successfully colonized the moon, the government approved their next projects to colonize planets that were within their solar system. Mars soon became the new base for building and maintaining the various suits produced as well as training new pilots in how to move in low gravity and hostile environments efficiently.It was also here that the first authentic reproduction of a ship from the franchise was recreated in real life. The ship that had been reproduced was the Pegasus-class mobile suit carrier White Base from the first season of the franchise. This vessel had the capability of launching many different kinds of mobile suits with its twin launching cannons but also had a repair bay inside of it that could fix the more advanced mobile suits that were then starting to be created.

Then 25 years after the production of White Base, the first Gundam frame mobile suit was created, the RX-78 Gundam. The RX-78-2 was the second of three Gundam prototype units constructed on Side 7 in UC 0079, as part of the Earth Federation's V Project. The three machines acted as the defense force for White Base. For a time, peace reigned throughout the solar system. The colony on Mars began producing more Gundams and defense platforms, mostly for deflecting large meteors and the occasional cosmic storm, but after another century passed, their peace shattered. A group calling themselves the Principality of Zeon attacked, beginning what was commonly called the One Year War.

When Zeon Zum Deikun, the leader of the republic, became gravely ill in UC 0068, he mentioned only one name on his deathbed: "Degwin Zabi." The people of Side 3 took this to mean that Deikun was naming Degwin to succeed him as leader of the Republic in that year. After being appointed as the leader of the Republic of Zeon, Degwin Zabi adopted the title of Sodo, meaning "Lord," and was referred to from them on as Degwin Sodo Zabi. Seizing control of the government, Degwin maintained the only way for the colonies to be independent of the Earth Federation was for the Principality to fight (though in reality, Side 3 was already independent of Earth at that time). To this end, Degwin appointed his children into military and political offices and pushed for rapid development of military technology.

Gihren Zabi, the eldest of the Zabi children, remained at his father's side as his aide, achieving the rank of Admiral, and eventually became the Supreme Commander of the Zeon Armed Forces in place of his father. Dozle Zabi, the second eldest son of the Zabi family, became Vice Admiral and the Commander of the Zeon Space Attack Force, responsible for overseeing the fleet movements within the Principality and for securing territory. Kycilia Zabi, a Vice Admiral as well, shared command of the Zeon Space Attack Force with her brother Dolze, which led to conflicts between the two as she operated from the lunar city of Granada. Garma Zabi, the youngest of the Zabi family, was placed in command of the Zeon Earth Attack Force.

With the backing of the Principality of Zeon’s new leadership, technological breakthroughs were made in many fields of research. One of the most significant developments was that of mobile suit technology, which while initially intended for colony construction found military applications. Analysis by Doctor Minovsky lead to the discovery of the Minovsky Particle and the Minovsky Particle Effect, which allowed for the development of further technology, such as the Minovsky Craft System. Supported by Kycilia Zabi, research into a growing phenomenon led to the classification and discovery of Newtypes, and with her support the development of Newtype based military units.

Negotiations with the Earth Federation finally broke down in UC 0079, leading to the Principality of Zeon (re)declaring its independence from the Earth Federation and at the same time declaring war on the Federation.

One of the first groups of colonies to be drawn into the conflict were the colonies located at Side 1, also called Zarn, which served as the capital of the Earth Federation in space. The group of colonies at Side 2 (also known as Hatte) and Side 4 (also known as Mua) were drawn into the conflict as well, with one of the devastated colonies from either Side 2 or Side 4 being used for "Operation British", which was to use a settlement as a weapon by sending it on a collision course with the Earth.

Operation British met with moderate success, as an explosion caused the colony to alter its trajectory and instead of impacting on the Earth-based capital of the Earth Federation, it instead landed on Sydney, Australia, destroying 16% of the continent. While attempting to gain another colony to drop onto the Earth, the Earth Federation Space Forces intercepted the Zeon Space Attack Force at Side 5 (also known as Loum), resulting in the "Battle of Loum." The resulting battle employed the use of both nuclear and biological weapons, causing the complete destruction of Side 5 as both forces attempted to bring a quick end to the war.

The massive loss of life at the Battle of Loum resulted in a truce being called between the Earth Federation and the Principality of Zeon for representatives of both governments, as well as those of other colonies, to meet and discuss the terms the Federation's surrender, as they had been vastly demoralized. Gihren threatened to drop Luna II on Jaburo next. However, General Revil, haven been rescued from Zeon captivity, arrived in time to reveal Gihren's bluff, leading to the Federation to change the tide and set the terms of the war. This meeting lead to the signing of the Antarctic Treaty, which prohibited the use of nuclear and biological weapons by both the Earth Federation and the Principality of Zeon. The treaty also outlined that colonies could not be used as weapons in the conflict, the treatment of prisoners of war, and the neutrality of other provinces that wished to remain out of the war, becoming a safe-haven for refugees.

With the signing of the Antarctic Treaty, the war between the Earth Federation and the Principality of Zeon entered a new phase. Knowing that they could not continue the war without resources, the Principality of Zeon organized an assault force to invade Earth and securing supplies for the war effort. Garma Zabi, the youngest child of Degwin Zabi, was named as the Commander of the Zeon Earth Attack Force and descended to Earth with mobile suits. The invasion of the Earth proceeded quickly due to the Earth Federation Forces being ill-equipped to deal with the new threat of the Zeon mobile suits, and so the Principality capturing a large number of territories and setting up mining operations as well as bases to transport materials back to the homeland. The base of operations for the Zeon Earth Attack Force was the captured California Base of the Earth Federation.

The Earth Federation were however able to develop new tactics in dealing with the mobile suits, which, with the aid of the Antarctic Treaty and the return of General Revil, led to a stalemate in the war as both sides worked to replenish their resources for the war and the Earth Federation gained a morale boost due to Revil's speech "Zeon is Exhausted!". However, even with the war at a stalemate, a Zeon victory seemed to be inevitable due to the high-quality mobile suits produced for both their land and space forces.

The discovery of "Project V" marked the turning point for the Zeon's war against the Federation. Till the discovery of the Federation project, the corporations within the Principality of Zeon led the way in technology and production of mobile suits. Curious and alarmed by the development of a series of Federation mobile suits, as well as a new ship to carry them, operations were carried out to investigate the ship codenamed the "Trojan Horse." The pursuit of the mobile suits and the ship eventually contributed to the death of Garma Zabi, as well as experienced and valuable pilots such as Ramba Ral and the Black Tri-Stars.

The death of Garma Zabi on October 4, UC 0079 marked yet another turning point in the war as it led to a shakeup in the political power of the Principality of Zeon. Grief-stricken by the death of his youngest son, Degwin Zabi started to strongly consider moving towards a peaceful end to the war with the Federation. Degwin, however, fell out of power and was now little more than a figurehead as his eldest son Gihren took command of not only the military but the Principality itself. Inspired by the speech given by Gihren Zabi at his brothers funeral, the Zeon military forces fought harder to obtain victory and independence. Their moral boost, however, did not last long, as the Earth Federation started to deploy its mobile suits on Earth and in Space, as well as carry out successful operations against the Zeon forces on Earth due to its lacking an adequate command structure with the absence of Garma Zabi. The victory of the Earth Federations "Operation Odessa" on November 9, UC 0079 started a collapse in the support infrastructure for the Zeon Earth Attack Forces.

To regain their momentum, an attack was carried out on the Earth Federation headquarters of Jaburo on November 30, UC 0079. The attack led by Captain Char Aznable succeeds in breaching the Federation Headquarters, however, due to the lack of supplies and resources at his disposal, the operation failed and eventually resulted in a mass evacuation by Zeon forces from Earth.

With the success of operations on Earth, the Earth Federation again turned its attention and the war effort to space, which both the Earth Federation and the Principality of Zeon knew would be the final battleground for the war. Confident that the Zeon Space Attack Force can withstand anything that the Earth Federation could throw at it, Vice Admiral Dozle Zabi amassed as many ships under his command to the asteroid base of Solomon, his base of operations and a Zeon stronghold located close to Lagrange Point 5. Dozle Zabi was reluctant to ask for support from his sister Kycilia but was able to get some reinforcements for Solomon before the Earth Federation Space Forces attacked, his reinforcements coming in the form of the MA-08 Big Zam. The added firepower of the Big Zam, however, was not enough to curve the tide of the Federation forces as Solomon fell with the aid of a secret Federation weapon on December 24, UC 0079, the battle ending with the abandonment of the base by the Principality of Zeon and the death of Dozle Zabi.

With the loss of Solomon and a second son, Degwin Zabi started to make a move to peace; however, he took notice of the shifting ideals of his eldest son Gihren. The war between the Earth Federation and the Principality of Zeon transformed under the leadership of Gihren Zabi, where instead of real independence from the Federation, Gihren wished to destroy all human life on Earth so that the chosen race of Side 3, the Principality of Zeon can rule. Degwin departed from Side 3 in an effort to meet with General Revil, in the hopes of negotiating peace between the Earth Federation and the Principality of Zeon before the Federation launches an attack on the last line of defense for the Principality. Knowing of the plot, Gihren ordered the firing of his secret weapon, a colony laser called the "Solar Ray." The firing of the gun led to the destruction of a third of the Earth Federation fleet as well as the deaths of General Revil and Degwin Zabi on December 30, UC 0079.

Taking command of the remaining Zeon forces, Gihren Zabi commanded from the space fortress A Baoa Qu as the remaining Federation forces launched an attack against the Zeon forces. Gihren was able to control the troops for a while; however, he was executed for the assassination of Degwin by his sister Kycilia. Kycilia took command of A Baoa Qu and oversaw the battle, deploying as many mobile suits as she can to combat the Federation forces. Curious as to why they are taking such heavy losses Kycilia learned that a majority of the troops deployed are pilot cadets who had not yet been fully trained to pilot mobile suits. Determining that the battle was lost, Kycilia gave the order to have her ship ready to depart and for the remaining forces to surrender once she had left with an escort group. The command, however, was never issued as the command center was overrun by Federation forces that gained entry to the fortress, and Kycilia was assassinated by Char Aznable, her ship destroyed not long after.

With a lack of command and control, the remaining Zeon fleet went into a panic. Split as to what to do, some of the ships gathered as many as they could before fleeing the battlefield, while others remained to fight to the last man, each believing that it was what their commanders wanted. With the fall of A Baoa Qu, the remaining government of the Principality of Zeon surrendered to the Earth Federation, bringing an end to the war on January 1, UC 0080.

With the reign of the Zabi family ended, the remaining citizens of the Principality of Zeon entered negotiations with the Earth Federation. It was replaced by the Republic of Zeon, the colonies of Side 3 formed their nation subject to Federation inspections and review. Maintaining a small defense force that was comprised of ships and mobile suits from the Principality of Zeon, the Republic of Zeon has taken on a more peaceful relationship with the Earth Federation.

Loyalists to the Principality of Zeon and the Zabi family did continue, however, as those that escaped capture or death at the Battle of A Baoa Qu either hid within the Earth Sphere or fled to other regions, including the asteroid Axis and Mars. These loyalists later formed their movements based upon the principles of the Principality of Zeon, with one Neo Zeon movement being led by the daughter of Admiral Maharaja Karn, Haman Karn, who used Dozle Zabi's daughter Mineva Lao Zabi as a figurehead and rallying point for the movement.

Interestingly the Second Neo Zeon Movement did not have any loyalty to the Principality of Zeon or the Zabi family. Led by Char Aznable who had revealed that he was the son of Zeon Zum Deikun and thus the true heir of the Republic of Zeon. The goal of the Second Neo Zeon was to force humanity to move to space and kill those that didn't, by dropping asteroids onto the Earth and starting a nuclear winter that would destroy the majority of life on the planet. This, in turn, would achieve the two original goals set out by Zeon Deikun long ago; The first would be allowing the earth to rest (albeit entirely unable to support life after that), and the second establishing full independence for spacenoids from the rule of Earth. Almost three years later, the scattered forces of the late Char Aznable's Neo Zeon gathered and were reorganized by a man named Full Frontal. These remnants of the second Neo Zeon movement referred to as "The Sleeves" by the Federation army, not recognized legally, were considered a terrorist organization.

Over time the wounds from the war began to heal, but the Principality of Zeon was still not ready to throw in the towel just yet. On March UC 0093, Char Aznable, who many had believed dead, emerged after five years in hiding and lead the Neo Zeon once more in the fight for independence from the Earth Federation. Still determined to make humankind fully colonize in space, he mobilized Neo Zeon forces to drop the asteroid 4th Luna on the Federation headquarters in Lhasa, Tibet. Under the guise of surrendering the entire Neo Zeon forces, he planned to drop the Axis asteroid base on Earth as well.

However, the Federation had assigned its anti-insurgent task force, the Londo Bell, to take him down. Among the Londo Bell's members were two veterans of the One Year War; Bright Noa and Amuro Ray, both of whom Char wanted to kill in revenge for the death of Lalah Sune. A significant battle around the Axis broke out as the Londo Bell struggled to stop Char before the asteroid entered Earth's atmosphere. A Londo Bell demolitions team managed to blow up Axis from the inside, but that still left one-half still on course to strike Earth.

The explosion within the Axis had too much power, resulting in the rear half of Axis decelerating towards Earth. Amuro rammed Char's escape pod into Axis in an attempt to push it clear of Earth while Bright wanted to use the Ra Cailum to push back the Axis, but his officers stopped him. Char soon revealed that his victory would be nothing if he hadn't allowed Anaheim to give Londo Bell the psycoframe technology, at which point the psycoframes on both units begin to resonate and glow, unseen by both pilots. Suddenly, the Earth Federation's 88th Fleet arrived to assist Amuro with a team of RGM-86R GM III.

Eventually, Neo Zeon suits joined in attempting to push the Axis back, even when their mobile suits began to be destroyed by the heat of the atmosphere. Amuro's dominant brainwaves started to channel the resonance of the psycoframe to increase, pushing away all suits except for the V-Gundam. Amuro claimed that he didn't want to be Quess' surrogate father, but Char revealed that Lalah was like a mother to him. At that point, Amuro and Char vanish within the psycoframe luminescence phenomenon, and both halves of Axis are pushed back from Earth in an aurora-like display.

It was after this point around UC 0100 that things took a drastic change from what they had previously been. There was a small faction of people that was slowly growing that had held the Gundam franchise anime close to their hearts and still watched all that had been made for the franchise. So to see the franchise play out in real life was somewhat concerning for them. They were forced to watch all the pain and the suffering pan out in real life. This group wanted all the violence and war to stop, so they went about trying to figure out just how to get that to happen. Then an idea came to them about what to do.

The idea that they had was for space exploration all over the galaxy. Surely with such a vast cosmos out there, the violence would stop once humanity had a joint goal once again of exploring together. But even when they went about proposing the idea of deep-space exploration to both the United Federation government and the Neo Zeon government both sides still warred with each other in secret. The war between both factions continued in secret out of the public eye in small skirmishes or other operations and the idea proposed by the group was pushed to the side. So the team itself took it upon themselves to go ahead with their plan without the support of either government.

This team formed its own private corporation, which they named Celestial Being after the Gundam season known as Gundam 00. Their business managed to gain control of different sections of the market by investing in lucrative portions of the private sector throughout the solar system. And it was because of this that they were able to fund their research for a new type of particle which they named the Gundam Nucleus Particle or GN particle for short. Celestial being then proceeded to create a new kind of engine which they called the GN Drive, also known as the Solar Reactor or Solar Furnace. Using this new engine they had designed, Celestia being set about creating a new type of spaceship along with new highly specialized mobile suits that would be capable of using these new drives.

As for the particles itself, they had to create a process using the power of a star to make the particles in the first place. At least that is the way it was until they discovered a way to have the particle replicate itself through a new process they created which was aptly named the Solar Particle Replication Process.

After forming this new method, Celestial Being was able to redesign parts of their future spaceship that would be able to use the process to give itself a near infinite amount of the particles by replicating new ones. All it would require is them having at least one remaining GN Particle to replicate in the first place. So they set about outfitting the ship with several incredibly small containers that held a plethora of the particles needed for replication. After they finished equipping the vessel with the tanks, Celestial Being was able to complete their spaceship and finish up creating their new mobile suits.

Once the spaceship was complete alongside the new mobile suits, the company had to train a capable crew for their ship as well as specialized pilots for their new mobile suits. To this end, they set about preparing people from within their ranks to become the crew for the new ship. However, Celestial Being was forced to secretly recruit people from earth underneath the government's nose due to pressure from the two separate parties to become a more public corporation. They were able to find a small batch of candidates which they were able to train to become pilots for their new mobile suits, but it almost cost them their secrecy.

Once the training of their pilots and crew were complete, they were able to send them off into deep space on a maiden voyage where they hoped they would be successful in finding new places to colonize for humanity. Unseen by the group was a small Neo Zeon task force sent to ‘acquire’ the research being developed in hopes to use it to finally put an end to the Earth Federation once and for all.

While Celestia Being was unaware of the group themselves, their pilots were on the constant lookout for danger as that is what they had been trained for. They were able to find out about the small task force, but sadly it was still too late for the task force to be stopped. The pilots along with the crew of the new spaceship were able to escape with a good amount of the employees of the business into deep space but not before much of their research had been copied and stolen by the Neo Zeon task force. Celestial Being knew that their research would be used to create new machines of war to be used in the destruction of the United Federation. Sadly, before they could go about transmitting the data to the United Federation the small task force was able to cause Celestial Being’s headquarters to explode, and the company collapsed in on itself from there before the data could be sent to the United Federation.

All that survived of Celestial being was the spaceship and mobile suits they had created. Of course, there was the crew, employees, and pilots on the ship and together they all decided that it was better to disappear altogether from their solar system. So it was to that, that they set off into deep space leaving behind Neo Zeon and the United Federation. Over time both Neo Zeon and the United Federation forgot about the Celestial Being research company and went back to their pointless fighting, eventually leading to the destruction of the mars base.

After the destruction of the United Federation’s Mars base, Neo Zeon was able to route the remainder of the United Federations forces quickly. The United Federation was forced to surrender to Neo Zeon, but not before sending off a small team to find the Celestial Being Research company in the hopes that they would help retake the earth. What the U.F and N.Z didn’t know about was the secondary mission Celestial Being would be embarking on; Finding alien life in the galaxy.

The Celestial Being Research company had already disappeared into the vastness of space while leaving only a very minimal trail to follow. They were trying to erase their tracks entirely as they set about on their secondary mission. Although seeking out new forms of life in the galaxy would be treacherous without funding or resources, Celestial Being was determined to follow through with their plan. Eventually, after five years of traveling through deep space, the ship “A new hope” finally found a clue. On a planet orbiting a strange anomaly in space, the crew noticed what looked like a small capsule emitting a peculiar energy along with the surroundings. Pulling the capsule in, the team found on the side the logo of Side 3, before it changed to the Principality of Zeon, then later to Neo Zeon, indicating that this capsule must have been sent to seek planets to colonize without risking human life landing on a hostile world. At least, that's what most of the crew thought before they brought the capsule in, finding a little girl deep asleep who appeared to be about seven or eight. Just before they could ponder what a child was doing in an exploration pod, an alarm started blaring, and a frantic voice was overheard on the intercom.

“This is engineering. The energy readings were getting from that pod is starting to grow at an alarming rate. Whatever that thing is it’s producing enough energy to knock out a star. Get out of there. Now!” The voice of Chief Engineer Cinder Blaze shouted over the loudspeakers.

Concerned about the girl in the pod, the engineering crew opened the pod, grabbed the girl and hightailed it out of engineering just before there was a loud explosion in the cargo bay. As the pod exploded a massive wave of energy passed throughout the entire ship, knocking out power from aft to stern. Luckily, no one was harmed as the energy passed over them, but many were concerned about adverse effects.

The engineers led by Cinder Blaze were unable to find any adverse effects from the energy that had blasted throughout the ship. As far as they could tell the energy did not have any adverse impact on the ship’s systems. The medical crew of the vessel called everyone in for a checkup to see if the energy had done anything to any of the team or pilots. The scans they ran on everyone, including the little girl they had rescued from the pod, said that there were no adverse effects from the energy. They ran through a series of high-level medical scans for each person a second time just to make sure that there was no threat from the energy. Once again their scans said that everyone was perfectly healthy and no one was suffering any ill effects from the energy.

A kind doctor ended up asking the little girl they had rescued what her name was and she was able to tell them that she had been named Eclipse. The doctor thought it was an odd little name but that was all, and they ended up assigning the girl to a foster family on the ship until she could be placed with a more permanent family. What they did not realize was that the girl had ended up getting a massive dose of energy from the wave that had spread throughout the ship. This power was undetectable to all of their instruments and was moving throughout her body slowly introducing changes to the cells inside of her. It would be a very long time before the energy wholly dissipated into thin air.

The engineers of the ship set about scanning the pod to see if they could find out any more about the explosion but their scans were inconclusive. So Chief Engineer Cinder Blaze went over the data and results that had appeared on the scanners before and after the explosion to see if he could find anything. With the aid of a young assistant, he was able to piece together a theory about what the energy was. As far as the scanners could tell him the energy was some kind of astral energy that had built up strong enough to become some physical energy which is what moved all around the ship knocking out systems. So the theory he pieced together was that the so-called Astral energy the scanners had picked up before the explosion was caused by something in a dimensional plane that they could not see or detect.

The reason why he called the energy before the explosion astral energy was because he had read so much fantasy literature in the past that it reminded him of some magic from a book series he had read. The books in question were titled “Final Fantasy,” and there had been fifteen books in the series. His favorite in the series was book number thirteen, as he could relate to the character named Lightning, as he too lost his little sister. Her name was Aurora and at times a little adventurous. She was killed visiting their parents in Sydney, Australia when a colony from Hatte hit. Cinder, in a fit of rage, managed to steal one of the suits piloted by Zeon and destroyed half of their research fleet within five years. He had nearly lost his life when Zeon forces managed to corner him near the asteroid belt when he was rescued by a team from the Celestial Being. They offered him a chance to put the war behind him as an engineer onboard their research vessel “New Horizons” and a chance to work on his own mobile suit.

Cinder Blaze set about reconfiguring the scanners to see if he could get them to detect this other dimensional plane. It took several days, but he was able to reconfigure them enough to give an accurate depiction of this different plain through a type of echolocation. It was a day afterward that the scanners managed to pick up an object residing on that plane that hadn’t been there the previous day. As the object got closer to where the scanners were continuously scanning, it resolved into what appeared to be some being moving about on that plain. Cinder was both awed, and concerned by this supposed being that had made itself known on this other plane of existence. What happened next was something he wouldn’t have dreamed of happening for years. The being came closer and seemed to conduct a scan of its own on his scanners.

From there it was only a few days later that the creature, which had appeared on the scanners as some equine creature, appeared on the ship in a great burst of energy in the cargo bay atop a mech.

The energy that it appeared in was the same type of energy that had been part of the explosion in the first place. When this creature appeared in a burst of light, another wave of that mysterious energy wove itself throughout the ship, once again knocking out different systems. To say the populace of the vessel was alarmed was an understatement and they soon had guards poised all about the intruder on their ship just waiting to raise their guns and fire. They didn’t want to appear hostile to this creature, but at the same time, they wanted to be ready just in case something went wrong. When the guards got close enough, they were able to see that the creature was unconscious.

When it became apparent the creature wasn’t going to wake up anytime soon, the crew managed to move him/her/it? Into a nearby containment cell. It had been repurposed from a mobile suit dry-dock to house the energy this creature was emitting in a small, yet constant stream. Only Cinder and, surprisingly, the young girl seemed attracted to this strange horse-like creature. As Cinder was scanning the horse-like creature's health to see if it was carrying any foreign pathogens, it started to stir.

“Ugh, What happened?” The creature spoke. To say that both Cinder and Eclipse were surprised would be an understatement.

“Oh, your waking up? Could you tell me who and what you are?” Cinder said, hiding his nervousness of the first encounter of a sentient alien.

“Uh, Huh. W-who are you? W-Where am I? ...Who am I?” The creature said though; it appeared to have suffered a head injury.

“Huh? You are on our spaceship. It appears you might have a case of amnesia.” Cinder asked in a detached manner. Even though Cinder was carefree, he still felt the heartache the war put him through.

“W-what do you mean, Spaceship? How did I get here then? Did you foalnap me?!” The creature backed up to the to the corner of the containment cell, shaking in fear.

“W-What?! Foalnap you? I did nothing of the sort. You were scanning our ship from some other dimensional plane of existence and then appeared here in a large explosion of energy! As for what a spaceship is it is a metallic ship that moves through space.” Cinder was confused as to how this creature had never heard about a spaceship if she came from space to get here.

“How would I be scanning your boat if I don’t even know how I got her?! W-who are you creatures?”

“We are called humans, and we are sentient beings just like you. And I thought you would know how you got here since you were the one that just appeared in that explosion.”

“E-explosion?! Is anypony hurt?! How did you- Ahh my head!”

“Whoa, easy there! It seems that you have sustained some injury to that horn on your forehead there. And no one was hurt in the explosion.”

“M-my horn?” the creature said as it slowly reached a hoof? To its horn, “M-my horn?! WHAT HAPPENED TO MY HORN!!!!” the creature screamed in hysterics before collapsing in a broken heap continually mumbling about how she’ll never get home.

“I’m sorry. I guess that was the wrong time to bring up your horn injury. According to my medical equipment, it fractured in three separate places. But we should be able to help your horn heal if you’ll let us near you.” Cinder Blaze calmly said as he worked the scanners on a terminal near the holding cell.

The creature just kept sobbing while saying “my horn” over and over again. It came as a surprise to Cinder to see the girl they rescued from the exploration pod merely walk up to the sobbing creature and hugged it. Before Cinder could even move to get Eclipse away from the creature, Eclipse started to glow. At first, it was just a simple Bioluminescence before the creature began glowing as well. While Cinder stood there dumbfounded, he bore witness to yet another phenomenon. The glow from Eclipse started, for lack of a better word, healing the creature. Before Cinders eyes, the creature started floating an inch or two above the flow without even flapping the wings Cinder just noticed, while Eclipse’s eyes began glowing bright enough to make figuring the color impossible.

Unseen by anyone, an outline of another horse-like creature floating in the vacuum of space was silently watching the event inside the ship unfold, before silent fading back into the aether.

“I’m sorry for putting you through this Twilight, but dark times are heading our way, and you need to be ready for the hardships to come. You and your friends, both new and old, will be pivotal to save everypony. I know you can handle it Twilight, even if I won’t be around to see it.” And with those words, the silhouette faded from view; Just as silently as it appeared.

Back inside the ship, Eclipse rose into the air right alongside the horse-like creature. The creature’s eyes were glowing a pure white with this light pouring out upon all that she saw. The creature’s horn was healed thanks entirely to all the magic pouring into the cell all around them, but then something even more unexpected occurred. All the energy that was building up in the cell reacted with the astral energy that was emitted from the creature. This caused the creature’s horn to flare up with what seemed to Cinder like several layers of glowing light all over the creature’s horn.

The creature opened up her muzzle and let out a piercing scream as the energy became much for it to handle,”AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!” Then with a great flash of light the energy around its horn shot in a beam through the air to connect with Eclipse who then started to scream in pain herself because of all the energy. A great swirling mass of energy moved up around Eclipse before cocooning her in a solid orb of magenta colored light. The light emitting from that sphere grew brighter with every passing second before a large crack rang through the air and the light died down. The creature was set down gently upon the ground by the energy that swirled around it. It rested on its side, now wholly unconscious yet again.

The orb continued to hover in the air for a few moments until it to was softly lowered to the ground by the remaining energy which swirled around it. Once it was lowered to the ground, more cracks started to form all over the orb with sharp noises to accompany the appearance of these breaks. Finally, with one significant ringing crack, the sphere split into tiny pieces of light that winked out of existence almost instantly. What was left behind was no human girl, or rather, it had the form of the human girl, but there was one glaring issue with that observation; The girl in question had a horn jutting out of her forehead.

Author's Note:

Greetings. I'm sorry about the lack of updates to The Phoenix princess, but I have hit a snag. Mostly the fact is that I can't figure out how applejack would react to what she would perceive as a ghost. So while I might not update that story anytime soon, I hope this story tides those hungry for updates on the Phoenix princess satiated.