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V - Imprisonment

Ace Sparks and Gordon Freemane stared at the prison bars, awaiting the pods that would take them to be made into Stalkers.

"So, this remind you of Black Forest?" Ace asked Gordon, who seemed to be deeply annoyed.

Gordon wished it were still Black Forest, at least there you could be killing things instead of waiting to be killed.

Their HEMV suits had been confiscated. They were probably doing research on them for better Metrocops.

A prison guard stood outside their cell, levitating a shotgun.

Ace got up from the wooden bench they had and started pacing around the cell, plotting an escape plan of sorts.

Hoofsteps started to echo, getting closer every time.

Slowly, Dr. Bray trotted to their cell. The guard saluted him with a hoof.

Bray placidly cleared his throat.

"So, I see your 'Resistance' has failed you, Ace." He began, "I bet you both expected to win. What you attempted is disgusting, especially as fellow former Black Forest Employees."

"The Resistance is stronger than you think, Bray." Ace retorted.

"You lash out at me like a caged animal, Sparks. That's exactly why you'll both be doing... Mandatory labor."

"By that you mean being gutted and made your slaves." Ace asserted.

"Surely you don't believe your own Rebellious lies?" Bray replied calmly, leaning into the bars.

Ace swung a hoof into his snout.

"Agh, dammit!" Bray said as he covered his now bleeding snout.

"Guards, ready the pods faster." He commanded as he trotted off.