• Member Since 30th Oct, 2014
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago


I'm an aspiring cartoonist and writer.


One morning, during breakfast, Starlight and Twilight notice Spike seems to be troubled about something. Spike tells them that he had a dream about someone he never thought about until now.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 9 )

I used to worry if my dad was proud of me all the time, thanks for writing a very nice story

Part of me hopes we’ll learn something about Spike’s origin before FiM ends. The other part of me hopes we don’t since it’s likely going to be depressing, ie his parents are dead, they didn’t want him, or they gave him up thinking he’d be better off without them. I think best case scenario, the latter would be the way to go about it since it creates an opportunity for spike to discover his true roots and build up a relationship with the parents he’s never known, and it would make it easier for his parents to accept spike’s connection to the pony world and not try to force him to abandon it.

All of that wishful thinking aside, this was a sweet little story. :heart:

Very well done, enjoyed reading it. :twilightsmile:

While I'm not sure we'll ever get a clear answer on what happened to Spike's parents i do hope we get a clear answer on how he came to be in Celestia's care. Knowing that would at least some clarity of Spike's past. IE: If Celestia found the egg or was given it.
If they can slip in confirmation on Applejack's parents being dead i don't see why they can't slip in some info about Spike's parentage.

I'd also love if we got a clear answer to who raised Spike, Twilight or Celestia. Because the only answer we have right now is from the comics. And the comics being canon are sketchy at best.

I do remember reading somewhere that Lauren Faust originally planned to have Celestia raise Spike. That was before she stopped working on the show.

Ya. Basically Faust said her head canon was Celestia raised Spike until Twilight took over but that idea was never implemented so that's really all it is; head canon.
The only official answer we get is the comic that say's Twilight raised him the entire time. So until the show either confirms of deny's that fact the comic is the only 'canon' answer we have. Which I'm ok with honestly. I like the idea Twilight raised Spike herself.

Yeah, it's a cute thought. No matter the outcome, Celestia raised Spike in my heart.

understandable. to each their own

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