• Published 16th Dec 2017
  • 365 Views, 0 Comments

An empty seat... - Mr Tech

White lightning was asked to go to a night club by one of her friends, then she meets an interesting person to say the least

  • ...

...Next to a person

I strolled down the hallways leading to the nightclub, the music blasting out of the giant speakers making the very ground shake, ponies all around this big and slightly cramped club danced and chatted among themselves just having a good time Now, being a pegasus in these kinds of cramped environment would make most of us very uncomfortable. I am one of those ponies, unfortunately.

If it wasn't for my friends, I would have never come into these kinds of places. Like, at all. But I am a mare of my words, if I promised that I would do something, I make sure it’s done to my best of my abilities.

I begin to look around when I entered the actual club itself, in the middle of the club, there’s a dance floor, and a few meters away, there are tables filled with ponies. the lights in this place come in with all different shapes and sizes, lasers, backlights you name it. I’m looking for my friend and the one who actually invited me to this place, Sunshine Smiles.

After a few moments of nothing, I’ve decided to walk deeper into the club I spotted a bar and still no SS insight, given that she’s a pink pony with a yellow mane, it would be easy to spot that party animal… well, party animal that’s not pinkie at least.

Hmm, we are supposed to meet at seven. WELP no SS means I get a free pass! I begin to turn to the direction of the exit, the salvation of my problems! The light at the end of the tunn- ok that’s a little too dramatic, but it *is* very uncomfortable here.

I haven't even made it three feet before pink hooves wrapped me in a tight hug. Way to give me hope there Celestia… I turned around and sure enough, SS was there staring me straight in the eye. “White! You’ve finally came!” she said with a voice filled with enthusiasm, that made me crack a smile.

Despite the unpleasantness around me, this mare always seems to have a way to make me smile, not pinkie level smile but still a smile nonetheless. “Yeah, so what now?” I asked cluelessly. I came here having no expectations and therefore a plan. The pink mare just giggled and pointed me to the dance floor.

“Have fun of course!” before I can even say a word, the mare shoved me to the dance floor before disappearing into the sea of colors that is ponies. I am not sure when it happened but I was on the dance floor, NOPE! I quickly shuffle away. There’s no way I am going to put my two left hooves on that glowing floor.

I quickly stumbled to the back of the club, it’s relatively quiet here compared to the front where all the party takes place. At least the music is not so loud you can feel your heartbeat syncing up to the beat of the song.

There's a bar with a wall of liquor lined up neatly, ready for drinking, a pony from the seats stood up and staggered away with a smile on her red face… leaving a space open on the otherwise filled bar.

Gah! Why the hell not? It’s not like I drink all the time a few shots won't hurt. I thought to myself as I sat down in the previously opened seat. “One shot of wild pegasus please” I called out to the bartender, who’s a griffon surprisingly enough. He’s cleaning cups on the far left of the bar, leaning against the wall.

“Comin’ Right up gorgeous!” the griffon called out, hmm to my left there’s buck with some kind of greenish coat and a yellow mane… where have I seen him before? Doesn't matter he’s asleep either way. And to my right, there's another stallion sipping vodka, black coat with a red mane. Gee, I bet he’s a barrel of laughs.

“Here ya go,” the griffon said, placing the small glass in front of me, before walking away and grabbing a few empty cups on his way back to my far left. I took the shot and let the whiskey burn inside my throat, I exhaled slowly, letting the scent flow through my nose, enjoying the second wave of burn.

“A griffin... I never thought I’d met one in my life” I said under my breath to no one in particular, not expecting a response.

“Eh, me too,” the black stallion said with a light-hearted tone as he took another sip, that surprised me a little, I honestly wasn’t expecting him of all ponies to reply. “Honestly-” he paused for a moment “- he freaked me out when I first came here...”

That got me to chuckle “I wasn't expecting a stallion like you to be freaked out by a griffon.” I said jokingly before tapping the table in front of me a few seconds later, another shot slid slyly in front of me. The strange just smiles and shrugs as he looks down at his clear glass of liquid.

“I get that a lot” he said before lifting his glass towards me “The name’s Sunny Seed.” wait… for real? Sunny seed? I shrugged and lifted my shot to meet his glass, I’m not here to judge. He can be named Filly Flower for all I care.

“White Lighting,” I replied casually before taking a shot once again. He nodded and finished up his drink, leaving nothing but ice and a piece of lime, just like me he tapped the table in front of him and another filled glass slide slyly in front of him, the cup touched the tip of my left hoof. I let out a whistle.

Sunny seed chuckles as he pointed at the griffin -who’s not even looking at our general direction- “and that sly bird is chalk” he said as he took a sip of his now filled glass. Chalk huh?

After a few moments of silence, he starts up again “so, what brings you here?”

Smooth, reeeeal smooth, “I promised a friend that I would come here and have some ‘fun’.” I said simply. He nodded with a smile on his face, he then turns his head to face me.

“You know, before I met my marefriend, I don't even know what love was… And I still don't” he said in a tone that usually indicates a story. but that line got a chuckle out of me…What can I say? I’m a sucker for jokes. also, he’s taken so I don't have to worry about him as much.

“But I’m starting to get it slightly” he continues, I turned my body to face him as well, let’s hear what this black pony has to say. “I feel like every relationship is a perfectly balanced game of Jenga,” he said as he made an imaginary tower in front of him with his hooves. “And the longer the relationship is, the higher the tower is,” he said. OK? I nodded with a smile on my face.

“But when you fight-” he pointed a hoof at me, “- you started to pull blocks out. It’s a dangerous game because whenever you fight, it’s always about stuff that happened recently,” he said smoothly and a with a smile on his face.

“like, you just said that…” he pulls out an imaginary block on the tower and threw it at the counter, he then turned around and pulls out another block of Jenga as if he’s talking to himself “well because two weeks ago, remember this statement?” he said before throwing the Jenga over the counter.

I’m not questioning it, It’s just funny… Well to me at least… “Oh~” he said with a hint of femininity in his voice “ well remember six years ago-” he pulled out a peace near the bottom and threw it at the counter “-eight years ago-” he did the same as before “-before you are born!” and he turned around and dodged those imaginary pieces of Jenga flying towards him.

He then turned to face me once again “and when you run out of logic, ‘you know what? Fuck you!” he topped the Jenga tower before he flipped the counter the bird. “Cuz fights starts with logic and ends with a fuck you” that got a chuckle out of me as well because it’s true!

“That’s what’s left, my friends fights with me, that’s always step one. They’re like ‘hey sunny we have a problem with you’ and I’m like ‘hey fuck you then’” finished with a smile and a shrug. I motioned him to carry on.

“But fighting with my marefriend is different because she’s saying stuff to me, she’s mad at me, and I feel that fuck you-” his face then changes to one of innocence as he pressed his forehoof on his stomach “-coming from deep inside, like acidity. Bruning”

“she‘s saying stuff blah blah blah, and I’m like you wait for this fuck you” he nods as he slowly dragged his forehoof up towards his throat “...rises slowly to my throat… I can feel it resonating, at the back of my mouth” he then flicks his hoof towards me “but then sorry comes out”

I burst out laughing, and I’m not even in a relationship, he kept quiet as I laughed myself out when I came to my senses again a look of pure confusion was painted on his face as if nothing had happened “which is weird, no but I mean fuck you!” I let out a snicker again, can't help it.

“I mean fuck you, but I’m saying sorry. Because that’s what love is. It’s a series of sorrys that mean ‘fuck you’...” then he did the shrug again “and then you die.” I burst into another round of laughter. Like I said, I am very gullible when it comes to jokes, it’s not even that funny.

“When you date long enough, you become co-dependent” to emphasize his point, he put both his hooves in front if himself making so sort of ball? I’m not questioning it. “You go from two separate interesting people and you become one boring person…” he paused and took a sip of his vodka before continuing.

“Because your personalities cancel out,” he explains casually “loves to travel plus hates to travel equals travel sometimes angrily” he finished with a deadpan expression, that made me laugh as well, ahhh…

“I say you are not what I’m expecting when I first saw you,” I said, my breath still short by all the laughing.

“Oh” he said, how it’s his turn to face me “what do tell are you expecting?” he asked in a tone that's still friendly but he gave the impression that he knew the answer. That took the smile away from my face. From the change of his tone, I know I’m stepping into something personal.

“Well you’re-” I caught myself before I say it out loud, he smiled knowingly and deflated back to his seat… Did I just judge a person by their coat and mane color? He then did something unexpected, he patted my back.

“Cuz my coat is black and my mane is red? Don't worry about offending me, I’ve heard it so many times I’m numb to it now, it’s pony nature to judge by appearance,” he looks down at his half filled glass. Hidden behind his eyes, I see some bitterness though,

“So what brings you here to this bar?” he gave me a sideways glance, I can feel his eyes scanning my face, down to every detail. He then sighs and shakes his head with a smile creeping back on his face.

“Just want to make some friends, I’m a pony too ya know” I nodded, I was about to tap my hoof to get another drink only to find a shot was already in front of me.

“Well, you’ve just made one.” I lifted my shot glass towards him, he bumped his drink with mine as be both drank down our own intoxicate,

“I’ll let you in on a little secret” I pointed my ear towards him. “I’m not born with this color” what? So he dyed his coat black? I was about to ask but he was one step ahead of me.

“Poison joke, I’m the funny one in class back then and then joke thinks it’s funny to make me look like an edgy lone-wolf type of guy” oh, so no dying then his own coat then, seriously who would dye their own coat black?

Wait… poison joke? The same kind the spa offered the cure for? “Poison joke has a cure, you know that… right?” I stated, he looked at me again with the same knowing smile. Before finishing the rest of his vodka.

“Blue ones do, red ones don't. I was only six when I was peer pressured into wandering the everfree, jokes on me I guess? Anyway, you get used to it...” Gah too damn depressing for party music blasting away at the background…

Let’s cheer this sucker up “Sunny, I came here to have fun, the night is still young. Lets get hammered” he let’s out a chuckle.


Author's Note:

'No one is perfect, and we should not judge who a person is just because of his or her appearance" -A teacher whose name I forgot.

Also, I want to see another red and black OC without the cringe, blackjack is great and all but she's just one example, I tried my best and I'm done w this story, have a great day regardless.

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