• Published 15th Dec 2017
  • 3,729 Views, 81 Comments

Dashtale - Ghostaloo

Rainbow Dash wakes up in a bed of flowers in a cave as a filly with amnesia. Lost and confused, she's taken in by a goat monster named Toriel. That's okay though, as long as she has DETERMINATION she can get through this.

  • ...

The Butterflies That Flutter Away [Part 1] (Unedited)

Rainbow Dash yawned loudly as she did some stretches, loosening up her muscles.

"Today is going to be a great day!" She announced to her empty bedroom with a large grin.

Chara just growled.

Rainbow huffed, "What's got YOU in a twist?"

It's a Monday, and we have to wake up fucking early. Two things I hate in a single day.

The young filly huffed as she pulled her favorite sweater over her head.

"That's the point, Chara! Mom said she wanted to show us her favorite butterfly catching spot today, remember?"

That woman is the devil, the devil I say! Only the devil would make someone wake up at this ungodly hour TO CATCH FUCKING BUGS!!!

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes playfully as Chara continued ranting about having to wake up early to catch butterflies. The filly was starting to get used to the headaches her hot-headed companion caused.

After a few minutes, she asked, "Are you done with your rant yet?"

I mean seriously, who in their right mind would wake up at this time?! It's unnatural!

Dashie sighed, "I'll take that as a 'no'."

Rainbow Dash quickly created a SAVE Point in her bedroom. Now that she knew how it worked, she could create SAVE Points wherever she wanted. Chara, for some reason, found this very interesting. She said that it was unusual that Rainbow could create new SAVE Points on a whim. She said it might have something to do with the "Unique nature of Rainbow Dash's magic and how it responds to her freakishly high level of Determination."

Rainbow snorted and Saved her Data. In her opinion, it's just because the universe recognizes her as the true superior lifeform and was rewarding her as such.

Once she was done Saving, she left her bedroom and headed to the bathroom, where she proceeded to do her 'business'. Afterwards, she trotted to the living room.

Toriel was already setting up breakfast. The rainbow maned filly began drooling when she smelled what was for breakfast.

Butterscotch-cinnamon pie with a glass of bumbleberry juice.

Bumbleberries were a special kind of berry that can grow underground without the aid of sunlight. This is good because, according to Toriel, ponies need to periodically eat fruit to keep from getting very sick.

Rainbow Dash let out a small neigh of joy and trotted over to the table. She stared up at the large chair in annoyance.

Suddenly, the cyan filly was picked up and set on the chair. Toriel let out a soft chuckle.

"Hehehe, you are so cute when your annoyed, my child!" Toriel said with a smile as she cut Dashie a slice of pie. "We should probably get you a stepping stool, huh?"

Dashie pouted, "I'm not small!"

Toriel just chuckled as she set the filly's breakfast down in front of her. The large goat-monster quickly got herself her own breakfast and sat down across from her adopted daughter. They began eating.

Today is going to be a great day.

Rainbow Dash and Toriel were standing in the bathroom. Toriel was trying to tame the filly's messy mane.

"Hold still, my child!" Toriel grunted as she fought to free the hairbrush from a bad knot in Rainbow's mane.

Don't tell us to hold still you fucking bitch! Tug. I WILL BURN YOU!!!

Rainbow Dash let out a birdlike squawk as her goat-mother finally got the hairbrush free. Toriel stared blankly at the hairbrush before glaring at her daughter's mane in slight frustration.

"However did your mane get this tangled, Rainbow Dash?" Toriel mumbled as she resumed brushing.
Rainbow's eyes flashed red momentarily and she let out a deep-throated growl.

The hairbrush got stuck in her mane again.

Chara screamed with unholy rage.

"Come on, mom! Come on, come on, come on!" Rainbow Dash yelled as she hopped around Toriel with enthusiastic energy.

The said boss-monster was standing at the bathroom sink, trying to wash off the red-colored soot covering her upper half.

Toriel was shocked when, right in the middle of brushing Rainbow Dash's mane, the filly screamed and set herself on fire. It didn't really hurt Toriel, it just surprised her more than anything.

The goat-monster removed the washcloth she was using to try to clean it up off her face. She stared at the strange, dusty red substance. She couldn't help but wonder to herself what it was.

Suddenly, a possible answer came to her.

'Is this… is this Determination?' Toriel wondered to herself.

"Moooooom," Rainbow Dash whined loudly, "I want to see the butterflies!"

Toriel paused, 'Oh yeah, my promise.' She couldn't help but smile. 'She actually WANTS to see my favorite butterfly catching spot.'

Toriel chuckled softly and set down the washcloth on the sink. She turned around and scooped up her determined little bundle of energy.

"Yes, yes, my child. I know you want to see the butterflies." Toriel smiled at Dashie as she walked them out of the bathroom and down the hall. "We should probably get going, huh?"

"Yay!" Rainbow cheered with joy.

Rainbow pranced around her mother's feet as the two walked through the Ruins.

"Butterflies! Butterflies!" Rainbow chanted as Toriel tried to steer her away from traps. Rainbow wasn't worried though, if she died she would just come back!

"Rainbow Dash, be careful!!!" Toriel cried out.

The young pegasus giggled as she danced carelessly around a bunch of spikes sticking out of the ground. Once she got to the other side, she waved her hooves at Toriel.

"It's alright, mom! I'm okay! See?" Rainbow said with a large grin.

When Toriel finally caught up with her daughter, she scooped her up into her arms and held her close. Rainbow could feel the Monster's nervous sweat dripping onto her head.

"Ew!" Rainbow cringed away.

"H-How about I c-carry you, my c-child?" Toriel shuttered as she looked back at the spikes Rainbow was dancing around just a moment ago. "It's probably a lot m-more f-fun than… trotting c-carelessly through the d-dangerous p-puzzles like they are a marry-go-round!"

Rainbow just responded with a bout of light laughter. She reached out and placed a hoof on her mother's chest.

"It's okay mom, I've got it under control!" Rainbow said, trying to comfort her with a smile.

Toriel hesitated for a moment before letting out a sigh. She set Rainbow back down on the ground. "If only Sans accepted our invitation to come with us today. Things would've been a lot less nerve-racking."

It's not a problem with me. The farther that comedian is from us the better. Although, it kind of innerves me that he turned down the invitation. What's he up to?

Rainbow frowned. Chara was right, with the way he has been watching her, you'd think he would "jump" at the chance to come with.

I'll ask Mom about it.

"Why did Sans turn it down?" Rainbow asked her goat-mom.

"Hmm, I don't know," Toriel wondered. "I think he said something about doing some bird watching?"

...Bird watching?

Chara suddenly broke down in a fit of loud laughter. Her laughter was so hard, it caused her to unknowingly take control of Rainbow Dash's body and fall to the ground in a historical fit.

"Bird watching?!?! Oh my fucking God, that is- that is- oh my GOD! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!"



Chara suddenly cut her laughter short. She opened her eyes and stared up into Toriel's concerned eyes.

"...Uh…" Chara was at a lost for words.

Chara? Rainbow squeaked in the back of her mind.

Chara began sweating with fear. Abort! Abort!

Chara mentaly grabbed ahold of Rainbow Dash and forcefully shoved her back into control. She quickly fled as far back into her host's mind as she could possibly go. Once she felt like Rainbow wouldn't find her for awhile, she retreated into herself. She began trying to get her panic attack under control. She just wasn't prepared...

Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash just laid on the ground, staring up at her mother not knowing what else to do.

"Rainbow, my child? Are… are you alright?

Play it cool! Just play it cool!

Rainbow cleared her throat and gave Toriel a shaky smile.

"O-Of course I'm alright! I'm Rainbow Dash! Why wouldn't I be alright?" She shakily worked herself back up onto her hooves and shook herself off.

"My child, are you--" Toriel was cut off by her daughter's airy laugh.

"I'm alright, mom! Let's… just get going, okay? I want to see those butterflies!

Toriel watched Rainbow Dash trot off with an unsure frown.

'Those eyes…,' she flinched at the memory of what she had just seen. It reminded her of… something. Something that she… can't seem to…. remember…,...



What was she thinking about again?

Author's Note:

Welcome to Part 1 of the Dashtale special "The Butterflies That Flutter Away"! Stay tuned for Part 2, where things happen!