• Member Since 16th May, 2016
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Everyday we make mistakes. Sometimes they're small things with barely any consequence other then a daily annoyance. Sometimes though, it can be big, life changing even. Rainbow Dash made a mistake recently about Anon-A-Miss and now she must face everything her mistake causes.

I'm gonna say this is 'T' for now

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 243 )

Saw this idea on the anon a miss forum

Hope sunset survives this

Maybe the trio will make a mistake by making posts not realising that sunset is not in a position right now to be posting them


Careful what you wish for, bitch. 🙃

I look forward to updates, my dudester.


Nice start, although I hope sunset survives.

Can't wait to see where this goes, I hope Sunsets alright

Already liked the idea on the forum, now seeing it in story form makes it better :pinkiecrazy:

But I really hope Sunny survives :fluttercry:

Talk about getting what you wish for. I've read quite a few Anon-A-Miss stories that take an ugly turn, but this is a new one. I can only imagine what happens from here, congratulations my friend you have my attention.

The driver of the car threw the door open, revealing themselves to be Vice-Principal Luna.

this... this is what got the "oh shit" reaction from me, not being hit by a car, not being hit by rainbow. but the fact that luna hit sunset with her car.

Next the Crusaders...they were there in the comic and now they saw what their actions caused.

Imagine Gilda or Lightning Dust congratulating Rainbow for putting Sunset in the hospital. Think she'd snap?

8587278 8587218 8587298 8587285 Well, the story doesn't have the "Tragedy" tag on it, so that's a good sign.


Imagine Gilda or Lightning Dust congratulating Rainbow for putting Sunset in the hospital. Think she'd snap?

My Best guess?
Oh, yeah.

Eeyup:eeyup: anyone thinking that Twlight’s going to blow up in anger when she finds out what happened?

Can't wait for the next chapter.

Really good start. How long is the next chapter going to take

And as always, Rainbow Dash Clouded.

Glad you made this idea a reality!

I really hope it's just Lightning for once since everyone uses both so often.


There will be a lot of conflicted feelings.

At least make Gilda more of a supporting friend for once.

Imagine Scootaloo's reaction when hears about what Rainbow Dash did to Sunset and after she and her friends confessed about being anon-a-miss. She would would probably say something like "we may have been the ones who caused the trouble, but at least we didn't push Sunset over to a moving car. So, if you want to hate me go ahead, because as of now, I HATE YOU!" To Rainbow Dash.

8587433 Yeah, me.

Which is why I'm already looking for the nearest nuclear bomb shelter.:twilightoops:

'Cause that ain't gonna be pretty when it happens.:ajbemused::twilightangry2:

Huh, I've actually thought of a scenario like this before. Nice to see someone tack a crack at it. Should be interesting.

Either way, Welcome aboard the “You Have Officially Ruined Your Life” Express, Rainbow. You have earned yourself a first-class ticket.

No I dont see that. They started it, and they helped cause this as well. they are almost as guilty.
Scoota has no right to act in the high and mighty, she help to bring this about in a manner.

Don;t get me wrong it still deosn;t excuse Rainbow actions, even if was accidental. She be paying the price as well, the CMC are going to be beyond trouble with the school and thier families for this.

Ooooh Snap! I just remember this...Sunset almost said she loved Rainbow, and what was done to her.
Sure this shattered Sunset's heart, hope Rainbow blew it, and hope if Sunset makes it thru she finds a new love.

Rainbow hot temper and reactions show she make a terrible girlfriend.

I think this story jumped in way too fast. Rainbow just committed at minimum attempted voluntary manslaughter (if sunsets lives) and even possibly attempted second degree murder if the prosecution is good enough with her saying “I wish you died” right before. She is looking at up to 10 years in prison.

Hmm this looks interesting. Tracked. I look forward to seeing what's next.

Ooh! Someone else is doing this one, too! I thought it was a great concept, so I can't wait to see what you come up with! :twilightsmile:

Not a lawyer, but depending on the defense and the prosecution, it can be seen as attempted murder when a person says that she wishes you were dead and then pushes you in front of a car, or as assault and battery. Manslaughter is the one that's an accident but it results in death.

Can’t wait for the next chapter

...Well on the plus side, the girls will realize that Sunsets been set up once the crusaders, oblivious to what's happened, post more sh*t.










First thing first: Glida and Lightning Dust. So Lightning Dust is cannoniclly a student at Crystal Prep so... No Lightning. Also I thought about killing Sunset in the end. I had even toyed with the idea where Sunset visits dash in a dream to say goodbye before dying in her comma, but I decided no on that and want to go another way.

Now onto Scootaloo and the Crusaders: Let's just say things will be a little more stressful for them, as for Scootaloo and Dash you'll have to wait.:raritywink:

Now I'm letting you all know when I first made this story I wanted to show how one mistake can go very bad, as well as what to do after which is, to keep moving on. Sometimes someone can get forgive fast for it, especially if it was a mistake, sometimes it takes a while (like a long while for some.) But also, mistakes can sometimes haunt you and make you make even worse mistakes or just drive you crazy. So what I'm saying is, I hope you enjoy the turns and twists this story has coming up. Until then, here is a preview of

Chapter 2: Afterthought.

Rainbow Dash was putting her guitar away after the first performance of the new Rainbooms featuring Sunset Shimmer. Rainbow Dash couldn't help but admire how Sunset looked in the (and she knew Pinkie would laugh about this) Sunset glow. The red and yellow haired girl looked away from her own guitar to Rainbow Dash with a grin.

"What? I got something on my face?" She joked as the two were the last ones in the room. Rainbow shook her head then laughed.

"No, it's just." She smiled as she blushed. "You look good is all." Dash mumbled as she carried her guitar case over to the hero of the day.

"T-thanks Dash. That means a lot." Sunset Shimmer said as she scratched the back of her head. Sunset quickly locked her guitar in it's case then lifted it up, she turned to Rainbow Dash then kissed the athlete's cheek. "I mean it." She said rushing out of the room. It was at this moment, looking at the door to the music room that Dash began to make a plan for a Christmas surprise for Sunset.

The slamming of a door brought Rainbow Dash out of her stupor as two police officers walked over to the table Sunset Shimmer sat at. While one of the officers sat in front of Rainbow the other stood next to their partner, holding a file in his hands.

"Rainbow Dash I'm detective Black Light and this is my partner, Detective Night Stick. Can you explain to us how Sunset Shimmer is currently in a comma at Canterlot General, while also in Manehattan with her parents and brother?"

Almost forgot the most important comment to reply about, and this goes for

I AM ABOVE THE LAW! Lol but seriously, you might get pissed about the next chapter if your sticklers about the law.:pinkiesmile: like really pissed at what I do.:pinkiehappy:

Tracking - the fact that it was completely an accident instead of intentional makes the potential drama all the juicier.
Mind pointing me in the direction of a few of those? Not one where Rainbow or any of the HuMane 6 beat her up - because that's just out of character - but similar to the spirit of this one?


Also I thought about killing Sunset in the end. I had even toyed with the idea where Sunset visits dash in a dream to say goodbye before dying in her comma, but I decided no on that and want to go another way.

For just myself, I'm glad that you decided not to kill Sunset, and went this direction; I personally think it's the better route.

As to this:

The slamming of a door brought Rainbow Dash out of her stupor as two police officers walked over to the table Sunset Shimmer sat at. While one of the officers sat in front of Rainbow the other stood next to their partner, holding a file in his hands.

"Rainbow Dash I'm detective Black Light and this is my partner, Detective Night Stick. Can you explain to us how Sunset Shimmer is currently in a coma at Canterlot General, while also in Manehattan with her parents and brother?"

my reaction?
Ohhhhhh, boy.
Now we know where Sunset's human counterpart has been all this time.

Well, I think we all knew that she'd show up in one of these stories at some point.

Also, this:

The slamming of a door brought Rainbow Dash out of her stupor as two police officers walked over to the table Sunset Shimmer sat at.

is a bit confusing.
Do you mean "the table Sunset Shimmer sat at",
"the table Rainbow sat at"?

Methinks it's probably meant to be the latter one.

In any case, I'm eagerly looking forward to Chapter 2, and all that's going to happen in it.

That was in fact an oppsie. I meant Rainbow Dash, not Sunset. But I'm glad that the preview could wet your beak a little.

I gotta say I'm really excited to see what happens next. As someone who's read alot of Anon-a-miss stories I only hope for 3 things when a new one shows up:

1. It features an interesting twist on the infamous story.
2. It doesn't demonize Sunset's friends to the point of them being completely "out of character".
3. It doesn't end with a School assembly where an "out of character" Princess Twilight tells everyone why they suck before declaring she's done with all of them (this has easily become the most annoyingly cliche way to end an Anon-a-miss story).

So far we're 1 for 3 and I'm eager to see where this story leads.

8588020 Kinda thought so, but it's no big thing, as I've seen it happen in other places.

And oh, has it!
Probably more than you know.:raritywink:


I think you can avoid the issue by changing the scenario slightly. As is Dash is guilty and should serve some form of sentence, but you said that law is not really going to be portrayed well here. Instead of having her push Sunset and her slipping, have her keep pushing Sunset back until they are right outside the door of Sugar Cube Corner, and then keeping her from entering. She can yell at Sunset and say that they never want to see her again and Sunset starts to back up on her own due to the emotional wreckage she is becoming and then slips on the ice. Now it is an accident, and while the main 5 were there and likely questioned on the incident, there wouldn't be an underlying crime that they could be charged with.

As for that teaser, I already have questions that I hope get answered. How did the police find the link between the two Sunsets? I mean, it's far more likely that they just share a name than whatever the police seem to be questioning. I doubt pony Sunset was able to find this worlds Sunset and steal her SS# and all identifying information considering how bad she is with computers. More likely she just made up stuff on her school form and CHS is just really bad at doing background checks. Also, why would they question someone they are detaining for voluntary manslaughter about Sunsets Identity? They would have started with Dash's side of the events on what happened, and if they thought Sunsets identity was suspicious they would have started with the school and other places before asking Dash.

I know stories are about letting go of disbelief, but this fandom is all about being picky. It's where a large portion of the stories come from, fixing perceived mistakes in episodes. Heck, the anon-a-miss sub section of stories is pretty much all about fixing the poor way the story was treated in the comics.


This might be a tense anon-a-miss story yet!

PLEASE MAKE SUNSET HATE THEM ALL FOREVER! THE CMC, THE HUMANE 5, THE CMC TWILIGHT (Even she would support Sunset, she is still at fault for leaving her with the humans.) EVERY SINGLE F*CKING HUMAN AT CHS!!! :flutterrage: :flutterrage: :flutterrage:

And that was no 'mistake', that was the gravest of errors. In fact, a mistake was that Sunset would forgive them for being so evil.

I know, my spell check/auto predict has been killing me. I probably shouldn't be writing this just on my phone.

I've been trying not to do that with this one (spoiler about Twilight, but she does come in. And she is pissed.) But do you mind if I ask which one it is I've done so far?

Good. (On a side note then should make an emoji thing for dash of her evil smirk)

Well I hope this will haunt Rainbow for the rest of her life and she has to be made to take anger management classes.

What’s missing from this scene? Oh yes! Everyone’s phones going off due to an notice that Anon-A-Miss had just posted something right after Sunset nearly got killed!

Again. Your gonna be pissed about what happens legal wise. As for the tale of Two Sunsets... Well, wait for it. :raritywink:

I was referring to the first one of course XD. This is a very interesting twist.

I don't know what to think of this. While Rainbow Bitch pushed Sunset to the icy road, VP Luna ran her over. Her dumbassery has gone too far!

Oh yeah, there wasn't an Anon-A-Miss post this time. :pinkiehappy:

Accidents happen, especially when someone is pushed into the street.

So I did demonize the girls though?

8588083 :twilightsmile:

And oh, boy, do I ever agree with you on that one!:rainbowlaugh:

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